Download Patient History - ADULT - Wilson Health Medical Group

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Wilson Health Medical Group
A Service of Wilson Health
New Patient Personal Medical History
Name ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Date of Birth: _____ - _____ - _____
Sex: ____M ____F
Last four of SSN # ____________
Medical History
Please indicate if you have any of the following by placing an ‘X’ by the condition:
_____ Alcoholism
_____ Emphysema
_____ Kidney/Bladder Disease
_____ Angina
_____ Epilepsy/Seizures
_____ Leukemia
_____ Anemia
_____ Fibromyalgia
_____ Liver Disease
_____ Arthritis
_____ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
_____ Lung Disease
_____ Asthma
_____ Glaucoma
_____ Multiple Sclerosis
_____ Blood clotting disorders
_____ Headache/Migraines
_____ Osteoporosis
_____ Bowel Problems
_____ MRSA
_____ Pacemaker
_____ Cancer
_____ Heart Attack/MI
_____ Psychiatric Disorders
_____ Cholesterol Disease
_____ Heart Disease
_____ Sexually Transmitted Diseases
_____ COPD
_____ Heart Murmur
_____ Skin Disorders
_____ Congestive Heart Failure(CHF)
_____ Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
_____ Stroke
_____ Coronary Heart Disease
_____ Hepatitis
_____ Thoughts of Suicide
_____ Depression/Anxiety
_____ High Blood Pressure
_____ Thyroid Disease
_____ Diabetes
_____ HIV/AIDS
_____ Tuberculosis
If any of the above were checked please explain or add items not listed:
Please list all allergies, medications and seasonal; indicate reaction (use extra space at end if needed):
Adult History 1
Medical History
Please indicate if you have any of the following by placing an ‘X’ by the condition:
___ Weight loss
___ Fever
___ Chills
___ Rash
___ Hair loss
___ Headaches
___ Visual impairment
___ Pain
___ Swelling
___ Shortness of breath
___ Cough
___ Mass
___ Nipple discharge
___ Chest pain
___ Palpitations
___ Abdominal pain
___ Change in bowel habits
___ Change in urination habits
___ Joint stiffness
___ Muscle weakness
___ Weakness in extremities
___ Passing out
___ Anxiety
___ Depression
___ Excessive thirst
___ Hot flashes
___ Abnormal bleeding
___ Blood clots
Family History
Please indicate below if your parents, siblings, child or grandparents have any of the following conditions by
placing an ‘X’ by the condition and list the individual’s relationship to you:
Relationship (Father, Mother, Sibling,
Child, Maternal or Paternal Grandparent)
_____ Alcoholism or Drug dependency
_____ Blood Disorders
_____ Cancer
_____ Diabetes
_____ Heart Disease
_____ Heart Attack
_____ High Blood Pressure
_____ Psychiatric disorder
_____ Stroke
_____ Other
Social History
Marital Status (Circle one):
Please list current household members and their ages:
If female, total number of pregnancies _________
Miscarriages _____ Terminations _____ Preterm Deliveries _____ Stillbirths _____
Adult History 2
Name ____________________________________________________
How many siblings? _________ Any siblings deceased? If yes, please list cause of death and age at death:
Father: ___ Living ___ Deceased (Age at death) _____ Mother: ___ Living ___ Deceased (Age at death) _____
Are you currently employed or retired? ____________________________________
Do you currently use or have used tobacco products? ___ Yes ___ No
If ‘Yes’ what type(s): _________________________________________________________________________
In what year did you start? ______________ Quit date if no longer using tobacco products? _______________
Do you currently use or have used any illicit drugs? ___ Yes ___ No
If ‘Yes’ what type(s): _________________________________________________________________________
In what year did you start? ______________
Quit date if no longer using illicit drugs? _______________
Do you drink caffeine? ___ Yes ___ No If ‘Yes’ how much do you drink? Daily _________ Weekly _________
Do you exercise? ___ Yes ___ No If ‘Yes’ how many times a week do you exercise? ______________________
What type of exercise do you do? _______________________________________________________________
Do you currently feel safe in your home? ___ Yes ___ No
If ‘No’ please explain why? ____________________________________________________________________
Clearly list all medications you take including prescriptions, over the counter, vitamins, herbs, birth control etc.
(use additional space at end if needed)
Name of Medication
How often do you take?
(Ex: 2 times a day or every other day)
Adult History 3
Surgical/Procedure History
Please list any surgeries or procedures and the dates below (use additional space at end if needed):
__________________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Do you or any family member have complications with anesthesia? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you ever been told to take antibiotics before surgery? ___ Yes ___ No
If ‘Yes’ why? ________________________________________________________________________________
Health Maintenance
Please indicate the last date you had the followed test and vaccines:
Bone Density Study __________________________
Colonoscopy ____________________________
Pap Smear _________________________________
Foot Exam ______________________________
Mammogram ________________________________
Prostate Exam ___________________________
Cholesterol _________________________________
Tetanus Shot ____________________________
Flu Shot ___________________________________
Pneumovax _____________________________
Hepatitis B _________________________________
Do you have a signed Do Not Resuscitate form? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you have a Living Will? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare? ___ Yes ___ No
Please list any other concerns or conditions that would affect the care we provide you (ex. Hearing loss)
Adult History 4