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BBA (Internet and Web Page Design)
Unit I
Section A (Multiple Choice question)
1. Voice over IP (Voice over Internet Protocol or "VoIP") technology converts voice calls from
(1) Analog to digital
(2) digital to analog
(3) It depends
2. Which of the following device can store large amounts of data?
(1) Floppy Disk
(2) Hard Disk
3. VIRUS stands for
(1) Very Important Resource Under Search (2) Virtual Information Resource Under Seize
(3). Verify Interchange Result until Source
4. The processing of an application takes place between a client and a ____ processor.
(1) Front end
(2) Back end
(3) Both A and B
5. Which of the following program is not a utility?
(1). Debugger
(2) Editor
(3) Spooler
6. Poor response times are usually caused by
(1) Process busy
(2) High I/O
(3) none of these
7. Swapping
(1) Allows many programs to use memory simultaneously
(2) Works best with many
small partitions
(3) Allows each program in turn to use the memory
8. ____ transforms one interface into another interface
(1) A. Program
(2) Software
(3) Data
9. What is the full form of CRT?
(1) Cathode ray tube
(2) Current ray technology
(3) Current ray tube
10. Data (information) is stored in computers as
(1) Directories
(2) Floppies
(3) Files
11. What is the name of the series of Laptop computers manufactured by IBM called?
(1) LapPad
(2) Aptiva
(3) ThinkPad
12. Software, such as Explorer and Firefox, are referred to as _____.
(1) Systems software
(2) Utility software
(3) Browsers
13. _____________ are networks that connect people within a company to each other and to the
company network.
(1) Extranets
(2) Internets
(3) Intranets
14. TCP/IP is a:
(1) Network Hardware
(2) Network Software
15. OSI stands for:
(1) Out System Interface
(2) Open System Interconnection
16. CP/IP mainly used for:
(1) File Transfer
(2) Email
17. PX/SPX used for:
(1) Linux
(2) Unix
(3) Protocol
(3) none
(3) Both a and b
(3) Novel NetWare
18. Which is the part of Data Link Layer:
(1) LLC
(2) MAC
(3) Both a and b
19. _____are hardware and software combinations that connect devices running different native
(1) Protocols (2) Models
(3) Gateways
20. How many ports a computer may have:
(1) 256
(2) 128
(3) 65535
21. USB stands for:
(1) United Serial Bus
22. P is defined in:
(1) RFC 790
23. SNMP used for:
(1) Sending Message
(2) Universal Serial Bus
(2) RFC 791
(3) none of these
(3) RFC 792
(2) Network management
(3) Domain Management
24. Who provide us internet:
(1) TCP
(2) ISP
(3) ADP
25. URL stands for:
(1) Universal Resource Locator
(2) Uniform Resource Locator
(3) Uniform Radio
Section B (5 Marks Questions)
What is Internet & what are the three things needed to use Internet?
Explain about modem & its types?
What is an ISDN, IP address, DNS, & ISP?
What is a Web search engine & Gopher?
Write the steps to install the external modem & steps to configure the modem.
Section C (8 Mark Questions)
1) What are the hardware requirements for Internet?
2) Explain about mud, gopher, Usenet & the resources of Internet.
3) Explain about installing and configuring a modem.
Unit II
Section A (Multiple Choice question)
