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Chapter 12
The ArrayList Data Structure
Section 1 - How to Instantiate an ArrayList
Section 2 - The ArrayList Subset
Section 3 - Declaring an ArrayList of Type List
Section 4 - All About Wrapper Classes
Section 5 - Writing Equals & CompareTo Methods
Chapter 12 - Section 1
What is an ArrayList
and How Do You Instantiate One
12.1 What is an ArrayList?
An ArrayList is a one-dimensional array.
An ArrayList holds only objects, not primitive values like int,
double, char or boolean. To place int and double values in
an ArrayList, we will first “wrap them up” as Integer and
Double objects.
We will end up studying the wrapper classes Integer and
Double as we works with ArrayLists.
12.1 The ArrayList Subset of Methods
ArrayList method
What the Operation Does
int size ( )
returns the logical size of the list
boolean add (E obj)
appends the object obj to the end of the list and returns true if
successful (the fact that it returns true may be helpful sometimes)
void add (int i, E obj)
inserts the object obj at position i where the position i fulfills the
expression 0 ≤ i ≤ size. If i is out of bounds in the range of i < 0 || i
> size(), then Java throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Once
obj is inserted, then the elements at position i and higher are
moved to the right so that 1 is added to their indices and then the
logical size is adjusted. Note: if there are 3 elements in the list at
indices 0, 1, and 2, then obj can be added as the new last element
at index 3 without an out of bounds error
E get (int i)
returns the element at position i in the list
E set (int i, E obj)
replaces the element at position i with obj and returns the element
formerly at the specified position
E remove (int i)
removes the element from position i in the list and then moves all
elements at position i + 1 and higher to the left … subtracting 1
from their indices and then adjusting the logical size. The element
formerly at the specified position is returned
12.1 The Disadvantage of Standard Arrays
When you declare a standard array, you have to tell Java a fixed
number of memory locations that you want the array to
contain. During the run of a program, this cannot be changed
unless you create a new standard array and copy all of the
elements to it. This would be awkward to do and implement in
every program that uses standard arrays.
When you declare an ArrayList, you don’t have to tell Java how
much storage space you need. The ArrayList will be created
for a beginning size of 10 and then it will automatically resize
itself when it becomes full.
12.1 The Disadvantage of Standard Arrays
You may have noticed when we worked with one-dimensional
arrays that we didn’t remove data inside a list of values or add
a new value to a list without overwriting one. We may have
replaced a value but we didn’t insert a new one and shift the
other values up the array, except in the TestInsertAndRemove
program. You may remember that the code was tricky, but it
becomes greatly simplified with ArrayLists. You’ll see that all
we have to do is call methods and the work of shifting values
is done for us behind the scene without writing any additional
12.1 Declaring & Instantiating an ArrayList
ArrayList <Double> percentages = new ArrayList <Double> ( );
No square bracket [ ] notation is used with an ArrayList.
Note the use of the templating angle brackets < and > that
enclose the type of object to be placed in the ArrayList.
Instead of using [] to identify the memory location to be
accessed, methods are called to perform operations on the
elements at a particular index or memory location.
An ArrayList has indices like an array and the positions of the
elements begin at index 0 and go to index logical size - 1.
12.1 Instantiating Different Kinds of ArrayList
Declaring and instantiating an ArrayList of other types:
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> ( );
ArrayList <String> names = new ArrayList <String> ( );
ArrayList <Student> students = new ArrayList <Student> ( );
ArrayList <Shape> shapes = new ArrayList <Shape> ( );
Note the empty ( ) parentheses at the end of the constructor
call. Don’t forget to include these. Here the default
constructor of the ArrayList class is being called.
12.1 Instantiating the Size of an ArrayList
You can declare and instantiate an ArrayList with an initial capacity of
a certain size if you know approximately how many elements you
will place in the ArrayList.
