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Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
CHAPTER 16 Electric Forces and Fields
Chapter Opener
__ Tapping Prior Knowledge, TE Review previously learned concepts and check for
preconceptions about the chapter content.
__ Discovery Lab, Charges and Electrostatics, ANC Students discover the electrical
properties of metallic and nonmetallic objects, construct an lectroscope and investigate
how it works, and observe forces between charged and uncharged objects. (BASIC)
__ Visual Concepts CD-ROM This CD-ROM consists of multimedia presentations of core
physics concepts. (BASIC)
SECTION 1 Electric Charge
Regular Schedule:
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): 2 days
with lab(s): 1 days
without lab(s): 1 days
without lab(s): 0.5 days
1. Understand the basic properties of electric charge.
2. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.
3. Distinguish between charging by contact, charging by induction, and
charging by polarization.
UCP 1: Systems, order, and organization
UCP 2: Evidence, models, and explanation
UCP 3: Change, consistency, and measurements
UCP 5: Form and function
SAI 1: Abilities to do scientific inquiry
SAI 2: Understanding about scientific inquiry
ST 1: Abilities of technological design
ST 2: Understanding about science and technology
HNS 1: Science as a human endeavor
HNS 2: Nature of science
HNS 3: History of science
SPSP 5: Science and technology in society
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
PS6d: In some materials, such as metals, electrons flow easily, whereas in insulating
materials such as glass they can hardly flow at all. Semiconducting materials have
intermediate behavior. At low temperatures some materials become superconductors and
offer no resistance to the flow of electrons.
__ Overview Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Tip, p. 558, TE Students perform a number of different experiments to learn
about electrostatics. (GENERAL)
__ Visual Strategy, Figure 1, TE Students explain why it is inferred that an electric force is
operating on the balloons in the photo. (BASIC)
__ PowerNotes® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the
concepts in this section. (GENERAL)
__ Transparency 86, The Millikan Experiment This transparency provides a schematic
view of the apparatus used by Millikan in his oil-drop experiment.
__ Transparency 87, Charging by Induction This transparency illustrates the redistribution
of charges when a charged rubber rod is brought near a metal sphere.
__ Transparency 88, Electrical Polarization This transparency illustrates how a surface
charge can be induced on insulators by polarization.
__ Demonstration, Effects of Charge, TE This demonstration shows students two kinds of
charge by use of a pith ball. (BASIC)
__ Visual Strategy, Figure 3, TE Students answer questions about the set-up of Millikan’s
experiment. (GENERAL)
__ Conceptual Challenge, p. 561, SE These conceptual questions challenge students to
apply the section content to real-world applications. (GENERAL)
__ Demonstration, Jumping Spices, TE This demonstration uses spices on an overhead
projector to show charging by contact and charging by induction. (GENERAL)
__ Quick Lab, Polarization, SE Students observe how a charged comb can affect a flowing
stream of water. (GENERAL)
__ Datasheet, Polarization Students use the datasheet to complete the in-text QuickLab
__ Visual Strategy, Figure 4, TE Students describe why electrons leave the sphere shown in
the figure. (BASIC)
__ Demonstration, Polarization, TE This demonstration shows the effects of polarization
using a rubber rod, fur, and paper. (GENERAL)
__ Skills Practice Lab, Electrostatics, SE Students use an electroscope and other materials
to analyze the properties of static electricity and determine the number of different kinds
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
of electric charge. (GENERAL)
__ Section Review, SE Students answer review questions, critical-thinking questions, and
interpreting-graphics questions that assess their understanding of the section objectives.
__ Study Guide, Electric Charge, ANC Use this worksheet to review the main concepts
presented in the section. (GENERAL)
__ Section Quiz, ANC Use this quiz to assess students' understanding of the section.
__ Holt Online Learning Students can access interactive problem-solving help and active
visual concept development with the Holt Physics Online Edition available at
__ SciLinks, Online Students can visit to find internet resources related to
the chapter content. Topic: Electric Charge SciLinks Code: HF60470
__ SciLinks, Online Students can visit to find internet resources related to
the chapter content. Topic: Conductors and Insulators SciLinks Code: HF60341
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
SECTION 2 Electric Force
Regular Schedule:
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): N/A days
with lab(s): N/A days
without lab(s): 2 days
without lab(s): 1 days
1. Calculate electric force using Coulomb’s law.
2. Compare electric force with gravitational force.
3. Apply the superposition principle to find the resultant force on a charge and
to find the position at which the net force on a charge is zero.
