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What effect have infectious
diseases had on the globe
historically and what changes
will they cause in the future?
Charles Hart
Origin of Disease
Domestication of
Historical Impact
Population Control
Technology Push
Early "Biological Warfare"
Modern World
Mass Transit
Global Aid
Ever increasing population
Increased life span
Globalized Travel
Antibiotics Overuse
Improved Health Care
Current Battle
Possible Solutions
Continue fighting disease
Disease that kills most of us
Discontinue living in cities/groups
Lessen contact with domesticated animals
World Health Organization
Infectious disease society of
Works Cited
"APHA: American Public Health Assosiation." Web.
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. New York: W.w Norton, 1997. Print.
"Dr. John Cahill - Emerging Infectious Diseases." Web.
"Infectious Diseases Increasing." Today’s Science On File: n. pag. Today’s
Science. Facts On File News Services, 31 Mar. 1996. Web. 11 Jan. 2010.
Infectious Disease Society of America. Idsociety. Web.
Infectious Diseases Threatening Health. Facts on File, 4 Apr. 2009. Web. 9 Oct.
2009. <>.
"Modern Transportation and Infectious Disease MWV15." Web.
Various. "Infectious disease." Web.
World Health Orginazation. WHO. Web.
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