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by Denoyer-Geppert
Head (right half)
29. rectus capitis posterior major muscle
1. frontalis muscle
30. inferior obliquus capitis muscle
2. orbicularis oculi muscle
31. interspinalis muscle
3. procerus muscle of the nose
32. multifidus muscle of the neck
Quadratus muscle of lip (#’s 4-6)
4. levator labii superioris muscle alaeque nasi
(angular head)
33. atlas (cervical vertebra #1), posterior arch
34. axis (cervical vertebra #2), lamina
35. cervical plexus
5. levator labii superioris (infraorbital head)
36. superior cervical ganglion
6. zygomatic minor muscle
37. parotid salivary gland
7. nasalis muscle
8. zygomatic major muscle
38. duct of parotid salivary gland
39. submandibular salivary gland
9. orbicularis oris muscle
Head (left half)
10. depressor anguli oris muscle
40. frontal bone
11. depressor labii inferioris muscle
41. parietal bone
12. mentalis muscle
42. occipital bone
13. risorius muscle
43. galea aponeurotica
14. buccinator muscle
44. superior sagittal sinus
15. masseter muscle
45. straight sinus
16. mylohyoid muscle
46. falx cerebri
17. digastric muscle, anterior belly
47. right cerebral hemisphere
18. geniohyoid muscle
48. septum pellucidum
19. digastric muscle, posterior belly
49. choroid plexus
20. stylohyoid muscle
50. pituitary gland
21. sternocleidomastoid muscle
51. basilar artery
22. temporalis muscle
52. frontal sinus
23. anterior auricular muscle
53. ethmoid sinuses
24. posterior auricular muscle
54. sphenoid sinus
25. occipital muscle
55. sphenoid bone, greater wing
26. trapezius muscle
56. temporal bone
27. semispinalis capitis muscle
57. zygomatic process of temporal bone
28. splenius capitis muscle
58. ethmoid bone
by Denoyer-Geppert
59. superior nasal concha
89. seventh cranial or facial nerve
60. middle nasal concha
90. eighth cranial or vestibulocochlear nerve
61. inferior nasal concha
91. ninth cranial or glossopharyngeal nerve
62. middle nasal meatus
92. tenth cranial or vagus nerve
63. inferior nasal meatus
93. eleventh cranial or accessory nerve
64. opening of pharyngotympanic tube
94. twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve
65. mucous lining of nasopharynx
Left cerebral hemisphere (external surface)
66. palatopharyngeal arch
95. Frontal lobe, cerebrum
67. palatoglossal arch
96. Superior frontal gyrus
68. palatine tonsil
97. Middle frontal gyrus
69. maxilla
98. Inferior frontal gyrus
70. hard palate
99. Orbital gyrus
71. soft palate
100. Precentral gyrus
72. tongue
101. Central sulcus
73. sublingual salivary gland
102. postcentral gyrus
74. hyoglossus muscle
103. parietal lobe, cerebrum
75. styloglossus muscle
104. superior parietal lobulus
76. genioglossus muscle
105. intraparietal sulcus
77. middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
106. inferior parietal lobulus
78. styloid process of temporal bone
107. occipital lobe, cerebrum
79. palatopharyngeus muscle
108. transverse occipital sulcus
80. left common carotid artery
109. occipital gyrus
81. left internal jugular vein
110. lateral occipital sulcus
82. mandible
111. superior occipital sulcus
Left cerebral hemisphere & cerebellum
112. temporal lobe, cerebrum
113. lateral sulcus
83. first cranial or olfactory nerve
114. superior temporal gyrus
84. second cranial or optic nerve
115. middle temporal gyrus
85. third cranial or oculomotor nerve
116. inferior temporal gyrus
86. fourth cranial or trochlear nerve
117. superior temporal sulcus
87. fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve
118. inferior temporal sulcus
88. sixth cranial or abducens nerve
119. gyrus rectus
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by Denoyer-Geppert
120. olfactory bulb
148. rostrum of corpus callosum
121. lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
149. caudate nucleus
122. lingual gyrus
150. stria terminalis
123. parahippocampal gyrus
151. thalamus
124. cingulate gyrus
152. anterior nuclei of thalamus
125. calcarine sulcus
153. pulvinar of thalamus
126. collateral sulcus
154. anterior commissure
127. hippocampal sulcus
155. interthalamic adhesion (intermediate mass)
128. parieto-occipital sulcus
156. posterior commissure
129. anterior pole (frontal pole)
157. fornix
130. posterior pole (occipital pole)
158. pineal gland
159. superior colliculus, corpora quadrigemina
Left cerebral hemisphere (median view)
160. inferior colliculus, corpora quadrigemina
131. superior frontal gyrus
161. hypothalamic sulcus
132. paracentral lobe
162. lnterventricular foramen
133. precuneus
163. cerebral peduncle
134. cuneus
164. mamillary body
135. uncus
165. pons
136. parieto-occipital sulcus
166. median longitudinal fasciculus
137. gyrus paraterminalis
167. medulla oblongata
138. corpus callosum
168. superior medullary vellum
139. genu of corpus callosum
169. cerebral aqueduct
140. splenium of corpus callosum
170. third ventricle
141. parietal portion of corpus callosum
171. fourth ventricle
142. lateral longitudinal stria of corpus callosum
143. fimbria of hippocampus
Brain stem (lateral view)
172. superior cerebellar peduncle
Cerebral arteries
173. middle cerebellar peduncle
144. internal carotid artery
174. olive
145. anterior cerebral artery
175. foramen caecum of medulla oblongata
146. middle cerebral artery
176. pyramid
147. posterior cerebral artery
177. tuber cinereum
Brain stem (median view)
178. cuneate tubercle
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by Denoyer-Geppert
179. tuberculum nuclei gracilis (clava)
210. vocal fold
180. cerebellar hemisphere
211. ventricle of the larynx
181. superior semilunar lobe
212. lamina of cricold cartilage
182. tonsilla of cerebellum
213. trachea
183. flocculus
214. left common carotid artery
184. vermis of cerebellum
215. left internal jugular vein
185. middle cerebellar peduncle
216. esophagus
186. inferior medullary vellum
217. posterior muscular wall of esophagus
187. horizontal sulcus of cerebellum
Neck & upper shoulder (right side)
188. folium of vermis
218. sternohyoid muscle
189. arbor viate
219. omohyoid muscle, superior belly
190. inferior posterior cerebellar artery
220. omohyoid muscle, inferior belly
221. thyrohyoid muscle
191. anterior portion (body) of hyoid bone
222. sternal head of stemocleidomastoid muscle
192. thyrohyoidmuscle (part cut away)
223. clavicular head of stemocleidomastoid muscle
193. cricothyroid muscle
224. scalenes muscles (anterior, middle, posterior)
194. lateral thyrohyoid membrane
225. levator scapulae muscle
195. middle thyrohyoid membrane
226. trapezius muscle
196. thyroid cartilage
227. clavicle
197. thyroid incisure
228. sternal process
198. thyroid gland
229. acromial process
199. left lobe of thyroid gland
Chest cavity
200. isthmus of thyroid gland
230. trachea
201. Cricoid cartilage
231. bifurcation of trachea
202. Tracheal cartilages
232. right main bronchus
203. epiglottis
233. right bronchial tree
204. transverse arytenoid muscle
234. left main bronchus
205. corniculate tubercle (cartilage covered)
235. left bronchial tree
206. vestibule of the larynx
236. bronchial branches & pulmonary vessels
207. infraglottic space
208. vestibular fold
237. right internal jugular vein
209. vocal ligament (within vocal fold)
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by Denoyer-Geppert
238. right common carotid artery
268. apex of the heart
239. right subclavian vein
269. coronary sulcus
240. right brachiocephalic (right innominate) vein
270. right coronary artery
241. left brachiocephalic (left innominate) vein
271. anterior cardiac veins
242. brachiocephalic trunk (innominate artery)
272. great cardiac vein
243. thoracic duct enterance to left subclavian vein
273. anterior interventricular branch of left coronary
244. left subclavian artery
245. esophagus
274. anterior interventricular sulcus
246. thoracic aorta
275. coronary sinus
247. left vagus nerve
276. oblique vein of left atrium
248. recurrent laryngeal nerve
277. middle cardiac vein
249. right vagus nerve
278. posterior interventricular sulcus
250. esophageal plexus
279. posterior vein of left ventricle
251. posterior medial surfaces of right and left lung
280. superior vena cava
252. central tendon of diaphragm
281. pulmonary artery
253. foramen of vena cava
282. left branch of pulmonary artery
254. ribs
283. right branch of pulmonary artery
255. external intercostal muscles
284. left pulmonary veins
256. internal intercostal muscles
285. right pulmonary veins
257. branches of right pulmonary artery
286. inferior vena cava
258. branches of right pulmonary veins
287. ascending aorta
259. branches of left pulmonary artery
288. arch of aorta
260. branches of left pulmonary vein
289. superficial cardiac plexus
261. origin of pectoralis minor muscle, cut
290. pulmonary semilunar valve
Heart (interior structures)
262. pectoralis major muscle, cut transversely
291. aortic semilunar valve
Heart (external surface)
292. valve of inferior vena cava
263. right auricle
293. tricuspid atrioventricular valve (right)
264. left auricle
294. papillary muscles
265. right ventricle
295. interventricular septum
266. left ventricle
296. bicuspid [mitral] atrioventricular valve (left)
267. conus arteriosus
297. root of the aorta
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by Denoyer-Geppert
298. root of pulmonary artery (pulmonary trunk)
325. splenic artery
326. hepatic artery
327. hepatic portal vein
299. right lung
328. common bile duct
300. costal surface
329. pancreas
301. medial surface
330. tail of pancreas
302. anterior margin
331. head of pancreas
303. inferior margin
332. pancreatic duct
304. superior lobe
333. accessory pancreatic duct
305. middle lobe
334. duodenum
306. inferior lobe
335. major duodenal papilla
307. interlobular incisure
336. minor duodenal papilla
307a. horizontal fissure
337. mucous folds of duodenum
307b. oblique fissure
338. spleen
308. left lung
339. splenic vein
309. apex
340. left kidney
310. superior lobe
341. left suprarenal gland
311. inferior lobe
342. right suprarenal gland
312. cardiac incisure
343. right kidney
313. lingula of left lung
344. renal pelvis
Abdominal cavity
345. medullary portion of kidney
314. costal portion of diaphragm
346. cortex of kidney
315. lumbar portion of diaphragm
347. pyramids
316. hiatus of esophagus
348. small branches of renal artery and vein
317. hiatus of aorta
349. renal papilla
318. abdominal aorta
350. superior mesenteric artery
319. left inferior phrenic artery
351. superior mesenteric vein
320. right inferior phrenic artery
352. inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
321. right inferior phrenic vein
353. inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein
322. left superior suprarenal artery
354. quadratus lumborum muscle
323. right superior suprarenal artery
355. transversus abdominis muscle
324. celiac trunk
356. iliacus muscle
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by Denoyer-Geppert
357. psoas major muscle
388. levator ani muscle (puborectalis muscle)
358. psoas minor muscle
389. levator ani muscle (iliococcygeus muscle)
359. ilium
390. levator ani muscle (pubococcygeus muscle)
360. iliohypogastric nerve
391. tendinous arc of levator ani muscle
361. ilioinguinal nerve
392. obturator internus muscle
362. femoral nerve
393. superior ramus of pubic bone
363. right and left ureter
364. inferior vena cava
394. abdominal portion of esophagus
Pelvic cavity
395. cardia
365. left common iliac vein
396. fundus
366. right common iliac vein
397. pylorus
367. left internal iliac (left hypogastric) vein
