Download FC Notes 1.4 solve absolute value equations

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1.4 Solving Absolute Value Equations
Objective: solve absolute value equation
What is
absolute value?
Name: _____________________
Date: ___________________
The ___________ from ____ on a number line.
Since distance is ____________, the absolute value
of a number is always ____________.
For any real number a, a  ___ if _________, and
a  ___ if _________.
For any real numbers, a and b, where b > 0,
if a  b , then __________ or __________ .
The second equation can also be written as
________. If b < 0, then there is _____________.
How do you solve an STEPS:
absolute value
1. Isolate absolute value expression.
2. Drop the absolute value bars and set up the
2 equations (“drop & opp”).
3. Solve and check please!
Solve each equation.
Check your solution.
1) 2y  3  7
2) |3x - 2| + 6 = 10
1.4 Solving Absolute Value Equations
3) 3 x  2  5  23
4) 4a  3  5  2
5) 8  m  2m  3
INDEPENDENT Practice Workbook page 4 (14, 18, 22, 26)
Write an equation to
solve each problem.
5) A poll of American
voters reported that
39% favor Hillary
Clinton. Results of
polls of this size can be
off as much as 3%.
Find the minimum and
maximum percent of
the vote that Clinton is
expected to receive.
PRACTICE: Practice Workbook page 4 (29-30)
page 2