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Chapter 14
The Age of Democratic
Page 1: Essential Questions
1) How were the American and French Revolutions
alike and different? (2,4,6)
2) Was the violence of the French Revolution
justified? (8,10)
3) Was Napoleon Bonaparte’s impact more harmful
or beneficial? Explain your answer. (12,14)
4) How did Latin American colonies achieve their
independence? (16)
Page 3: Introduction/Key Ideas
• During American Revolution (1775-1783), American
colonists fought 4 their independence from Great
Britain. Traditions of English political liberty, such as the
legacy of the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and the
ideas of John Locke and other Enlightenment writers
influenced their thinking. The Declaration of
Independence reflected many of these Enlightenment
• In the U.S. Constitution, Americans adapted the ideas
of Montesquieu to create a new republican govt. based
on a separation of powers among the branches of govt.
and a system of checks and balances
• Social divisions, Enlightenment ideas, and a severe
financial crisis triggered the French Revolution.
When the king asked the nobles to give up their tax
exemptions, they demanded a meeting of the
Estates General.
• Once the Estates General met, the deputies of the
Third Estate declared themselves as the National
Assembly. The storming of the Bastille prevented
the King from using force against them. The
National Assembly abolished hereditary privileges,
wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and
wrote a new constitution turning France into a
constitutional monarchy.
• King Louis XVI refused to cooperate. He was
overthrown and executed.
• France was soon at war with Europe. French leaders
introduced mass conscription and a Reign of Terror.
Later, radical leaders themselves were executed.
• Napoleon Bonaparte defeated France’s enemies
and seized power in 1799. Later, he crowned
himself emperor. Napoleon spread the
achievements of the French Revolution throughout
Europe, but he created anti-French feelings and
stirred new nationalist feelings by his conquests.
• Napoleon was defeated after his failed invasion of
Russia. The Allies restored Louis XVIII and the other
rulers. At the Congress of Vienna, the allied leaders
redrew the borders of Europe to achieve legitimacy
and a balance of power.
• During the period from 1815 to 1848, European
leaders like Klaus von Metternich crushed
revolutions and stifled the rising nationalist spirit in
• The American and French Revolutions influenced
Latin America. Leaders like Simon Bolivar led the
fight for independence from Spain.
Page 5: Key Vocabulary/Terminology
1) American Revolution
2) Declaration of Independence
3) U.S. Constitution
4) Checks and Balances
5) Louis XVI
6) French Revolution
7) Estates General
8) Declaration of Rights of Man
9) Robespierre
10) National Assembly
11) “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
12) Committee of Public Safety
13) Reign of Terror
14) Napoleon Bonaparte
15) Congress of Vienna
16) Balance of Power
17) Nationalism
18) Metternich
19) Simon Bolivar
20) Toussaint l’Ouverture
21) William Wilberforce
Page 2: Origins of the American Revolution
• Rights of the American
colonists came from
earlier documents/wars
• Magna Carta (1215)
• English Civil War (16421649)
• Glorious Revolution
• English Bill of Rights
Origins of the American Revolution
• During the 18th century,
Britain protected
American colonists
from Indian attacks &
French neighbors in
Canada during French
and Indian War
Origins of the American Revolution
• The British had run up a
massive debt during
the French & Indian
• The British govt.
introduced various
ways to tax the
colonists in order 2 pay
the debt of the war
Origins of the American Revolution
• The Colonists felt that
these new taxes were
imposed w/out their
• “no taxation w/out
• Colonists favored
greater self-govt.
Enlightenment and Revolution
• Religious beliefs +
Glorious Rev. +
Enlightenment ideas =
outbreak of American
• 2 prevent unrest,
British govt. sent in
more troops
Enlightenment and Revolution
• The British insisted the
colonists pay a duty (tax)
on tea 2 help the
struggling East India
• Colonists boarded a ship
carrying tea and dumped
tea into Boston Harbor
• “Boston Tea Party”
Enlightenment and Revolution
• Colonists sent
representatives 2
Philadelphia 2 discuss
growing problem
• In 1775, violence
erupted near Boston
between British troops
and colonial volunteers
• War quickly spread
Enlightenment and Revolution
• Thomas Paine, published
a pamphlet, Common
Sense, applying
Enlightenment ideas to
the problem
• Paine argued that it was
reasonable for the
colonies, so far from
England 2 become
Page 4: Enlightenment and Revolution
• In 1776, the colonists in
fact declared their
• Volunteers like the
Marquis de Lafayette
from France and Tadeusz
Kosciuszko from Poland
traveled to America 2
assist the colonists
Enlightenment and Revolution
• France allied with the
colonists 4 revenge 4
their defeat in 1763
and the loss of
• After winning their
independence in
1783, Americans sent
representatives to a
Convention (Philly)
Enlightenment and Revolution
• The authors were
challenged to create a
strong national
government, but not
so strong that it would
threaten individual
• The U.S. Constitution
created system in
which power was
shared between
national and state
Enlightenment and Revolution
• The Constitution
created 3 separate
branches of govt.,
legislative, executive,
• Checks and balances
were created in order
2 ensure that no 1
branch became 2
powerful or tyrannical
Enlightenment and Revolution
• A Bill of Rights added
2 include protections
of individual liberties
• Finally, ultimate power
rested with the people
who elected officials –
creating a system of
popular sovereignty,
where the people are
Page 6: The French Revolution
• The American
Revolution ended in
1783 when Britain
signed the Treaty of
Paris with the new
United States
• 6 years later, the
desire 4 change
erupted in France
Causes of the French Revolution
• French Social Divisions
• Society divided into 3
classes or estates
• First Estate, the clergy,
priests and Church
Causes of the French Revolution
• Second Estate, the
• Held many special
privileges, such as being
exempt from many taxes
• Served as officers in
army, held high
positions in govt.
