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‫أحباث طلبة الدكتوراه الذين مت تعيني مشرف وإقرار خطة هلم‬
The healthcare professionals and hospital managers' perceptions of patient safety
culture in Jordanian hospitals
Impact of an educational program on nurses knowledge, attitudes and awareness about
Predictors of postoperative wounds' infections among patients in surgical wards and
critical care units in Amman city/ Jordan: a mixed-methods study
The effect of preoperative pain education intervention on postoperative pain
reduction. Pain management satisfaction, and anxiety in patients undergoing coronary
artery bypass graft surgery in Jordan
Jordanian nursing student preparation of and preparation for health promotion : A
mixed methods study
‫حسني كتوعة‬
‫أمحد أبو صايف‬
‫حيىي النجار‬
‫خلود بطارسة‬
‫نوال ابو عبود‬
The moderating effect of locus of control and self efficacy on the relationship between
job demands and job satisfaction among nurses in Jordan: model testing
‫منار بين هاين‬
Evaluating the quality of nursing doctoral education as perceived by students,
graduates and faculty
Secondary traumatic stress among Jordanian nurses working in emergency departments:
prevalence, predictors, and consequences, A mixed-methods study
Alexithymia and fibromyalgia among bullied secondary school students: the mediating
effect of psychological distress and bullying victimization
Knowledge and needs regarding sexuality following cardiovascular diseases: Jordanian
patients and nurses perspective
‫هدى عطية‬
‫محزة رطروط‬
‫اميان السلمان‬
‫عز الدين بدير‬
The Effectiveness of Training Program on Developing Jordanian Nurses' Competency
to Detect Dysphagia among Stroke Patients in Jordanian Hospitals
‘"Effectiveness of Using Eye Mask and Earplugs on Perceived Quality of Sleep among
Intensive Care Patients: an Experimental Study"
A Prospective Study of Traumatic Childbirth: Incidence, Risk Factors, Physical and
Psychological Consequences on Jordanian Mothers and Their infant's
Using Communication Assistive Device for Non-verbal Patients: Nurses' and Patients
The Impact of Implementing an Integrated Model of Care on Hospitalized Older
Persons on their Quality of Life and Health Indicators in Palestine/West Bank
The effectiveness of patient acuity tool on nursing satisfaction and patients outcomes
‫هناء ابو سنينة‬
‫حممد بين يونس‬
‫االء عبابنة‬
‫عزيزة سامل‬
‫عاطف اخلطيب‬
‫غدير الدويك‬
‫أحباث طلبة الدكتوراه الذين متت املوافقة على عناوين أحباثهم‬
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: A prospective comparative study between routine
nursing care and maternal early warning system (MEWS)
Efficacy of mindfulness-based intervention on burden coping strategies self-compassion.
And quality of life among caregivers of patients with cancer: a randomized trial.
Assessing teachers, parents, and students perception of mental health services in terms of
needs , awareness, and concerns in Jordanian governmental schools
Jordanian cardiac patients’ conceptualization of shared decision making.