UCP 1: Systems, order, and organization
UCP 2: Evidence, models, and explanation
UCP 3: Change, consistency, and measurements
UCP 4: Evolution and equilibrium
UCP 5: Form and function
ST 2: Understanding about science and technology
HNS 1: Science as a human endeavor
HNS 3: History of science
SPSP 5: Science and technology in society
PS4c: The electric force is a universal force that exists between any two charged objects.
Opposite charges attract while like charges repel. The strength of the force is proportional
to the charges, and, as with gravitation, inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
__ Overview Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL)
__ Demonstration, Electric Force, TE This demonstration uses a balloon and a water faucet
to help students understand how electric force depends on distance. (GENERAL)
__ PowerNotes® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the
concepts in this section. (GENERAL)
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
__ Sample Set A, Coulomb’s Law, SE This sample and practice problem set covers
Coulomb’s law. (GENERAL)
__ Classroom Practice, Coulomb’s Law, SE Use this problem as a teamwork exercise or
for demonstration at the board or on an overhead projector. (GENERAL)
__ Conceptual Challenge, p. 566, SE These conceptual questions challenge students to
apply the section content to real-world applications. (BASIC)
__ Sample Set B, The Superposition Principle, SE This sample and practice problem set
covers the superposition principle. (ADVANCED)
__ Classroom Practice, The Superposition Principle, SE Use this problem as a teamwork
exercise or for demonstration at the board or on an overhead projector. (ADVANCED)
__ Sample Set C, Equilibrium, SE This sample and practice problem set covers
equilibrium. (GENERAL)
__ Classroom Practice, Equilibrium, SE Use this problem as a teamwork exercise or for
demonstration at the board or on an overhead projector. (GENERAL)
__ Section Review, SE Students answer review questions, critical-thinking questions, and
interpreting-graphics questions that assess their understanding of the section objectives.
__ Study Guide, Electric Force, ANC Use this worksheet to review the main concepts
presented in the section. (GENERAL)
__ Section Quiz, ANC Use this quiz to assess students' understanding of the section.
__ Holt Online Learning Students can access interactive problem-solving help and active
visual concept development with the Holt Physics Online Edition available at
__ Problem Workbook, Sample Set A: Coulomb’s Law, ANC This worksheet provides an
additional example problem and several practice problems that cover Coulomb’s law.
__ Problem Bank, Sample Set A: Coulomb’s Law, OSP This worksheet provides a third
example problem and several practice problems that cover Coulomb’s law. (GENERAL)
__ Problem Workbook, Sample Set B: The Superposition Principle, ANC This worksheet
provides an additional example problem and several practice problems that cover the
superposition principle. (ADVANCED)
__ Problem Bank, Sample Set B: The Superposition Principle, OSP This worksheet
provides a third example problem and several practice problems that cover the
superposition principle. (ADVANCED)
__ Problem Workbook, Sample Set C: Equilibrium, ANC This worksheet provides an
additional example problem and several practice problems that cover equilibrium.
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
__ Problem Bank, Sample Set C: Equilibrium, OSP This worksheet provides a third
example problem and several practice problems that cover equilibrium. (GENERAL)
__ SciLinks, Online Students can visit to find internet resources related to
the chapter content. Topic: Coulomb’s Law SciLinks Code: HF60361
__ SciLinks, Online Students can visit to find internet resources related to
the chapter content. Topic: Van de Graaff Generator SciLinks Code: HF61592
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
SECTION 3 The Electric Field
Regular Schedule:
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): N/A days
with lab(s): N/A days
without lab(s): 1 days
without lab(s): 0.5 days
1. Calculate electric field strength.
2. Draw and interpret electric field lines.
3. Identify the four properties associated with a conductor in electrostatic
UCP 1: Systems, order, and organization
UCP 2: Evidence, models, and explanation
UCP 3: Change, consistency, and measurements
UCP 4: Evolution and equilibrium
UCP 5: Form and function
SAI 1: Abilities to do scientific inquiry
SAI 2: Understanding about scientific inquiry
ST 1: Abilities of technological design
ST 2: Understanding about science and technology
SPSP 5: Science and technology in society
__ Overview Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL)
__ Visual Strategy, Figure 7, TE Students decide how a test charge at a given location
would change the electric field vector at that point. (BASIC)
__ PowerNotes® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the
concepts in this section. (GENERAL)
__ Transparency Master 55A, Electric Field Lines for a Single Charge This transparency
master shows some representative electric field lines for both positive and negative point
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
__ Transparency Master 56A, Electric Field Lines for Opposite Charges This
transparency master shows the electric field lines for two point charges of equal
magnitudes but opposite signs.