The only real reason to do this is to keep the ArrayList from
automatically resizing itself over and over again until all of the
elements have been added to the ArrayList. However, this is not
particularly inefficient for today’s computers unless you need to
store many elements.
For example, if you know you will have 1000 random integers in an
ArrayList, you could use:
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> (1000);
12.1 Default Values of ArrayList Objects
Because ArrayLists have a logical size of zero when instantiated, we
don’t ever assume that the lists have any kind of default values in
them. If you try to get a value out of a newly constructed ArrayList
then you will get this error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
All we know is that they have some initial size.
The point is … don’t assume that the following two ArrayLists have
default values of 0 stored in their memory locations …
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> ( );
ArrayList <Double> percentages = new ArrayList <Double> ( );
and don’t assume that null values are stored in the memory locations
of the following ArrayList:
ArrayList <String> names = new ArrayList <String> ( );
12.1 ArrayList Differences
• As we have already mentioned, instead of using [] to manipulate
elements, methods are called to perform operations.
• An ArrayList tracks its logical size and physical size. Its logical size
changes when elements are added to or removed from the
ArrayList. Its physical size changes only if it is full and more
elements need to be added. The ArrayList always knows these two
values, but we only need to know one … the logical size. The size()
method is used to get the number of elements an ArrayList. The
size method is called a lot in loop headers. The logical size of an
ArrayList is 0 when an is constructed and its logical size is
automatically adjusted when an element is added or deleted.
• An ArrayList does have indices and the positions of the elements
range from index 0 to index logical size - 1.
12.1 Raw or Generic ArrayList?
When you instantiate an ArrayList using angle brackets as you have
just seen, we call it a generic ArrayList, because the programmer
must specify the object type that the list will contain, as in …
ArrayList <String> names = new ArrayList <String> ( );
Making a generic ArrayList with templating became available
beginning with Java 1.5 and higher. Before that < > weren’t used.
Prior to that, programmers could only make a raw ArrayList, where you
could put all kinds of differen objects in the same ArrayList. So care
had to be taken to make sure only one kind of object was placed in
an ArrayList. You can still declare and instantiate a raw ArrayList,
like the following, but most compilers will “complain” and at least
give you a warning if you are using Java 1.5 or higher. (some
people refer to Java 1.5 as Java 5). We never want to do the
following: ArrayList names = new ArrayList ( );
12.1 Advantages of ArrayList
The following operations are much much easier for ArrayLists
than for standard one-dimensional arrays:
• traversing an ArrayList (accessing each element to print or
perform an operation on it)
• insertions anywhere in the ArrayList
• removals anywhere in the ArrayList
• searching an ArrayList
An ArrayList tracks its own logical size and grows or shrinks
automatically depending on the number of elements it has.
12.1 Importing the ArrayList Class
To use the ArrayList class in a program, you must import it from
the java.util package using:
import java.util.ArrayList;
12.1 Using an ArrayList Parameter
To use an ArrayList variable as a formal parameter in a method
signature, declare the parameter the same way that you
would declare an ArrayList variable when you are
instantiating the ArrayList. Be sure and include in angle
brackets the type of object that is contained in the ArrayList.
public void printList ( ArrayList < Integer> nums)
Chapter 12 - Section 2
The ArrayList Subset
12.2 The ArrayList Subset of Methods
There are many methods in the ArrayList class if you look up its
API on line.
However, we only want to work with a few methods of the
ArrayList class … those in particular that you are expected to
know for the AP Exam.
You might not receive full credit on a free response coding
question if you try to use methods other than the ones specified
by the College Board. So stick to the subset!
