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Unit 2
Note: Explanation to this block diagram - take some important points
of each module from topic “on chip peripherals” which is included in
this document.
Address space
On chip peripherals
FRAM Technology
Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the best
features of Flash and SRAM. It is non-volatile like Flash, but offers fast and low power writes, write
endurance of 10^15 cycles and unmatched flexibility. While new to microcontrollers, FRAM has been
used in the industry for over a decade.
Non-volatile memory
100x faster writes than Flash
250x lower energy writes than Flash
High endurance - 10^15 write cycles
Resistance to electric/magnetic fields and radiation
Unified memory – flexible code and data partitioning
Extend battery life
Backup data on power fail and quicken restart time
Reduce system cost by replacing external EEPROM
No data loss caused by soft-errors
Secure data with instantaneous and near infinite refresh of security keys
Hardware Multiplier
The MSP low-power microcontroller portfolio offers 16-bit and 32-bit multiplication modules on select
devices. These peripherals can be used while the microcontroller is in low-power modes. Combined
with optimized fixed and floating-point math libraries, MSP MCU performance can be increased
16-bit or 32-bit available
Independent of the CPU
Supports signed and unsigned multiply and multiply accumulate
Increase device capabilities with faster math operations
Extend battery life with low-power operation
Flexible design enables support for many applications
The MSP low-power, advanced microcontroller portfolio provides embedded security systems that
allow our customers to prevent, detect and respond to unintended or malicious behavior , including
MCU reverse engineering. These secure microcontroller features include Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) hardware accelerators, IP encapsulation memory protection, anti-tampering, the
FRAM advantage, among other features listed below
MSP Families
Learn more
Fast writes log data
quickly, and
generate PRNG
keys faster for
cryptography. Also
resistant to glitchattacks
Closing the security gap with
TI’s MSP430™ FRAM-based
access to the
device through the
debug interface.
JTAG security fuse
or FRAM password
All MSP families
MSP430™ Programming Via
the JTAG Interface User's
MSP Families
Learn more
Use a BSL
password to
prohibit every
command that
potentially allows
unauthorized direct
or indirect data
All MSP families
MSP430 Programming Via the
Bootstrap Loader (BSL)
User's Guide
Counter the most
important threats to
in-field update
mechanisms with
authentication and
encryption of
firmware updates
Crypto-Bootloader – Secure
in-field firmware updates for
ultra-low-power MCUs
Safely segregate
your IPs from the
rest of the
MSP430FRxx User’s Guide
(See 7.2.2 IP Encapsulation
IP Protection
Regional security to
enable multiple
parties with
software IP
protection needs to
be involved in
Software IP Protection on
MSP432P4xx Microcontrollers
256-bit AES
Secure data
transfers via the
hardware security
accelerator while
saving power by
drastically reducing
the cycles required
MSP430F5x/F6x, CC430,
MSP430F5xx/6xx, CC430,
andMSP430FRxx User’s
Guide (See AES Accelerator
MSP432P401x Technical
Reference Manual (See AES
Accelerator Chapter)
Configuring BSL and Security
Features on MSP432
Microcontrollers, MSP432P40
1R Bootstrap Loader (BSL)
User's Guide
MSP Families
Learn more
for serial
Generate random
AES keys, and do
so more often with
MSP430FRxx User’s Guide
(See Random
Number Seed)
Two pins can be
used as an event or
tamper detection
input of an external
switch (mechanical
or electronic), with
an RTC time stamp
MSP430F5xx/6xx User’s
Guide (see 24.3.2 Real-Time
Clock Event/Tamper
Detection With Time Stamp)
Voltage Monitoring
The power management module (PMM) manages all functions related to the power supply and its
supervision for the device. Its primary functions are first to generate a supply voltage for the core
logic, and second, provide several mechanisms for the supervision and monitoring of both the
voltage applied to the device (DVCC) and the voltage generated for the core (VCORE).
The PMM uses an integrated low-dropout voltage regulator (LDO) to produce a secondary core
voltage (VCORE) from the primary one applied to the device (DVCC).
In general, VCORE supplies the CPU, memories (flash and RAM), and the digital modules, while
DVCC supplies the I/Os and all analog modules (including the oscillators). The VCORE output is
maintained using a dedicated voltage reference.