Causes of the French Revolution
• Third Estate, common
people, largest of the 3
• Bourgeoisie, the middle
class: merchants,
Causes of French Revolution
• Frenchmen unwilling 2
accept the divine right
of kings, & the privileged
positions of Church &
• Many bourgeoisie
resented the special
privileges of the nobles
Causes of the French Revolution
• Many liberal nobles &
clergy shared the
bourgeoisie’s belief
• A flourishing
“underground” press
poked fun at the king &
his unpopular wife
Causes of the French Revolution
• Different social classes
and even different
geographical regions
paid different tax rates
• Financial Crisis- tax
system outdated &
• 1st and 2nd estates
exempt from most taxes
Causes of the French Revolution
Financial Crisis
• French ministers relied
heavily on borrowing $$
• High costs of helping
the American colonists
caused a financial crisis
• By 1786, France could
no longer obtain any
more loans
Causes of the French Revolution
• Financial Crisis
• In 1787, the king’s
ministers suggests that
the nobles surrender
their privileges 2 help
France pay off its debts
Causes of the French Revolution
• Financial Crisis
• The govt. then called
meeting of the Estates
General, a national
assembly in which each
of the 3 social
classes/estates was
represented in its own
Causes of the French Revolution
• Financial Crisis
• The 1st & 2nd estates
would vote together 2
control the Estates
• No Estates General had
met since 1614, so the
people were excited
about debating issues
Page 7: Bubble Maps
• Create a bubble map featuring the Major Causes
of the French Revolution
• Title will go in the middle and map should have
6-8 causes, be brief and to the point
-------------------------------------------------------------------• Create another bubble map featuring the Main
Events of the French Revolution
• Same directions as above, map should have 5-6
key events, be brief and to the point
Page 8:Events
Main Events
of the
of the
• What was the future of
the monarch and the
existence of hereditary
• Power shifted 1st 2 the
liberal nobles &
moderate bourgeoisie,
then 2 radical
commoners & finally
back 2 bourgeoisie
Main Events
Events of
of the
the Revolution
• The third estate broke away
from the Estates General
and took the “Tennis Court
Oath”, a promise 2 stay &
write a new constitution
• In May 1789 the delegates
from the Third Estate
declared themselves to be a
National Assembly
Main Events of the Revolution
• The King sought 2 break
up the Assembly
• Rioters from the Third
Estate seized the royal
prison known as the
Bastille, looking 4
• The King reluctantly
recognized the new
National Assembly
Main Events of the Revolution
• The National Assembly
abolished privileges of
nobles, confiscated
Church lands 2 pay off
state’s debts
• The Assembly issued the
Declaration of the Rights
of Man and Citizen
Main Events of the Revolution
• The Declaration of the
Rights of Man and
Citizen, proclaimed that
the gov.t rested on the
consent of the people
(popular sovereignty),
not on the divine right of
the king
Main Events of the Revolution
• The document also
announced that all
Frenchmen were “free
and equal”
• Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity, became the
slogan of the Revolution
• Created a constitutional
Main Events of the Revolution
• constitutional
monarchy- form of govt.