The specified methods and what they do are listed on the next
12.2 The ArrayList Subset of Methods
ArrayList method
What the Operation Does
int size ( )
returns the logical size of the list
boolean add (E obj)
appends the object obj to the end of the list and returns true if
successful (the fact that it returns true may be helpful sometimes)
void add (int i, E obj)
inserts the object obj at position i where the position i fulfills the
expression 0 ≤ i ≤ size. If i is out of bounds in the range of i < 0 || i
> size(), then Java throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Once
obj is inserted, then the elements at position i and higher are
moved to the right so that 1 is added to their indices and then the
logical size is adjusted. Note: if there are 3 elements in the list at
indices 0, 1, and 2, then obj can be added as the new last element
at index 3 without an out of bounds error
E get (int i)
returns the element at position i in the list
E set (int i, E obj)
replaces the element at position i with obj and returns the element
formerly at the specified position
E remove (int i)
removes the element from position i in the list and then moves all
elements at position i + 1 and higher to the left … subtracting 1
from their indices and then adjusting the logical size. The element
formerly at the specified position is returned
12.2 Adding Elements Using add(obj)
The following code stores the first 100 multiples of 3 in nums in
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> ( );
int value = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
nums.add(value); // adds at the end of the list
value += 3;
Note: if nums was a standard array, we would use …
nums [i] = value;
in place of nums.add(value);
12.2 Getting Elements Using get(i)
The following code prints the values stored in nums with 10
values per line with a field width of 5:
for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)
if ( (i + 1) % 10 == 0 )
System.out.printf( “%5d%n”, nums.get(i) );
System.out.printf( “%5d”, nums.get(i) );
Note: if nums was a standard array, we would use …
System.out.printf( “%5d”, nums[i] );
12.2 Getting Elements Using get(i)
To obtain the first element in the ArrayList nums we would use …
To obtain the last element in an ArrayList we would use …
nums.get(nums.size() - 1);
Note that since there are num.size() elements in the ArrayList,
then the index of the first element is 0 and the index of the last
element is nums.size() - 1.
12.2 Removing Elements Using remove(i)
The following code removes and prints all of the multiples of 6 from nums.
int i = 0;
while ( i < nums.size() )
if ( nums.get(i) % 6 == 0 )
int x = nums.remove(i) ;
System.out.printf( “%5d”, x );
// don’t increment i because elements are shifted down
else // if not evenly divisible by 6 increment i
12.2 Removing Elements Using remove(i)
The following code removes and prints all of the multiples of 6
from nums in a field width of 5 using a for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < nums.size() ; i++)
if ( nums.get(i) % 6 == 0 )
int x = nums.remove(i) ;
System.out.printf( “%5d”, x );
i--; // to cancel the effect of i++ in loop header
12.2 Removing Elements Using remove(i)
To delete the first element in an ArrayList always use …
nums.remove(0); // other values are shifted down
To delete the last element in an ArrayList always use …
nums. remove(nums.size() - 1);
// no values shifted
Again, since there are num.size() elements in the ArrayList, then
the index of the first element is 0 and the index of the last
element is nums.size() - 1.
12.2 Adding Elements Using add(i, obj)
Assume an ArrayList initially contains 6, 9, 12. The following code
adds the integer 3 at the first of the list.
nums.add (0, 3); // add 3 at index 0 and shifts other values up
The list now contains: 3 6 9 12
The following code adds the integer 15 at the end of the list no matter
how many elements there are using the add(i, obj) method.
nums.add (nums.size() , 15); // add 15 after the last element
Since nums.size() is 4 before adding 15, then 15 is added at index 4.
Obviously 3, 6, 9, & 12 are in indices 0, 1, 2, & 3. This is like adding at
the “logical size”.
The list now contains: 3 6 9 12 15
12.2 Replacing Elements Using set(i, obj)
Assume nums contains: 3 6 9 12 15
The following code replaces the element at index 2 with the
value 10 using the set(i, obj) method. It returns the replaced
element and then we can print it out or do something with it.
int x = nums.set (2, 10); // replace 9 at index 2 with 10 & returns 9.
