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Systemic Anatomy Exam II
Prepared especially for the trimester one class, Summer 2001
Please place the single best answer in the space provided (unless designated by the letters MACA, which in this
case mark all correct answers that apply) on your scantron sheet. The faculty will not answer any of your
questions (unless you find a typo) once the exam begins, as interpretation of the question is a part of the
examination. Good luck.
1) During flexion of the knee joint, which of the two cruciate ligaments is pulled taut?
a) anterior cruciate ligament
b) posterior cruciate ligament
2) A labrum is _______.
a) found in the elbow joint
b) composed of fibrocartilage
c) decreases the surface area of a joint surface
d) typically found outside of the joint capsule
e) only associated with the hip joint
3) The tectorial membrane is a direct continuation of the _____.
a) anterior longitudinal ligament
b) posterior longitudinal ligament
c) supraspinous ligament
d) posterior Atlanta-occipital membrane
e) anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
4) The ligamentum nuchae is an example of a _________.
a) symphysis
b) syndesmosis
c) synchondrosis
d) diarthrosis
e) none of the above
5) Which of the following classifications describe the intervertebral joint? (MACA)
a) secondary cartilaginous joint
b) primary cartilaginous joint
c) multiaxial
d) amphiarthrosis
e) symphysis
6) The pubic tubercle is on the ___ aspect of the pubic bone.
a) superior lateral
b) superior medial
c) inferior lateral
d) inferior medial
7) The linea aspera is on the ___ aspect of the femur.
a) anterior
b) posterior
page 1, SA Exam II, Q.# 1-7
8) The malleolus of the tibia is on what aspect of the tibia?
a) proximal medial
b) proximal lateral
c) distal medial
d) distal lateral
9) The fossa of the malleolus of the fibula is located on what aspect of the fibula?
a) distal posterior and medial
b) distal anterior and medial
c) distal anterior and lateral
d) distal posterior and lateral
e) proximal posterior and medial
10) What lies in the musculospiral groove of the humerus?
a) the ulnar nerve
b) the radial nerve
c) the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii m.
d) the tendon of the long head of the triceps brachii m.
e) none of the above
11) The coronoid fossa is on the ___ aspect of the humerus.
a) proximal anterior
b) proximal posterior
c) distal anterior
d) distal posterior
12) The trochlear notch of the ulna is also called the ______.
a) olecranon fossa
b) radial notch
c) semilunar notch
d) interosseous margin
e) ulnar notch
13) What articulates with the transverse costal facet of a thoracic vertebra?
a) the head of a rib
b) the angle of a rib
c) the tubercle of a rib
d) the costal groove of a rib
e) the costochondral junction of a rib
14) The inferior articular facets of T12 face in a ___ direction.
a) anterior lateral
b) posterior lateral
c) anterior medial
d) posterior medial
15) The groove for the vertebral artery is located on the ____ surface of the ___________.
a) inferior, anterior arch of the atlas
b) superior, anterior arch of the atlas
c) superior, posterior arch of the atlas
d) inferior, posterior arch of the atlas
page 2, SA Exam II, Q.# 8-15
16) The uncinate process is located on the ________ aspect of the _____ of vertebra _______.
a) superior lateral, bodies, C3-T1
b) inferior medial, bodies, C1-C7
c) superior medial, bodies, C3-T1
d) inferior lateral, bodies, C1-C7
e) superior lateral, transverse processes, C3-T1
17) The carotid canal is ______ to the foramen lacerum.
a) medial
b) lateral
18) As you breath faster and deeper you ____ the levels of CO2 and you will ____ the pH of the blood.
a) decrease, increase
b) decrease, decrease
c) increase, decrease
d) increase, increase
19) Which of the following bones touch the temporal bone? (MACA)
a) occipital bone
b) parietal bone
c) sphenoid bone
d) frontal bone
e) maxillary bone
20) The forearm is ___ to the arm. (MACA)
a) proximal
b) distal
c) superior
d) inferior
e) afferent
21) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) 1cc = 1 ml
b) 1 tsp. = 15 ml
c) 1 ounce = 30 cc
d) 1 kg. = 2.2 lb.
e) 1 deciliter = 100 ml
22) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) inter – within
b) peri – around
c) retro – behind
d) syn – together or joined
e) tachy – fast
23) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) prognosis – predicted outcome
b) xeroderma – dry skin
c) pediculosis – infection of the feet
d) lumbodynia – low back pain
e) lumen – the inside of a hollow tubular organ
page 3, SA Exam II, Q.# 16-23
24) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) apnea – cessation of breathing
b) rhinoplasty – a “nose job”
c) epistaxis – above the midline
d) pneumoconiosis – dust particles in the lungs
e) aphonia – loss of ability to speak
25) Which of the following characteristics of skeletal muscles explain its response to nerve impulses?