VCORE is programmable up to four steps, to provide only as much power as is needed for the
speed that has been selected for the CPU. This enhances power efficiency of the system. The input
or primary side of the regulator is referred to as its high side. The output or secondary side is
referred to as its low side.
Wide supply voltage (DVCC) range
Generation of voltage for the device core (VCORE) with up to four programmable levels
Supply voltage supervisor (SVS) and supply voltage monitor (SVM) for DVCC and VCORE with
programmable threshold levels
Brownout reset (BOR)
Software accessible power-fail indicators
I/O protection during power-fail condition
Simplifies system power sequencing requirements
Safety concepts supported by built-in diagnostic features
Eases safety-critical concept development and rational
CapTIvate™ touch microcontroller
MSP MCUs with FRAM and CapTIvate™ technology are the most noise immune capacitive touch
MCUs, with IEC61000-4-6 certified solutions and the most configurable combination of capacitive
buttons, sliders, wheels, and proximity sensors, all at the world's lowest power.
10-bit and 12-bit SAR ADCs
The ADC10 module supports fast 10-bit analog-to-digital conversions. The module implements a 10bit SAR core with sample select control, reference generator, window comparator and data transfer
controller (DTC). The DTC allows ADC10 samples to be converted and stored anywhere in memory
without CPU intervention. The module can be configured with user software to support a variety of
applications. The ADC also has a built in temperature sensor and supports a conversion rate of
greater than 200ksps.
The ADC12 module supports fast 12-bit analog-to-digital conversions. The module implements a 12bit SAR core, sample select control, reference generator, window comparator and data transfer
controller (DTC). The DTC allows ADC12 samples to be converted and stored anywhere in memory
without CPU intervention. The module can be configured with user software to support a variety of
The ADC also has a built in temperature sensor and supports a conversion rate of greater than
10-bit & 12-bit ADCs at the rate of 200ksps, 14-bit ADCs at 1Msps
Single, Sequence, Repeat-single, Repeat-sequence
Timer triggers
Data Transfer Controller (DTC)
DMA Enabled
Differential input mode
Conversion window comparator
Fast sample/conversions for greater accuracy
Ultra-Low Power operation:
Sample data autonomously in Low Power modes – without the CPU!
Transfer samples to anywhere in memory using the DTC and DMA – all while in Low Power
16- and 24-bit Sigma-Delta Converters
The CTSD16 module consists of up to seven independent sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters,
referred to as channels. The converters are based on second-order oversampling sigma-delta
modulators and digital decimation filters. The decimation filters are comb-type filters with selectable
oversampling ratios of up to 256. Additional filtering can be done in software.
The SD24 module consists of up to eight independent sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters. The
converters are based on second-order oversampling sigma-delta modulators and digital decimation
filters. The decimation filters are comb type filters with selectable oversampling ratios of up to 1024.
Additional filtering can be done in software.
Dedicated 32-bit result registers
Modulation frequency up to 2 MHz
Supports bit stream out/input modes
Auto power-down mode
Flexible clock divider selections
64 and 128 PGA gains
External trigger options available
Can trigger the ADC10 conversions
Differential inputs - good for AC measurements and eliminates need for level shifting
Simultaneous conversions - no inherent delay between voltage and current samples means SW
compensation not required
Built-in PGA - when shunt resistors or Rogowski coils are used, complete dynamic range can be
used with any external gain amplifiers
12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
The DAC12 module is a 12-bit, voltage output DAC. The DAC12 can be configured in 8-bit or 12-bit
mode and may be used in conjunction with the DMA controller. When multiple DAC12 modules are
present, they may be grouped together for synchronous update operation.
12-bit monotonic
8/12-bit voltage output
Programmable settling time versus power
Int/ext reference
Binary or 2’s compliment
Group sync load
DMA enabled
Configurable balance between performance and power
Allows synchronous update operations when multiple modules are available
Output waves while in Low Power standby modes to minimize current consumption!
Analog Comparator
The Comparator module supports precision slope analog-to-digital conversions, supply voltage
supervision, and monitoring of external analog signals.
Features of the Comparator includes: inverting and non-inverting terminal input multiplexer, software
selectable RC- filter for the comparator output, output provided to Timer capture input, software
control of the port input buffer, interrupt capability, selectable reference voltage generator,
comparator and reference generator can be powered down.
