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 ROBERT W. PREUCEL Director of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology Brown University, Department of Anthropology 128 Hope Street, Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-­‐3251 EDUCATION PH.D. ARCHAEOLOGY University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1988. M.A. ARCHAEOLOGY University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1982. M.A. SOCIAL SCIENCE University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1979. B.A. ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1978. APPOINTMENTS DIRECTOR OF THE HAFFENREFFER MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY Brown University, Providence, RI. 2013-­‐present. PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY Brown University, Providence, RI. 2013-­‐present. CHAIR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2009-­‐2012. GREGORY ANNENBERG WEINGARTEN CURATOR-­‐IN-­‐CHARGE OF AMERICAN SECTION, PENN MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2010-­‐2012. SALLY AND ALVIN V. SHOEMAKER PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2009-­‐2013. PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION (SECONDARY APPOINTMENT), GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2008-­‐2013. GREGORY ANNENBERG WEINGARTEN CURATOR OF NORTH AMERICA, PENN MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2007-­‐2009, 2012-­‐2013. DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2007-­‐2013. GREGORY ANNENBERG WEINGARTEN CURATOR-­‐IN-­‐CHARGE OF THE AMERICAN SECTION, PENN MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2009-­‐2012. PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2007-­‐2009. 1
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 1995-­‐2006. GREGORY ANNENBERG WEINGARTEN ASSOCIATE CURATOR OF NORTH AMERICA, PENN MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 1995-­‐2006. GEORGE PEABODY ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1993-­‐1995. ASSOCIATE CURATOR OF NORTH AMERICA, PEABODY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1993-­‐1995. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1989-­‐1993. ASSISTANT CURATOR OF NORTH AMERICA, PEABODY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1989-­‐1993. INSTRUCTOR, DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 1989. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEES Executive Committee, Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) in America, 2008-­‐ present. Editorial Committee Guest, Annual Review of Anthropology, Philadelphia, 2011. Annual Meeting Executive Program Committee, American Anthropological Association, 2009. Member-­‐at-­‐Large, Archaeology Division, American Anthropological Association, 2000-­‐
2003. EXTERNAL REVIEWER Archaeology Program, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2012-­‐2014. Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 2012. Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, 2011. Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2011. Canadian Research Chairs Program, College of Reviewers, 2010. EDITORIAL POSITIONS Encyclopedia Co-­‐editor (with Cristobal Gneccio), Theory Section, Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer-­‐Verlag, edited by Claire Smith, 2010-­‐present. Book Series Editor (with Ian Hodder) of series entitled “Archaeology in Society,” Altamira Press, 2004-­‐present. Journal Editor (with Lynn Meskell, Ian Hodder, and Rosemary Joyce) Journal of Social Archaeology. Sage Publications (UK), 2000-­‐present. Journal Editorial Board, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 2006-­‐present. Book Series Editor (with Ian Hodder) of series entitled “Archaeology, Culture and Society,” University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000-­‐2004. Journal Editorial Board, American Anthropologist, 2005-­‐2007. 2
