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List of the theoretical questions for a final modular control of the mastering of
the module 1 - “Dermatovenerology”
1. Ukrainian and worlds dermatological school.
2. A brief historical outline of the development of dermatovenerology
3. A.G.Polotebnov, A.I.Pospelov, N.V.Nikolskiy are founders of domestic dermatology.
4. Anatomy of normal skin.
5. Epidermis and its structure
6. Dermis and its structure.
7. Structure and physiology of skin in infancy and senile age and its peculiarity.
8. Melanogenesis of the skin.
9. Hygiene of the skin.
10. Main properties of the skin. Description of lesions of the skin.
11. Blood and lymphatic systems of the skin.
12. Neuro-receptor apparatus of the skin.
13. Glandular apparatus of the skin (sebaceous and sweat glands). Its structure and functions.
14. Hair and its structure. Structure of nails.
15. Physiology of the skin.
16. Biochemistry of the skin.
17. Pathological physiology of the skin.
18. Main pathological changes in the epidermis.
19. Main pathological changes in the dermis.
20. Primary morphological lesions. Their evolution.
21. Morphologic elements of skin lesion.
22. Secondary elements of skin lesion.
23. Monomorphism and polymorphism of rash.
24. Requirements to the external conditions during examination of dermatological patient.
25. Objective methods of examination of dermatological patient.
26. Subjective signs of skin diseases.
27. Laboratory methods of examination (general and special).
28. Main information on the etiology and pathogenesis of skin diseases.
29. Role of the genetic factor in pathology of the skin.
30. Allergy and immunopathology in the dermatology.
31. Main principles in the treatment of dermatological patients.
32. Principles of the topical treatment of dermatological patients.
33. Role of the deontology in practice of dermatologist.
34. Pyodermas. Classification. Etiology. Pathogenesis.
35. Staphylodermas. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
36. Streptodermas. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
37. Prevention of pyodermas in industry and at home.
38. Pemphigus epidemicus neonatorum. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
39. Scabies. Epidemiology. Clinical course. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
40. Course of the scabies at children and its peculiarity. Laboratory diagnostics.
41. Mycoses. Classification. Routes of infection.
42. Morphology and biology of pathogenic fungi.
43. Tinea pedis. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
44. Trichophytoses. Classification. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
45. Microsporosis. Classification. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
46. Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis. Differential diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
47. Candidiasis. Classification. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
48. Laboratory diagnostics of mycoses.
49. Measures for control of mycoses. Sanitary elucidative work.
50. Tuberculosis of the skin. Classification. Etiology. Pathogenesis.
51. Lupus vulgaris. Clinical varieties. Course. Differential diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
52. Scrofuloderma. Clinical course. Treatment. Prevention.
53. Tuberculosis of the mucous membranes.
54. Principles of the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin. Prevention.
55. Leprosy. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical course. Diagnosis. Treatment.
56. Dermatitises. Classification. Clinical course. Differential diagnostics with acute eczema.
Treatment. Prevention.
57. Medicaments toxicodermia. Lyele’s syndrome. Treatment. Prevention.
58. Eczema. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical course. Diagnosis. Treatment.
59. Infantile eczema. Peculiarity of course. Role of exudative diathesis in heredity. Treatment.
60. Occupational skin diseases. Classification. Clinical course. Diagnosis. Clinical examination
and job placement of patients. Prevention.
61. Itching diseases. Classification. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Principles of the treatment.
62. Neurodermitis (circumscribed and diffuse). Clinical course. Treatment. Prevention.
63. Atopic dermatitis. Clinical course. Differential diagnostics. Differential diagnostics.
64. Psoriasis. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis. Course. Treatment. Prevention of
65. Complicated forms of psoriasis. Clinical course. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
66. Lichen rubber planus. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis. Course. Treatment.
67. Lupus erythematosus. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical course. Diagnosis.
Treatment. Prevention.
68. Sclerodermas. Clinical forms. Treatment.
69. Erytema exudativum multiforme. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics.
Treatment. Prevention.
70. Herpes simplex. Herpes Zoster. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Differential
diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
71. Warts. Condyloma acuminatum. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Differential
diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
72. Pemphigus. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical forms. Principles of treatment.
73. Duhring's disease (Dermatitis herpetiformis). Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment.
74. Seborrhea. Acne vulgaris. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Principles of treatment.
75. Main measures for control of mycoses of the skin.
76. Main principles of work of skin and venereal dispensary.
77. Clinical examination of patients with severe chronic dermatosis and infectious skin diseases.
78. Physio- climatic- spa therapy in dermatology.
79. Hygiene of the skin and basic foundation of cosmetology.
80. Skin is the receptive organ, which is interconnect the organism and the external environment.
81. AIDS. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Epidemiology. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
Morphology and biology of Treponema pallidum. Routes of infection with syphilis.
Immunity in syphilis.
Classification of syphilis.
Primary period of syphilis. Hard chancre. Differential diagnosis.
Atypical forms of hard chancre. Differential diagnosis.
Complications of hard chancre. Differential diagnosis.
6. Secondary stage of syphilis. Characteristic.
7. Syphilids of secondary period of syphilis. Characteristic.
8. Syphilitic roseola. Characteristic. Differential diagnosis.
9. Comparative characteristic of secondary and tertiary periods of syphilis.
10. Tertiary periods of syphilis. Causes of it onset.
11. Syphilids of tertiary period of syphilis. Differential diagnosis.
12. Hygiene and regime of syphilitic patient.
13. Congenial syphilis. Causes of its appearance. Classification.
14. Syphilis of the foetus. Diagnostics. Treatment. Principles of laboratory diagnostics of
15. Infantile congenital syphilis. Diagnostics. Treatment.
16. Late congenital syphilis. Diagnostics. Treatment.
17. Prevention of congenital syphilis.
18. Serological diagnostics of syphilis.
19. Pyrogen therapy in venereology.
20. Principles of treatment of syphilis.
21. Antibiotics in the therapy of syphilis.
22. Bismuthic preparations in the therapy of syphilis.
23. Treatment of congenital syphilis.
24. Acute gonorrhoea in males.
25. Schemes of treatment of syphilis with antibiotics and bismuthic preparations. Method of
injected with a pause of indissoluble antisyphilitic preparations.
26. Serodiagnosis of syphilis. Criteria of the recovery of syphilitic patients.
27. Differential diagnosis of hard chancre.
28. Individual and public prevention of syphilis.
29. Methods of the detection of treponema pallidum, gonococci, trichomonads.
30. Law in control of venereal diseases. Role of venereologic dispensaries and night prophylactic
hospitals in control of venereal diseases.
31. Role of maternity welfare centre in prevention of congenial syphilis. Serological examination
of pregnant.
32. Chronic gonorrhoea in males.
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