in which monarch’s
power is shared with a
popular assembly and it
is limited by law
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• After a poor harvest,
hungry Parisians
marched on Versailles
and dragged the royal
family back 2 Paris
• Louis took an oath 2 the
Constitution in July 1790,
but by June 1791 Louis
and his family tried to
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• The family were caught
and returned 2 Paris
• The monarch was
overthrown and France
became a republic – a
govt. w/out a king, in
which citizens given
right 2 elect their
Page 10: The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• Under the new
constitution, every adult
male could vote
• A single-chamber
legislature, known as the
Convention, was elected
• Louis XVI was put on trial
and executed in 1793
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• France had been at war
with other European
nations since 1792
• Parts of France were in
open rebellion
• A Committee of Public
Safety was established 2
protect France from
foreign & domestic
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• Maximilien Robespierre
directed the Committee
of Public Safety
• They felt the need to use
force to achieve their
• They used savage force
to crush the rebels
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• Laws passed allowing
government 2 arrest anyone
• Nobles, Catholic priests and
suspected traitors executed
• Some 40,000 suspects may
have been killed
• This period under Robespierre
and the Committee became
known as the “Reign of Terror”
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• France needed to raise a
large army to fight and
introduced mass
conscription, requiring
all males 2 serve in the
• France’s large armies
turned the tide of war
The Revolution Takes a
Radical Turn
• Once the risk of losing
the war ended, the
Convention turned
against its leaders
• Robespierre and his
followers were executed
• The terror ended and
power shifted back to
the Moderates
Impact of the French Revolution
• 1. Changed idea of
divine right of kings
and privileges of
• 2. Removed feudal
restrictions and
created modern
capitalist economy
Impact of the French Revolution
• 3. Stood for
democratic govt. and
social equality
• 4. Served as model
for citizens seeking
political change
Page 9: Comparing the American and
French Revolutions (A)
Enlightenment Ideas
Based on Locke
Democratic principles
Limited democracy in
which only property
owners could vote
Enlightenment Ideas
Based on Rousseau
Democratic principles
Democracy for all
Page 9: Comparing the American &
French Revolutions (B)
Guaranteed freedom
of religion
Overthrew a distant
colonial ruler
Led to violence
• Challenged role of
Catholic Church
• Republican Govt.,
replaced by dictator
• People overthrew their
own existing social
• Led to violence
• Much more violent
Page 9: Acting As An Amateur Historian (C)
• The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a basic
document of the French Revolution, defining the
individual and collective rights of all French citizens.
• Answer the below 2 questions, write the questions
• Utilize page 223 from textbook
1) Which provisions of the Declaration of the Rights of
Man took away the hereditary privileges of the
2) How was the Declaration of the Rights of Man similar
to and different from the Declaration of
The Rise and Fall of Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Came from lower nobility on island of Corsica
Sent to military school in France
Gifted general, developed new tactics for mass
The Rise of Napoleon
• Seized power in France where govt. had become
• He negotiated peace with other powers including
• Introduced domestic reforms including a new legal
code, reached a settlement with Catholic Church
• Combined social reforms of French Rev. with his
own absolute power
• Crowned himself emperor in 1804
The Rise of Napoleon
• He was at war again with Europe, defeated all other
powers except Britain
• Placed friends and relatives in power in Italy,
Holland, Poland, Spain
Page 11: Applying What You Have Learned
• Was Napoleon a positive or negative force in
world history? Support your answer with specific
• Length of answer should be 1-2 paragraphs
Page 12: The Fall of Napoleon
• Napoleon’s ambitions united most of Europe
against him
• His inability to invade England, economic problems,
his unpopular rule throughout Europe created
strains on his empire
• Conquests and wars awakened nationalist feelings
in Britain, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia
• Invaded Russia with his “Grand Army”, 600K men
The Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
• Defeats Russians but Tsar Alexander I refused 2
• As winter approached the Russians burned Moscow
to the ground rather than provide shelter and
supplies to French army
• His forces are defeated on their retreat by bitter
Russian winter
• Faced with typhus, hunger, suicide, few survived
long march back 2 France
Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
• After his failure in Russia other Euro. powers
combined forces 2 overthrow him
• Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria formed a coalition
and invaded France 1814
• Coalition defeats Napoleon, brings back old French
royal family, makes Louis XVIII new king
• Napoleon sent into exile (Elba), returns 2 France &
once again takes control 4 a brief time
• Napoleon is defeated at the 1815 Battle of
Waterloo (Belgium) by Britain’s Duke of Wellington
Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
• This time allies imprisoned him on distant island
(Saint Helena) where he dies in 1821
Impact of Napoleon
• Napoleon only ruled France for 15 years but had
huge impact on France, Europe, and rest of world
• Napoleon created stability by establishing Code
Napoleon, a law code that consolidated
achievements of Rev., such as social equality,
religious toleration, trial by jury
• Napoleon ended feudal restrictions and serfdom in
conquered areas
• Freed Germany Jews from traditional restrictions
Impact of Napoleon (cont.)
• French rule stimulated nationalism
• Weakened Spain causing it to lose colonies in
Latin Am.