System.out.println(“The replaced value was ” + x);
The list now contains: 3 6 10 12 15
Replacing the last value in the ArrayList …
int x = nums.set (nums.size() - 1, 20);
The list now contains: 3 6 10 12 20
Chapter 12 - Section 3
Declaring ArrayLists of Type List
12.3 The java.util.ArrayList Import
The ArrayList class is part of the java.util package. So it is necessary
to import this class by including:
import java.util.ArrayList;
The ArrayList class implements the List interface.
That means that the ArrayList class must have all of the methods that
are defined in the List interface. You will learn more about interfaces
very soon, but we want to make you familiar with this fact now. The
formal way to state this fact for the ArrayList class is:
class java.util.ArrayList<E> implements java.util.List<E>
The E in <E> simply stands for any kind of element, object, or class,
like String, Integer, Double, Student, Employee, Shape etc.
12.3 Declaring Variables of type List
Declaring and instantiating an ArrayList where the variable is of type
List is the preferred way to go for many programmers. As you gain
more experience programming you will understand why. Don’t
worry about that too much for now, but realize that there is an
alternate way to declare and instantiate an ArrayList using the List
List <Student> students = new ArrayList < Student > ( );
Compare this to the previous way:
ArrayList <Student> students = new ArrayList < Student > ( );
12.3 The java.util.ArrayList Import
An interface tells you the method signatures of the methods that
classes that implement the interface must have. Here is what part
of Java’s List interface looks like:
public interface List
public int size ( );
public boolean add (E obj);
public void add (int index, E obj);
public E get (int index);
public E remove (int index);
To use the interface,
import the following:
import java.util.List;
public E set (int index, E obj);
You should recognize
these methods. They
are methods that are
implemented in the
ArrayList class.
12.3 LinkedList Also Uses the List Interface
A second class named the LinkedList class also implements the List interface.
Since both of these classes have the same methods (but different code for
them), we could choose to use the following declaration:
List < Student > students = new LinkedList < Student > ( );
instead of …
List <Student> students = new ArrayList < Student > ( );
This is one of the advantages of declaring variables of type List, because we
don’t need to change any of the code in the program … only where
students is declared and instantiated if we want to have a different kind of
Some of the code in the LinkedList class is more efficient that the ArrayList
class, because the LinkedList class is not based on a standard array but a
different kind of list. You will learn about that if you take Advanced
Computer Programming.
12.3 Declaring Variables of type List
Also, if we declare the variable shapes to be of type List <Shape>,
then if Shape is the parent of several classes like Circle,
Rectangle, and Triangle, then we can hold all of those kinds of
objects in the same ArrayList. This can be a real advantage. Now
you are starting to learn about inheritance!
List <Shape> shapes = new ArrayList <Shape> ( );
We will work with the Shape interface very soon.
12.3 Importing the List Interface
To be able to declare an ArrayList variable of type List in a
program, you must import the List interface from the java.util
package using:
import java.util.List;
12.3 Using a List Parameter
To use a List variable as a formal parameter in a method
signature of a program, declare the parameter the same way
that you would declare a List variable.
public void printList ( List < Integer> nums)
Chapter 12 - Section 4
All About Wrapper Classes
12.4 Wrapper Classes
The Integer and Double classes are called wrapper classes,
because they are used to “wrap up” primitive int and double
values as objects so they can be put in an ArrayList or other
kind of data structure that requires object data types.
We used the Integer and Double classes earlier this year when
we used …
Integer.parseInt() and Double.parseDouble()
to get the values from JTextFields or InputDialog boxes.
Now let’s look a little closer at the Integer and Double classes
see how to wrap up an int or double as an object.
12.4 Wrapping & Unwrapping ints
You don’t need to know the parseInt() method for the AP Exam, but
you do need to know how to use the following methods of the Integer
The constructor that has one parameter that is an int.
If you want to wrap up an int, like 345, as an Integer object, then you
would use the constructor to wrap it up:
Integer intObj = new Integer (345);
You have now wrapped up the int 345 and made it an Integer object
and the variable intObj refers to that object!
