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John A. Rossi
Drexel University School of Public Health
3215 Market Street
4th Floor, MS 457
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 267-359-6076
E-mail: [email protected]
Current Appointment:
Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Program for Public Health Ethics and History
Drexel University School of Public Health
Philadelphia, PA
October 2012-Present
Master of Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics
Philadelphia, PA, August 2008
Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary
Philadelphia, PA, May 2005
Bachelor of Arts, Biology and English Literature, Washington University
St. Louis, MO, May 2000
Previous Appointments:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bioethics and Health Policy
Pfizer Fellow in Health Policy
Drexel University School of Public Health
Philadelphia, PA
October 2010-October 2012
Visiting Professor
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
June-September 2012
Visiting Professor
The Bioethics Program
Union Graduate College
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Schenectady, NY
September June 2010June 2012
Commissioner’s Fellow
Office of Pediatric Therapeutics
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
White Oak, MD
October 2008-October 2010
Associate Veterinarian
Bridgewater Veterinary Hospital
Bensalem, PA
December 2007-October 2008
Associate Veterinarian
Banfield, The Pet Hospital
Plymouth Meeting and Fairless Hills, PA
June 2005-December 2007
Teaching & Curricular Development Portfolio:
“Introduction to Public Health,” Drexel University School of Public Health, cocourse developer and co-instructor, 2012-present
“Public Health Ethics,” Drexel University School of Public Health, co-course
developer and co-instructor, 2011-present
“Animals and Public Health,” Drexel University School of Public Health, course
developer and principal instructor, 2013-present
“Risk in Public Health: Social and Ethical Dimensions,” Drexel University
School of Public Health, course developer and principal instructor, 2013-present
Co-developer of curricular program in the Responsible Conduct of Research
(RCR) for Drexel University Vice Provost’s Office
“Veterinary Ethics,” University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine,
principal instructor, Fall 2012
“Animal Ethics” and “Veterinary Ethics,” The Bioethics Program, Union
Graduate College, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Summer and Fall 2011, course
developer and principal instructor
Service Activities:
Member, World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), Animal
Welfare and Wellness Committee
Unaffiliated member, Haverford College Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC)
Member, Institutional Review Board #3 (Social and Behavioral Research),
Drexel University
Reviewer, IRB: Ethics & Human Research
Reviewer, Autism
Reviewer, American Journal of Bioethics
Co-organizer, monthly ethics journal club, Drexel University School of Public
Co-organizer, university-wide ethics working group, Drexel University
Member, Animal Law Task Force, Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association,
Fellowships and Awards:
Pfizer Medical-Academic Partnership Fellowship in Health Policy, awarded 2010
(sole recipient).
Food and Drug Administration Commissioner’s Fellowship, awarded 2008 (class
of 50 fellows selected from over 1000 applicants).
NIH/Merck Summer Scholars Research Fellowship, awarded 2002.
Invited Professional Lectures:
“Autism, Risk Communication and Ethics: Points to Consider.” Insights into
Autism Conference, Norfolk, VA, February 7, 2014
“Rethinking Pediatric Research Risk Evaluation,” Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee Meeting, Washington,
D.C., September 9, 2013
“From Genes to Genomes to Aristotle and Back: Veterinary Ethics in the
Genomic Era.” American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Conference,
Chicago, IL, July 20, 2013
“What Should We Eat? Food Choices, Animals, and Our Obligations to the
Public’s Health.” Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics and
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, New Haven, CT, April 4, 2013
“Selective Breeding and Ethics.” Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for
Bioethics, N e w H a v e n , C T , April 4, 2013
“Improving the Quality of Dialogue in Animal Ethics Debates.” World Small
Animal Veterinary
Association, Auckland, New Zealand, March 7, 2013
“A Primer on Animal Ethics for Non-Philosophers.” World Small Animal
Veterinary Association, Auckland, New Zealand, March 7, 2013
“Animal Welfare and Animal Welfarism.” World Small Animal Veterinary
Association, Auckland, New Zealand, March 7, 2013
“To Breed or Not to Breed? Selective Breeding and the Ethics of Animal
Disease.” North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, January 19,
Other Professional Lectures:
Rossi J. “Selective Breeding and Ethics,” Society for Theriogenology annual
conference, Baltimore, MD, August 25, 2012.
Rossi J, Garner S. “What Should We Eat? Food Choices and Our Obligations to
the Public’s Health” (Poster), American Public Health Association (APHA)
annual conference, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , October 2011
Rossi J, Yudell M. “Risk Communication and Ethics in Autism Spectrum
Disorders.” (Oral Presentation). American Public Health Association
(APHA) annual conference, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , October 2011
Grants Awarded:
Drexel University Social Science Research Fund: “A Survey of Public Health
Professionals’ Views about the Nature, Importance and Usefulness of Academic
Public Health Ethics,” $7,520 (principal investigator), awarded November 2013.
