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Hepatitis B
Who is at risk?
What is hepatitis B?
Infants born to infected mothers
A viral disease that causes inflammation of the liver
Persons who have unprotected sex with a person
infected with hepatitis B
Many people with hepatitis do not have any symptoms,
or they think they have the flu for several days.
IV drug users who share needles with a person
infected with hepatitis B
If they do have symptoms, the typical symptoms are:
Hemodialysis patients
Health care workers including first responders and
What are the symptoms?
loss of appetite
 fatigue
mild fever
 nausea & vomiting
dark brown urine
 general achiness
yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
light colored stools
How is hepatitis B spread?
Hepatitis B is very infectious. It can be spread by
people who do not know they have the disease. It is
through sexual contact via semen and blood
by sharing used needles and syringes when
injecting drugs
How long after I am infected will I become ill?
The incubation period is 4 to 26 weeks, usually 8 to 12
How is it diagnosed?
Your doctor will do a physical examination, and
order blood tests to determine the type of hepatitis
you have. The physician will also need to determine
if the hepatitis is caused by alcohol or
drugs/medicines you are taking, or other viruses.
How long does the disease last?
by tattooing needles and body piercing instruments,
if not correctly sterilized
Symptoms usually last several weeks. It usually takes 6
months for complete recovery.
by infected mothers to their babies. During
prenatal care a test will be done to determine if you
have the disease or are a carrier.
by sharing toothbrushes and razors with an infected
If you have not completely cleared the virus from your
blood within 6 months, you are considered chronically
infected and are a hepatitis B carrier. This occurs in
about 5-10% of adults and 25-90% of children under
age five. Usually there are no signs or symptoms of
chronic infection, but the disease can be passed on to
other people as above.
by contact with the blood of an infected person
What is the treatment for hepatitis B?
Rest, a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and certain drugs
for at least 6 months are all part of recovery from
Hepatitis B. Ask your doctor about current medications.
Sexual partners and household members of chronic
hepatitis B carriers should be vaccinated against
hepatitis B
Always tell your health care providers that you
have hepatitis B. If you are a carrier, always share
this information with sexual partners, paramedics,
physicians, and other health care providers.
There is no medication to take that will treat Hepatitis
B. For chronic Hepatitis B, a drug called Interferon
helps about 50% of those treated.
What type of follow-up care do I need?
How can I keep from getting hepatitis B?
Get hepatitis B vaccine (a series of 3 injections
over 6 months)
Practice safe sex - use a condom
Clean up blood spills completely. After the spill is
removed, disinfect with a 1 to 10 dilution of bleach
or other disinfectant, using gloves
Do not share toothbrushes and razors
Do not have tattoos or body piercing or use
injection drugs
Your physician will do follow-up blood work to
determine if the virus has cleared from your blood.
If you are a carrier, you should discuss monitoring
and treatment options with your physician.
Where can I get more information?
If I have hepatitis B, how can I keep from spreading
Practice safe sex
Do not share injection drug needles, razor blades or
electric razors, or toothbrushes
If you get any of your blood on anything, clean it
up using a dilute solution of bleach or a
Do not donate blood.
Hepatitis Foundation International
30 Sunrise Terrace, Cedar Grove, New Jersey 07009
714-654-4250 American Liver Foundation
Pompton Ave., Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
GOLIVER (465-4837)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
For more information: