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Drug Categories
What is a Drug?
• A substance other than food that changes
the way the body or brain works.
• Illegal drugs, but also caffeine, cough
syrup, aspirin, ibuprofen, anasthetics
Drug categories:
Stimulants: Drugs that increase
activities of the Central Nervous
System (CNS). Increase Heart
Rate, Blood Pressure, Alertness
Definition: Stimulant; Chemical in
cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco that
gets a person addicted.
Definition: stimulant; extremely addictive
Administration – snorting, injecting, smoking
Short term effects – increased heart rate,
increased blood pressure, anxiety, restlessness
Long term effects – paranoia, nose bleeds,
aggressive behavior, cardiac arrest
Definition: (stimulant) A purified form
of cocaine.
Named from the sound it makes when
The effects of crack that is smoked is 10
times greater than cocaine that is snorted
Definition: Stimulant – A bitter white
alkaloid found in tea leaves, coffee beans,
coca and other various plants. Found in
coffee, tea, tonics, soft drinks, analgesics
and even chocolate!
Definition: Stimulant; extremely addictive drug that
strongly activates certain systems in the brain.
Administration: orally, injected, snorted, or smoked
Short-term effects: irritability/aggression, anxiety,
nervousness, convulsions, insomnia
Long-term effects: paranoia, hallucinations,
dangerously low body temperature, confusion, and even
Ice, Crank, Crystal, Speed
Definition: Crank is a stimulant from
the amphetamine family. Effects last
longer than crack or cocaine.
Ice: stimulant; smokeable form of
pure meth. Can become immediately
Definition: Stimulant; Chemically
manufactured drug that is highly
Drug Categories
Depressants: Drugs that decrease
activities of the CNS. Decrease heart rate,
blood pressure, make you sleepy
(Weed, grass, pot)
Definition: Depressant/Hallucinogen- most
commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S.
Administration – smoked, eaten in food
Short term effects – slowed thinking and
reaction time, impaired balance/coordination
Long term effects – frequent respiratory
infections, impaired memory and learning
Definition: Depressant/Hallucinogen
Made from the roots of the marijuana
Stronger effects than marijuana.
Definition: Depressant; a narcotic used
to control pain.
Found in the poppy seed plant
Definition: Depressant, highly addictive (also
considered a narcotic or pain killer)
Administration – smoke, snorted, or injected
Short term effects – feeling of euphoria, dry
mouth, confusion
Long term effects – collapsed veins, infection
of the heart lining, liver disease
Definition: Depressant; a narcotic used
to control pain; makes you very drowsy.
Is addictive so not used much anymore.
Definition: Depressant; a narcotic pain
killer produced from morphine.
It is weaker than morphine.
Used in prescription cough syrups and
pain relievers
Sleeping Pills
Definition: Depressant; Prescribed drugs
used to help you sleep better.
Definition: Depressant; All types of
alcohol are depressants (wine, beer,
Definition: Depressant; a group of drugs
that depress the CNS. Have a calming
effect and are prescribed to treat anxiety.
Definition: depressant
Date Rape Drug
Administration – liquid that is swallowed
Short term effects – reduced pain, lowered
Long term effects – impaired memory,
respiratory arrest
Drug Categories
Hallucinogens: Drugs that interfere with
your senses (sight, hearing). Cause
people to see and hear things that aren’t
(Lysergic Acid Diethylamide )
Definition: Hallucinogen; powerful mood-altering drug
Administration – usually by mouth after being added to absorbent
Short term effects – altered sense of perception, increased body
Long term effects – flashbacks, chronic mental disorders
Definition: Hallucinogen; powerful moodaltering drug
Sometimes call Magic Mushrooms
Found in certain types of mushrooms
Definition: Hallucinogen; popular club drug
Administration – swallowed as a pill
Short term effects – rapid or irregular heart
beat, feelings of exhilaration, dehydration
Long term effects – impaired memory and
learning, heart failure
Definition: Hallucinogen; mind altering
Found in a cactus in Mexico and the
southwest U.S.
PCP (Phencyclidine)
Definition: hallucinogen
Administration – snorted, smoked, or ingested
Short term effects – increased breathing rate,
increased heart rate
Long term effects – delusions, disordered
thinking, seizures