Low Power operation
Hysteresis generator (B)
Input multiplexer
Programmable reference generator
Low-pass filter
Interrupt source
Timer_A capture
Programmable performance/power modes to meet high performance requirements, or enable
ultra-low power operations
Multiplexer short for sample-and-hold
Ultra-Low Power operation extends battery life
Enables monitoring of external analog signals
Supports precision slope Analog to Digital Conversions
Analog Pool (A-POOL)
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs) are complex analog
functions that consists of analog and digital components, some types use compensation methods
and auto-zero (AZ) mechanisms to eliminate error sources. Modern converters provide automatic
range control and other advanced features. A-POOL has none of those complex functions as ready
modules; instead, it provides analog and analog-oriented digital elementary functions that can be
used to build complex analog functions like DACs, ADCs, and SVMs of different kinds when
combined through software.
Software-configurable peripheral that can implement a complete signal chain with the following
building blocks Comparator
8-bit elementary DAC
8-bit ADC
Supply Voltage Monitor
Temperature Sensor
Ultra –low-voltage (256 mV) reference
Enable flexible and diverse designs
Reduce board size
Form a complete signal chain using one peripheral
Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA)
A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is a high-performance and low-power amplifier with rail-to-rail
output. It has programmable power modes to suit different application needs. MSP430FR231x
MCUs support a dedicated low-leakage pad for TIA negative input to reduce system current
Current-to-voltage conversion
Half-rail input
Rail-to-rail output
Low-leakage negative input down to 50 pA
Multiple input selection
Configurable high-power and low-power modes
Reduced bill of materials
Reduced system physical footprint
Direct connectivity to other integratedperipherals for improved signal chain performance
Operational Amplifier
The operational amplifiers (OA) support front-end analog signal conditioning prior to analog-to-digital
conversion. The OA is a configurable low-current rail-to-rail operational amplifier. It can be
configured as an inverting amplifier or a non-inverting amplifier, or it can be combined with other OA
modules to form differential amplifiers. The output slew rate of the OA can be configured for
optimized settling time vs power consumption.
Single supply, low-current operation
Rail-to-rail output
Software selectable rail-to-rail input
Programmable settling time vs. power consumption
Software selectable configurations
Software selectable feedback resistor ladder for PGA implementations
Low-impedance ground switches individually software selectable
Reduced bill of materials
Reduced system physical footprint
Direct connectivity to other integratedperipherals for improved signal chain performance
LCD Drivers
The MSP low-power microcontroller portfolio features a broad set of devices with integrated
segmented Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) controllers. These controllers include a proven core that
has been optimized for low power. Combined with code examples and collateral, these MCUs are
ideal for developers new to segmented displays as well as experienced engineers.
Up to 320 Segments
Static upto 8-mux
Individual blinking segment control
Integrated charge pump and resistor ladder to provide multiple voltage levels
Software configuration of pins
Extend battery life and reduce Bill of Materials
Maintain contrast in low-power modes
Minimize system size with flexible hardware layout
Inputs / Outputs
The integrated general purpose I/O pins are designed to support a variety of needs dependent upon
specific applications or pin configuration settings.
I/O pins may be multiplexed with multiple peripherals providing layout and peripheral flexibility to the
system designer. These features could include serial port, analog input channels or touch-sensitive
pin oscillation functionality.
While these microcontrollers typically operate with a core voltage between 1.8-3.6V depending on
device, some MCUs have special features to enable an independent DVIO voltage supply to enable
direct connection to true 1.8V (+/-10%) or 5V systems. Special I/O pins also support programmable
drive strength up to 20mA.
Multiple voltage options available for I/O control
1.8V I/Os : directly interface to same voltage I/O logic and sensors
5V I/Os : tolerant push/pull I/Os with up to 20mA drive strength for interfacing to same voltage IC,
driving logic level MOSFETs or white LEDs
Capacitive touch I/Os: Each touch sense-enabled I/O has an individually programmable pin
oscillator enable bit to enable low-cost touch applications
Programmable glitch-filter for selected pins to improve ESD immunity for interrupt capable pins
Eliminates level translation circuits, reduced BOM cost
Lower power consumption in overall system such as for sensor hub applications
The MSP Low Power + Performance MCU portfolio offers a broad portfolio of devices with integrated
Universal Serial Bus (USB) and up to 512 KB of Flash memory. Development is made easy with
the USB Developer’s Package and tools like the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad. TI also offers aUSB
Vendor ID sharing program to help jumpstart development.