To unwrap or get the Integer object out of intObj and store it in the int
variable x, then you can call the intValue() method …
int x = intObj.intValue();
12.4 Wrapping & Adding Integers
For the ArrayList …
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> ( );
if we want to place the primitive values 5, 10, and 15 in nums, then
formally, we should wrap them up and add them as follows:
Integer intObj1 = new Integer(5);
// adds to the end of the list
Integer intObj2 = new Integer(10);
// adds to the end of the list
You can also combine the lines by using …
nums.add(new Integer(15));
// adds to the end of the list
12.4 Autoboxing Integers
Prior to Java 1.5, with a raw ArrayList, you always had to wrap up int
values. However, with the advent of Java 1.5 autoboxing became
available. Here is the same code using autoboxing.
ArrayList <Integer> nums = new ArrayList <Integer> ( );
nums.add(5); // autoboxing 5 (automatically wrapping it up)
nums.add(10); // autoboxing 10 (automatically wrapping it up)
nums.add(15); // autoboxing 15 (automatically wrapping it up)
Even though, the College Board allows you to write code that
autoboxes values, they still want you to know how to wrap up int
values and you may see wrapper code on the multiple choice test that
doesn’t include autoboxing.
12.4 Unboxing Integers
Prior to Java 1.5 with a raw ArrayList, you had to unwrap int values
before using them. However, with the advent of Java 1.5 unboxing
became available. Here is the code with unboxing:
int x = nums.get(0);
// the returned Integer is automatically unboxed
int y = nums.get(1); // the returned Integer is automatically unboxed
int z = nums.get(2); // the returned Integer is automatically unboxed
Here intValue() is called automatically by Java to unwrap the Integer
object returned by get(i) so it can be stored in x, y, or z.
You don’t have to call intValue() to unwrap because of unboxing!
However, the College Board still wants you to know how to unwrap
Integer objects.
12.4 Wrapping & Unwrapping doubles
You don’t need to know the parseDouble() method for the AP Exam,
but you do need to know how to use the following methods of the
Double class:
The constructor that has one parameter that is a double.
If you want to wrap up a double, like 12.3, as a Double object, then
you would use the constructor to wrap it up:
Double floatObj = new Double(12.3);
You have now wrapped up the double 12.3 and made it a Double
object and the variable floatObj refers to that object!
To unwrap the Double object floatObj and get the double value 12.3
out of it and store it in the double variable d, then you have to call the
doubleValue() method …
double d = floatObj.doubleValue();
12.4 Wrapping & Adding Doubles
For the ArrayList …
ArrayList <Double> floats = new ArrayList <Double> ( );
if we want to place the values 5.5, 6.6, and 7.7 in floats, in that order,
we would wrap them up and add them as follows:
Double floatObj1 = new Double (5.5);
floats.add(floatObj1); // adds to the end of the list
Double floatObj2 = new Double (6.6);
floats.add(floatObj2 ); // adds to the end of the list
You can also combine the lines by using …
floats.add(new Double (7.7)); // adds to the end of the list
12.4 Autoboxing Doubles
Prior to Java 1.5, with a raw ArrayList, you had to wrap up double
values. However, with the advent of Java 1.5 autoboxing became
available. Here is the same code with autoboxing:
ArrayList <Double> floats = new ArrayList < Double > ( );
// autoboxing 5.5 (automatically wrapping it up)
// autoboxing 6.6 (automatically wrapping it up)
// autoboxing 7.7 (automatically wrapping it up)
However, the College Board still wants you to know how to wrap up
double values.
12.4 Unboxing Doubles
Prior to Java 1.5 with a raw ArrayList, you had to unwrap double
values before using them. However, with the advent of Java 1.5
unboxing became available. Here is the code with unboxing:
double b = floats.get(0); // the returned Double is automatically unboxed
double c = floats.get(1); // the returned Double is automatically unboxed
double d = floats.get(2); // the returned Double is automatically unboxed
Here doubleValue() is called automatically by Java to unwrap the
Double object returned by get(i) so it can be stored in b, c, or d.
