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Wellness – Human Body Systems
Date ______ Name ___________________________
The 11 human body systems are:
Digestive System
Converts food into simpler molecules that can be used by cells; absorbs food; eliminates waste.
o The first stop in the disassembly of your food;
 Mechanical digestion = chewing
 Chemical digestion = enzymes found in saliva
____________ (throat)
____________ - small flap that closes over the opening of the respiratory system when
swallowing, preventing food from entering the airway
____________ - muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach
____________ - produces bile, a substance that helps break down fats
____________ - stores bile produced by the liver
____________ - muscular pouch like organ where involuntary muscular churning and
chemical digestion occurs
____________ - secretes enzymes to help break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats
____________ - narrow muscular tube where digestion of food is completed with the
help of enzymes secreted by the liver and pancreas
____________ - little projections in the lining of the small intestine that function in the
absorption of digested food
____________ - muscular tube where water and salts are absorbed; material spends 1824 hours here
____________ - tube-like extension off of the large intestine
o The last part of the digestive system, feces are eliminated from rectum through the
Digestive Diseases
Cholecystitis - gallstones
Cholelithiasis – gallstones
Urinary System
Filters blood, maintains electrolyte and fluid balance, and eliminates waste products from
the body
_____________ - help maintain balance by filtering blood to remove waste
_____________ - tiny filter that makes up the kidney, there are millions
_____________ - tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder
_____________ - smooth muscle bag that stores a solution of wastes called urine
_____________ - tube where urine passes out of the body
Respiratory System
The respiratory system provides __________ needed for cellular respiration and removes carbon
dioxide from the body
_____________ - respiration begins with taking in air
_____________ (Throat)
_____________ - where your vocal cords are
_____________ (Windpipe) – passes air into the bronchi
_____________ (singular: Bronchus) – passes air from trachea to lungs
_____________ - each bronchus in the lungs branches out like a tree into bronchioles
_____________ - sacs at the end of the bronchioles where oxygen and carbon dioxide are
_____________ - muscles that enables you to breathe
Respiratory Diseases
1. Asthma
2. _____________ - smoker’s disease from cigarettes. Progressive loss of alveoli which
decreases lung function. No cure.
3. _____________ - the pleura become inflamed, causing a sharp, stabbing pain, usually in
the side or upper back/chest
4. ____________ - an inflammation or infection of the lungs characterized by fluid buildup
in the alveoli, usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or chemicals.
Circulatory System
Brings ________, ___________, and ____________ to cells; removes cell wastes;
regulates body temperature.
_____________ - the pump that keeps blood flowing through your body
_____________ o Arteries
 Carry blood away from the heart
o Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen to the body’s cells
o White Blood Cells – defend the body against disease
o Platelets – cell fragments needed for blood clotting
o Plasma – fluid portion of the blood
Blood Pressure
1. Diastole – relaxed/resting phase
2. Systole – contracted/squeezing phase
3. Blood Pressure = systole over diastole (normal BP is slightly less than 120/80)
Cardiac Diseases
1. ____________ - inadequate # of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both
Symptoms: paleness, fatigue, dyspnea, and rapid heart rate
Treatements: blood transfusion, iron supplements
2. ___________ - ballooning out segment of an artery
3. ___________ - hardening and thickening of the arterial walls resulting in loss of
4. ___________ - fatty plaques deposit on arterial walls
Causes: Diet high in saturated fat and smoking
5. ___________ - a foreign substance circulating in the bloodstream
6. ___________ - high blood pressure, 140/90 or higher
Risk factors: family history, obesity, stress, smoking, aging, high saturated fat/sodium diet
Skeletal System
Supports the body; protects internal organs; allows movement; stores mineral reserves;
provides blood cell formation
o Produce blood cells
o Red marrow
 Produces red and white blood cells
o Yellow marrow
 Consists of stored fat
_____________ - found where two (2) bones meet
_____________ - surrounds the end on bone to prevent grinding upon another bone
_____________ - tough band of tissue attaching one bone to another
_____________ - thick bands of tissue connecting muscle to bone
Muscular System
Produces movement; helps to circulate venous blood, moves food through digestive
_____________ Muscle – makes up your heart, is adapted to generate and conduct
electrical impulses
_____________ Muscle (voluntary muscle)
o Attachs to and moves bones
_____________ Muscle (involuntary muscle)
o Found on walls of internal organs and blood vessels
Muscular Diseases
1. ____________ ___________ - a group of inherited diseases that lead to chronic,
progressive muscular atrophy. (atrophy means shrinking of the muscle)
2. ___________ - severe tightening of a flexor muscle resulting in bending of a joint
3. __________ __________ - sudden, painful, involuntary muscle contractions
4. ______________ - overstretching of or injury to a muscle and/or tendon.
Skeletal System
Recognizes and coordinates the body’s response to changes in its internal and external
_____________ (Nerve Cells)
o Basic unit of structure and function of the nervous system
o Long cell with 3 regions: _____ _____, ___________, and __________.
_____________ - control center
_____________ ____________
___________ Nervous System
o Made up of the nerves which carry messages to and from the central nervous
Nervous Diseases
1. _______________________ - occurs when blood flow to the brain is impaired, resulting
in a lack of oxygen to brain tissues and destruction to those tissues
____________ - bursting forth of blood inside the cranial cavity after a vessel has
____________ - blood clot within a small vessel inside the brain