• Sold Louisiana Territory to U.S. in 1803
Page 13: Acting As An Amateur Historian
• Read The Transformation of European Politics by
Paul Schroeder and then read The Rites of Peace:
The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna
by Adam Zamoyski, both found on page 230 in
• With which of these statements about the
Congress of Vienna would you most agree? Explain
your answer
• Length of answer should be minimum of 1-2
Page 14: Restoring the Old Order
• After defeat of Napoleon, European rulers met in
Paris, at Congress of Vienna (1814-15), 2 redraw
boundaries of Europe
• Main objective to settle issues arising from French
Rev. & Napoleonic Wars
• All other Euro. Nations invited 2 participate
The Congress of Vienna
• Allies restored many former rulers and borders
restoring Europe back 2 the way it was prior to
French Rev. and Napoleon
• Allied leaders: Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia met
privately making all major decisions
• Allies sought establish a balance of power- system
in which no single power like France could become
so powerful
The Congress of Vienna (cont.)
• Congress also dealt with issues such as: steps to
abolish slave trade, rights of German Jews,
continue to meet to resist revolutionary change
William Wilberforce
• English reformer, devout Christian, horrified by
* Lead fight to abolish slavery in England
• 1807, persuades Parliament to pass Slave Trade
Bill, bans slave trade
• As a result France and Spain also ban slave trade
• Entire British Empire abolishes slavery in 1833
The Spirit of Nationalism
• Nationalism- belief that each nationality (ethnic
group) is entitled 2 its own govt. and national
• French Rev. ignited spirit of nationalism
throughout Euro. teaching that each govt. be
based on the will of the people
• Congress of Vienna favored legitimacy-maintain
traditional rulers/monarchs
• As a result many Euro. peoples still not united;
others lived under foreign rule
The Metternich Era (1815-1848)
• Prince Klemens von Metternich- Austrian, leading
statesmen at Congress of Vienna
• Instrumental in establishing system that prevented
attempts at nationalism
• 30 years following the Congress of Vienna
unsuccessful revolutions in Italy, Germany, Poland
• National groups sought to achieve independence
but were defeated by armies of Austria or Russia
• Only revolutions successful were in Greece and
Belgium 1830, then France in 1830
The Revolutions of 1848
• 1848 considered 1 of the turning points of 19th
• 1848, constitutional monarchy of France was
overthrown & new republic was created
• Events in France inspired revolutions in Italy,
Germany, Austria
• Revolutionaries sought to establish own unified
Page 15: Timeline
• Use your page 16 ISN notes to complete the
following assignment
• Use the dates and events to create a timeline
featuring Latin America’s Road to Independence,
(this will be your title)
• Be sure to include dates, events, and a brief
descriptions of the events
• You may wish to create a vertical timeline, so you
can use the lines of your paper
Page 16: The Independence of Latin Am.
• American and French Rev.’s led 2 independence of
Latin America
• Abuses of Colonial System- late 18th century, Spanish
& Portuguese colonial system caused unrest in Latin
• Although Creoles were descendants of Spain they
were denied political power and resented Euro. born
• Colonists resented Spanish econ. restrictions which
made it difficult for them to trade with other than
Spain or to manufacture their own goods
Revolutionary Ideas Spread 2 Latin America
• Both American and French Rev. ideas spread to
Latin America
• Revolutions taught that people should be entitled 2
a govt. that protected their interests
• When Napoleon was defeated in 1814, King of
Spain was restored to throne
• He re-imposed old colonial system prohibiting
colonists from trading directly with Britain or other
countries except Spain
Revolutionary Ideas Spread 2 Latin
• Latin Am. rulers refused 2 return 2 Spanish rule
and demanded independence
• Brazil declared its independence from Portugal in
• By 1824, Latin America independence was firmly
Page 16: Leaders in Wars 4 Independence
• Toussaint L’Ouverture- led uprising of African slaves
in 1791, forcing French out of Haiti, 1st Latin Am.
colony 2 achieve independence
• Jose de San Martin- worked to liberate Argentina
and Chile from Spain 1816-18
• Simon Bolivar- defeated Spanish forces 1819-25,
liberating Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia, known as “The Liberator”
• Miguel Hidalgo- priest, began revolt against Spain in
Mexico, uprising failed but Mexico gains
independence in 1821
Bolivar and Struggle for Independence
• Simon Bolivar born in Venezuela known as the
• A Creole aristocrat, emerged as most important
leader in South American independence
movement from Spain
• His Decree to War to the Death threatened those
who opposed him and sided with Spain
• 1st President of Gran Colombia, set out to unite all
of S. Am.
The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
• Issued by U.S., protected newly independent
countries of S. Am. by warning Euro. powers
against further intervention in those countries
• Bolivar’s dream was to create a democratic S. Am.
Federation like the U.S.
• However in 1830, he declared himself dictator just
as Napoleon had done in France
• Bolivar resigned the Presidency and died shortly
The End