__ Transparency Master 57A, Electric Field Lines for Two Like Charges This
transparency master shows the electric field lines in the vicinity of two equal positive
point charges.
__ Demonstration, Electric Field Strength, TE This demonstration uses an electroscope, a
demonstration Leyden jar, and a rubber rod and fur to show the dependence of field
strength on charge. (ADVANCED)
__ Sample Set D, Electric Field Strength, SE This sample and practice problem set covers
electric field strength. (ADVANCED)
__ Classroom Practice, Electric Field Strength, TE Use these problems as a teamwork
exercise or for demonstration at the board or on an overhead projector. (ADVANCED)
__ Visual Strategy, Figures 10 and 11, TE Students examine the figures and answer
questions about the field lines shown. (GENERAL)
__ Demonstration, Charge Accumulation, TE This demonstration uses a Van de Graaff
generator to provide a visual demonstration of charge accumulation. (ADVANCED)
__ Section Review, SE Students answer review questions, critical-thinking questions, and
interpreting-graphics questions that assess their understanding of the section objectives.
__ Study Guide, The Electric Field, ANC Use this worksheet to review the main concepts
presented in the section. (ADVANCED)
__ Section Quiz, ANC Use this quiz to assess students' understanding of the section.
__ Holt Online Learning Students can access interactive problem-solving help and active
visual concept development with the Holt Physics Online Edition available at
__ Integrating Astronomy, Ion Propulsion in Deep Space 1, Online Students can visit and enter the keyword HF6ELFX to find this activity. Teacher resources can
be found by entering the keyword HF6ELFXT. (GENERAL)
__ Problem Workbook, Sample Set D: Electric Field Strength, ANC This worksheet
provides an additional example problem and several practice problems that cover electric
field strength. (ADVANCED)
__ Problem Bank, Sample Set D: Electric Field Strength, OSP This worksheet provides a
third example problem and several practice problems that cover electric field strength.
__ Invention Lab, Levitating Toys, ANC Students manipulate electrostatic field forces to
cause objects to levitate. (ADVANCED)
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
__ SciLinks, Online Students can visit to find internet resources related to
the chapter content. Topic: Microwaves SciLinks Code: HF60959
Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Elec Fields/Forces
Regular Schedule:
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): N/A days
with lab(s): N/A days
without lab(s): 2 days
without lab(s): 1 days
__ Chapter Highlights, p. 580, SE This page summarizes the vocabulary terms and key
concepts of the chapter.
__ Chapter Review, pp. 581–585, SE Students review the chapter material with review
questions, conceptual questions, practice problems, and a mixed review section.
__ Alternative Assessment, p. 585, SE These projects challenge students to apply and
extend concepts that they have learned in the chapter. (ADVANCED)
__ Graphing Calculator Practice, p. 584, SE Students program their graphing calculators to
create a graph of force versus distance for two positive charges in order to determine the
forces involved in several situations. (GENERAL)
__ Standardized Test Prep, pp. 586–587, SE This feature helps students sharpen their
testtaking abilities while reviewing the chapter content. (GENERAL)
__ Appendix D: Equations, p. 861, SE This appendix summarizes the equations introduced
in the chapter.
__ Appendix I: Additional Problems, pp. 891–892, SE This appendix provides additional
mixed practice problems that cover the equations introduced in the chapter.
__ Study Guide, Mixed Review, ANC Students can use this worksheet to review the main
concepts of the chapter in preparation for the chapter test. (GENERAL)
__ Holt PuzzlePro® Use this software to create crossword puzzles and word searches that
make learning vocabulary fun.
__ Chapter Test A, ANC Assign this test for general-level chapter assessment.
__ Chapter Test B, ANC Assign this test for advanced-level chapter assessment.
__ Test Generator Create a customized homework assignment, quiz, or test using the