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Ordination Analysis of Duke Forest Vegetation Duke Forest North Carolina Charles Schutte December 5, 2005 Biology 112 Lab Introduction: The purpose of this analysis was to determine what species and environmental variables define different communities in the Duke Forest. This was done by performing an ordination on 106 sample plots containing 56 tree species found within the study area. Ordination is a technique that allows complicated relationships between many objects to be expressed more simply in terms of several axes. These axes are created by placing the most similar objects of the analysis near each other in the n-dimensional ordination space. This analysis was carried out in four main steps. In the first step, rare species were removed and an outlier analysis was performed to clean the raw data. In the second step, a focal ordination was run. Groups were then identified within the data. Finally, an indicator species analysis was performed to identify the indicator species within each group. Methods The program PC-ORD was used in every step of this analysis. Before the actual ordination was carried out, some effort was made to clean the raw data. Species composition is used to define the communities we are trying to analyze. A few dominant species tend to define this composition, which makes rare species relatively unimportant to this analysis. As such, those species found in fewer than five of the sample plots (which is approximately 5% of the 106 sample plots, as recommended by McCune and Grace (2002)) were removed from the analysis. The species removed were Acer negundo, Carya carolinae-septent., Carya pallida, Crataegus uniflora, Magnolia tripetala, Platanus occidentalis, and Prunus americana. Outlier analyses were performed on both the tree species data and the environmental data. No sample plots were removed based on theses analyses because there was insufficient data to justify their removal. No individual plot was listed as an outlier with regards to both environmental and species composition data. With the new, cleaned data set, ordinations were performed. Ordination orders all of the data points along one or multiple axes according to their relative differences from one another. Non metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination, which was the type of ordination performed in this analyses, is a type of ordination that makes no assumptions about the statistical distributions of species within the samples. Before the focal ordination was carried out, a step-down ordination was performed with six axes to determine what number of axes to use in the focal ordination. This carried out a number of iterations (maximum 400) of ordinations with each number of axes and computed the average stress and instability for each. Stress measures the divergence between the actual data and the locations of the data in ordination space. Instability is the amount that stress changes with each additional iteration. The scree plot in Figure 1 below shows how stress changes as the number of axes used increases. The curve begins to level out at three axes. Also, it can be seen in Table 1 that the stress values were the most consistent for three axes. For these reasons, three axes were used for the focal ordination. Stress Axes Minimum Average Maximum 1 40.629 48.84 57.142 2 23.352 24.854 27.294 3 15.815 15.844 15.909 4 12.733 16.48 26.596 5 10.575 13.3 23.045 6 9.116 13.216 20.62 Table 1: Stress data used to create the scree plot in Figure 1. TreeLong_NMSstep_CR Real Data 40 s s e r t S 20 0 1 3 5 Dimensions Figure 1: Scree plot of the NMS step down ordination performed. After the focal ordination was performed, a cluster analysis was performed to divide all of the sample plots into up to twelve different clusters using PCORD’s cluster analysis tool. This tool grouped the data based on species composition. The results for each possible clustering using from three clusters to twelve clusters were evaluated using PC-ORD’s indicator species analysis tool. This tool measures the abundance (or fidelity) and the frequency (or constancy) of each species with respect to each cluster. Abundance is the percentage of the abundance of a given species that occurs within a given group. Frequency is the percentage of sample plots within a given group that contain individuals of a given species. These two values are then multiplied to attain indicator values ranging from zero to one hundred. A species with an indicator value of 100 is considered to be a perfect indicator. The p-values from the indicator species analysis, which are a measure of the significance of the