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Chapter 2 section 1 and 2 Test Review (with answers)
(Section 1 Material)
Know the following vocabulary terms and people:
Fertile Crescent: Arc of land between the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.
Mesopotamia: “land between the rivers”
City-state: an independent political unit.
Dynasty: a series of rulers from a single family.
Cultural diffusion: process of one culture spreading to others.
Polytheism: belief in many different gods.
Empire: independent states under control of one leader.
Sargon of Akkad: created first empire by defeating city-states of Sumer.
Hammurabi: creates a code of laws for Babylonian empire.
Know the following:
What two rivers did Mesopotamia sit between? Tigris and Euphrates
When Sumerians began farming. Around 3300 B.C.
What were the Geographic challenges of the Fertile Crescent (3?)
1. Floods are unpredictable; sometimes drought
2. Land offered no barriers for protection from invasion
3. Land has few natural resources; building materials were scarce
What did the Sumerians do to solve the challenges? (3)
1. Build irrigation ditches to control water, produce crops
2. Built walled cities for defense
3. Learned to trade grain, cloth, and tools for raw materials to build.
What is a ziggurat? Pyramid-shaped structure that formed part of a Sumerian
What were the names of the Sumer city-states? (5) Urak, Kish, Lagash, Umma, Ur
What Sumerians believed about their gods. People believed gods controlled forces
of nature, gods behaved as humans do, and people were gods’ servants.
How were women viewed in Sumerian society? Women had rights, they could
become priests, merchants, and artisans.
What were 3 of the Sumerians greatest inventions? WHEEL, PLOW, SAIL
What was their system of writing known as? Cuneiform
How many laws did Hammurabi have in his code? 282
(Chapter 2 Section 2 material)
Delta: land formed by silt deposits at mouth of a river
Narmer: Egyptian king that united Upper and Lower Egypt.
Pharaoh: Kings of Egypt, considered to be gods by Egyptians.
Theocracy: Government based on religious authority.
Pyramid: made of stone blocks, they were the resting place of the Kings after their
Hieroglyphics: Egyptian writing system in which pictures represent ideas.
Papyrus: paper like sheets made from papyrus reeds used for writing.
Know the following:
What was the lifeline of the Egyptian civilization? The Nile River
How did the Egyptian’s view the Nile River? They worshipped it as a god
Where were upper and lower Egypt located? Upper Egypt was located in the South,
Lower Egypt was located in the North
Who united Upper and Lower kingdoms? KING NARMER
What was the name of the capital? Memphis
How were Pharaoh’s viewed? As god-kings
The Pyramid age was part of the? OLD KINGDOM
How many different gods and goddesses did the Egyptians believe in?
What was the “Book of the Dead”? Contained prayers and spells, guides the soul
after death.
What is significant about the Egyptian calendar? It was 365 days and had 12 months