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5G – the bigger picture
Naomi Climer
Chair – DCMS Future Communications
Challenge Group (FCCG)
FCCG role
• academia, industry and independent advisors,
• asked by DCMS to provide advice to
Government on taking forward policy on 5G
technologies, so that Britain maximises its
chance to be a world leader in the
development of 5G.
• (NIC role is around the deployment of 5G)
FCCG Members
Naomi Climer, IET (Chair)
John Baird, RCUK
Marko Balabanovic, Digital Catapault
Mark Beach, University of Bristol
Howard Benn, Samsung
Tommy Charles, CESG
Chris Cheeseman, BT
John Cockaday, DCMS
Paul Crane, BT
Mischa Dohler, Kings College London
Peter Haigh, CESG
David Hendon, 5GIC & Ofcom
Simon Hicks, DCMS
Stephen Howard, HSBC
Luke Ibbetson, Vodafone
Nigel Jefferies, Huawei
Dritan Kaleshi, Digital Catapault
Stephen Pattison, ARM
Stuart Revell, 5GIC, RTACs & WTIC
Simon Saunders, Independent
Mark Shepherd, NTAC
Mark Swarbrick, DCMS
Rahim Tafazolli, 5GIC
Steve Unger, Ofcom
Alison Vincent, CISCO
Cheng-xiang Wang, Heriot Watt
Tim Whitley, BT
David Wong, SMMT
What is 5G?
Key Technology
Why 5G matters
• Part of the evolution in network, mobile and wireless services to
deliver significant opportunities for new business models, enhanced
lifestyles and increased productivity.
• Will help meet many societal challenges such as integrated
transport or health etc. Supports:
exponential increase in mobile data demand and expectations
significant video communications growth
the full realisation of the IoT (internet of things)
the varying needs of different vertical industries, such as Creative
Industries, Retail, Transport and Health as part of a much broader UK
digital economy.
• 4G can do most of this, but not on the required scale
• Connectivity supports an estimated 5 to 6% of UK GDP per annum,
5G impact could be £198bn pa by 2030.
Why 5G matters to NICC
• Common approaches, interfaces and standards
needed across industries and countries
– Help to align UK interests around a common set of standards
• Collaborative effort required across multiple
verticals to enable development of seamless
• System of systems/network of networks – this is
about connectivity including 5G, 4G, 3G, fibre,
satellite, wifi all working together
– impression of ubiquitous coverage and unlimited
capacity by connecting all networks
Standards Timetable
UK unique advantages
• R&D – world class reputation
• Security – trusted GCHQ/CESG brands (and
now NCSC)
• Systems integration/end to end thinking –
heritage of creating innovative, cross sector
What’s happening elsewhere?
• US - $400m Advanced Wireless Research initiative
• South Korea. Clear objectives linked with 2018 Winter Olympics.
• Japan, leading operator (NTT11) objectives to supply 5G services as
part the 2020 Summer Olympics.
• China - expected to be a leader in IoT. Strong government direction
and drivers are visible based on a clear industrial strategy.
• EU - €700m for R&D with targets for schools, universities, research
centres, transport hubs, public services and enterprises.
(Commissioner Oettinger says this amount is needed to catch up
with US and China). EU activity is around 5GPPP – Horizon2020
funded with much UK company & academic involvement
• Germany - €80m R&D fund and published strategy
• Some level of activity in many countries
Current ranking 
Digital Evolution Index
Future trend ranking 
Headline FCCG recommendations
• 1. Demand generation. Government should focus investment in
three areas:
i) ICT Research and Development –Optimise spend to provide a
stronger technology pipeline, generate demand, create the skills
base, standards capability and global linkages.
• ii) Test Beds and Trials
5G end to end trial by Q1 2018. Government funding required.
• iii) Create Steering Group, Standards and Knowledge
Dissemination activity for R&D, test beds, trials, SME & Micro
engagement and associated Standards work, and ongoing advice on
international benchmarking and deployment.
• All funding to be aligned across Government funding agencies to
ensure synchronisation of criteria, objectives and timing.
Headline FCCG Recommendations
• 2. Strengthen UK / international Science bridges for
collaborative R&D, Test Beds / Trials/ Standards
alignment. (Support ETSI 3GPP)
• 3. A “digital first” Government strategy declaration
linked to public funded capital projects.
• 4. Each Government Department needs to signal the
move towards digital operation through policy and
procurement and address common approaches and
linkage across these vertical sectors, underpinned by a
coherent security strategy.
Headline FCCG Recommendations
• 5. Use 5G test beds and trials to provide
coverage alongside roads and rail lines. Link
with Smart Cities projects in densely
populated areas.
• 6. Policies for investment and deployment
– Eg sites including backhaul and small cell
• 7. Spectrum strategy and deployment
– Early release is important
• 8. Spectrum and Test Beds
What’s next?
• DCMS has included FCCG submission in
proposals to Treasury on the UK digital
• Looking for engagement of industry,
academics and standards bodies
• Working to encourage collaboration across all
interested parties