398. lesser curvature
368. bifurcation of abdominal aorta
399. greater curvature
369. right common iliac artery
400. hepatogastric ligament
370. right internal iliac artery
401. longitudinal layer of muscles
371. left common iliac artery
402. circular layer of muscles
372. left internal iliac artery
403. oblique layer of muscles
373. lateral sacral artery
404. gastric artery and its right branches
374. inferior gluteal artery
405. gastroepiploic artery
375. obturator artery
406. gastric plexus
376. obturator nerve
407. mucous folds
377. sacral plexus
408. muscular layer
378. lumbosacral trunk
409. pyloric valve with sphincter
379. fourth sacral nerve
380. right sympathetic trunk
410. right lobe
381. left sympathetic trunk
411. surface dissected to expose peripheral vessels
382. sympathetic ganglion
red-branches of hepatic artery
383. sacral ganglion
blue-branches of hepatic vein
384. coccygeal nerves
purple-branches of hepatic portal vein
385. coccyx bone
green-branches of bile canal
386. piriformis muscle
412. left lobe
387. coccygeus muscle
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by Denoyer-Geppert
413. falciform ligament
442. transverse colon
414. anterior leaf of coronary ligament
443. left colic flexure
415. hepatic portion of inferior vena cava
444. descending colon
416. ligament of vena cava
445. sigmoid colon
417. bare area
446. sigmoid flexure
418. caudate lobe
447. rectum
419. quadrate lobe
448. layer of longitudinal muscles of rectum
420. ligamentum teres hepatis, (or round ligament)
449. taenia mesocolica
421. cut edge of peritoneum
450. taenia omentalis
422. renal impression
451. mesocolon
423. colic impression
451. transverse mesocolon
424. gastric impression
452. superior mesenteric artery
425. hepatic artery
453. superior mesenteric vein
426. portal vein
454. left colic artery
427. right, left, & common hepatic ducts
455. right colic artery
428. cystic duct
456. ileocolic artery
429. gallbladder (opened)
457. inferior mesenteric vein
430. mucosa of gall bladder
458. inferior mesenteric artery
431. common bile duct
Sexless pelvic insert
Small intestine
459. pubic tubercle
432. junction of duodenum and jejunum
460. pubic symphysis
433. jejunum
461. urinary bladder
434. ileum
462. muscular coat of bladder
435. mesentery
463. mucosa of bladder
436. branches of small intestinal vessels
464. urethra
Large intestine
Female pelvic insert
437. cecum
390. pubococcygeus muscle (listed previously)
438. ileocecal valve
459. pubic tubercle
439. appendix
465. transverse perineal muscle
440. ascending colon
466. vagina
441. right colic flexure
467. urethra
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by Denoyer-Geppert
468. urethral orifice
497. internal orifice of urethra
469. vaginal orifice
Male pelvic organs
470. glans clitoris
498. penis
471. labium minus
499. scrotum
472. labium malus
500. superficial inguinal ring
473. rectus abdominis muscle
501. spermatic cord
474. pyromidalls muscle
502. fibers of cremaster muscle
Female reproductive organs
503. urogenital diaphragm
475. urinary bladder
504. bulbourethral gland (cowper's gland)
476. transverse vesicular fold-vesicouterine pouch
505. deep dorsal vein of penis
477. ligamentum teres (round ligament of uterus)
506. corpus spongiosum
478. isthmus of uterine tube
507. corpus cavernosus
479. proper ovarian ligament
508. bulb of penis
480. ovary
509. bulbocavernosus muscle
481. ampulla of uterine [fallopian] tube
510. urethra
482. fimbriae of uterine [fallopian] tube
511. glans penis
483. broad ligament of uterus
512. prepuce
484. uterus
513. septum of scrotum
485. fundus of uterus artery and vein
514. testis
486. rectouterine fold
515. epididymis
487. ureter
516. suspensory ligament of penis
488. inferior surface of urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
Female reproductive organs (median sect.)