a) contractility
b) irritability
c) extensibility
d) elasticity
26) ______ connect muscles to bone.
a) ligaments
b) tendons
27) The _____ is the primary mover of a joint.
a) antagonist
b) synergist
c) agonist
d) primover
28) Which of the following is an example of a strap muscle?
a) deltoid m.
b) sartorius m.
c) gluteus maximus m.
d) abductor pollicis longus m.
e) two of the above
29) The deltoid m. is named because of its _______.
a) size
b) location
c) shape
d) muscle action
e) direction of fibers
30) Choose the INCORRECT response.
a) epicranius frontalis m. – wrinkles the forehead
b) zygomaticus major m. – pulls eyebrows medially
c) orbicularis oris m. – puckers the lips
d) depressor labii inferioris m. – depresses lower lip
e) risorius m. – draws angle of mouth laterally
31) Which cranial nerve carries sensory information from the skin of the face?
a) CN II
b) CN V
d) CN IX
page 4, SA Exam II, Q.# 24-31
32) Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression?
a) CN II
b) CN V
d) CN IX
33) A patient is presented with an inability to protract the tongue. Which cranial nerve is most likely involved?
a) CN II
b) CN V
d) CN IX
34) Which of the following muscles depress the mandible? (MACA)
a) sternocleidomastoid m.
b) masseter m.
c) digastric m.
d) temporalis m.
e) medial pterygoid m.
35) The nerve that innervates the temporalis m. exits the skull through the _______.
a) mental foramen
b) foramen ovale
c) foramen rotundum
d) foramen magnum
e) foramen lacerum
36) Which one of the following muscles DOES NOT attach to the mastoid process of the temporal bone?
a) sternocleidomastoid m.
b) digastric m.
c) splenius capitis m.
d) semispinalis capitis m.
e) longissimus capitis m.
37) Which of the following muscles attach to the first rib? (MACA)
a) anterior scalene m.
b) sternocleidomastoid m.
c) posterior scalene m.
d) subclavius m.
e) omohyoid m.
38) This muscle’s name is derived from the Latin word meaning plate?
a) sternocleidomastoid m.
b) genioglossus m.
c) platysma m.
d) scalene m.
e) splenius m.
page 5, SA Exam II, Q.# 32-38
39) As I am dissecting a cadaver in gross anatomy class I find two white nervous tissue structures exiting
between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. What are they? (MACA)
a) the phrenic nerve
b) the suprascapular nerve
c) the brachial plexus
d) the long thoracic nerve
e) the cervical plexus
40) The longus colli m. will ___ the neck.
a) flex
b) extend
41) Contraction of the diaphragm will _____ thoracic volume and ____ intrathoracic pressure.
a) decrease, increase
b) increase, decrease
c) increase, increase
d) decrease, decrease
42) The ventral midline confluence of the aponeurosises of the muscles that compose the abdominal wall forms
a structure called the _______.
a) inguinal ligament
b) cremaster muscle
c) arcuate line
d) linea alba
e) none of the above
43) The rectus abdominis m. will ____ the vertebral column.
a) flex
b) extend
44) Which of the following structures attaches from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle?
a) inguinal ligament
b) cremaster muscle
c) arcuate line
d) linea alba
e) none of the above
45) Which of the following muscles attaches from the inferior aspect of the nuchal ligament, spinous processes
of C7 to T4 and to the lateral aspect of the superior nuchal line and the mastoid process of the temporal bone?
a) rectus capitis posterior major m.
b) rectus capitis posterior minor m.
c) semispinalis capitis m.
d) longissimus capitis m.
e) splenius capitis m.
46) Which of the following is located the most lateral?
a) longissimus mm.
b) spinalis mm.
c) iliocostalis mm.
page 6, SA Exam II, Q.# 39-46
47) The iliocostalis mm. attaches to the _______.
a) spinous processes of thoracic vertebra
b) ribs
c) transverse processes of thoracic vertebra
d) anterior medial crest of the ilium
e) mastoid process of the temporal bone
48) If a muscle has the name capitis in it then it probably attaches to the _______________.
a) pelvis
b) skull
c) neck
d) spine
e) none of the above
49) Which of the following muscles has as its attachments, the transverse process of one vertebra and the
spinous process of the vertebra directly superior to its origin?
a) multifidus mm.
b) long rotator mm.
c) short rotator mm.
d) interspinalis mm.
e) intertransversarii mm.
50) How can you identify the semispinalis capitis m. in a picture of the posterior neck muscles?
a) it is the most superficial m.
b) its fibers run superior and medial
c) it attaches on the spinous process of the cervical vertebra
d) it has tendinous inscriptions in its belly
e) two of the above
51) Which of the following muscles attaches to the atlas? (MACA)
a) rectus capitis posterior major m.
b) rectus capitis posterior minor m.
c) obliquus capitis superior m.
d) obliquus capitis inferior m.
e) levator scapulae m.