analysis, were compared for each clustering level from three groups to twelve groups. The average p-values were compared along with the number of significant indicator species. A species was defined as a significant indicator if it had a p-value less than 0.5. A graphical representation of this comparison is displayed in Figure 2 below. From this figure, it can be seen that the clustering level with six groups achieves the lowest average p-value, and the greatest number of significant indicator species. For this reason, this is the grouping level that is used in the rest of this analysis. Analysis of Groupings 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 Average p Value # of Significant Indicators (/100) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 # of Groups Figure 2: Analysis of different grouping levels based on the average p-value and the number of significant indicator species using data derived from PC-ORD’s indicator species analysis. The arrangement of the sample plots into six groups can be seen in the cluster dendrogram in Figure 3 below. This grouping exhibits 1.45% chaining. Chaining occurs when an individual data point is arbitrarily added to an existing group, providing no meaningful information. Furthermore, no group required more than 75% of the available data for its creation. This is further indication the arranging the Duke Forest sample plots into six groups is a reasonable manipulation of the data. TreeLong_CR_6Groups Distance (Objec tive Func tion) 1.6E-02 5.1E+00 100 75 1E+01 1.5E+01 2E+01 25 0 Information Remaining (%) 00001 P SP 37 00018 00021 00574 00004 00008 00014 00009 00012 00011 00015 00017 00002 00005 00007 00509 00520 00016 00024 00023 00033 00010 00031 00020 00042 00019 00069 00517 P SP 36 00555 00581 00598 00589 00571 00579 00003 00616 00022 00067 00618 00513 00514 00620 00537 00619 00612 00617 P SP 35 P SP 34 00501 00504 00524 00502 P SP 88 P SP 86 00508 P SP 87 00081 00606 00590 00510 00596 00512 00511 00607 00621 00608 00609 00013 00029 P SP 44 P SP 61 00503 00507 00025 00026 00583 00584 00585 00032 00505 00506 00625 P SP 10 00027 00587 00518 00588 00602 00515 P SP 43 00028 00516 00030 00610 00613 00623 00575 00593 00582 00611 00614 00615 00622 00624 50 Group6 1 3 12 36 37 61 Figure 3: Dendrogram of the six-group clustering used in this data analysis. Results Group Species IV Oxydendrum arboreum 43 1 Quercus alba 42 Cornus florida 33 Quercus velutina 31 Quercus stellata 58 Juniperus virginiana 45 2 Quercus falcata 35 Pinus taeda 29 Pinus virginiana 26 3 Fagus grandifolia 71 Liriodendron tulipifera 55 4 Quercus prinus 96 Quercus coccinea 35 Fraxinus sp. 69 5 Cercis canadensis 54 Ostrya virginiana 44 Quercus rubra 36 Carpinus carolina 72 Ulmus alata 65 Liquidambar styriciflua 61 Ilex decidua 58 Ulmus rubra 56 6 Morus rubra 47 Carya cordiformis 32 Quercus michauxii 32 Celtis occidentalis 31 Crataegus marshallii 29 Quercus phellos 23 Betula nigra 21 Table 2: A list of all of the significant indicator species (having p less than 0.5) for each group and their indicator values. The importance values in Table 2 above are simply measures of how good an indicator a particular species is for a particular group. Figures 4 and 5 below show a graphical representation of what these values mean. Quercus prinus has a very high indicator value of 96 for Group 4. In Figure 5, it can be seen from the size of the triangles representing the sample plots in Group 4 relative to the size of those representing the other groups that this species appears to define Group 4. In contrast, Oxydendrum arboreum has an importance value of 43 for Group 1. It is possible to see why this value is relatively small from its representation in Figure 4. A smaller number of O. arboreum individuals also appear in sample plots from Group 4, as well as several plots from Group 3. However, it can also be seen that more individuals exist in the Group 1 plots, and more plots from this group contain this species than from any other group. This data shows that even the smaller importance values listed in Table 2 above indicate an important relationship between an individual species and its group. TreeLong_NMSfoc_CR TreeLong_NMSfoc_CR Group6 1 3 12 36 37 61 2 2 s i x A 0 10 20 Group6 1 3 12 36 37 61 s i x A 30 0 20 40 60 80 Axis 1 OXAR Axi s 1 r = -.159 tau = - .189 Axi s 2 r = .478 tau = .407 Axis 1 30 QUPR 20 Axi s 1 r = .014 tau = - .012 Axi s 2 r = .118 tau = .079 80 60 40 10 20 0 0 Figure 4: Overlay plot showing the relative importance of Oxydendrum arboreum to each sample plot (IV = 43). Figure 5: Overlay plot showing the relative importance of Quercus pinus to each sample plot (IV = 96). TreeLong_NMSfoc_CR