Journal Contributing Editor, Journal of Archaeological Research, 1992-­‐2006. FELLOWSHIPS AND HONORS EMERITUS FELLOW, LOUIS J. KOLB SOCIETY Penn Museum, Philadelphia, PA. 2010-­‐present. ETHEL-­‐JANE WESTFELD BUNTING FELLOWSHIP School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM. 2005. HONORARY MASTERS DEGREE University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 1999. VISITING FELLOW, CHURCHILL COLLEGE Cambridge University, Cambridge, England 1993. VISITING SCHOLAR, DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Cambridge University, Cambridge, England 1993. POSTDOCTORAL VISITING SCHOLAR, CENTER FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 1988-­‐1989. GRANTS AND AWARDS Principal Investigator (with Valerie De Cruz and Sean Vereen), Provost’s Office Diversity Fund Grant – “Creating a Pipeline for Native American Students at Penn,” 2011. Faculty Sponsor, Pennsylvania Humanities Council, Humanities on the Road Program, “American Indian Cultures in the 21st Century,” (in support of John Sanchez), 2010. Principal Investigator (with Valerie De Cruz and Marybeth Gassman), Provost’s Office Interdisciplinary Seminar Fund Grant – “Negotiating Sovereignty and Citizenship in Indian Country,” 2010. Principal Investigator (with Valerie De Cruz), Provost’s Office Diversity Fund Grant – “Recruitment and Retention of Native American Students,” 2009. Principal Investigator, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grant, “Tlingit Artists Disseminating Knowledge,” 2008-­‐2010. Faculty Sponsor, National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, (Craig Cipolla), 2008. Principal Investigator, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museums for America Grant (IMLS), “The Shotridge Digital Archive Project,” 2007-­‐2010. Principal Investigator (with Nancy Hornberger and Gene Buckley), University Research Foundation Conference Grant, “Native American Endangered Languages Conference,” 2008. Faculty Sponsor, Wenner-­‐Gren Foundation Dissertation Grant, (Brian Daniels) 2007. Co-­‐Principal Investigator (with Janet Monge and Jeremy Sabloff), Provost’s Office Diversity Fund Grant -­‐ “Native American Voices,” (supplemental NSF-­‐REU grant), 2005. Principal Investigator, Provost’s Office Interdisciplinary Seminar Fund Grant -­‐ “Dialogues across Indian Country,” 2004-­‐2007. Principal Investigator, Provost’s Office Diversity Fund Grant -­‐ “Workshop on Native 3
American Studies Programs,” 2004-­‐2005. Faculty Sponsor, National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, (Matthew Liebmann) 2003. Faculty Sponsor, Wenner-­‐Gren Foundation Dissertation Grant, (Matthew Liebmann) 2003. Principal Investigator, Provost’s Office Diversity Fund Grant, “Contemporary Issues in Native America,” 2002. Principal Investigator, Penn Museum Research Grant, 2000. Principal Investigator, University Research Foundation Grant -­‐ “Cochiti Oral History Project,” 1998. Principal Investigator, Penn Museum Research Grant, 1999. Principal Investigator, American Philosophical Society Research Grant -­‐ “The Kotyiti Research Project,” 1996. Principal Investigator, University Research Foundation Grant -­‐ “The Kotyiti Research Project,” 1996. Principal Investigator, American Philosophical Society Research Grant -­‐ “The Kotyiti Research Project,” 1995. Faculty Sponsor, National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, (Meredith Chesson) 1994. Principal Investigator, Harvard University Research Grant, Clark Fund, 1990, 1991, 1994. Principal Investigator, Harvard University Research Grant, Milton Fund, 1993. Faculty Sponsor, National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, (Patricia Capone) 1992. Principal Investigator, American Philosophical Society Research Grant -­‐ “The Tecolote Research Project” 1991. Principal Investigator, Harvard University Research Grant, Tozier Fund, 1990, 1991. ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELDWORK AND RESEARCH PROJECTS Co-­‐Director (with Joseph Suina), Archaeological Assessment of Ancestral Cochiti Sites and Traditional Cultural Properties impacted by the Las Conchas Fire, University of Pennsylvania, 2011-­‐present. Helicopter survey and photographic documentation of ancestral Cochiti sites and traditional use areas in Bandelier National Monument, Santa Fe National Forest, and Cochiti Tribal Lands, facilitated by the Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team. Co-­‐Director (with T. J. Ferguson and Matt Liebmann), Pueblo Revolt Settlement Project, University of Pennsylvania, 2002-­‐present. Survey and documentation of Pueblo Revolt mesatop villages in Arizona and New Mexico. Director (with Patrica Capone), Pueblo Revolt Ceramics Project, University of Pennsylvania, 2002-­‐present. Petrographic analysis of ceramics from select Pueblo Revolt villages in New Mexico. Director (in collaboration with Cochiti Pueblo), Kotyiti Oral History Project, University of Pennsylvania, 1999-­‐present. 4
