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SOUND OBJECTS / 14th-23rd September 2012
An exhibition of sound objects and unusual instruments
and three days of events at the Galleria Civica di Modena as part of the festivalfilosofia
curated by Claudio Chianura
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the title ‘Sound Objects’, the Galleria Civica di Modena – together with the Fondazione Cassa di
Risparmio di Modena – presents three days of initiatives curated by Claudio Chianura in collaboration
with the festivalfilosofia Consortium, to be held in Modena from 14th until 16th September 2012.
Given that the theme of the festivalfilosofia 2012 is ‘Things’, a display of sound objects is to be held in
the exhibition venues of Palazzo Santa Margherita, featuring unusual or even ‘improper’ instruments, to
which more and more space has been given over in both artistic and musical research over recent
In corso Canalgrande 103 from 14th until 23rd September, it will be possible to admire (and in some
cases even try out) both very high-tech instruments, such as the cello without sounding box, or the
Tenori-on (which with its 256 LED keys brings together the creative potential of electronic music and
visual performances), as well as entirely hand-made objects, such as the theme-based carillon
prototypes. The hall will also host a number of continuous video screenings documenting original
performances with non-conventional instruments, reflecting the theme of the event with contributions
from Steve Piccolo, Les Trotteuses, ZEV, Videotrope, Laurie Anderson and Yann Keller among others.
During the three evenings of the festivalfilosofia, the cloisters will provide the stage for a series of
conversations, performances and lectures.
Starting on Friday 14th September at 9.30 pm, there will be a masterclass by Steve Piccolo entitled
“Musica concreta, ascolto concreto” (“Solid music, solid listening”) accompanied by musical
demonstrations. A musician, composer, artist, curator and teacher, since the mid-‘70s his career has
taken him all around the world, dealing with music, theatre and other performance arts, sound
installations, video art and film soundtracks. On Saturday 15th September, again at 9.30 pm, Marino
Sinibaldi – director of Radio 3 – will talk about the radio as a sound object during a meeting titled
“Radio. La scatola sonora” (“Radio. The sound box”). On Sunday 16th September at 9.30 pm, Claudio
Chianura, Mario Conte and Luca Reale (otherwise known as the Zoff82 Independent Label) will discuss
the issue “iTapes: analogical instruments in the digital era”. The three evenings will each be brought to a
close around 11 pm with a video screening of ‘Sound Objects: electronic, manipulated or homemade’.
The initiative will be curated by Claudio Chianura. An expert in electronic music, he provides an active
contribution to the fields of publishing and record producing. He has published five albums of his own
on the Auditorium, Materiali Sonori and Medium labels, and he has produced various works of
experimental music, as well as editing texts published on John Cage, Laurie Anderson, Tom Waits,
Robert Wyatt, Demetrio Stratos and many others. After collaborating with the monthly magazine
“Strumenti Musicali’” in 2005 he went on to found the magazine “InSound”.
Photo: one of the sound objects on show, the Carillon Cage, (Chiara De Maria, 2008)
Daily programme
Galleria civica di Modena, Palazzo Santa Margherita, corso Canalgrande 103, Modena
Sound Objects
In the Main Hall
Sound Objects. An exhibition of sound objects in collaboration with Casale Bauer, MidiMusic, Midiware,
Mogar Music, Roland Italy and Yamaha.
A selection of videos: performances, electronics, homemade instruments, sound objects.
Exhibition opening times during the festivalfilosofia: Friday 14th September, 9 am – 1 am; Saturday 15th
September, 9 am – 2 am; Sunday 16th September, 9 am – 12 midnight.
From 19th until 23rd September: Wednesday-Friday 10.30 am – 1 pm, and 3 pm – 6 pm; Saturday,
Sunday, 10.30 am – 7 pm.