Group6 1 3 12 36 37 61 QUAL OXAR 2 s i x A QUST JU VI FAGR LITU Figure 6: Ordination graph of the sample plots divided into six groups and arranged along Axes 1 and 2, with vectors showing the stronger relationships between certain species and axes. U LAL C AC R LIST Axis 1 The ordination graph in Figure 6 above shows where each sample plot is located in ordination space. It also contains information about where in the ordination space each group exists, and how each species is related to the three ordination axes. Keeping in mind which species are indicators for which group (Table 2), it is also possible to attain a clearer idea of how each group is related to each axis. Group 1 is correlated positively with Axis 2, while Group 6 exhibits a negative correlation with this axis. Group 2 has a positive correlation, and Group 3 a negative correlation, with Axis 1. Similarly, Group 4 can be positively correlated, and Group 5 can be negatively correlated, with Axis 3, though a graphical representation is not given here in the interest of space. TreeLong_NMSfoc_CR Group6 1 3 12 36 37 61 3 s i x A Figure 7: Ordination graph of the sample plots divided into six groups and arranged along Axes 2 and 3, with vectors showing the stronger relationships between certain environmental variables and the axes. Al Elev D ist-H2O Mg -A C a-A Mn pH Axis 2 In the same way, inferences can be made about which environmental variables are important to which axes by observing the vectors in the ordination graph in Figure 7 above. Axis 1 is not included in this analysis because it did not help to interpret the environmental data in any meaningful way. It appears that Axis 2 is strongly influenced by the availability of water, and, to a lesser degree, by elevation. Axis 3 is correlated with pH and the presence of certain minerals, as well as elevation, and probably has something to do with soil chemistry. By combining this information, it can be inferred, for example, that Group 1, being positively correlated with Axis 2, can tolerate being at a greater distance from water than Group 6, which is negatively correlated with the same axis. Similarly, Group 4 appears to be able to tolerate acidic soil, while Group 3 prefers soils with higher pH. This data shows how environmental factors drive species composition and the arrangement of forest communities across the Duke Forest. Discussion Group 1 has the characteristics of a Mixed Oak / Heath Forest. It occurs on dry slopes and is composed of Quercus velutina (among other oak species) Oxydendrum arboreum, and Cornus florida. Group 2 is a Coastal Plain Dry-Mesic Southern Red Oak Slope Forest. This forest community type is characterized by such species as Quercus stellata, Quercus falcata, and Pinus taeda. Fagus grandifolia and Liriodendron tulipifera individuals dominate group 3 sample plots. They can also be associated with higher soil fertility. This group represents the Southern Mesic Beech – Tuliptree community type. Group 4 is dominated by Quercus prinus, and is also represented by Quercus coccinea. It can tolerate acidic, infertile soils. This is consistent with a Northern Piedmont Low-Elevation Chestnut Oak Forest community type (NatureServe Explorer, 2005). Group 5 appears to have all of the characteristics of a Northern Hardpan Basic Oak - Hickory Forest community, with the obvious exception that hickory does not play an important role in its species composition. This community is known to occur on weathered soils in the Piedmont, which can be found in the Duke Forest (NatureServe Explorer, 2005). It is possible that a disturbance specific to hickory trees, such as a disease or parasite that affects only hickory trees, has removed the hickory trees from the sample plots in this group in the Duke Forest. Group 6 shares many of the same species with several forest community types found across the country. All of these community types are wet, bottomland forests, but none of them match geographically with the Duke Forest. Group 6 was strongly associated with high water availability in the Duke Forest samples. There are many more species serving as indicators for this group than for any other. It is possible that most of these species rarely occur in the Duke Forest. Group 6 probably represents all of the sample plots found near streams or in low lying areas that flood periodically that are much wetter on average than the rest of the Duke Forest. This allows many species to persist in these relatively small and scattered areas that would not be able to otherwise. References McCune and Grace. 2002. Analysis of Ecological Communities. MjM Software. Chapter 25. NatureServe Explorer. December 5, 2005.