Download CODE/IRIDIA - Artificial Intelligence LAB : BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS

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Liaison Entreprises et Universités
Université libre de Bruxelles
Applied Sciences
CODE - Computer & Decision Engineering department
CODE/IRIDIA - Artificial Intelligence LAB :
complex systems modeling, Data mining, fuzzy logics, neural networks, object oriented,
programming, textmining, uml
Questions ?
Edgar Moya Alvarez
Conseiller scientifique - NanoTIC
 +32-026506591
 [email protected]
Laboratory contact details
Laboratory Head
General Contact
 Avenue Franklin
1050 Brussels
 +32-026502733
 [email protected]
 +32-026502733
Main study areas and research topics
IRIDIA is the Artificial Intelligence research laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. It is deeply involved in
theoretical and applied research in computational intelligence.
The major domains of competence are: (i) the foundational study of biological networks, and (ii) business
intelligence applications.
Concerning biological networks, our main interest is in the study of neural networks, immune networks, and chemical
reaction systems and in the identification of what are their common features and mechanisms. We are also
interested in exploiting the results of these studies for the conception of adaptive distributed engineering artefacts.
IRIDIA is involved in the development of methodological support for data and text mining, adaptive control of
complex systems (using fuzzy logic and neural networks) and object oriented developments. We have a large record
of industrial realizations using data mining for defect recognition and time series prediction. We are teaching object
oriented technologies and assisting industries, administrations and researchers in biology and chemistry to acquire
and master the object oriented technology.
Last Research Project
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Liaison Entreprises et Universités
Last Research Project
TABELLIO: Automated Management of Documents
STRATEGO: Classification, clustering, ontologies, biochemical pathways
InSilico: The in Silico Wet Lab
BIGRE: Bioinformatics Grid Resources and Environments
COMP2SYS: COMPutational intelligence methods for COMPlex SYStems
MBSTDTG: Molecular bases of signal transduction diseases of thyroid gland
Industrial application fields
Business Intelligence, Dataminig, Expert Systems, Software Architecture
Extraordinary engineering equipments
Beowulf cluster of computers
Services proposal
Data Mining
Consultancy in OO technologies
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