Autism Speaks: “Improving Environmental Risk Communication for Autism
Spectrum Disorders,” $65,000 (co-principal investigator), awarded December 2013
Grants Previously Applied For:
NIH/Fogarty International Program: R25: International Research Ethics Education
and Curricular Development Award: “Developing Research and Public Health
Ethics Capacity in Partnership with The Gambia,” $1,150,000 (co-investigator)
National Science Foundation: Scholar’s Award: “A Sociological-Philosophical
Examination of Veterinarians’ Views about Animal Welfare and Ethics,” $165,000
(principal investigator)
NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute: R21: “Can Role-Related
Responsibilities Inform the Ethics of Autism Genetic Research?,” $275,000 (coinvestigator)
NIH/National Institution of Environmental Health Sciences: R21: “Autism
Spectrum Disorders and Breast Cancer: Understanding Research Integrity and the
Meaning of Public Trust,” $275,000 (co-investigator)
Manuscripts In Development:
Rossi J, Yudell M. "Risk Communication and Ethics: Mapping the Terrain."
Rossi J, Yudell M. “Value Judgments in Autism Risk Communication.”
Rossi J, Nelson RM. “Why We Need a Deliberative Standard for the Evaluation of
Pediatric Research Risk.”
Manuscripts Published or Accepted for Publication:
Rossi J, Garner S. “Industrial Farm Animal Production: A Comprehensive Moral
Critique. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, in press.
Rossi J, Garner S. “Value Judgments in the Nutritional Assessment of Plant-Based
Diets.” The Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, in press.
Garner S, Rossi J. “Industrial Farm Animal Production: A Moral Critique.” The
Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, in press.
Rossi J, Garner S. “Philosophical Considerations in the Definition and Assessment of
Animal Welfare.” The Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, in press.
Rossi J, Newschaffer C, Yudell M. “Autism Spectrum Disorders, Risk Communication
and the Problem of Inadvertent Harm.” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, June
2013;23(2): 105-138.
Rossi J. “The Ethics of Animal Research: Exploring the Controversy, ed.
Jeremy R. Garrett.” [book review]. American Journal of Bioethics
Rossi J. “Ethical Considerations in the Selective Breeding of Animals.”
Clinical Theriogenology, December 2012;4(4):503-520.
Yudell M, Tabor HK, Rossi J, Dawson G, Newschaffer C. “Priorities for Autism
Spectrum Disorders: Risk Communication and Ethics.” Autism, published Online First
August 23, 2012. doi:10.1177/1362361312453511
Rossi J, Yudell M. “The Use of Persuasion in Public Health Communication: An
Ethical Critique.” Public Health Ethics 2012;5(2):192-205.
Rossi J. “The Prospects for Objectivity in Risk Assessment.” Journal of Value Inquiry
Rossi J, Nelson RM. “Is There An Objective Way to Compare Research Risks?”
Journal of Medical Ethics 2012;38(7):423-427.
Rossi J, Yudell M. “Value-Ladenness and Rationality in Health Communication.”
American Journal of Bioethics 2012;12(2):20-22.
Rossi J. “Is Equal Moral Consideration Really Compatible with Unequal Moral
Status?” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. September 2010; 20(3): 251-276.
Rossi J. “International Research and Positive Obligations: Are They “TransactionSpecific”? American Journal of Bioethics. June 2010; 10(6): 49-51.
Rossi J. “Nonhuman Primate Research: The Wrong Way to Understand Needs and
Necessity.” American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB Neuroscience). May 2009; 9(5): 2123.
Rossi J. “Toward a Zoocentric Animal Ethics.” American Journal of Bioethics. 2008;
8(6): 50-52.
Wilson JF, Rossi J. “Medical Error and Liability: How Technology Can Be a
Safeguard.” DVM Magazine.
April, 2008.
Wilson JF, Rossi J. “Medical Error and Liability: A Changing Legal
Landscape.” DVM Magazine. February, 2008.
Rossi J. “Importance of public engagement found through involvement in Horse
Slaughter Bill” (letter to the editor). JAVMA. February 1, 2005; 226(3):346.
Overley B, Wojcieszyn, JW, Goldschmidt MH, Shofer F, Rossi JA, Sorenmo K.
“Study to characterize hormonal influences on feline mammary gland carcinoma
(fmc) development.” Presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the Veterinary Cancer
Society; September 26-29, 2003; Madison, WI.
Lacroix CA, Rossi JA. “Illegal drug compounding: watch your step.” Equine Medical
Review June 2004; 1-5.