52) Which of the following muscles attaches to the axis? (MACA)
a) middle scalene m.
b) levator scapulae m.
c) rectus capitis posterior minor m.
d) obliquus capitis superior m.
e) obliquus capitis inferior m.
53) What nerve innervates the muscles of the eye that points the pupil laterally?
b) CN IV
c) CN V
d) CN VI
page 7, SA Exam II, Q.# 47-53
54) Which of the following muscles attach from the superior nuchal line, the EOP, the ligamentum nuchae, the
spinous processes of C7-T12 to the clavicle and spine of the scapula?
a) deltoid m.
b) semispinalis capitis m.
c) splenius capitis m.
d) trapezius m.
e) rhomboid mm.
55) Which of the following muscles will retract the scapula? (MACA)
a) rhomboid major m.
b) serratus anterior m.
c) trapezius m.
d) deltoid m.
e) latissimus dorsi m.
56) What is the origin of the levator scapulae m. if its action is to laterally flex the neck?
a) transverse processes of the cervical vertebra
b) superior medial aspect of the scapula
c) spinous process of the cervical vertebra
d) superior lateral aspect of the scapula
57) Which of the following muscles protract the scapula? (MACA)
a) serratus anterior m.
b) levator scapulae m.
c) pectoralis minor m.
d) pectoralis major m.
e) latissimus dorsi m.
58) Which of the following muscles will abduct the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) deltoid m.
b) teres minor m.
c) supraspinatus m.
d) teres major m.
e) trapezius m.
59) Which of the following muscles will laterally rotate the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) teres minor m.
b) teres major m.
c) pectoralis major m.
d) infraspinatus m.
e) latissimus dorsi m.
60) Which of the following muscles attach to the vertebral border of the scapula? (MACA)
a) teres minor m.
b) triceps brachii m.
c) levator scapulae m.
d) rhomboid major m.
e) trapezius m.
page 8, SA Exam II, Q.# 54-60
61) Which of the following muscles attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus? (MACA)
a) teres minor m.
b) teres major m.
c) infraspinatus m.
d) supraspinatus m.
e) subscapularis m.
62) Which of the following muscles attach to the coracoid process of the scapula? (MACA)
a) coracobrachialis m.
b) biceps brachii m., short head
c) biceps brachii m., long head
d) pectoralis minor m.
e) pectoralis major m.
63) Which of the following muscles flex the elbow joint? (MACA)
a) brachioradialis m.
b) biceps brachii m.
c) brachialis m.
d) coracobrachialis m.
e) pronator teres m.
64) Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the rotator cuff group of muscles?
a) infraspinatus m.
b) teres major m.
c) supraspinatus m.
d) subscapularis m.
e) teres minor m.
65) Which of the following muscles will supinate the forearm? (MACA)
a) brachioradialis m.
b) brachialis m.
c) biceps brachii m.
d) supinator m.
e) coracobrachialis m.
66) Which of the following is not consistent with an action of the pectoralis major m.?
a) flex the arm
b) medially rotate the humerus
c) abduct the humerus
d) adduct the arm
e) extend the arm
67) Which of the following muscles will flex the hip joint? (MACA)
a) iliacus m.
b) biceps femoris m.
c) sartorius m.
d) tensor fasciae latae m.
e) rectus femoris m.
page 9, SA Exam II, Q.# 61-67
68) Which
of the following muscles will abduct the femur at the hip joint? (MACA)
a) gluteus maximus m.
b) gluteus medius m.
c) tensor fasciae latae m.
d) piriformis m.
e) sartorius m.
69) Which
of the following muscles will laterally rotate the femur at the hip joint? (MACA)
a) piriformis m.
b) biceps femoris m.
c) semimembranous m.
d) quadratus femoris m.
e) iliopsoas m.
70) What nerve can you visualize in the quadrangle space?
a) radial nerve
b) median nerve
c) axillary nerve
d) musculocutaneous n.
e) none of the above
71) What nerve runs through the belly of the pronator teres m.?
a) radial nerve
b) median nerve
c) axillary nerve
d) musculocutaneous n.
e) none of the above
72) What muscle attaches to the pisiform bone, the hamate bone and the base of Mc5?
a) flexor digitorum superficialis m.
b) flexor digitorum profundus m.
c) flexor carpi radialis m.
d) flexor carpi ulnaris m.
e) palmaris longus m.
73) Which of the following muscles will abduct the hand at the carpus? (MACA)
a) flexor carpi ulnaris m.
b) flexor carpi radialis m.
c) extensor carpi radialis longus m.
d) extensor carpi radialis brevis m.
e) extensor carpi ulnaris m.
