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Home Address
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Cambridge, MA 02139
Christopher Leigh Williams, Ph.D.
Contact Information
+1 650-380-1622
[email protected]
Medical Physics Residency, Harvard Medical Physics Residency Program, Boston, MA, USA
CAMPEP Accredited Radiation Therapy Physics Residency
July 2012 – June 2015
Ph.D., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Concentration in Astrophysics
Advisor: Professor Jacqueline Hewitt
Thesis title: “Initial Exploration of 21-cm Cosmology with Imaging and Power Spectra from the Murchison Widefield Array”
August 2006 – June 2012
B.S., Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Honors in Physics, concentration in Astrophysics
Interdisciplinary Honors in International Security Studies (Center for International Security and Cooperation)
Minor in Political Science
September 2001 – June 2005
Clinical Instructor and Staff Physicist
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA USA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
July 2015 – Present
Clinical duties include: treatment planning and delivery supervision for stereotactic body radiotherapy and stereotactic
radiosurgery procedures, leading the implementation of advanced motion management techniques for radiation therapy,
developing policies and procedures for new clinical technologies and supervision of clinical use, conducting quality assurance
and commissioning measurements for linear accelerators, weekly patient chart review, and building software and tools to
improve clinical efficiency and safety.
Research focuses on improving techniques for image guidance and adaptive therapy in radiation oncology using computational
techniques and machine learning. Principal investigator of Varian Medical Systems research grant ($83,000/year) studying the
use of 4-dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography for modeling respiratory motion (supervising one postdoctoral
researcher). Co-investigator of project investigating the use of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for response assessment in
non-small cell lung cancer.
Teaching duties include serving as a physics lecturer for radiation oncology and medical physics residents, and providing
training for postdoctoral fellows and clinical trainees.
Medical Physics Resident & Research Fellow
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
July 2012 – June 2015
Performed research with Dr. John Lewis at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Studied the
dosimetric effects of lung tumor tracking and irregular motion with using the digital XCAT 4D phantom. Modified the
XCAT to account for density changes in the lung and to reproduce irregular respiratory motion. Developed analytic models
to estimate true delivered dose in the presence of dose heterogeneity.
Clinical experience in radiation oncology physics at the Dana-Farber Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, Massachusetts
General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital. Performed radiotherapy treatment planning (3D, IMRT and
stereotactic) for all anatomical regions, as well as for proton therapy and vLDR and HDR brachytherapy. Performed monthly
and annual quality assurance of linear accelerators and patient-specific measurements. Commissioned a Varian TrueBeam sTx
linear accelerator and an IntraOp Mobetron. Processed commissioning data to produce clinical data books. Developed
software to automate and streamline clinical workflow. Developed a mobile (tablet-based) application for intra-operative
treatment planning and monitor unit calculation.
Christopher L. Williams, Ph.D.
Graduate Research Assistant & Research Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
August 2006 – July 2012
Performed radio astronomy research supervised by Prof. Jacqueline Hewitt. Worked as part of the Murchison Widefield Array
(MWA) collaboration, constructing a low-frequency radio array in Western Australia. Performed computer modeling and
anechoic chamber measurements of MWA dipole antennas. Conducted field deployment and testing of the MWA 32-tile
prototype system in Western Australia. Developed a data reduction pipeline for the MWA and performed observations aimed
at measuring the HI power spectrum during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Analyzed MWA data to produce a new lowfrequency survey and limits on the EoR power spectrum. Teaching assistant and substitute lecturer for freshman level E&M
course (8.02).
Scientific Researcher
Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, MD, USA
March 2006 – June 2006
Worked as a contractor at the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center with Dr. Stefan Immler conducting and analyzing
observations of supernovae taken with NASA’s Swift space telescope. Developed routines to automate data processing and
analyzed data for publication in scientific papers.
Scientific Programmer
Computational Physics, Inc., Springfield, VA, USA
September 2005 – February 2006
Conducted radio astronomy research as a contractor to the U.S. Naval Research Lab. Worked with Dr. Kurt W. Weiler
studying supernovae using the Very Large Array radio telescope. Duties included data processing, writing scientific papers for
publication, and writing computer programs to streamline data organization and analysis.
Undergraduate Researcher
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
September 2001 – June 2005
Performed honors research in astrophysics with Prof. Roger Romani identifying gamma-ray selected pulsar candidates with
radio observations. Conducted astronomical observations at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India as part of a
President’s Scholars research grant. Performed interdisciplinary honors research in International Security Studies through the
Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) with Prof. Michael May, studying nuclear nonproliferation issues
and technological barriers to spent-fuel management.
