Download Basic Course of Study - Shoals Christian School

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Basic Course of Study
Listed first is the course of study for seventh and eighth graders at SCS. Following that is an explanation of
the options in math. We have a special orientation just for seventh graders and parents before school starts
Seventh and Eighth Grade Courses Of Study:
7th Grade
8th Grade
Seventh Grade Math or
Pre-Algebra or
Algebra I
Life Science
Earth Science
World History to 1500/Geography
Bible: Old Testament Survey
Bible: New Testament Survey
1/2 credit Keyboarding or 1/2 credit Art*
1/2 credit Keyboarding or 1/2 credit Art*
1/2 credit Physical Education
1/2 credit Physical Education
Study Hall or Band
Study Hall or Band
*Keyboarding/Art/Physical Education
All seventh and eighth graders will have the equivalent of one semester of Keyboarding and one semester of
Art before they begin ninth grade. This is accomplished by alternating these courses with Physical Education.
First semester, seventh graders will have two days of Physical Education alternated with three days of
Keyboarding or Art; second semester they will have three days of Physical Education alternated with the
same class. All seventh and eighth graders will have Physical Education every other day. Half of the seventh
graders will have Keyboarding while the other half are in Art, determined by a random draw. In the eighth
grade, they will take the other course.
Seventh graders are placed in either Seventh Grade Math or Pre-Algebra. This placement is determined by
their performance in sixth grade math, SAT scores, and teacher recommendation. Eighth graders are placed
in either Pre-Algebra or Algebra I.
Study Hall
Seventh and eighth grade students are offered the option of a seventh period study hall. This is offered as
an aid in the transition from elementary school into high school by giving students time at the end of the
day to begin homework. The alternative to study hall is high school band or German.
Ninth - Twelfth Grade Courses Of Study:
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
One of the following:
English Language World Literature American Literature and
and Composition Composition
AP Language and Composition
Twelfth Grade
One of the following:
British Literature and Composition
AP Literature and Composition
One of the following:
Physical Science Chemistry
AP Biology
World History
since 1500
U. S. History
until 1900
One of the
One of the
Algebra I
Algebra II w/Trig
U. S. History since 1900
Government and Economics
One of the following:
One of the following:
Algebra IIA
Algebra IIB
Algebra II w/ Trig
Intro to College Algebra
Intro to College Algebra
AP Calculus
Worldview : Old Worldview: New Worldview: Christian History
and Theology
Comparative Worldview: Western
Culture and World Religions
Applications and Spanish I
Spanish II
Allowed Substitutions: Certain classes and co-curricular activities can also serve as substitutes for the 1
credit of Physical Education that is required for graduation. These substitutions are as follows:
Each full semester of high school marching band will be counted as ½ credit of Physical Education
Participation in a major sport (volleyball, football, basketball, softball, or baseball) will count as ½
credit of Physical Education
Cheerleading for a full year will count as 1 credit of Physical Education.
Full list of electives and the course description
Qualified students may also participate in the University of North Alabama Early Scholars Program and or
Northwest Shoals Community College Dual Enrollment Program.
Service Learning Program:
Shoals Christian School’s service learning program has been developed to support the mission of the school:
service to Christ and others. It is our belief that serving others is a way of life that begins early.
Service learning programs afford students opportunities in developing an awareness of the needs of others,
a sense of civic responsibility, along with a true understanding of their community.
All 7th - 12th grade students are required to earn 6 hours of community service each year.
Community Service Program Form