You don’t have to call doubleValue() to unwrap because of unboxing!
However, the College Board still wants you to know how to unwrap
Integer objects.
Chapter 12 - Section 5
Writing an Equals Method
for a Model Class
12.5 The Use of the Equals Methods
You may have seen the use of the equals() method when
comparing String values previously instead of using
compareTo(“?”) == 0. Since String values are objects, it is
necessary to use one of these two to check the contents of a
String object to see if it is equal to the contents of another
String object or a literal String. The College Board does not
formally recognize the use of the equals method. However,
checking for equality is necessary when searching for a
particular object that is in a list, and it is actually simpler to
use the equals method when testing for equality … especially
one that is in a one or two-dimensional array or in an
12.5 The Use of the Equals Methods
Either of the following code segments can be used to test for
String equality, because the String class has both an equals
method and it has a compareTo method.
String pet1 = “dog”;
String pet2 = “cat”;
if ( pet1.compareTo(pet2) == 0 ) ….
If ( pet1.equals(pet2) ) ….
You can see that the second one is easier to write.
12.5 The Student Class Equals Methods
A Student object as we currently know it has three instance
variables, a String name, an int id number and an integer
array of test values.
Before we write an equals method for a class like Student, we
need to decide what we want to base our equality of two
students on. You will write an equals method for the Student
class where equality for two students is based on their names
and id numbers. It won’t matter what the test scores for the
two Student objects is. This may not make sense to you
because obviously you could have two students with the same
name. However, this will suffice for demonstration purposes,
but it underscores the need for careful consideration when
choosing the basis for equality.
12.5 The Person Class Equals Methods
So you will know how to write the Student class equals and
compareTo methods, let’s look first at an example of an
equals method for the Person class.
Equality for two Person objects will be based on their names and
their addresses.
If you write an equals method for any class, it must have this
exact method signature:
public boolean equals (Object other)
This is because it must override the equals method of the Object
12.5 The Person Class Equals Method Code
// This method is used checking two Person objects for equality.
public boolean equals (Object other)
// Check to see if the receiver object is the exact same object as the parameter object.
// If it is then return true. The contents would be the same in this case.
if (this == other)
return true;
// If the parameter object is not of the same type as the receiver object,
// then throw an exception.
if (! (other instanceof Person) ) // if other is NOT an instance of the Person class
throw new IllegalArgumentException (
"The object you are passing is NOT a Person!");
// cast other to a Person because the parameter is of generic type Object
Person p = (Person) other;
// call the String equals method to test the names and addresses for equality
if ( && this.address.equals(p.address))
return true;
return false;
12.5 Two Ways of Checking Equality
We use == to check for the equality of primitive data types like
int, double, and boolean, but with object data types we must
use an equals method, like with String data types.
Remember, when we first discussed aliasing, we said that two
reference variables can point to same object. If we were to
use == to compare two reference variables, then we would be
checking to see if the variables point to the same object.
But as we learned with reference variables that point at String
objects, if we want to check the values ( the contents) of two
distinct objects for equality, we must use the equals method.
12.5 Checking Alias Variables
Student s1, s2;
s1 = new Student (“Bill”, 93, 84, 79);
s2 = s1; // create an alias of s1
Which operation will be executed?
if (s1 == s2)
// perform operation 1
// perform operation 2
93 84 79
12.5 Checking Alias Variables
Student s1, s2;
s1 = new Student (“Bill”, 93, 84, 79);
s2 = s1;
// create an alias of s1
if (s1 == s2)
// perform operation 1
operation 1 will be executed,
because s1 == s2 is true since
s1 and s2 point at the same
// perform operation 2
Just remember that if (s1 == s2)
asks “Does s1 point at the same
object that s2 points at?”