1. Which is not the requirement of internet:
(1) Operating System
(2) Dos
(3) Web browser
2. The maximum speed of Modem is:
(1) 32 Kbps (2) 56 Kbps (3) 64 Kbps
3. Which protocol is used for browsing website:
(1) TCP
(2) HTTP
(3) FTP
4. Which is not the browser:
(1) Internet Explorer (2) Mozilla
5. Email stands for:
(1) Easy mail
(3) Google
(2) Electronic mail
6. HTTP stands for
(1) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
7. SMTP stands for
(1) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Transfer Protocol
(3) Electric mail
(2) Hypertext Transmission Protocol (3) none of the above
(2) Single Mail Transfer Protocol
8. Email is based around the use of electronic ____
(1) mail
(2) mailboxes
(3) inboxes
(3) Single Message
9. POP stands for
(1) Post Office Protocol
(2) Pre Office Protocol
(3) Post Offline Protocol
10. .org refers to ____ domain
(1) organization
(2) organized
(3) none of the above
11. CC stands for
(1) carbon copy
(3) copy carbon
(2) carbon clip
12. Each message has exactly one ____
(1) title
(2) header
(3) body
13. _____ invisible to other recipients
(1) Bcc
(2) Cc
(3) To
14. Email was originally designed for ___ASCII.
(1) 8-bit
(2) single bit
(3) 7-bit
15. Most modern graphic email clients allow the use of either ____
(1) plain text
(2) altered text
(3) message
16. Messages are exchanged between hosts using the _______
(1) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(2) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(3) none of the above
17. Users can retrieve their messages from servers using standard protocols such as ____
(1) POP or IMAP
(2) POP or IMAX
(3) POP or SMTP
18. Mail can be stored on the
(1) client side
(2) on the server side
(3) in both places
19. Standard formats for mailboxes include ___
(1) Maildir and mbox
(2) Maildir and msgbox
20. An email client is a computer ____
(1) program
(2) software
(3) Maildirec and mbox
(3) data
21. When a user wishes to create and send an email, the email ____ will handle the task
(1) server
(2) program
(3) client
22. _____enables privacy to be safeguarded by encrypting the mail sessions
(1) Email encryption
(2) decryption
(3) security
23. To add a signature
(1) Tools - Insert Signature
(2) Format - Insert Signature (3) File - Insert Signature
24. A ____ helps ensure that you are who you say you are when sending mail
(1) digital signature (2) Encryption
(3) Adding signature
25. HTML stands for
(1) Hypertext Markup Language
Maximum Language
(2) Hypertext Machine Language
(3) Hypertext
26. Web pages are written in ____
(1) c++
(2) HTML
(3) Java
27. An ___is a program to your source code
(1) editor
(2) compiler
(3) program
28. An HTML document consists of ___, which defines the content of the document
(1) picture
(2) text
(3) data
29. Each document technically must begin with an SGML ____ command
(2) html
(3) head
30. The _____ has an HTML Validator with which can verify your Web pages
(1) World Wide Web Consolidation
(2) World Wide Web Media
Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
(3) World
31. Each document has ____ and a body
(1) title
(2) head
(3) code
32. ____ is a Contents of the document
(1) head
(2) body:
(3) title
33. ____specify how browser should display the part of the document associated with them
(1) Tags
(2) code
(3) editor
34. Tag consists of a name, sometimes followed by a list of ___
(1) values
(2) data
(3) attributes
35. The closing tag is denoted by ___before the name
(1) slash
(2) underscore
(3) percentage
36. Avoid breaking a ___onto two lines
(1) URL
(2) webpage (3) code
37. ___ in HTML are anything between <!-- and -->
(1) coding
(2) Comments
(3) space
Section B (5 Marks Questions)
What do you mean by POP and SMTP?
What is blind copy & regular copy?
What does transport agent mean?
Give a write up on User Agent.
What is the purpose of using MIME?
Section C (8 Mark Questions)
1. Explain about working with email in detail.
2. Explain the following:
Sending a mail
Reading a message
Replying a message.
