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BIOS 1300
Katie & Shiloh
Week 4 session 3
1. Below is the template strand, what is the amino acid sequence on the tRNA?
amino acid sequence:
2. Given the tRNA strand, what amino acids are being coded?
3. Given the mRNA strand, what are the amino acids being coded for?
4. Given the coding strand, what will be the tRNA strand?
5. How many amino acids equal 1 codon?
6. True or false: tRNA has anticodons and mRNA has codons
7. tRNA transfers amino acids in what process: Translation or transcription?
Moving on…
1. Referencing the skateboarder to the right, which of
the following directional terms is correct?
Hallux is proximal to Pelvic
Right Antebrachial is distal from Right Pollex
Cephalic is superior to Sternum
Left Brachial is inferior to Left Antebrachial
2. Describe what electrolytes are:
3. Can glucose dissolve in water? Can it dissociate?
4. Draw the generic structure of an amino acid:
5. Glycogen is a polymer of ___________ molecules
6. Which molecule has a 4 ring structure?
7. What distinguishes one amino acid from another?
8. What type of bond is created at the nitrogenous bases between the complementary
base pairs?
9. Which organelle is responsible for producing lipids?
10. Which organelle breaks down long fatty acids? What is this process called?
11. Which structure stores calcium?
12. What is the pH of blood?
13. What is the most common reversible reaction in the body?
14. What are the four phases of mitosis? What happens in each phase?
15. What are the components of a nucleotide?
16. Give an example of a hypertonic solution relative to a normal cell:
17. What is the buffer in saliva?
18. What type of epithelial tissue forms the alveoli of the lungs and permits diffusion of
19. What are the types of connective tissue proper?
20. What are the types of supporting connective tissue?
21. What are the types of fluid connective tissue?
22. What kind of cartilage is found in your spine? What function of this cartilage optimizes it
functionality in this location?
23. Where can you find hyaline cartilage? Why is it important for hyaline to be in this
24. What muscle types are striated?
25. What will happen to red blood cells when exposed to 10% saline solution?
26. What would happen to reb blood cells if exposed to 0.9% saline solution?
27. What does transcription synthesize?
28. Which enzyme binds to the promotor region of the DNA molecule?
29. Which site on the ribosome does the first tRNA bind?
30. Which site on the ribosome does the second tRNA bind?
31. When is the synthesis of protein complete?
32. How do cells move materials in of the cell that are too large to pass through membrane
33. In a sodium – potassium pump, which direction do the molecules moves? How many of
each are being moved in this process?
34. When two molecules are moving in the same direction through a transmembrane
protein this is called a ________________.
35. True or false: in order to move molecules through the plasma membrane, the cell must
use ATP
36. True or false: epithelia lack nerves
37. What structure increases surface area and is referred to as “brush boarder”?
38. What is the purpose of tight junctions?
39. What makes up the extracellular matrix of connective tissue?
40. Tendons and ligaments are made of what kind of connective tissue?
41. Match the extracellular matric function to the connective tissue:
Bone’s extracellular matrix provides ____________
A. Flexibility
Cartilage’s extracellular matric provides ________
B. Support
C. Elasticity
42. Matching
________ Condyle
A. An air-filled space in bone
________ Process
B. Shallow, broad, or elongated “basin”
________ Spine
C. Rounded know that articulates with
another bone
________ Foramen
D. A canal
________ Sinus
E. Any bony prominence
________ Meatus
________ Fossa
F. A hole through a bone, usually
G. Sharp, slender, or narrow process
43. What type of sensory information foes the Pacinian Corpuscle detect?
44. What type of sensory information does the free nerve endings detect?
45. What sensory information does the Meissner’s corpuscle detect?
46. What are the seven bones that constitute the orbit?
47. The lamboid suture is between the _________ bones and the __________ bone.
48. The sella turcua is part of which bone?
49. To which bone does the hyoid articulate with?
50. The skull is made up of _____ cranial bones and _______ facial bones.
51. What part of the ethmoid bone allows olfactory nerves to pass through?
52. What bone houses the pituitary gland?
53. What passes through a foramina?
54. What other bone makes up the nasal septum?
Tips: REWATCH ANIMATIONS! These are fair game for exam questions! I recommend watching
the ones you don’t feel 100% comfortable with fist (like osmosis, transcription,
sodium/potassium pumps etc.)
Lab 1:
Topics: Body orientation, Directional terms, Chemistry – Bonds, Electrolytes, Body regions
Models: Your body
Lab 2:
Topics: Biomolecular structures – Carbs, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleotides/Nucleic acids,
dehydration synthesis, cell organelles, pH (saliva & stomach acid), enzymes, cell cycle/ mitosis,
diffusion, osmosis/ tonicity,
Models: Biomolecular models, The Cell
Biomolecules you’re responsible for:
 Lipids: Triglyceride, phospholipid, cholesterol (4 rings), Glycerol, Fatty Acid
 Carbs: Glucose (5 C ring), Fructose (6 C ring), Maltose (glu + glu), Sucrose (glu + fru)
 Proteins: Alanine, Glycine, Cysteine (Sulfur), Dipeptide (glycine + alanine)
 Nucleotides/ Nucleic Acids: ATP (!!!!), Purine (two rings), Pyrimidine (one ring), DNA
 Recognize Alpha Helix & Beta Pleated Sheet
Lab 3:
Tips: REVIEW HISTOLOGY, this is where you took pictures of microscope slides MAKE A PPT OUT
OF THEM – the lab states what structures of each slide you are responsible for.
Topics: Tissues & Cartilage, osmosis, transcription/translation, endocytosis & exocytosis,
Sodium – potassium pump, cotransport, facilitated diffusion, epithelial & connective tissue,
Models: Microscope slides!
Lab 4:
Tips: APR APR APR APR….did I say APR? all the bones of the skull and the skin! Easy to review
your PowerPoints for this! 
Topics: Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Skull, Bone Markings, Appositional Bone
Model: Skin Model, Skull