SEAP and STEP Intern
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA
June 1999 – December 2004
Worked through both the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (1999-2000) and the Student Temporary
Employment Program (2001-2004) at the U.S. Naval Research Lab with Dr. Kurt Weiler. Processed observations of radio
supernovae data from Very Large Array radio telescope.
American Board of Radiology Therapeutic Medical Physics, Parts I & II completed (Oral exam in 2016)
Resident Member, American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Reviewer, Medical Physics
Reviewer, Physics in Medicine and Biology
Reviewer, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
Reviewer, Medical Dosimetry
Varian Medical Systems Research Grant, Principal Investigator ($83,000/year)
IntraOp Medical Software License Agreement and Software Consultant Agreement
Christopher L. Williams, Ph.D.
Clinical Radiation Oncology Physics: External beam treatment planning (3D, IMRT, VMAT and proton) using
Eclipse, RayStation, CMS XiO, MultiPlan and Pinnacle. Quality assurance of Varian (Clinac, Trilogy and
TrueBeam), Elekta (Infinity, Synergy and Agility), Accuray (CyberKnife) and intraoperative (IntraOp Mobetron and
Siemens) linear accelerators and IBA proton accelerator systems. CT scanner quality assurance (GE Lightspeed).
Linear accelerator commissioning measurements and data processing using IBA water phantoms and software.
IMRT QA using the MatriXX and ArcCheck devices. Familiarity with the Aria and Mosaiq R&V systems.
Experience in planning and quality assurance for image-guided HDR and vLDR brachytherapy using Nucletron
systems. Experience developing clinical software that interfaces with commercial products (Aria & Raystation) and
with Varian TrueBeam Developer Mode.
Computation: Extensive programming experience in Python, C, IDL and Linux scripting. Additional experience in
PhP, SQL, HTML/Javascript, Java, GPU programming, and Linux systems administration.
Other: Experienced with radio astronomy data reduction including AIPS and CASA software packages. FAA Certified
Private Pilot (Airplane - Single Engine, Land). Certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B) in Massachusetts. PADI
Advanced Open Water SCUBA Certified. Trained as a Firefighter level II. Proficient in basic Italian.
AAS Beth Brown Memorial Prize for best graduate student oral presentation at the NSBP/NSHP meeting
MIT Bruno Rossi Fellowship
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Sgt. Richard B. Thompson Award for Outstanding Academic Performance in EMT-B Class
Eagle Scout
Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalist
Stanford University President’s Scholar
National Merit and National Achievement Scholarship Finalists
Project Excellence Scholarship Program Finalist and Recipient
SEAP program at the United States Naval Research Lab – first place award for outstanding performance
MIT Emergency Medical Services, EMT, Supervisor, Crew Chief, Webmaster
Volunteer Firefighter/EMT, Rockville Volunteer Fire Dept., Rockville, MD
Stanford University H.E.L.P. for Kids, SHEP, and “Upward bound’’ teacher/tutor
Cai, W., Dhou, S., Cifter, F., Myronakis, M., Hurwitz, M. H., Williams, C. L., Berbeco, R. I., Seco, J., Lewis, J. H, “4D cone
beam CT-based dose assessment for SBRT lung cancer treatment,” 2015, Physics in Medicine and Biology 61 (2), 554
Cai, W., Hurwitz, M. H., Williams, C. L., Dhou, S., Berbeco, R. I., Lewis, J. H., “3D delivered dose assessment using a
4DCT-based motion model,” 2015, Medical physics 42 (6), 2897-2907
Dhou, S., Hurwitz, M., Mishra, P., Cai, W., Rottmann, J., Li, R., Williams, C., Wagar, M., Berbeco, R., Ionascu, D., Lewis, J.
H., “3D fluoroscopic image estimation using patient-specific 4DCBCT-based motion models,” 2015, Physics in Medicine and
Biology, 60 (9), 3807
Damato, A. L., Devlin, P. M., Bhagwat, M. S., Buzurovic, I., Friesen, S., Hansen, J. L., Lee, L. J., Molodowitch, C., Nguyen, P.
L., O’Farrell, D. A., Viswanathan, A. N., Williams, C. L., Killoran, J. H., Cormack, R. A., “Independent brachytherapy plan
verification software: Improving efficacy and efficiency,” 2014, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 113(3), 420-424
Christopher L. Williams, Ph.D.