Predictors of health related quality of life among Jordanian children and adolescents with
congenital heart defects; children’s and adolescents self-reports versus parental proxy
Exploration of social determinants of access to health care as indicator of health equity in
Jordanian patients with chronic diseases: health equity survey
‫سارة اجلعافرة‬
‫ليلي الدكن‬
‫ميسون العتوم‬
‫انعام عنانبة‬
‫رىب املسلم‬
‫روال الرمياوي‬
‫أحباث طلبة املاجستري الذين مت تعيني مشرف وإقرار خطة هلم‬
Sleep disturbances and sleep-related impairment among patients diagnosed with serious
‫انصر حممود‬
mental illnesses in Jordan
‫حممد ابو العسل‬
Barriers and enablers to pain management in the emergency department in Jordan
Perception of Caring Performance among Jordanian Critical Care Nurses and its Relationship
with Families' Satisfaction
The Effectiveness
Competencies of Lay Rescuers of Cardiovascular Patients in Jordanian Community
Knowledge and Coping Strategies among Patients Diagnosed with Type Two Diabetes Milletus in
The assessment of Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Noise and its Level in Critical Care Units
Chest Drain : Prevalence of Insertion and Nurses' Knowledge of Care in Intensive Care Units
Incidence and Associated factors of Acute Kidney Injury Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
‫هبة ابو شندي‬
‫عبد الرمحن سالمة‬
‫مرام النجار‬
‫عمر الطراونة‬
‫اشرف ابو جحيشة‬
‫مرمي النادى‬
‘Virtual Reality Technology as A Distraction Technique for Pain and Anxiety among Adult Female
Patients with Breast Cancer”
‫اسالم بين حممد‬
Relationship of Anger with Psychological and Socio-demographic Factors among Individuals
‫صهيب اخلوالدة‬
Relationship of Neurocognitive Function with Psychological Well-Being and Activities of Daily
‫مهند الدقس‬
Diagnosed with Alcohol use Disorder in Joran
Living among Individuals Diagnosed with Schizophrenia in Jordan
‫أحباث طلبة املاجستري الذين متت املوافقة على عناوين أحباثهم‬
Adherence to pain medication among Jordanian cancer patients who need palliative care
‫سامية ابو هزمي‬
Description of caregiver’s knowledge and practices of pressure ulcer prevention and
‫هيام بين هاين‬
treatment in patients need palliative care
The impact of prolonged bed rest after percutaneous coronary intervention on patients’
outcomes in terms of low back pain, fatigue, patient satisfaction and hematoma
Knowledge of pain management among nurses and physicians and its association with
patient satisfaction of pain management in the medical centers of the Jordanian royal
‫ضياء الدين حسنني‬
‫غادة اخلطيب‬
medical services.
The compassion fatigue compassion satisfaction, and burnout among parents of
children with psychiatric mental disorders in Jordan
‫عبد هللا عليمات‬
‫أحباث خرجيي طلبة املاجستري‬++
Jordanian Nurses' Perceptions and Practices Regarding Enteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Critically
‫سوسن محاد‬
Knowledge, attitude, and compliance of Jordanian healthcare professionals towards infection
‫ميساء نوفل‬
Exploring Collaboration and Communication between Nurses and Physicians in Critical Care
‫أمساء الصوي‬
Ill Adult Patients
control guidelines
Settings in Jordan
The needs of Jordanian family members who had a patient admitted into the intensive care unit: A
Perspective of families and healthcare providers
‫آايت الباير‬
Jordanian Women's Awareness and Attitude Toward Epidural Analgesia During Labor
‫سوزان صوفان‬
Jordanian Patients' Preception of their quality of Sleep at Critical Care Units
‫حممد أبو اصبع‬
Perceived stress and coping strategies among Jordanian nursing students during clinical practice in
psychiatric mental health course
Jordanian Universities Nursing Students' Attitudes toward End-of-life Care
Stress coping strategies, and quality of life among Jordanian parents of children with autistic
The impact of implementing of pressure ulcers risk assessment scales (Braden scale) on pressure
ulcers development among hospitalized patients outcomes at private hospital in Jordan
Jordanian nurses beliefs and self reported practices regarding pain assessment in non verbal
patients at critical care units
Psychosocial correlates of suicidal ideation among patients diagnosed with chronic illnesses in
Nurses' Perceptions of the Spiritual Care in Jordan
‫عبد الكرمي الزايت‬
‫نور مصلح‬
‫لطيفة علي دردس‬
‫هباء الدين محاد‬
‫دعاء حمفوظ‬
‫هنى رميون‬
‫غيث ملحم‬
The quality of life of Jordanian nurses from their perspectives a comperative study between ICU &
non ICU nurses
‫خليل غرب‬
Nurses' Attitude and Practices toward Physical Healthcare for Patients with Mental and psychiatric
‫آمال انصر غنية‬
