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o Spermatogenesis
o Production of male sex hormones (androgens – testosterone)
o Semen production
Excretory Ducts – exocrine function (sperm + glandular products)
o Intratesticular Ducts:
Tubuli Recti (straight tubules)
1st component of excretory duct system
Intratesticular ducts at ends of seminiferous tubules near the rete testis
Epithelium transitions as follows:
o Seminiferous epithelium 
o Briefly sertoli cells only 
o Simple cuboidal (the rest)
o ???? I thought sertoli cells only = seminiferous epithelium ???
Rete Testis
Intratesticular duct system (epithelial-lined channels) w/in the mediastinum testis
o Simple cuboidal
o Apical surface
Single cilium
Short microvilli
o Extratesticular Ducts:
Ductuli Efferents (efferent ductules)
Rete testis channels converge  highly convoluted efferent ductules (10 -20)
Epithelium; pseudostratified columnar:
o Alternating
Tall columnar ciliated cells
Cuboidal non-ciliated cells possessing microvilli
o Incomplete layer of basal cells also present
Thin circular of smooth muscle surrounds ductules
Surrounding CT – highly vascularized
Fxn: reabsorption of most of fluid secretion from seminiferous tubules
Epididymal Duct (ductus epididymis)
Efferent ductules converge  head of epididymal duct
Single highly coiled tube (5 – 6 meters long)
o Head
o Body
o Tail
o Sperm maturation
o Sperm storage
o Sperm transport
o Pseudostratified columnar w/
Principal cells – fxn:
Continued absorption of testicular fluid (head)
Phagosytosis of abnormal spermatozoa & residual bodies (head)
Secretion of (body):
o Glycerylphophorylcholine (GPC)
o Glycoproteins
o Other molecules used for maturation of spermatozoa
Basal cells – may be precursors to the principal cells
o Apical – long, non-motile, branched stereocilia
(Note: stereocilia are elongated microvilli NOT true cilia)
Smooth muscle surrounds duct & gets progressively thicker
o Tail (3 layers) – fxn:
Storage of spermatozoa
Propulsion during ejaculation
Ductus Deferens (vas deferens)
Continues directly from tail of epididymus
Component of spermatic cord
o Mucosa
Epithelium – Pseudostratified Columnar
Cells similar to epididymal duct, but shorter
Contains stereocilia to the level of ampulla
LP – elastic fibers
o Muscularis Externa (~1mm thick) – peristalsis during ejaculation
Inner longitudinal
Middle circular
Outer longitudinal
o Adventitia – LCT (blends with CT of spermatic cord)
o Dilated region of the ductus deferens adjacent to the prostate & seminal vesicle
o Epithelium becomes complexly folded & resembles seminal vesicle
Accessory Glands
o Seminal Vesicles
Pair of highly folded tubular glands
Largest contribution (50 – 70%) of volume of semen
General: extensive mucosal branching & folding  large surface area for secretion
Epithelium varies (w/ age or amt. of testosterone present):
o Mostly pseudostratifeid columnar
o May be simple columnar or cuboidal
o Secretes:
Fructose (principal metabolic substrate for sperm)
Other sugars
Bicarbonate (buffer)
Amino acids
LP – vascularized LCT w/ many elastic fibers
Muscularis Externa
Inner circular
Outer longitudinal
Adventitia – collagenous CT containing elastic fibers
o Prostate Gland
Largest accessory gland
Surrounds the “prostatic segment” of urethra (lined w/ transitional epithelium)
Compound alveolar glands
Arranged in groups
o Main
o Mucosal
o Submucosal
Ducts coverge  excretory ducts that open into the prostatic urethera
CT Capsule extends into gland & divide it into lobes
Fibromuscular Stroma
Smooth mm cells
Elastic & collagenous fibers
Inadequate amts of testosterone result in
Δ in epithelial shape
o Pseudostratifeid columnar (most common)
o Simple columnar or cuboidal
Loss of or reduction in secretions:
o Prostate-specific acid phosphatase
o Citric acid
o Fibrinolysin (liquefies semen)
o Prostate specific Ag (a protease)
o Amylase
May contain calcified bodies = prostatic concretions (diagnostic)
o H&E  red/pink
o Trichrome  blue/green
Clinical Correlations:
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
o Some men are affected by age 50, but most are affected by age 85
o Enlarged mucosal & submucosal prostatic glands
Gradually reduces lumen of urethra  difficult urination
o Involves stomal cell converstion:
testosterone  dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5-α reductase
Autocrine factor on stroma cells
Paracrine factor on epithelium to produce growth (stroma & epithelium)
Prostatic Cancer
o Adenocarcinoma of the prostate
Common form of cancer in men
Affects ~ 30% of males > 75 yrs
Tumors normally develop in the main (outer) glands
May not impinge on urethera & t/f may not be detected by patient
Metastasize to bone frequent
Carcinomas cause ↑ in blood levels of the following (used to detect &
monitor disease progress):
Prostate Specific Acid (PSA)
PSA Phosphatase
Bulbourethral Glands (Cowpers Gland)
ALL-mucous secretory
Lined by a tall epithelium
Located in urogenital diaphragm
Open into the penile urethra
Erectile tissue arranged:
Two dorsal cylinders (corpora cavernosa, CC)
Smaller ventral cylinder (corpus spongiosum, CS)
Contains the urethra
Expands distally to form the glans penis
Cylinders surrounded by dense collagenous sheath, the tunica albuginea
Penile skin
Contains abundant subcutaneous layer of smooth muscle
No adipose tissue
Penile – contained in corpus spongiosum
o Stratified or pseudostratified columnar
o Glands of Litré (mucous secreting) are common as urethral outpouchings
Erectile tissues (penis & clitoris)
Interconnecting vascular spaces composed of
o Smooth muscle
o Irregular vascular spaces lined with endothelium
o Flaccid (relaxed) state
Contains little blood
Main blood flow is dorsal artery  AV anastomoses  deep veins
o During erection
Smooth muscle in helicine aa & trabeculae relaxes
Arteries dilate & blood fills lacunae
Lacunae pressure causes the tissue to expand against tunica albuginea
Tunica albuginea consists of iDCT t/f inexpandable & thus: erection
Clinical Correlation – Erectile disfunction
Transmitter released by PS nerves in penis/clitoris
Acts on erectile tissue endothelium  Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide (NO)
Spreads into smooth muscle of the trabeculae & helicine arteries
Causes an enzyme, guanylate cyclase produce  cGMP
relaxes the smooth muscle
↑ blood flow in the helicine arteries produces erection by filling of the lacunae
Specific phosphodiesterase production
Counteracts erection by breaking down cGMP  constriction of smooth muscle
Sildenafil citrate
Specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Suppresses the destruction of cGMP, allowing erection to occur