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Exciting ophthalmology research opportunity in Blantyre, Malawi
The Department of Eye and Vision Science (DEVS) at the University of Liverpool has long
standing links with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Malawi-LiverpoolWellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme and the Lions Sight First Eye Unit at Queen
Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi. Clinicians from Liverpool are currently
undertaking Wellcome Trust funded research in diabetic retinopathy and malarial
retinopathy in Blantyre.
Current opportunity
The Department of Eye and Vision Science is looking for a talented clinician interested in
undertaking research in malarial retinopathy in Malawi. In partnership with the MalawiLiverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme and an industry collaborator
(VisionQuest Biomedical, Albuquerque, NM) DEVS can provide a salary, flights and research
expenses for a successful applicant. The project is funded by NIH for up to 18 months. This
is an excellent opportunity for an ophthalmology trainee interested in developing research
as an aspect of their career. Other areas of research interest in Blantyre include diabetic
retinopathy (service delivery in resource poor settings), cornea (microbial keratitis) and
ocular oncology (ocular surface malignancies associated with infection). Opportunities also
exist for laboratory based research in areas that DEVS is currently active.
Contact details
Further information can be obtained by email from Dr Phil Burgess
([email protected]), Mr Nicholas Beare ([email protected]) or Professor
Simon Harding ([email protected]).