Download Volunteer Placement Profile Nursing Volunteer Nsutaman Polyclinic

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Volunteer Placement Profile
Nursing Volunteer
Nsutaman Polyclinic
Nsuta, Ghana
Nsutaman Polyclinic
Placement ID: 588
Country: Ghana
Location: Nsuta
Placement Category: Health Care
Placement Type: Nursing
Organization Type: Medical Clinic
Minimum Duration: 2 weeks
Language Skill: Basic
Placement Fee: None
Accommodation: Host Family Only
Months Not Available: Available all year
Quick Facts: Placement ID: IND-588 Location: Nsuta, Ghana Sector: Health Care Category: Min Duration: 2 weeks
Lodging: Language: Basic
Job Description
The Nsutaman Polyclinic provides services to the very large Ashanti Region including Nsuta and 31
surrounding villages.
The Polyclinic needs nursing volunteers to help at their very many and different services of medical care.
Nursing volunteer duties would be similar to those of their native country. However, their range of experience may be
vastly increased and their medical knowledge greatly expanded. Nurse volunteers would be able to experience many
aspects of how a rural clinic operates. Specific tasks would depend on the medical qualifications of the volunteer and
their previous experience.
Other duties may include administrative work, awareness projects, and other self-led initiatives. In the past, volunteers
have had successful work in breast feeding awareness campaigns, prenatal care and malaria prevention efforts.
Nursing volunteers may have the opportunity to travel with the clinic staff on outreach services to the surrounding rural
villages.The clinic also does outreach services to local schools and community groups. Nurses that volunteer at the
Nsutaman Clinic may be asked to create and give presentations.
This is a great opportunity to share ideas with the local staff (nurses and doctors). What a great way to expand your
knowledge not only in the medical field but in so many other aspects in life and at the same time help in a worthwhile
Nursing volunteers for this placement must have completed their educational requirements and be registered nurses.
Volunteer Tasks Required
Clinical Tasks
Nursing volunteers specific tasks, (depending on the medical qualifications of the volunteer), may include
weighing patients, taking vital signs, giving injections, working in the lab, assisting in the pharmacy, caring
for patients on the wards, assisting doctors and updating medical records.
Public Outreach Services
Nursing volunteers may have the chance to travel with the clinic staff on outreach services to the
surrounding rural villages. This would be a great opportunity for volunteers to explore the area and to
experience rural life. Duties on these visits may include organizing patient flow, weighing babies and
providing first aid training.
Community Group Services
The clinic provides outreach services to local schools and community groups. Nursing volunteers at the
Nsutaman Clinic may be asked to create and give presentations on hygiene, nutrition, sexual health, HIV,
malaria, and any other topics that the volunteer and clinic staff feel is relevant and will benefit the locals.
Administrative Duties
Nursing volunteers may be asked to assist in administrative tasks such as: computer training, health record
documentation, the filing of medical data, as well as patient reception and registration.
Organization Details
About the Organization
The Nsutaman Polyclinic is a government supported clinic. It was established to provide services to a very
large Ashanti Region including Nsuta and 31 surrounding villages.
The clinic provides 24 hour emergency care to the community but functions mainly as a day clinic. The majority of the
patients seen at the clinic have malaria or a gastrointestinal infection.
The Nsutaman Polyclinic has a large reception area where clients and there families wait to be seen in the individual
units at the clinic. In the maternity unit they deal with prenatal and postnatal care for both the mothers and their babies.
They have two units that deal with male issues and two units that handle female conditions. They also have a
dispensary that supplies medications to the clients, when necessary.
The laboratory at the clinic does diagnostic testing for conditions such as: malaria, urinary tract infections, diabetes,
worms and numerous gastrointestinal infections.
The clinic also has a Public Health Unit which conducts seminars on nutrition, personal hygiene, pre and postnatal
care, HIV/AIDS issues, as well as, infectious diseases. They provide these sessions not only to the general populations
but at the schools in the community as well.
If the clinic is confronted with clients requiring major medical attention they are transferred to the general hospital which
is about a 10 minute drive from the township of Nsutaman.
When the Organization was Founded
Nsutamam Polyclinic was founded in the year 1969 by the government of Ghana to help serve the medical
needs of the people in Nsuta and the surrounding community. The staff consists of approximately 5 doctors
and 25 other medical personal. The clinic is a day clinic but provides 24 hour emergency service when
How the Organization is Funded
The Nsutamam Polyclinic receives funds from the government. They also obtain funds from the fees
charged at the clinic. Some funds are provided by individual donors and/or private agencies.
Placement Location Information
The Nsutaman Polyclinic is a very small health center located in the town of Nsuta in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
This clinic is publicly funded and not only serves the population of Nsuta but also people from a number of surrounding
small villages in the district.
The clinic offers basic medical and maternity services and has a limited supply of drugs and vaccines. Due to the harsh
climate in this area and frequent power shortages, it is difficult to store certain medications. The clinic has only a small
staff of pharmacy technicians, nursing assistants and of course many volunteers.
City Description
Nsuta is located in the Ashanti Region, near Kumasi. The people in this area are known for their arts, crafts, and
hospitality. The road to Nsuta is beautiful, as you travel through the mountains on a well paved road (one of the best in
Ghana). The town itself has a great vibe, and there are lots of opportunities to hike in the surrounding mountains.
There are less than 5,000 people in the town but it swells enormously on Thursdays for Market Day. Nsuta services
hundreds of small villages located in the Ashanti Region and these people come to town every Thursday to trade goods
and purchase items to take back to their villages.
The town has all the essentials, including a medical clinic, restaurants, food stands, churches, and schools. The people
here are very friendly and welcome volunteers with open arms. You will definitely have ample opportunity to practice
your newly polished Twi speaking skills.
Points of Interest
The Nsuta area is great for people who enjoy their outdoor activities. The Atwea Mountains near Nsuta offer a beautiful
hike and hold spiritual meaning for many Christian Ghanians. At the top visitors are offered a spectacular view of the
surrounding region.
About 30 minutes away in Ntonso visitors can learn about Kente Weaving which is an ancient Ghanaian Craft which is
popularly associated with the Ashanti Region. Modern Kente Weaving is characterized by intricately woven colourful
designs. Visitors are able to visit this site and learn how this type of cloth is made.
Weather in the Area
The dry season in Ghana is from September through March and temperatures generally range from 30-40 degrees
Celsius. The rainy season occurring April until August is a bit cooler at temperatures of 30-35 degrees Celsius. As the
name of the season suggests, rainfall increases dramatically throughout these months. It is generally not constant rain,
but when it does rain, it usually pours.
Transportation From BaseCamp
Volunteers will travel from the BaseCamp Center (Pink Hostel) by taxi or tro tro (public transportation) to the VIP Bus
Terminal, which depending on traffic will take between eight to ten minutes. From there volunteers will take a bus to the
city of Kumasi, usually taking between four to five hours.
From there, you will take a 1 to 2 hour tro-tro ride to Nsuta.