3. How to attach a signature with a mail?
Unit III
Section A (Multiple Choice question)
1. HTML stands for
(1) Hypertext Markup Language
Maximum Language
(2) Hypertext Machine Language
2. Web pages are written in ____
(1) c++
(2) HTML
(3) Java
3. An ___is a program to your source code
(1) editor
(2) compiler
(3) program
4. An HTML document consists of ___, which defines the content of the document
(1) picture
(2) text
(3) data
5. Each document technically must begin with an SGML ____ command
(2) html
(3) head
6. The _____ has an HTML Validator with which can verify your Web pages
(1) World Wide Web Consolidation
(2) World Wide Web Media
Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
7. Each document has ____ and a body
(1) title
(2) head
(3) code
8. ____ is a Contents of the document
(1) head
(2) body
(3) title
9. ____specify how browser should display the part of the document associated with them
(1) Tags
(2) code
(3) editor
10. Tag consists of a name, sometimes followed by a list of ___
(1) values
(2) data
(3) attributes
11. The closing tag is denoted by ___before the name
(1) slash
(2) underscore
(3) percentage
12. Avoid breaking a ___onto two lines
(1) URL
(2) webpage (3) code
13. ___ in HTML are anything between
(1) coding
(2) Comments
(3) space
14. The comment tag is used to insert ____ in the source code
(1) comments
(2) coding
(3) values
15. Comments are not displayed in the ____
(1) browsers
(2) web pages
(3) coding
16. The comment tag does not support any standard ____
(1) commands
(2) attributes
(3) tags
17. The ____ on a web page is a place where you can display copyright information
(1) footer
(2) findings
(3) none of these
18. _____ is one area where customization is often needed
(1) Title pages
(2) Web pages
(3) Content
19. A ____may not be a separate page
(1) “titlepage― (2) webpage
(3) comment
20. it is possible to insert a ____character in HTML instead of having to type &nbsp
(1) single
(2) tab
(3) line
21. HTML interprets such strokes as ____
(1) whitespace
(2) empty
(3) stroke space
22. Insert ___ before the text you would like formatted as in paragraph form
(1) <p>
(2) <Para>
(3) <paragraph>
23. Insert ____where ever you would like to display a line break
(1) <break>
(2) <br>
(3) <bre>
Section B (5 Marks Questions)
Write short notes on web client & web server
Define HTML and write about text formatting tags in HTML.
Write about document-wide font settings
Write about the attributes of <BODY> element
What are the various tags used in HTML?
Section C (8 Mark Questions)
1. Explain about web server and web client?
2. Explain in detail the various tags used in HTML with an example?
3. Write short notes on different heading styles
Unit IV
Section A (Multiple Choice question)
1. B> is used for
(1) Body
(2) Break text
2. <CAPTION> describes
(1) table’s contents
(3) Bold text
(2) table
3. _____Defines an extract of code
(1) <CODE>
(2) <CODES>
4. Definition of a term
(1) <DFN> (2) <DFM>
5.<DL> Stands for
(1) Definition list
(3) none of the above
(3) <DFIN>
(2) Definition Load
6. Table row is specified by
(1) <TR>
(2) <T ROW>
(3) content of webpages
(3) Declare list
(3) <TB ROW>
7. The HTML ____tag is used for defining the footer of an HTML document or section
(1) <footer>
(2) <header>
(3) none
8. footers are typically located at the ____of a document
(1) top
(2) bottom
(3) none of these
9. A document/section can have more than one ____
(1) footer
(2) header
(3) both a and b
10. There are __ kinds of attributes that you can add to your HTML tags
(1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 2
11. The attributes in the ____ can be used to set the background color
(1) BODY tag
(2) HEAD tag
(3) FONT tag
12. The default font type for most browsers is ____
(1) calibri
(2) “Times New Roman.―
(3) none of the above
13. The ___ also can be set using a negative or a positive number
(1) font
(2) size
(3) value
14. The color ___ or "#000000" is the default color
(1) "black"
(2) "white"
(3) "blue"
15. For centering the document ___ is used
(1) <CENTER>
(2) <C>
(3) <CEN>
16. _____strongly emphasizes text by causing it to be bold
(1) <STRONG>
(2) <BOLD>
(3) <STRG>
17 _____creates an area in which moving text will advance across all or a portion of a page
(2) <MOVE>
18. A <MARQUEE> tag may contain within it other ____as part of the command
(1) parameters
(2) values
(3) attributes
19. _____ helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet
(1) web server
(2) web client
(3) Browser
20. he primary function of a web server is to deliver ___ to clients
(1) pages
(2) web pages
(3) protocols
21. ____used to enable computers users to locate and access web pages
(1) web server
(2) web browsers
(3) web site
22. Browsers translates the basic HTML code to different ___
(1) web pages
(2) web sites
(3) links
23. Mozilla Firefox is an example of ____
(1) Browser
(2) Server
(3) Software
24. ___content attributes enable you to invoke a script from within your HTML
(1) Event functions
(2) Event handler
(3) none of the above
25. There are ___ levels of headings available in HTML
(1) 6
(2) 5
(3) 4
26. DHTML stands for
(1) Dynamic HTML
(2) Data HTML
(3) Direct HTML
27. DHTML allows authors to add ___ to their pages
(1) effects
(2) styles
(3) code
28. DHTML is the combination of ___,CSS and JS
(1) C++
(2) HTML
(3) JAVA
29. DOM stands for
(1) Document Object Model
(2) Document Oriented Model
Section B (5 Marks Questions)
Describe the use of graphics in HTML.
