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Algebra of Functions
What are functions?
What are functions?
 Possible answers
Functions are relations in which no
two ordered pairs have the same xcoordinate
 A set of rules for generating a specific
output given an input
Linear Algebra, Abstract
Algebra, Operator Algebra,
Group Theory…
Functions, or subsets of functions, may be
treated as entities on which we perform
operations, much like numbers
 Suggested Reading: Mario Livio, The
Equation That Couldn’t Be Solved
Deals not with functions, but with
equations. This is related, since most
functions we discussed are defined by
Operations with Functions
Addition and Subtraction
 Multiplication and Division
 Composition
Addition and Subtraction
The domain of the
sum or difference
of functions is the
intersection of the
two domains
( f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
That is, the
function must
exist for both f
and g
( f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
d f g  d f  dg
d f g  d f  dg
Multiplication and Division
( f g )( x)  ( fg )( x)  f ( x) g ( x)
d fg  d f  d g
For division only,
the quotient
function does not
exist for any values
of x for which the
denominator is 0
f 
f ( x)
  ( x) 
g ( x)
d f   d f  d g \{x : g ( x)  0}
 
Note on Domain Restrictions
If the domain must be restricted in
order for the function to exist, then
that restriction must be noted! It is a
trait of the function.
 Sometimes, a domain restriction is
implied, but you should steer clear of
that ambiguity
Composition of Functions
Apply the internal function
(f), then apply the external
function (g) to that result
( g f )( x)  g[ f ( x)]
if : rf  d g
The range of f must be
contained in the domain of g
If this is the case, then the
domain of the composition is
the domain of f
then : d g
 df
Given the functions f and g, evaluate each
of the following:
f ( x)  x  1
g ( x)  x 2
( f  g )(4), ( fg )( ), ( f g )( 5), ( g f )(10)
x : ( g
x : ( f
f )( x)  0
g )( x)  19
Does _( f g )( x)  ( g f )( x) ?
Activity, Exercise 5.4.1
4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Domain and Range considerations
Identity and Inverse
 Identity and Inverse
Mapping Diagrams for
Compositions (P.O.D.)
All problems refer to the general function “gof”
 Draw Mapping Diagrams for compositions in which
The range for f is the same as the domain for g
 The range of f is a subset of the domain of g
 The domain for g is a subset of the range of f
 The range for f and the domain for g are disjoint
Challenge: Can you come up with examples for f
and g that correspond to each diagram?
The Point of that Exercise
Mapping Diagrams
An important tool in all algebras and other fields
Domain/Range requirements (two ways to say it)
The image under the first mapping must belong to
the domain of the second mapping
 The range of the first function must be contained
in the domain of the second function
Does a Composition Exist?
Tools for testing
Domain/Range tables
The is one way to display the range
and domain of each function
 Remember the goal: in order for a
composition to exist, the range of the
first function must be contained in
the domain of the second function
Determine the implied
domains and ranges,
and create a
domain/range table
Does the composition
If so, determine the
f ( x)  x  9
g ( x)  ln x
Find : ( f g )( x)
Find : ( g f )( x)
Note on Existence
You should have determined that the
second composition does not exist
because a logarithm of anything less
than or equal to zero is undefined,
 The domain of the quadratic function
can be restricted so that its range is
all positive
Composition Review
Do you know what a mapping diagram is?
 Do you know what a composition is?
 Do you know how to evaluate compositions?
 What has to be true about domains and
ranges in order for a composition to exist?
 Do you know how to restrict a domain to
allow a composition to exist?
Problem to show me that
you know these things
Page 154, 3x
 If one of the compositions does not
exist, show how you could restrict the
domain of the first function to allow it
to exist
Activity, Exercise 5.4.1
more problems
1, 2
 3 (parts 5, 10, 13, 16)
If the composition does not exist, can
you restrict a function’s domain in
order to make it exist?
5, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21
Done last class?