In the Cloister
Friday 14th September
9.30 pm
Steve Piccolo
Musica concreta, ascolto concreto
11 pm video screening of Sound Objects: elettronici, manipolati, autocostruiti
Saturday 15th September
9.30 pm
Marino Sinibaldi
Radio. La scatola sonora
11 pm video screening of Sound Objects: elettronici, manipolati, autocostruiti
Sunday 16th September
9.30 pm
Claudio Chianura with Mario Conte and Luca Reale (Zoff82 Independent Label)
iTapes: gli strumenti analogici nell'era digitale
11 pm video screening of Sound Objects: elettronici, manipolati, autocostruiti
Steve Piccolo (born in the USA, he lives and works in Milan, Italy). A musician, composer, artist,
curator and teacher, after completing his studies at the Bard College and New York University, he began
his career in 1970 as a bass player, performing in New York in various arts venues. A protagonist both
of the musical and theatrical scene, the author of performances, sound installations, videos and film
soundtracks, he has displayed his work in a great number of museums and galleries, such as the
Kitchen, Franklin Furnace, Environ, Squat Theater, PASS, La Mama, Issue Project Room, The Stone
(all in New York, between 1979 and 2010), Documenta 8 Kassel (1987), MAMCO in Geneva (2003),
Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena (2003, 2005, 2007), FRAC Bretagne (2004), Milan Triennial (2004-0507-09), the Berlin Jazz Festival (1981 and 2005), Technical Breakdown Copenhagen (2005-06), the
Venice Biennale (with WPS1, 2005), Venice Music Biennale (2006), ArtBasel Miami (2006), Performa in
New York (2007), the Istanbul Biennial (2007), Body Process Arts Festival of Istanbul (2007), the
Metropolitan Museum of New York (2009), and the Tirana Art Center (2011). Many of these projects
were created in collaboration with the Japanese musician and sound artist Gak Sato. He was sound
curator for ArtVerona in 2008 as well as for the exhibition ‘Club 21’ as part of Frieze 2010 in London. His
collaboration work on video art / performances / soundtrack installations include projects with Adrian
Paci, Luca Pancrazzi (including the DE-ABC sound art group together with Gak Sato), Gabriele Di
Matteo, Marc Vincent Kalinka, Marzia Migliora to name but a few. He has released many records, and
has held sound art courses at the Carrara Academy in Bergamo (since 2002) and the NABA in Milan
(since 2005). He writes a monthly column for the magazine InSound, and edits the sound art pages on
the website Undo.Net.
Marino Sinibaldi General Director of Radio 3 since 2009, journalist, author and presenter of radio and
television programmes, he has presented (for the RAI) ‘Antologia’, ‘Fine secolo’, ‘Note azzurre’,
“Lampi”, “Senza rete”, “Supergiovani’”and ”Tema”, as well as collaborating with “La storia siamo noi”.
He was the creator and presenter of the “Fahrenheit” transmission on RAI Radio 3.
Together with Gad Lerner and Luigi Manconi, he published a number of essays on the student protest
movements of the ‘60s and ‘70s. He contributed to the magazine ”Ombre Rosse” before going on to cofound the magazine “Linea d’ombra” and publish ”Pulp. La Letteratura nell’era della simultaneità”
(Donzelli, 1997). He also collaborated with Natalia Ginzburg on the book “È difficile parlare di sé.
Conversazione a più voci condotta da Marino Sinibaldi” (Einaudi, 1999).
Mario Conte (Naples, class of 1970) is a musician, producer, and sound designer. He began his career
in 1988 as a member of the Neapolitan indie band Panoramics, before going on to collaborate with
various Italian and foreign artists and record labels in the fields of pop and electronic/alternative music.
In 2000 he joined forces with Peppe Barra: their partnership, which was to last five years, gave rise to
two records and a long series of concerts and collaboration projects. His approach to experimentation
and innovation led him in 2008 to create ‘Hello DJ?’, an interactive experience created exclusively using
mobile phones, in which the audience could intervene to modify the course of the performance. This
was to form the basis of the ‘Phone Jobs’ group (2009), dealing with multimedia art and new
technologies applied to music and video, as well as a show created through the sole use of iPhones.
He is co-founder of the independent label Zoff82 based in Berlin.
Luca Reale deals with photography and audiovisual projects. His work revolves around making midlength independent films. He collaborates with the director Dino Viani on a continuous ‘four-handed’
approach to shooting and editing. His latest works include: “The Secret”, ”La Madonna del Monte"
(shown during the 100 days for J. Beuys at the 52nd Venice Biennale), ‘”Un giorno delle Nazioni Unite”
and “Altro Ancora”.
Organisation and Production
Galleria Civica di Modena and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, in collaboration with the
Consortium for the festivalfilosofia.
Media Partners:
Auditorium Edizioni
Press Office CLP, Milan, tel. +3902 36755700, [email protected]
Images and press releases may be downloaded from
Galleria civica di Modena Press Office, Cristiana Minelli
tel. +39 059 2032883, [email protected]
Images and press releases may be downloaded from the press room on the gallery website.
Contact Information Galleria civica di Modena, corso Canalgrande 103, 41121 Modena
tel. +39 059 2032911/2032940 - fax +39 059 2032932
Museum AMACI member