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Name: ___________________
Date: ___________
Review Sheet for Mesopotamia Test
Due: Monday, November 28th
Test: Friday, December 2nd
Why did people move to the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
What major problem did farmers have to deal with once they moved to Mesopotamia?
What modern day country is Mesopotamia located in? _____________________________
What ruler had a significant impact on the government and law of Mesopotamia?
What evidence do we have of law in Mesopotamia?
What is one example of Hammurabi’s Code? Was this law harsh or fair?
What do Hammurabi’s laws tell us about society at that time?
What was the written language of Mesopotamia? ___________________________________
What were the benefits of the written language? Name at least two reasons. (How did it help
the people of Mesopotamia?)
Who were the people that recorded information? Could anyone have this job?
What materials did scribes use to write with? ____________________________________
Advances in Technology
How did it help life in Mesopotamia?
Seeder plow
Number system
based on 60
Were the people of Mesopotamia monotheistic or polytheistic? What evidence do we have of
What was the purpose of the ziggurat?
Why was the ziggurat located in the center of the city-state?
Food Supply
What was the main source of food for the people of Mesopotamia?
How did people control water to help their farms? What is one example of this process?
How did irrigation help form city-states?
When was irrigation a challenge?
What was the economy of Mesopotamia? ________________________________________
Why did the people of Mesopotamia have to trade?
What were some goods that people traded?
Name one way that people transported goods and why it was helpful.
Social Structure
Draw the social pyramid and label it with the appropriate specializations
People of higher social levels lived ___________________(closer/farther from) the center of
the city-state.