93 84 79
12.5 Checking Non-Alias Variables
Student s1, s2;
s1 = new Student (“Bill”, 93, 84, 79);
s2 = new Student (“Mary”, 95, 89, 92);
if (s1 == s2)
// perform operation 1
Which operation will be executed?
// perform operation 2
93 84 79
95 89 92
12.5 Checking Non-Alias Variables
Student s1, s2;
s1 = new Student (“Bill”, 93, 84, 79);
s2 = new Student (“Mary”, 95, 89, 92);
if (s1 == s2)
// perform operation 1
operation2 will be executed,
because (s1 == s2) is false since
s1 and s2 point at different objects
// perform operation 2
93 84 79
95 89 92
12.5 The Object Class Equals Method
The equals method is defined in the Object class, which is at the
top of all classes in the Java heirarchy.
The Object class equals method uses the == operator by default
in its code … and does NOT compare content but rather
compares memory locations. If the two object variables
reference the same memory location, then == returns true
and the Object class method returns true. It wouldn’t be
possible to check for contents since that equals method has
no idea of what kind of objects are being compared.
12.5 Overriding the Object Class Equals Method
So if we design a model class that defines a particular kind of
object, then we should provide an equals method so objects
of that class can be checked for equality not for references.
If we don’t provide an equals method, and code is written
that accidentally call equals, then the equals() method of
the Object class is called in its place and content is NOT
checked but rather the references.
When we write our own equals method for a class, we are
overriding the equals method of the Object class. This is a
good thing!
12.5 Code Example of == and Equals
Consider the following code segment, which reads a string from the
keyboard, uses both methods to compare this string to a literal
string value, and then outputs the results:
String str = reader.nextLine();
System.out.println (str == “Java”);
Displays false no matter what string is entered because “Java” is a
literal string and a String object for it is created. The variable str
gets a totally different String object and the value from the
keyboard is placed in it.
System.out.println (str.equals ("Java"));
Displays true if the string entered was "Java", and false otherwise
12.5 Additional Explanation of == Operator
So, the operator == compares the references to objects, not the
contents of objects.
Thus, if two reference variables do not point to the same object
in memory, == returns false.
Because the two strings in our previous example are not the
same object in memory, == returns false.
12.5 Summarizing Object Identity
To summarize,
== tests for object identity and different objects in memory
have different identities.
whereas equals tests for content equality of two objects.
Now you are better prepared to understand the code of the
equals method of the Person class, and you should
design the equals method of the Student class in the
same way.
Let’s review the Person class equals method again.
12.5 The Person Class Equals Method Code
// This method is used checking two Person objects for equality.
public boolean equals (Object other)
// Check to see if the receiver object is the exact same object as the parameter object.
// If it is then return true. The contents would be the same in this case.
if (this == other)
return true;
// If the parameter object is not of the same type as the receiver object,
// then throw an exception.
if (! (other instanceof Person) ) // if other is NOT an instance of the Person class
throw new IllegalArgumentException (
"The object you are passing is NOT a Person!");
// cast other to a Person because the parameter is of generic type Object
Person p = (Person) other;
// call the String equals method to test the names and addresses for equality
if ( && this.address.equals(p.address))
return true;
return false;
12.5 Checking a List of Objects for a Target
So let’s say you have a list of Person objects stored in an ArrayList
and you are looking for a particular (target) Person. You can use
a loop inside a method to go through the list (traverse) and
compare each Person in the list to the target using the equals
method of the Person class. Here is the framework of such a
loop using the List persons that is passed to a method:
List <Person> persons = new ArrayList <Person> ();
for (int i = 0; i < persons.size(); i++)
if ( persons.get(i).equals(target) )
12.5 Using == with Window Objects
The operator == can also be used with other objects, such
as buttons and menu items.
In these cases, the operator still tests for object identity (a
reference to the same object in memory).
With window objects, the use of == is appropriate because
most of the time we want to compare references (not the
contents). We did this when using the code:
if (e.getSource() == clearBtn)
For other objects, however, the use of == should be