Jordanian Psychiatric Nurses' Caring and Empathy : A National Survey Study
‫جمدي احلديدي‬
Illnesses in Jordan
Parent satisfaction in pediatric ICU: an approach for quality improvement
‫مرام ابو قمر‬
Effect of an educational program in intensive care units nurses' knowledge regarding prevention of
‫أشرف عبد اجلواد‬
Effectiveness of a supportive education program in improving blood pressure control in Jordanian
‫امساعيل البليشي‬
ventilator associated pneumonia
patients with end stage renal disease
psychosocial predictors of relapse among individuals with alcohol dependence
‫دانة العبيات‬
Relationship among burden, personality traits, expressed emotion and coping
‫بشرى غنام‬
strategies among Jordanian caregivers of patients with serious mental illness
Knowledge , attitudes, beliefs and perceived risk of acute coronary syndrome in patients diagnosed
‫نضال الفسفوس‬
Jordanian nurses' perspectives of end-of-life nursing care practices in general hospital settings in
‫ليلى داود‬
The effects of education program on reducing anxiety among patients undergoing Percutaneous
Coronary Interventions (PCI)
‫نرباس حداد‬
Low Back Pain among Jordanian Intensive Care Nurses : Prevalence & Associated Factors
‫خالد حجري‬
Perceived level of Confidence to perform clinical nurse specialists (CNS) core competencies among
‫أسامة زقوت‬
with coronary heart disease
master prepared Jordanian nurses
Factors affecting electronic health records (EHR) usage satisfaction among nurses in Jordan
‫حممد السعدي‬
Knowledge of , attitudes toward , and perceived barriers to cancer pain management among
‫مالك النجار‬
Jordanian nurses ' understanding of spirituality and spiritual care
‫رفيدة ابداح‬
King Faisal specialist Saudi nurses knowledge perception toward palliative care delivery in intensive
‫منال بقيس‬
Jordanian nurses and physicians at oncology units
care unit (ICU) and non ICU
The effect of spiritual well being on the depression symptoms among hemodialysis patient in
‫معتز الردايدة‬
Factors associated with depression and the relationship to quality of life among Saudi women with
‫منيفة الشمري‬
Knowledge , practice and strain of care towards delirium management among critical care nurses in
‫جاسم الربك‬
breast cancer
Nurses and patients perceptions of quality of psychiatric nursing care in Jordan
‫وفاء السيوف‬
Nurses knowledge and skills to manage patients with psychological distress in emergency
‫امحد الشييب‬
Nurses and other hospital workers uniforms as a source of infection in intensive care units
‫مها رضوان‬
Prevalence and association of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder with
academic performance among female university students
Social and psychological correlates risk of eating disorders among high school girls in the central
region of Jordan
Knowledge of and adherence to antipsychotic medications among individuals diagnosed with
schizophrenia in Jordan
Knowledge and observed practice regarding selected positive inotropic medications in Jordanian
critical care nurses
‫مجانة شحادة‬
‫مروة الفقهاء‬
‫اسراء عيسى‬
‫امني احلروب‬
Feasibility, clinical utility and documentation of the critical pain observation tool among
mechanically ventilated patients
Psychosocial impact of internalized stigma among people living with mental illness
Attitudes of Jordanian nursing students toward death
‫خالد الشلول‬
‫بيان احلوامدة‬
‫سارة نور‬
Predictors of pressure ulcers among Jordanian adult critically ill patients
‫لبىن دويرج‬
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of early intervention for opioid-induced
‫حممد النعيم‬
constipation on constipation assessment and quality of life among Jordanian patients with
Prevalence of stroke and associated factors in Hospitalized stroke patient in Jordan
The prevalence and severity of psychotic symptoms among amphetamines users in rehabilitation
addiction centre in Jordan
‫روان عواد‬
‫ايسر عوض‬
‫أبحاث خريجي طلبة الدكتوراه‬+
‫موضوع الرسالة‬
Facilitated Tucking As Non-Pharmacological Nursing Intervention for Relieving Stressful Responses among
‫اسم الطالب‬
‫هاال عبيدات‬
Jordanian Registered Nurses Perception of their Preparedness for disaster Management
‫مراد الخاليلة‬
Self-Efficacy, Self-Management and Glycemic Control in adults with Type two Diabetes Mellitus
‫عمر الخوالدة‬
Postpartum Outcomes Related to Risk Factors and Obstetric Perineal Trauma: A Prospective Longitudinal
‫حنان الزين‬
Predictors of Obesity in School Aged Jordanian Adolescents
‫منال الكلوب‬
‫دياال الطوالبة‬
The effects of an educational program on subject's knowledge about heart disease and adoption of healthy
‫نضال أبو عيشة‬
Depression and Caregiver Burden Experienced By Stroke Patients' Caregivers.