517. peritoneal covering of urinary bladder
489. body of uterus
518. muscular layer
490. cervix of uterus
519. seminal vesicle
491. anterior fornix of vagina
520. ductus deferens
492. posterior fornix of vagina
521. ureter
493. vesicouterine pouch
522. prostate gland
494. muscular wall of urinary bladder
523. base of prostate gland
495. mucosa of bladder
524. left lobe of prostate
496. ureteral opening
525. right lobe of prostate
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by Denoyer-Geppert
526. apex of prostate
555. gemellus inferior muscle
527. mucous layer of urinary bladder
556. quadratus femoris muscle
528. ureteral orifice
557. greater trochanter of femur
529. internal urethral orifice
558. ischial spine
530. prostatic utricle
559. tensor fasciae latae muscle
560. iliotibial tract
Female breast
561. biceps femoris muscle
531. lobes of mammary gland
562. vastus lateralis muscle
532. areola
563. rectus femoris muscle
533. papilla
564. sartorius muscle
534. lactiferous sinus
565. pectineus muscle
535. lactiferous ducts
566. adductor longus muscle
Torso, hip, & thigh (right side)
567. femoral artery
536. deltoid muscle
568. femoral vein
537. infraspinatus muscle
569. internal abdominal oblique muscle
538. teres minor muscle
Back (dissection of)
539. teres major muscle
570. seventh cervical vertebra
540. triceps brachii muscle
571. first thoracic vertebra
541. latissimus dorsi muscle
572. posterior portion of first rib
542. serratus anterior muscle
573. interspinalis cervicis muscle
543. external abdominal oblique muscle
574. brevis rotatoris thoracis muscle
544. iliac crest
575. longus rotatoris thoracis muscle
545. gluteus maximus muscle (middle removed)
576. brevis levatoris costarum muscle
546. gluteus medius muscle (middle removed)
577. longus levatoris costarum muscle
547. gluteus minimus muscle
578. ligament of tubercle of the ribs
548. sacrotuberous ligament
579. pleura
549. sciatic nerve
580. posterior portion of right lung
550. superior gluteal artery
581. inferior cervical ganglion
551. inferior gluteal artery
582. sympathetic ganglion
552. piriformis muscle
583. spinal nerve
553. gemellus superior muscle
584. communicating fiber
554. obturator internus muscle
585. scapula, left, sectioned
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by Denoyer-Geppert
586. twelfth thoracic vertebra
614. superficial inguinal lymph nodes
587. first lumbar vertebra
Front body wall (external surface)
588. body of vertebra
615. linea alba
589. vertebral arch
616. costal cartilages
590. transverse process
Front body wall (internal surface)
591. superior articular process
617. first rib
592. inferior articular process
618. manubrium of sternum
593. spinous process
626-7. median/ medial umbilical ligament
594. Intervertebral disc
619. body of sternum
595. spinal cord with cauda equina
620 xiphoid process of sternum
596. thoracolumbar fascia
621. internal thoracic artery (int. mammary artery)
597. medial intertransversus muscle
622. internal thoracic vein (internal mammary vein)
598. lateral intertransversus muscle
623. intercostal branches of internal mammary
artery and vein
599. portion of sacrum
600. portion of ilium
624. transverse thoracis muscle
601. sacrospinalis muscle
625. anterior portion of diaphragm
Left upper arm (transverse section)
628. fascia of transversus abdominis muscle
602. humerus
603. cephalic vein
604. biceps brachii muscle
605. triceps brachii muscle
Left axilla
606. axillary lymph nodes
607. lymph ducts
608. axillary vein
609. axillary artery
Left inguinal area
610. great saphenous vein
611. superficial epigastric vein
612. fascia lata
613. inguinal lymph ducts
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