4, 5, 8, 9, 14
Inverse Functions
Problem of the Day
 Some homework review
 Review of Compositions
 Identity and Inverse Functions
Domain and Range limitations
 Graphing Inverse functions by hand
 Graphing Inverse functions by GDC
Problem of the Day
Show that the composition
does not exist
Restrict the domain of g to
allow it to exist
Give the equation for the
Determine the
composition’s inverse
f ( x)  2 ln( x  5)
g ( x)  x  2
( f g )( x)  ?
Identities and Inverses:
What is the Identity for
For a given number a, what
is the additive inverse?
What is the Identity for
For a given number a, what
is the multiplicative
aI a
a  (a )  I
aI  a
a(a )  I
Identity and Inverse
Identity Function
I ( x)  x
Inverse Function
Implies the “reverse”
Name: “f inverse”
f [ f ( x)]  x
Domain and Range Limits
If the inverse function of f (“f inverse” or
“f -1”) exists, then:
 f must be a one-to-one function
 The domain of f is equal to the range
of f -1
 The range of f is equal to the domain
of f -1
Obtaining the Equation for
Inverse Functions
y  e  2x 1
Switch the
independent and
Isolate the NEW
dependent variable
Note that ordered
pairs are “reversed”
 x  e  2 y 1
 x  e  2 y 1
 ( x  e)  2 y  1
 ( x  e)  1  2 y
( x  e)  1
Using a Calculator
To graph an inverse function, use the
Draw menu:
 DrawInv [type the equation]
Graphing by Hand
Graph the function f
 Graph the Identity function I(x) = x
 Treat I(x) as an axis of symmetry for
the reflection of the function f
Note: The point (a,b) becomes (b,a)
Graphing Practice
Graph each
function on the
Graph the inverse
function by hand
Check with your
Determine the
inverse function
d ( x)  2 x  6
f ( x)  2  1
h( x )  x  1
j ( x)  ln x
Functions vs. Relations
Note that the functions should be oneto-one in order to have an inverse
 Graph the inverse of y = x2
Is it a function?
Exercise 5.4.2
Don’t do these (save for next class)  3, 5
Homework below:
 6, 8 (left column on each)
 10, 18
Draw a mapping diagram for a composition “g
of f” such that the range of f and the domain
of g intersect
5 (a, e, h)
 18
Functions, So Far
Graphing Exponential and Logarithmic
 Operations with Functions
 Identity and Inverse Functions
 Compositions
This week: Transformations
Use your GDC to
graph the functions
on the right
Describe (in words)
how the functions
on the right differ
from the function
y  x 4
y  ( x  4)
y  x  6x  9
y  2x
y  2x  3
y  2( x  3)  1
y  a ( x  h)  k
Transformations of graphs are
changes in location, shape or
 The types of transformations are:
Translations (horizontal and vertical)
 Dilations (horizontal and vertical)
 Reflections (about the x- and y-axes)
Horizontal Translations
A horizontal translation moves the graph “a”
units to the right
f ( x)  f ( x  a)
Example :
f ( x)  x  f ( x  2)  ( x  2)
Vertical Translations
A vertical translation moves the graph “b”
units up
f ( x)  f ( x)  b
Example :
f ( x)  x  f ( x)  3  x  3
Combined Translations
A horizontal translation moves the graph “a”
units to the right
A vertical translation moves the graph “b”
units up
f ( x)  f ( x  a)  b
Example :
f ( x)  x  f ( x)  ( x  2)  3
Vector Translations
Each point has
coordinates (x,y), which
can be written as a
column vector (x on top, y
on bottom)
Vector translations can be
described the same way
 
 y
 
 
Vector Translations (cont.)