Mishra, P., Li R., Mak, R. H., Rottmann, J., Bryant, J. H., Williams, C. L., Berbeco R. I., Lewis, J. H., “An initial study on the
estimation of time-varying volumetric treatment images and 3D tumor localization from single MV cine EPID images,” 2014,
Medical Physics, 41(8): 081713
Williams, C. L., Mishra, P., Seco, J., St. James, S., Mak, R. H., Berbeco, R. I., Lewis, J.H., “A Mass-Conserving 4D XCAT
Phantom for Dose Calculation and Accumulation,” 2013, Medical Physics, 40(7):071728
Dillon, J. S., Liu, A. C., Williams, C. L., Hewitt, J. H., Tegmark, M., et al., “Overcoming real-world obstacles in 21 cm power
spectrum estimation: A method demonstration and results from early Murchison Widefield Array data,” 2013, Phys. Rev. D.,
89(2), 023002
Mishra, P., Li R., St. James, S., Mak, R. H., Williams, C. L., Yue, Y., Berbeco R. I., Lewis, J. H., “Evaluation of 3D
fluoroscopic image generation from a single planar treatment image on patient data with a modified XCAT phantom,” 2013,
Physics in Medicine and Biology 58 (4), 841
Tingay, S. J., et al., “The Murchison Widefield Array: The Square Kilometre Array Precursor at Low Radio Frequencies,” 2013,
PASA, 30, 7
Beardsley, A.P., et al. “The EoR sensitivity of the Murchison Widefield Array,” 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 429, L5
McKinley, B. et al. “Low Frequency Observations of the Moon with the Murchison Widefield Array,” 2013, Astronomical
Journal, 145, 23
Sullivan, I. S., et al., “Fast Holographic Deconvolution: a new technique for precision radio interferometry,” 2012,
Astrophysical Journal, 759, 17
Beardsley, A. P., et al., “A new layout optimization technique for interferometric arrays, applied to the Murchison Widefield
Array,” 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 1781
Williams, C. L., Hewitt, J. N., et al., “Low-frequency Imaging of Fields at High Galactic Latitude with the Murchison
Widefield Array 32 Element Prototype,” 2012, Astrophysical Journal Volume 755, p. 47
Weiler, K. W., Panagia, N., Stockdale, C., Rupen, M., Sramek, R. A., Williams, C. L., “Radio Emission from SN 1994I in
NGC 5194 (M 51): The Best-studied Type Ib/c Radio Supernova,” 2011, Astrophysical Journal Volume 740, 79
Oberoi, D., et al., “First Spectroscopic Imaging Observations of the Sun at Low Radio Frequencies with the Murchison
Widefield Array Prototype,” 2011, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 728, 2
Ord, S. M., et al., “Interferometric Imaging with the 32 Element Murchison Wide-Field Array," 2010, PASP, 122, 1353
Lonsdale, C. J., et al., “The Murchison Widefield Array: Design Overview,” 2009, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 97, Issue 8,
Bochanski, J. J., Hennawi, J. F., Simcoe, R. A., Prochaska, J. X., West, A. A., Burgasser, A. J., Burles, S. M., Bernstein, R. A.,
Williams, C. L., Murphy, M. T., “MASE: A New Data-Reduction Pipeline for the Magellan Echellette Spectrograph,” 2009,
PASP, 121, 1409
Weiler, K. W., Williams, C. L., Panagia, N., Stockdale, C. J., Kelley, M. T., Sramek, R. A., Van Dyk, S. D., Marcaide, J. M.,
“Long Term Radio Monitoring of SN 1993J,” 2007, Astrophysical Journal, Volume 671, 1959
Stockdale, C. J., Williams, C. L., Weiler, K. W., Panagia, N., Sramek, R. A., Van Dyk, S. D., Kelley, M. T., “The Radio
Evolution of SN 2001gd,” 2007, Astrophysical Journal, Volume 671, 689
Immler, S., Brown, P. J., Milne, P., Dessart, L., Mazzali, P. A., Landsman, W., Gehrels, N., Petre, R., Burrows, D. N., Nousek,
J. A., Chevalier, R. A., Williams, C. L., Koss, M., Stockdale, C. J., Kelley, M. T., Weiler, K. W., Holland, S. T., Pian, E.,
Roming, P. W. A., Pooley, D., Nomoto, K., Greiner, J., Campana, S., Soderberg, A. M., “X-Ray, UV, and Optical
Observations of Supernova 2006bp with Swift: Detection of Early X-Ray Emission,” 2007, Astrophysical Journal, Volume
664, 435
Immler, S., Brown, P. J., Milne, P., The, L.-S., Petre, R., Gehrels, N., Burrows, D. N., Nousek, J. A., Williams, C. L., Pian, E.,
Mazzali, P. A., Nomoto, K., Chevalier, R. A., Mangano, V., Holland, S. T., Roming, P. W. A., Greiner, J., Pooley, D., “X-Ray
Observations of Type Ia Supernovae with Swift: Evidence of Circumstellar Interaction for SN 2005ke,” 2006, Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 648, 119
Christopher L. Williams, Ph.D.