Write short notes on Hypertext.
What is the frame attributes & form elements?
Explain about the table element attributes.
Write short notes on Image maps.
Section C (8 Mark Questions)
1. Define the Lists and the types of list with example.
2. Explain about column grouping and Row grouping.
3. Explain how an image is added to a web page.
(3) Direct Object
Unit V
Section A (Multiple Choice question)
1. DHTML stands for
(1) Dynamic HTML
(2) Data HTML
(3) Direct HTML
2. DHTML allows authors to add ___ to their pages
(1) effects
(2) styles
(3) code
3. DHTML is the combination of ___,CSS and JS
(1) C++
(2) HTML
(3) JAVA
4. DOM stands for
(1) Document Object Model
(2) Document Oriented Model
5. The ___ is the foundation of DHTML
(2) DOM server
(3) DOM client
6. Dynamic styles are a key feature of ___
(1) HTML
(3) CSS
7. The object model provides programmatic access to ____
8.By using ___, you can quickly change the appearance and formatting of elements
(1) CSS
(2) HTML
9. Inline styles are CSS style assignments that have been applied to an element using the style
(1) attribute
(2) value
(3) style tag
10.____ is a DHTML feature that lets you easily bind individual elements in your document
(1) Data linking (2) Data binding
(3) data creating
11.______Inserts a Background Image for each menu item
(1) bgimage
(2) bgimg
(3) image
12. _____Sets the Font Style for all menu text
(1) font style
(2) font styl
(3) style
13. The____ represents an individual style statement
(1) Style object (2) Style code
(3) Style browser
14.with ____ you can define the background color
(1) CS
(2) CSS
(3) none of these
15. The background-color property sets the background color of an____
(1) event
(2) element
(3) text
16. _____Specifies that the background color should be inherited from the parent element
(1) parent element
(2) inherit
(3) include
17. An ____ is a separate file where you can declare all the styles
(1) external style sheet (2) internal style sheet
(3) cascading style sheet
18. css has the ___ extension
(1) .css
(2) .cs
(3) .cas
19. A style sheet processing instruction must be at the ____ of an XML document
(1) end
(2) body
(3) beginning
20. An XML document can include ____ style sheet processing instructions
(1) single
(2) multiple
(3) None of the above
21. To format a web page or the theme for a blog there are ____types of stylesheets available
(1) 4
(2) 3
(3) 2
22. An internal stylesheet is added to the ____of the page
(1) title
(2) head
(3) body
23. An inline style is applied to an HTML ____
(1) element
(2) attribute
(3) value
24. _____Reduced the size of your web page by reducing the coding contained in the web page
(1) external stylesheet (2) internal stylesheet
(3) object stylesheet
Section B (5 Marks Questions)
Explain cascading style sheet.
Write down the attributes used in text.
Explain the color and back ground attributes.
Explain the list attributes.
Explain about border attributes
Section C (8 Mark Questions)
1. Describe the class attribute with example.
2. Explain the external style sheet
3. Explain marginal related attributes.