“x-prime” and “y-prime” are the new x and y
coordinates after the transformation (which,
in this case, is a translation)
 x'  x  a
Horizontal :        
 y '  y   0 
 x '   x  0
Vertical :        
 y '  y   b 
 x'  x  a
Combined :        
 y '  y   b 
Labeling Graphs
The MINIMUM for labeled graphs
Title (the function)
 Label your axes
 Label axes intercepts
 Label the asymptote, vertex or any other
important trait of the graph
 Use at least one other point to indicate the
shape of your graph
• The more points you use, the easier it will be to fit
a curve
Practice with Translations
Exercise 6.1
1 (a and c)
 3c
 4c
 10d
Translations Homework
Translations (6.1)
6, left column
 8 (left column)
 9 (a, b, d only)
 10 (c only)
Graph paper is required
Dilations can be in the form of a
Stretching or Shrinking of the graph
 They may also be “in the y direction”
or “in the x direction”
This corresponds to “vertical” or
Note on the textbook’s language
(“from” axes)
Dilations in the y direction
A dilation in the y direction multiplies all ycoordinates by p
If IpI is greater than 1, this is stretching
If IpI is less than 1, this is shrinking
f ( x)  p f ( x)
Example :
f ( x)  x  2 f ( x)  2 x
Dilations in the x direction
A dilation in the x direction multiplies all xcoordinates by (1/q). Note that “q” is the reciprocal
of the coefficient
If the coefficient is greater than 1, this is shrinking
If the coefficient is less than 1, this is stretching
f ( x)  f  qx 
Example :
x  x
f ( x)  x  f ( )   
3 3
How to graph dilations
Graph the original function
 For dilations along the y-axis
Multiply each y-coordinate by p
For dilations along the x-axis
Multiply each x-coordinate by (1/q)
 Note that is x has a coefficient that is
greater than 1, “q” is the reciprocal of
that coefficient
Combined Transformations
In general, follow the order of operations
(PEMDAS), reversing operations and the
order when IN the function
 That means that the transformations fall in
this order (from “deal with them first”)
Dilations along the x-axis
 Horizontal translations (this may go first)
 Dilations along the y-axis
 Vertical translations
Given the combined
transformation, the form on
the very bottom is preferred
Challenge: Complete the
sentence below:
 A horizontal dilation by a
factor of 1/5 is equivalent to
a vertical dilation by a factor
of ___
y '  (5 x  10)
y '  5( x  2)
Practice with Dilations
Exercise 6.2
Graph paper is required
Practice/Review of Translations and
 Homework Questions
 Reflections
 Odd and Even Functions
Reflections involve transferring the
points on a graph across a line, or
“reflecting a graph about a line”
 Today we will discuss reflections
across the x- and y-axes
Note: how does one draw the graph of
an inverse function
Reflections about the x-axis
A reflection about the x-axis involves
changing the sign of all y-coordinates
f ( x)   f ( x)
Example :
f ( x)  2  f ( x)  2 , not (2) !!!
Reflections about the y-axis
A reflection about the y-axis involves
changing the sign of all x-coordinates
f ( x)  f (  x)
Example :
f ( x)  2  f ( x)  2
Combined Transformations
In general, follow the order of operations
(PEMDAS), but reverse the order within the
 That means that the transformations fall in
this order (from “deal with them first”)
Horizontal translations
 Dilations along the x-axis
 Dilations along the y-axis
 Vertical translations
Note: Reflections take effect with
Practice with Reflections
Exercise 6.3
1 (a and c)
3 (a, L*, o)
• Start with the parent function and build the graph
through transformations. Check with your
In general, what graph would you obtain if
you were to reflect y = f (x) about the line y =
-x ?
This Week
Next Class
Complete the Transformation unit
 Start to review functions
Thursday, there will be an
Operations with functions
 Composite functions
 Inverse functions
 Transformations
 (Note: this is 5.4 through 6.3)
Familiarity with different types,
domain, range
Operations with Functions
 Composite Functions
 Inverse Functions
Defining and graphing them
Translations, Dilations, Reflections
Geometers’ Sketchpad
Plot a parent function
Choose values for a, b, c, and d (both
positive and negative)
Plot the transformations, one at a time, in
the correct order, to get to the final function
a f (bx  c)  d
Review Exercises
Operations and Composites
Inverse Functions
5.4.1: 3*, 6, 7, 14
5.4.2: 1*, 3, 5*, 6*, 12
6.3: 3 (left column), 4 (left column)
Revision Set A (page 233)
2, 4, 6, 7, 9a, 14, 15
On #7, could you combine the
transformations from a, b and c? How
about a, b, c, and d?