Video and audiotaping of Cochiti elders, Cochiti Pueblo, NM. Director, Kotyiti Research Project (in collaboration with Cochiti Pueblo), University of Pennsylvania, 1995-­‐present. Survey and mapping, historical research and museum collections analysis focusing on the Pueblo Revolt village of Kotyiti Pueblo (LA 295 and LA 84), NM. Director, Tecolote Project, Harvard University, 1991-­‐1993. Historical research and museum collections analysis of Tecolote Pueblo (LA 296), Las Vegas, NM. Co-­‐Director (with Steven R. Pendery), Brook Farm Archaeology Project, Harvard University, 1990-­‐1995. Survey and excavation of the Hive, Martin Luther Orphans Home and the Phalanstery at the famous Utopian community, West Roxbury, MA. Director, Pajarito Field House Project, UCLA, 1985-­‐1986. Survey and excavation of ancestral Puebloan field houses on the Pajarito Plateau, Pine Springs, NM. Crew Member, Pajarito Archaeological Research Project, UCLA, 1979-­‐1980. Survey and excavation on the Pajarito Plateau and the Caja del Rio Plateau, directed by James N. Hill, Pine Springs, NM. Crew Member, Kahorsho Site (NA 10937), Museum of Northern Arizona, 1977. Excavation of Sinagua village, directed by William J. Beeson, Flagstaff, AZ. Crew Member, Pershing Site (NA 7207), Museum of Northern Arizona, 1977. Experimental re-­‐excavation of Apache wikiup, directed by William J. Beeson, Flagstaff, AZ. Crew Member, Walnut Street Jail Project, University of Pennsylvania, 1974. Excavation directed by John L. Cotter, Philadelphia, PA. Crew Member, Valley Forge Project, University of Pennsylvania, 1973. Excavation of Revolutionary War officer's huts, directed by Brian Egloff, Valley Forge, PA. BOOKS Preucel Robert W. and Stephen Mrozowski (editors) 2010 Contemporary Archaeology in Theory: The New Pragmatism. 2nd Edition, Wiley-­‐Blackwell, New York. Preucel, Robert W. 2006 Archaeological Semiotics. Blackwell Press, Oxford. Williams, Lucy Fowler, William Wierzbowski, and Robert W. Preucel (editors) 2005 Native American Voices on Identity, Art, and Culture: Objects of Everlasting Esteem. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Meskell, Lynn and Robert W. Preucel (editors) 2004 A Companion to Social Archaeology. Blackwell Press, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. (ed.) 2002 Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt: Identity, Meaning and Renewal in the 5
Pueblo World. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Preucel Robert W. and Ian Hodder (editors) 1996 Contemporary Archaeology in Theory: A Reader. Blackwell Press, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. (editor) 1991 Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies: Multiple Ways of Knowing the Past. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Occasional Paper 10. Carbondale. Preucel, Robert W. 1990 Seasonal Circulation and Dual Residence in the Pueblo Southwest: A Prehistoric Example from the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico. Garland Publishing, Inc., New York. BOOK CHAPTERS Aguilar, Joseph R. and Robert W. Preucel 2013 Sacred: Mesas: Pueblo Time, Space, and History in the Aftermath of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. In The Death of Prehistory, edited by Peter Schmidt and Stephen A. Mrozowski. pp. 267-­‐289. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. 2012 Of god stones and dance plazas: The material mediation of historical consciousness. In Excavating the Mind: Cross-­‐Sections Through Culture, Cognition and Materiality, edited by Niels Johannsen, Mads Jessen and Helle Juel Jansen, pp. 111-­‐132. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus. Preucel, Robert W. 2011 Becoming Navajo: Refugees, Identity, and Tradition in the Dinétah. In Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas, edited by Matthew Liebmann and Melissa Murphy, pp. 223-­‐242. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. Preucel, Robert W. and Stephen Mrozowski 2010 Introductory sections entitled, The New Pragmatism, Landscapes, Spaces, and Natures, Agency, Meaning, and Practice, Sexuality, Embodiement, and Personhood, Race, Class, and Ethnicity, Materiality, Memory, and Historical Silence, Heritage, Patrimony, and Social Justice, and Media, Museums, and Publics. In Contemporary Archaeology in Theory: The New Pragmatism, edited by Robert Preucel and Stephen Mrozowski, pp. 1-­‐49, 51-­‐58, 129-­‐136, 217-­‐225, 281-­‐289, 339-­‐346, 423-­‐431, 491-­‐497, 551-­‐557. Wiley-­‐Blackwell, New York. Preucel, Robert W. and Frank G. Matero 2008 Placemaking on the Northern Rio Grande: A view from Kuaua. In Archaeologies of Placemaking: Monuments, Memories, and Engagement in Native North America, edited by Patricia Rubertone. Pp. 81-­‐99. One World Archaeology Series, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek. Preucel, Robert W. and Craig Cipolla 2008 Indigenous and Postcolonial archaeologies. In Archaeology and the Postcolonial Critique, edited by Matthew Liebmann and Uzma Rizvi. Pp. 129-­‐142. 6
AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek. Preucel, Robert W., Lucy F. Williams, Stacey O. Espenlaub, and Janet Monge 2006 Out of heaviness, enlightenment: NAGPRA and the University of Pennsylvania Museum. Reprinted in Archaeological Ethics, Second Edition, edited by Karen D. Vitelli and Chip Colwell-­‐Chanthaphonh, pp. 178-­‐187, Altamira Press, Lanham. Preucel, Robert W. 2005 Ethnicity and Southwestern archaeology. In Southwestern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century, edited by Linda Cordell and Don Fowler, pp. 174-­‐193. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. Ferguson, T. J. and Robert W. Preucel 2005 Signs of the ancestors: An archaeology of the mesa villages of the Pueblo Revolt. In Structure and Meaning in Human Settlement, edited by Joseph Rykwert and Tony Atkin, pp. 185-­‐207. University Museum Press, Philadelphia. Preucel, Robert W., Lucy Fowler Williams, and William Wierzbowski. 2005 The social lives of Native American objects. In Native American Voices on Identity, Art, and Culture: Objects of Everlasting Esteem. Edited by Lucy Fowler Williams, William Wierzbowski, and Robert W. Preucel, pp. 1-­‐26. University Museum Press, Philadelphia. Preucel, Robert W. 2005 The journey from Shipap. In The Peopling of Bandelier: New Insights from the Archeology of the Pajarito Plateau, edited by Robert P. Powers, pp. 95-­‐101. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. Preucel Robert W. and Lynn Meskell 2004 Sections entitled, Knowledges and Places. In A Companion to Social Archaeology, edited by Lynn Meskell and Robert W. Preucel, pp. 3-­‐22, 216-­‐229. Basil Blackwell Press, Oxford. Meskell, Lynn and Robert W. Preucel 2004 Sections entitled, Identities and Politics. In A Companion to Social Archaeology, edited by Lynn Meskell and Robert W. Preucel, pp. 121-­‐141, 315-­‐
334. Basil Blackwell Press, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. 2002 Writing the Pueblo Revolt. In Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt: Identity, Meaning and Renewal in the Pueblo World, edited by Robert W. Preucel, pp. 3-­‐
29. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Capone, Patricia and Robert W. Preucel 2002 Ceramic semiotics: women, pottery, and social meanings at Kotyiti Pueblo. In Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt: Identity, Meaning and Renewal in the Pueblo World, edited by Robert W. Preucel, pp. 99-­‐113. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Preucel, Robert W., Loa P. Traxler, and Michael V. Wilcox 2002 “Now the god of the Spaniards is dead:” ethnogenesis and community formation in the aftermath of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. In Traditions, Transitions and Technologies: Themes in Southwestern Archaeology, edited by 7
Sarah H. Schlanger, pp. 71-­‐93. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. Joyce, Rosemary and Robert W. Preucel 2002 Writing the field of archaeology. In The Languages of Archaeology: Dialogue, Narrative and Writing, by Rosemary A. Joyce, pp. 18-­‐38. Basil Blackwell, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. 2000 Making pueblo identities: architectural discourse at Kotyiti, New Mexico. In An Archaeology of Communities in the Americas, edited by Jason Yaeger and Marcello Canuto, pp. 58-­‐77. Routledge, London. Snead, James E. and Robert W. Preucel 1999 The ideology of settlement: Ancestral Keres landscapes in the Northern Rio Grande. In Archaeologies of Landscape: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Wendy Ashmore and A. Bernard Knapp, pp. 169-­‐197. Basil Blackwell, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. 1998 Learning from the elders. In Excavating Voices: Listening to Photographs of Native Americans, edited by Michael Katakis, pp. 17-­‐25. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia. Preucel, Robert W. and Ian Hodder 1996 Sections entitled, Communicating Present Pasts, Nature and Culture, The Production of Value, Process, Structure and History, Material Symbols, Understanding Sex and Gender, Representations and Antirepresentations, Constructing Identities, and Theoretical Archaeological Discourse. In Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, edited by Robert W. Preucel and Ian Hodder, pp. 3-­‐20, 23-­‐38, 99-­‐113, 205-­‐219, 299-­‐314, 415-­‐430, 519-­‐530, 601-­‐614, 667-­‐678. Basil Blackwell Press, Oxford. Hill, James N., W. Nicholas Trierweiler and Robert W. Preucel 1996 The evolution of cultural complexity: A case from the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico. In Emergent Complexity: The Evolution of Intermediate Societies, edited by Jeanne E. Arnold, pp. 107-­‐127, International Monographs in Archaeology, Ann Arbor. Preucel, Robert W and Meredith Chesson 1994 Blue corn girls: A herstory of three early women archaeologists at Tecolote, New Mexico. In Women in Archaeology, edited by Cheryl Claassen, pp. 67-­‐84. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. Preucel, Robert W. 1996 Cooking status: Hohokam ideology, power, and social reproduction. In Interpreting Southwestern Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns, edited by Paul Fish and J. Jefferson Reid, Arizona State University, Anthropological Research Papers No. 48. pp. 125-­‐131. Preucel, Robert W. and John Barker 1993 A social history of maize on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico. In Papers on the Early Classic Period Prehistory of the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico, edited by Timothy Kohler and A. Linse, pp. 105-­‐119. Washington State University, Department of Anthropology Reports of Investigations No. 65. Pullman. 8
Leone, Mark P. and Robert W. Preucel 1992 Archaeology in a democratic society: A critical theory approach. In Quests and Quandaries: Visions of Archaeology’s Future. edited by LuAnn Wandsnider, pp. 115-­‐135. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Occasional Paper No. 20. Carbondale. Preucel, Robert W. 1991 Introduction. In Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies: Multiple Ways of Knowing the Past. edited by Robert W. Preucel, pp. 1-­‐14. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Occasional Paper No. 10. Carbondale. Preucel, Robert W. 1991 The philosophy of archaeology. In Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies: Multiple Ways of Knowing the Past. edited by Robert W. Preucel, Center for Archaeological Investigations, pp. 17-­‐29. Southern Illinois University, Occasional Paper No. 10. Carbondale. JOURNAL ARTICLES Preucel, Robert W. 2012 Indigenous archaeology and the science question. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 27(1):121-­‐141. Preucel, Robert W. 2011 An archaeology of NAGPRA: Conversations with Suzan Shown Harjo. Journal of Social Archaeology 11(2):1-­‐13. Liebmann, Matthew and Robert W. Preucel 2007 The archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt and the formation of the modern Pueblo World. KIVA: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 73:197-­‐219. Preucel, Robert W. and Steven R. Pendery 2006 Envisioning utopia: Transcendentalist and Fourierist landscapes at Brook Farm, West Roxbury, Massachusetts. Historical Archaeology 40:25-­‐38. Preucel, Robert W. and Lucy F. Williams 2005 The Centennial potlatch. Expedition 47(2):9-­‐19. Liebmann, Matthew, T. J. Ferguson, and Robert W. Preucel 2005 Pueblo settlement, architecture, and social change in the Pueblo Revolt Era, A.D. 1680-­‐1696. Journal of Field Archaeology 30:1-­‐16. Preucel, Robert W., Lucy F. Williams, Stacey O. Espenlaub, and Janet Monge 2003 Out of heaviness, enlightenment: NAGPRA and the University of Pennsylvania Museum. Expedition 45(3): 21-­‐27. Preucel, Robert W. and Alexander Bauer 2001 Archaeological pragmatics. Norwegian Archaeological Review 34:85-­‐96. Preucel, Robert W. 2000 Living on the mesa: Hanat Kotyiti, a Post-­‐revolt Cochiti community in the northern Rio Grande. Expedition 42:8-­‐17. 9
Preucel, Robert W. 1995 The Postprocessual condition. Journal of Archaeological Research 3:147-­‐