Williams, C. L., Panagia, N., Van Dyk, S. D., Lacey, C. K., Weiler, K. W., Sramek, R. A., “Radio Emission from SN 1988Z
and Very Massive Star Evolution,” 2002, Astrophysical Journal, Volume 581, 396
Williams, C., Lewis, J., “Estimating the Effects of Respiratory Motion On Dose Heterogeneity for ITV-Based Treatments,”
2014, AAPM Annual Meeting SU-EJ-63, Med. Phys. 41, 169
Hurwitz, M., Rottmann, J., Williams, C., Dhou, S., Wagar, M., Mannarino, E., Seco, J., Lewis, J., “Dose Accumulation Studies
with a Dynamic Physical Anthropomorphic Phantom and An External Surrogate-Based Motion Model,” 2014, AAPM Annual
Meeting SU-EJ-228, Med. Phys. 41, 210
Hurwitz, M., Williams, C., Mishra, P., Dhou, S., Lewis, J., “Generation of Volumetric Images with a Respiratory Motion
Model Based On An External Surrogate Signal,” 2014, AAPM Annual Meeting SU-EJ-73, Med. Phys. 41, 172
Burger, A., Buzurovic, I., Hurwitz, M., Mishra, P., Williams, C., Seco, J., Lewis, J., “Quantifying the Ability of Tumor
Tracking to Spare Normal Tissue,” 2014, AAPM Annual Meeting SU-D-18A-04, Med. Phys. 41, 119
Williams, C., Mishra, P., Seco, J., St. James, S., Wagar, M., Mak, R., Berbeco, R., Lewis, J., “A Mass‐ Conserving 4D XCAT
Phantom Enabling Normal Tissue Deformable Dose Accumulation,” 2013, AAPM Annual Meeting SU-C-141-07, Med. Phys.
40, 93
Williams, C., Seco, J., Mishra, P., St. James, S., Mak, R., Berbeco R., Lewis, J., “Assessing the Dosimetric Effects of Tumor
Tracking During Irregular Respiration Using a Mass-Conserving XCAT Phantom,” 2013, AAPM Annual Meeting SU-E-J-29,
Med. Phys. 40, 156
Williams, C. L. Hewitt, J. N., representing the Murchison Widefield Array Collaboration., “MWA Observations of Candidate
EoR Fields,” 2011, American Astronomical Society Meeting 218, #132.05
Horesh, A., Stockdale, C., Frail, D. A., Kasliwal, M., Kulkarni, S., Gal-Yam, A., Arcavi, I., Ofek, E. O., Quimby, R., Yuan, F.,
Akerlof, C., McKay, T., Weiler, K., van Dyk, S., Immler, S., Marcaide, J., Ryder, S., Panagia, N., Pooley, D., Bauer, F.,
Williams, C., “EVLA Detection of PTF11eon/SN2011dh,” The Astronomer's Telegram, #3411
Corey, B. E., Bowman, J., Burns, S., Kratzenberg, E., Rogers, A., Wayth, R., Williams, C., “Antenna Tiles for the Murchison
Widefield Array,” 2009, American Astronomical Society Meeting 213, #474.07
Williams, C. L. representing the Murchison Widefield Array Collaboration.,“Field Deployment of 32 Tiles of the Murchison
Widefield Array,” 2008, 2008 URSI General Assembly, JP01.9
Stockdale, C. J., Weiler, K. W., Immler, S., Williams, C. L. M., Panagia, N., van Dyk, S. D., Ryder, S., Marcaide, J. M., Pooley,
D., Sramek, R. A., “Radio Non-Detection of SN 2008in in M61,” The Astronomer's Telegram, #1883
Stockdale, C. J., Kelley, M. T., Weiler, K. W., Panagia, N., Sramek, R. A., Marcaide, J. M., Williams, C. L., van Dyk, S. D.,
“Recent Type II Radio Supernovae,” 2007, SUPERNOVA 1987A: 20 YEARS AFTER: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray
Bursters. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 937, p. 264
Weiler, K. W., Panagia, N., Sramek, R. A., van Dyk, S. D., Williams, C. L., Stockdale, C. J., Kelley, M. T., “Radio Emission
from Supernovae,” 2007, SUPERNOVA 1987A: 20 YEARS AFTER: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters. AIP Conference
Proceedings, Volume 937, p. 256
Stockdale, C. J., Kelley, M., Sramek, R. A., van Dyk, S. D., Immler, S., Weiler, K. W., Williams, C. L., Panagia, N.,
“Supernova 2006X in NGC 4321 = M100,” 2006, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 396, 1
Williams, C. L., A. M., Maloney, A. R., Romani, R. W., Michelson, P. F., Ulvestad, J., Taylor, G., “VLA Snapshots of
Potential Gamma-ray Blazars,” 2004, American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #27.20, Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, Vol. 36, p.1391
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