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2017 (exp)
Anthropology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Dissertation title: “Biosocial approaches to epidemic disease in
sub-Saharan Africa”
Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY
Asian Studies, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC
Postdoctoral Training
Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
Intern/Resident, Internal Medicine (Clinical Investigator Pathway)
Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA
Clinical Appointments
Attending Physician, Division of Infectious Diseases
Stanford ValleyCare, Pleasanton, CA
Research/Work Experience
Research Scientist
Partners in Health, Boston, MA
Affiliated Scholar, Center for Health Policy
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford, CA
Visiting Scholar, Center for Public Health and Human Rights
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Consultant, HIV Prevention
World Bank, Washington, D.C.
Clinical Lead, Kono District Ebola Response
Partners in Health, Sierra Leone
Research Scientist, Desmond Tutu HIV Centre
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Doris Duke fellow at Kalafong Hospital (Pretoria), Perinatal HIV
Yale School of Medicine/University of Pretoria
Research assistant, Yellow Fever
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Intern, Health Action in Crises
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Laboratory supervisor, Bentiu Field Hospital
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, Sudan
E.T. Richardson
Licensure and Certifications
Medical License, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
American Board of Internal Medicine – Infectious Disease
American Board of Internal Medicine – Internal Medicine
Medical License, State of California
Honors and Awards
Young Investigator Award
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
Loan Repayment Award
National Institutes of Health
Ebola Service Award
IDSA Center for Global Health Policy
Graduate Research Award
Stanford Center for African Studies
Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholar
Tugela Ferry, South Africa
Resident Ambassador
Stanford Department of Medicine
Honors in Research
Cornell University Medical College
Anthony S. Werner Memorial Prize in Infectious Disease
Cornell University Medical College
O.C. Hubert Fellowship in International Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Elsevier Clinical Research Award
American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Benjamin H. Kean Traveling Fellow
American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
David E. Rogers Fellowship
New York Academy of Medicine
Graduate ‘with Merit’ (equivalent of Latin honors)
University of Sydney
Graduated cum laude
Duke University
Current Funding
Wellcome Trust
Ethics Issues in Public Health Containment for Ebola and other Infectious
Outbreaks in Low and Middle Income Countries
PI: Kass
Role: co-Investigator
E.T. Richardson
Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health
Prevalence of Asymptomatic Ebola Infection in Sierra Leone
Role: co-PI
University of California, San Francisco (Crowdfund)
Emergency Ebola Response
Role: co-Investigator
Stanford University School of Medicine
Advanced Residency Training at Stanford (ARTS) Fellowship
Completed Funding
Freeman Spogli Institute/Global Underdevelopment Action Fund
CO2, Social Mixing and the Effects on TB Transmission
Role: co-PI
Stanford University
Gerhard Casper Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering
5 T32 AI 052073
Epidemiology of Emerging Infections and Bioterrorism
PI: Parsonnet
Role: Trainee
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Perinatal HIV in an Integrated Health System
PI: Forsyth
Role: Research fellow
Total: $50,000
Society for Applied Anthropology
International AIDS Society
Infectious Disease Society of America
Stanford Society of Physician Scholars
American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Ad-hoc Peer Reviewer
American Anthropologist
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS)
Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID)
Social Science & Medicine
Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS)
AIDS and Behavior
Antiviral Research
2014-16 International AIDS Society Conferences
E.T. Richardson
Conference Abstracts and Presentations
1. Richardson ET. (2007) HIV and infant feeding. UNESCO Workshop of Water and
HIV/AIDS. Pretoria, South Africa.
2. Richardson ET, Pattinson R, Bergh A, Makin J. (2008) The utility of a postnatal “
bridging card” in facilitating communication between health centres. Conference on
Priorities in Perinatal Care in Southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa.
3. Richardson ET, Pattinson R, Bergh A, Makin J. (2008) The journey of the other and
infant between birth and six weeks: A map of potential routes. Conference on Priorities
in Perinatal Care in Southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa.
4. Richardson ET, Pattinson R, Bergh A, Makin J. (2008) Caring for the mother and
infant in an integrated health system. 57th American Society of Tropical Medicine &
Hygiene Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract: 827.
5. DeCamp M, Rodriguez J, Richardson ET, Sugarman J, Barry M. (2011) Developing
an introductory ethics curriculum for short-term global health training. Global Health
Conference. Montreal, Canada.
6. Richardson ET & Zolopa AR. (2013) HIV and gender inequality. 7th International
AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Abstract: TUPE332.
7. Richardson ET, Morrow CD, Kalil DB, Bekker L-G, Wood R. (2014) Tuberculosis in
Schools. NCCIDSA Meeting TB Symposium. Mayo Clinic TB Center, Rochester, MN.
8. Richardson ET, Loftus J, Collins SE, Tram KH, Kung T, Boggiano VL, Zolopa AR,
Bekker L-G, Jones JH. (2014) Modeling cash incentives vs. oral preexposure prophylaxis
in high-risk South African women: The Cash-PreP Study. 20th International AIDS
Conference. Melbourne, Australia. Abstract: LBPE39.
9. Richardson ET, Dennis F, Mathabela N, Mabuza K, Waligo A, Bendavid E, Gorgens M,
Venter F. (2016) Scale-up of Antiretroviral Therapy and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in
Swaziland. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Boston, MA.
Abstract: 1056.
10. Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Rutherford
GW, Jones JH, Murray MB, Farmer P. (2016) Unreported cases and asymptomatic
infection in an Ebola ‘hotspot’. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
(CROI). Boston, MA. Abstract: 72LB.
Grand Rounds/Other Presentations
1. Bekker L-G & Richardson ET. (2014) Cost-effectiveness of Viral Load Monitoring in
Resource-limited Settings. 8th INTEREST Workshop. Lusaka, Zambia.
2. Richardson ET. (2014) Humanitarian Organizations. Stanford Human Rights
Education Initiative Workshop on Humanitarianism.
3. Richardson ET. (2015) Ebola in Context. Stanford Medical Grand Rounds.
4. Richardson ET & Kass N. (2015) Ebola: What Should the World Do? Cosmos Club.
Washington, D.C.
5. Richardson ET. (2015) Religion and Ebola. Koidu City Council. Sierra Leone.
6. Richardson ET. (2015) Ebola Virus Disease. Good Samaritan Hospital Medical
Forum. San Jose, CA.
E.T. Richardson
7. Richardson ET. (2015) Pandemics: Past and Potential. Harvard Institute for Learning
in Retirement. Cambridge, MA.
8. Farmer PE (chair), Richardson ET (co-chair), Samai M, Fallah MP, Barrie MB, Kelly
JD. (2016) Symposium—Ebola: Drivers of transmission, vaccines, clinical sequelae, and
asymptomatic infection. 65th American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual
Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Richardson ET & Polyakova A. The illusion of scientific objectivity and the death of
the investigator. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2012 Feb;42(2):213-215.
2. Richardson ET, Luo R, Fink D, Nutman TB, Geisse JK, Barry M. Transient facial
swellings in a patient with a remote African travel history. Journal of Travel
Medicine 2012 May-Jun;19(3):183-185. doi:10.1111/j.1708-8305.2012.00612.x.
3. Wood R & Richardson ET. Prioritizing Healthcare Delivery in a Conflict Zone;
comment on “TB/HIV co-infection care in conflict-affected settings: a mapping of health
facilities in the Goma area, Democratic Republic of Congo” International Journal
of Health Policy and Management. 2013;1(3):231–232.
4. Richardson ET, Grant PM, Zolopa AR. Evolution of HIV treatment guidelines in
high- and low-income countries: Converging recommendations. Antiviral Research.
2014;103:88–93. doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.12.007.
5. Collins SE, Grant PM, Richardson ET, Zolopa AR. Integrating integrase inhibitors
into an antiretroviral regimen. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases
2014;6(2):144-158. doi:10.1007/s40506-013-0009-6.
6. Richardson ET, Morrow CD, Kalil DB, Ginsberg S, Bekker L-G, Wood R. Shared
air: A renewed focus on ventilation for the prevention of tuberculosis transmission.
PLOS ONE 2014;9(5):e96334. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096334.
7. Richardson ET, Collins SE, Kung T, Jones JH, Tram KH, Boggiano VL, Bekker LG, Zolopa AR. Gender inequality and HIV transmission: A global analysis. Journal of the
International AIDS Society 2014;17:19035. doi:10.7448/IAS.17.1.19035.
8. Richardson ET, Barrie MB, Kelly JD, Dibba Y, Koedoyoma S, Farmer PE. Biosocial
Approaches to the 2013-16 Ebola Pandemic. Health and Human Rights 2016;18(1):16779.
9. Richardson ET, Morrow CD, Ho T, Fürst N, Cohelia R, Tram K-H, Farmer PE, Wood
R. Forced removals embodied as tuberculosis. Social Science and Medicine 2016;161:1318. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.05.015
10. Kung TH, Richardson ET, Mabud TS, Heaney CA, Jones E, Evert J. Host community
perspectives on trainees participating in short-term experiences in global health. Medical
Education 2016; [in press].
11. Beyrer C, Baral SD, Collins C, Richardson ET, Sullivan PS, Sanchez J, Trapence G,
Katabira E, Kazatchkine M, Ryan O, Wirtz AL, Mayer KH. The Global Response to HIV
among MSM. The Lancet 2016; [in press].
E.T. Richardson
Other Publications
1. DeCamp M, Crump J, Rodriguez J, Richardson ET, Barry M, Sugarman J. TB in a
global health exchange program. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2012;27(1):7.
2. Richardson ET, Wood R. A trial of mass isoniazid preventive therapy for
tuberculosis control [Letter]. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;370(17):16611662. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1402073#SA2.
3. Richardson ET. Research on oral preexposure prophylaxis in sub-Saharan Africa is an
example of biomedical tunnel vision. AIDS 2014;28(10):1537-1538.
4. Kelly JD, Richardson ET, Barry M. Persistence of Ebola virus in the eye [Letter]. New
England Journal of Medicine 2015;373(20):1981-1982. doi:10.1056/NEJMc1510459.
Manuscripts Under Review
1. Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Marsh RH,
Koedoyoma S, Daboh F, Barron KP, Grady M, Tucker E, Dierberg KL, Rutherford GW,
Barry M, Jones JH, Murray MB, Farmer PE. Unreported cases and asymptomatic infection
in an Ebola ‘hotspot’. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; [under review].
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