74) Which of the following muscles will flex the knee? (MACA)
a) soleus m.
b) gastrocnemius m.
c) semimembranous m.
d) semitendinosus m.
e) biceps femoris m.
75) Which epicondyle of the humerus serves as a common point of origin for muscles that flex the carpus?
a) medial epicondyle
b) lateral epicondyle
page 10, SA Exam II, Q.# 68-75
76) Which muscles attach to the lesser trochanter of the femur? (MACA)
a) rectus femoris m.
b) sartorius m.
c) iliacus m.
d) piriformis m.
e) psoas major m.
77) Which muscles attach to the greater trochanter of the femur?
a) gluteus medius m.
b) iliacus m.
c) piriformis m.
d) tensor fasciae latae m.
e) gluteus maximus m.
78) Which of the following muscles will plantar flex the foot at the ankle? (MACA)
a) gastrocnemius m.
b) peroneus brevis m.
c) tibialis anterior m.
d) tibialis posterior m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
79) Which of the following muscles will invert the foot at the ankle? (MACA)
a) peroneus tertius m.
b) peroneus brevis m.
c) peroneus longus m.
d) tibialis anterior m.
e) tibialis posterior m.
80) What is the common point of attachment for the hamstring group of muscles?
a) greater trochanter of the femur
b) pes anserinus
c) Gerdy’s tubercle
d) ischial tuberosity
e) lesser trochanter of the femur
81) What nerve innervates the extensor muscles of the elbow joint?
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
82) What nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior forearm?
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
page 11, SA Exam II, Q.# 76-82
83) What nerve innervates the muscles and skin of the thenar eminence?
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
84) What nerve innervates the muscles that adduct the hand at the carpus? (MACA)
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
85) What nerve innervates the muscles that laterally rotate the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) axillary nerve
b) suprascapular nerve
c) long thoracic nerve
d) thoracodorsal nerve
e) dorsal scapular nerve
86) What nerve innervates the muscles that abduct the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) axillary nerve
b) suprascapular nerve
c) long thoracic nerve
d) thoracodorsal nerve
e) dorsal scapular nerve
87) What nerve innervates the muscles that extend the hip joint? (MACA)
a) tibial nerve
b) common peroneal nerve
c) inferior gluteal nerve
d) superior gluteal nerve
e) femoral nerve
88) What nerve innervates the muscles that flex the knee joint? (MACA)
a) tibial nerve
b) common peroneal nerve
c) obturator nerve
d) femoral nerve
e) inferior gluteal nerve
89) What nerve innervates the muscles that dorsiflex the foot?
a) tibial nerve
b) common peroneal nerve
c) obturator nerve
d) femoral nerve
e) inferior gluteal nerve
page 12, SA Exam II, Q.# 83-89
90) What nerve innervates the muscles that plantar flex the foot?
a) tibial nerve
b) common peroneal nerve
c) obturator nerve
d) femoral nerve
e) inferior gluteal nerve
91) What nerve innervates the muscles that abduct the femur at the hip joint? (MACA)
a) superior gluteal nerve
b) inferior gluteal nerve
c) femoral nerve
d) obturator nerve
e) common peroneal nerve
92) What nerve innervates the muscles that adduct the femur at the hip joint?
a) femoral nerve
b) obturator nerve
c) superior gluteal nerve
d) inferior gluteal nerve
e) none of the above
93) What nerve runs through the belly of the coracobrachialis m.?
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
94) Could I still abduct the humerus at the shoulder joint if I cut axillary nerve?
a) yes
b) no
95) Could I still elevate the shoulder if I cut the dorsal scapular nerve?
a) yes
b) no
96) In what town is the original Babe’s fried chicken located?
a) Fort Worth
b) Dallas
c) Roan Oak
d) Grapevine
e) Southlake
97) What three nerves innervate the muscles of the anterior forearm? (MACA)
a) musculocutaneous n.
b) median n.
c) radial n.
d) axillary n.
e) ulnar n.
page 13, SA exam II, Q.# 90-97
98) What three tendons border the anatomic snuffbox? (MACA)
a) abductor pollicis longus m.
b) extensor pollicis longus m.
c) extensor pollicis brevis m.
d) flexor hallucis longus m.
e) extensor hallucis longus m.
99) What three muscles attach at the pes anserinus? (MACA)
a) sartorius m.
b) gastrocnemius m.
c) soleus m.
d) gracilis m.
e) semitendinosus m.
100) Which of the following muscles attach to the calcaneus bone? (MACA)
a) gastrocnemius m.
b) plantaris m.
c) semitendinosus m.
d) soleus m.
e) peroneus longus m.
page 14, SA Exam II, Q.# 98-100
Grades will be posted in your classroom by the end of the school day today. We will go over the exams in
classroom during the next class period.