‫عندليب أبو كامل‬
‫عاطف حمد‬
‫فلسطين حمدان‬
‫مريم الكوافحه‬
Nurses' ability to detect and document medication prescription errors: A comparison between accredited and
‫بشرى العايد‬
The Effect Of An Educational Programs On Jordanian Nurses Attitudes Toward caring for Dying patients at a
‫خالد خضر‬
‫إيمان النزلي‬
‫عماد الجراح‬
‫سامي شناق‬
‫ربيعة عالوي‬
Jordanian Preterm infants
Quality of life and Sexual Function of Jordanian Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
lifestyle in worrling adults in Jordan.
The Effects of a Triage Training Program on Jordanian emergency Nurses' Decision Making Abililities
Predictors of Delay Seeking Medical Care In Jordanian Patients with Acute Myocardial Inforction
The relationship between malnutrition and academic achievement among primary school children in
Northern Jordan
non-accredited hospitals in Jordan
cancer center In Amman
Stressors and coping Strategies among Jordanian Clients with end Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis
Smoking Patterns and factors Associated with smoking cessation in patients with CVD in Jordan
Psychosocial correlates of Childhood Experience of abuse among University Students in Jordan
Moral distress among Jordanian critical care nurses and their perception of hospital ethical climate
Psychosocial predictors of Postpartum Depression among Jordanian Military Women
‫دالل يحيى‬
‫رقية معابرة‬
Exploring Sources of Knowledge Utilized in Praetice and Predictors of Research Utilization Among Jordanian
‫سهير الغبيش‬
The Influence of Jordanian Nurses' Perceived Work Environment and Nurses' Job Satisfaction on The Quality
‫روال مدلل‬
‫غادة أبو شوشة‬
‫محمد بني خالد‬
‫هيام األعرج‬
Predictors of Maternal Fetal Attachment among Jordanian Pregnant Women
Registered Nurses
of Nursing Care
Jordanian Adolescent Cancer Patients' Perceptions of Body Image Changes and Coping Strategies
Coping Strategies of Older Jordanian Adults with chronic Illnes
The Relationships between leadership Behaviors, Organizational Climates and Job Satisfaction among
hospital Registered Nurses in Jordan
Jordanian Intensive Care Nurses Perceptions of end-of-Life Care Helpful Behaviours and Obstacles
‫خلدون حمدان‬
‫عبد هللا الخوالدة‬
‫جمال القدومي‬
‫عبير شاهين‬
‫سميرة الحباشنة‬
The effect of Cardiac Educational program on the level of knowledge and Adherence to healthy lifestyle
‫لؤي طوالبه‬
Exploring Factors Influencing Supportive Care Needs of Jordanian Women Undergoing Different types of
‫ريا الحسبان‬
‫أمية نصار‬
Effect of Combined Interventions of Diet and Physical Activity on Reducing The Gap Between Perceived And
‫منير البستنجي‬
The Congruence between Nurses' desire for Parents' Participation in Providing Care for Hospitalized
‫رغد عبد القادر‬
Effectiveness of using high fidelity simulator on cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skills retention
‫أحمد عقل‬
The Relationships between Jordanian Nurses' Perceptions of their Work Environment and the level of Intent
‫رندة الهباهبة‬
‫عدلة همالن‬
knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices about Pain Management among Jordanian Critical Care Nurses
‫مروة البرماوي‬
The relationship between physical and psychological health status and barriers to access to health care, and
‫معتز الدريدي‬
‫وسام مغاربة‬
Factors associated with Primary Health care Services Utilization among Older Adults in the Irbid Governorate
of Jordan
The Influence of an Educational Program on Nursing Staff's Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer, Risk assessment,
Attitude, Intentions and Behaviors Toward Pressure Ulcer Prevention
The effect of School Environment on the Health behaviours of Jordanian Adolescents in Amman City
The Impact of a health Educational Program on Jordanian Women's Knowledge of Menopausal Symptoms
and Self-Management Practices
among Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases in the North of Jordan
Breast Cancer Treatment
The Effectiveness of Age-Appropriate Pre-Operative Information Session on Anxiety Level among Jordanian
School Age Children (6-12) Year Old Undergoing Elective Surgery
Actual Risk of Coronary Heart Disease among Women in North of Jordan
Children and Parents' actual Participation: A Jordanian study
of nursing students at the University of Jordan
to stay at Work
Expected Control Beliefs, Perceived Control during Birth and Childbirth Satisfaction among Primiparous