175. Earle, Timothy K. and Robert W. Preucel 1987 Processual archaeology and the radical critique. Current Anthropology 28:501-­‐538. Preucel, Robert W. 1987 Settlement succession on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico. KIVA: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 53:3-­‐33. Preucel, Robert W. 1986 The Pajarito Field House Project. Archaeology at UCLA. Vol 2. No. 19. BOOK REVIEWS Preucel, Robert W. 2013 Review of Winds from the North: Tewa Origins and Historical Anthropology, by Scott G. Ortman. New Mexico Historical Review 88(3):364-­‐365. Preucel, Robert W. 2009 Review of The Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, by Stephen H. Lekson. New Mexico Historical Review 84(4):550-­‐551. Preucel, Robert W. 2009 Review of The Social Life of Pots: Glaze Wares and Cultural Dynamics in the Southwest, AD 1250-­‐1680, edited by Judith A. Habicht-­‐Mauche, Suzanne L. Eckert, and Deborah L. Huntley. Museum Anthropology 32(2):175-­‐177. Preucel, Robert W. 2007 Review of Becoming Aztlan: Mesoamerican Influence in the Greater Southwest, AD 1200-­‐1500, by Carroll L. Riley. New Mexico Historical Review 82(3):411-­‐413. Preucel, Robert W. 2001 Review of Our Prayers are in This Place: Pecos Pueblo Identity over the Centuries by Francis Levine and Picuris Pueblo Through Time: Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, edited by Michael Adler and Herbert Dick. American Antiquity 66:543-­‐544. Preucel, Robert W. 1999 Review of Evolutionary Archaeology: Theory and Application, edited by Michael J. O’Brien, Journal of Field Archaeology 26:93-­‐99. Preucel, Robert W. 1996 Review of The Pueblo Revolt of 1680: Conquest and Resistence in Seventeenth-­‐Century New Mexico, by Andrew Knaut, American Ethnologist 23(4):21. Preucel, Robert W. 1996 Review of Ceramics and Ideology: Salado Polychrome Pottery, by Patricia L. Crown and Sourcing Prehistoric Ceramics at Chodistaas Pueblo, Arizona: The Circulation of People and Pots in the Grasshopper Region, by María Nieves 10
Zedeño, Journal of Field Archaeology 23(4):524-­‐527. Preucel, Robert W. 1995 Review of Theory and Practice in Archaeology, edited by Ian Hodder, American Antiquity 60:380-­‐382. Preucel, Robert W. 1993 Review of The Representation of the Past: Museums and Heritage in the Post-­‐modern World, by Kevin Walsh. Journal of Anthropological Research 47:406-­‐409. Preucel, Robert W. 1993 Review of Archaeological Typologies and Practical Reality: A Dialectical Approach to Artifact Classification and Sorting, by William Adams and E. Adams. Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin 16(2):13-­‐14. Preucel, Robert W. 1992 Review of What is a Kiva? And Other Questions about Southwestern Archaeology, by Watson Smith, edited by Raymond Thompson. Journal of Field Archaeology 19:407-­‐409. Preucel, Robert W. 1991 Review of Farmers as Hunters, edited by Susan Kent and Dynamics of Southwestern Prehistory, edited by Linda S. Cordell and George J. Gumerman. Journal of Field Archaeology 18:230-­‐234. Preucel, Robert W. 1990 Review of Early Prehistoric Agriculture in the American Southwest, by W. W. Wills. Journal of Field Archaeology 17:475-­‐478. Preucel, Robert W. 1989 Review of The Archaeology of Contextual Meanings, edited by Ian Hodder. American Antiquity 54:655-­‐656. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES Preucel, Robert W. 2013 Johnson, Matthew Harry. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, Springer Science+Business Media, New York. Preucel, Robert W. 2013 Sabloff, Jeremy Arac. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, Springer Science+Business Media, New York. Preucel, Robert W. 2013 Willey, Gordon Randolph. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, Springer Science+Business Media, New York. Preucel, Robert W. and Julia A. Hendon 2013 Joyce, Rosemary. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, Springer Science+Business Media, New York. Preucel, Robert W. 2008 Traditional Indian histories and perspectives on history. In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Vol 3. edited by Francis P. McManamon, Linda S. 11
Cordell, Kent G. Lightfood, and George R. Milner, pp. 35-­‐38. Greenwood Publishing, Westport. Preucel, Robert W. 2001 Theory in archaeology. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, pp. 15647-­‐15652. Pergamon, Oxford. Preucel, Robert W. 2001 Gordon Willey. In Encyclopedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries, Volume III, edited by Tim Murray, pp. 1322-­‐1323. Garland Press, New York. Preucel, Robert W. 1999 Gordon Willey. In Encyclopedia of Archaeology: The Great Archaeologists, Volume II, edited by Tim Murray, pp. 701-­‐712. Garland Press, New York. 12
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