Jordanian Women
Working in Amman
quality of life among Palestinian patients diagnosed with cancer in the west bank
Needs of family members of hospitalized critically ill patients : a comparison between Jordanian critical care
nurses' and family members' perceptions
The psychophysiological effects of an Individualized Educational Intervention on Cardiac Catheterization
‫شهناز عياصرة‬
Developing and Validating an Educational Program for female School Teachers Regarding
‫نبيلة الجدع‬
Effect of educational program on evidence-based practice belief and implementation among Jordanian
‫محمد عواد‬
‫عمر خريسات‬
‫مها صبح‬
‫نجاح العبادي‬
‫عطا هللا الهباهبة‬
‫زينب البيكاوي‬
‫عماد ثلثين‬
‫صفاء األشرم‬
‫محمد ابو عدس‬
‫حازم الفنش‬
‫سمية البلوشي‬
The Effect of Implementing A Transformational Leadership Educational Program on Leadership
‫ماجدة عفيف‬
Transition to motherhood after childbirth complications: A Phenomenological study
‫حكمت العكش‬
‫منال السطري‬
Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Adolescent's Menstrual Health
registered nurses.
Nursing Perceptions Concerning Knowledge, barriers and Facilitaors to Pediatric End-of-Life to Predict
Quality of Care
Uncertainty, Symptoms Distress and Learning Needs among Jordanian Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients
Posts Discharge
Perception of nurse behaviors among Jordanian nurses and patient and its relationship with patient
Effect of Surgical Safety Culture educational Program on Operating Room Nurses Attitude Toward
Patient safety Measures in Military Hospitals.
The effect of diabetes self-efficacy enhancing intervention of self care behaviors and psychological wellbeing
among type two diabetes patients
The effect of implementing delirium prevention program by nurses on key quality indicators at
intensive care unit patients
The effect of implementing developmental supportive care policy on Preterm Neonate's Health status
Parental behavior, and nurse's ethical involvement in NICUs
Jordanian men's health beliefs about prostate cancer screening
effect of internship program on the newly graduated nurses' clinical competence at military hospitals.
Exploring the professional practice environment of nursing in the united Arab Emirates governmental
hospitals: perception of emarati nurses
Outcomes Among First Line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals in Jordan
The Effect of educational program on self-care behaviors and health outcomes among patients with heart
failure in Jordan
The effects of Progressive Muscle Relation training as a complementary
quality and fatigue in adults patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy
nursing therapy on sleep
‫أحمد عفافشة‬
Impact of high fidelity simulation on the development of clinical judgment and motivation among
‫ميرنا فواز‬
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Perceived Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Quality of
‫احمد ريان‬
‫فؤاد ابو عدس‬
‫احمد صالح‬
‫انور الرفاعي‬
Assessing “Talent” among Kuwaiti Nurses and examining its relationship[ with the quality of nursing care
‫حنان النقيدان‬
The impact of concept mapping on caring efficacy of Palestinian nursing students at the clinical training
‫دالية شادوح‬
‫علي القرنة‬
‫هدى انشاصي‬
‫رنا عليان‬
‫ساجدة الحوامدة‬
Lebanese nursing students : A mixed – method study
life, and Bio-physiologic Indicators among Parents of Children with Autistic
The Effect of Health education Intervention on Jordanian Participants Colorectal cancer knowledge, health
Perception and Screening practices
Effect of A Prostate Cancer Educational program on the level of knowledge, Beliefs and intention to screen
among older Jordanian Men in Amman
The impact of shared governance on Jordanian nurses’ perception of professional governance, empowerment,
and organizational commitment
Effects of implementing adult trauma clinical practice guidelines (ATCPGs) on outcomes of trauma
patients and healthcare providers in the emergency department of a teaching hospital
The efficacy of a cognitive behavioral interventions for cancer pain management in palliative care nursing
randomized controlled trail
Quality of nursing care from the perspective of registered nurses as patients and or caregivers in Jordanian
Nursing informatics' competency, self-efficacy, nurses' characteristics, and relationships with the quality
of nursing care