Full speed (12 Mbps)
Supports all transfer types except isochronous Multiple endpoints (8 IN and 8 OUT)
USB PHY (transceiver) is fully integrated
Powered by 5V VBUS, through an integrated LDO
As part of USB certification, all MSP430’s have passed all electrical tests.
See this application report for complete list of all MSP430 USB Test ID’s proving certification, or
contact the USB-IF
The application report contains a complete hardware reference design
Reduce BOM and enable longer battery life
Suited for 99% of USB applications
Enables more USB interfaces in a composite USB device
Perfect for new and experienced USB developers
Wireless Connectivity and Embedded RF
MSP’s broad portfolio of microcontrollers allows our customers to innovate and create designs
across a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, whether high performance or ultra lowpower. These microcontrollers include system-on- chip solutions as well as software for simple
pairing with external radio frequency (RF) transceivers. Software and TI Designs enable the
combination of MSP MCUs and RF in complete system solutions. In addition, LaunchPad and
BoosterPack hardware modules, development environments and white papers are available to help
get your IoT design underway!
Integrated RF: CC430 and RF430 microcontrollers offer the industry’s lowest power, single-chip RF
portfolio. These series of devices combine low power with tight integration between the MCU
core,peripherals and RF interface.
External RF: TI offers radios including sub-1GHz, 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth® Smart, Wi-Fi®,
NFC™ that pair with TI Low-power MCUs.
The Ultra-low-power MSP MCUs, which integrate a power-management system with interrupt
handling and FRAM/SRAM for real-time data capture make these devices extremely efficient in
IoT applications.
TheLow-Power + Performance MSP MCUs combine 25-MHz 16-bit CPUs or 48-MHz 32-bit
ARM® Cortex®-M4 CPUs with high performance analog and the low-power MSP DNA to support
consumer, industrial and HealthTechIoT applications with advanced computing requirements.
Register Sets
The width of the memory address bus (MAB) is increased to 20 bits in the MSP430X to address
the extended memory but the memory data bus (MDB) remains 16 bits wide. Most of the
registers in the CPU of the MSP430X can be used for either data or addresses and have
therefore been enlarged to 20 bits as well. The exception is the status register (SR).
Only 9 of its 16 bits are used in the MSP430 but the unused bits are exploited in the
MSP430X, as we shall see.
The registers in the CPU of the MSP430X are shown in Figure . Both the program
counter and stack pointer are used only as addresses and are therefore always treated as
20-bit registers. In contrast, the status register has only 16 bits. The constant generator and
general-purpose registers can handle 8, 16, or 20-bit numbers. This raises a problem with
the terminology. A “word” usually means 16 bits, which remains applicable for data,
but an “address word” now contains 20 bits
The general functions of the registers are unchanged from the MSP430. For example, the
stack pointer should be initialized to the top of RAM before any functions are called.
However, some details of their usage change to accommodate 20-bit values. For example,
the current value in the program counter must be stacked when a subroutine is called, This
requires a single 16-bit word in the MSP430 following the call instruction, as shown in
Figure 11.3(a). The 20-bit PC in the MSP430X requires two words of the stack to hold it,
although 12 bits of one 16-bit word are wasted, as shown in Figure 11.3(b). A different
instruction, calla, must therefore be used unless the whole program fits in the lowest
64KB. (In this case you could probably save money with a smaller device.) There is a
corresponding return instruction, reta, that retrieves a 20-bit address from the stack rather
than 16 bits.
Figure 11.3(b) shows that two 16-bit words are needed to store a 20-bit address on the
stack and the same is true for main memory: Address words require 4 bytes of storage,
12 bits of which are unused. This wastes memory and reduces the effective speed of the
processor because two cycles are needed to fetch a complete 20-bit address from memory.
In most cases these addresses are parts of instructions and the extended instruction set is
designed to reduce these overheads.
Interrupts are handled in a slightly different way from subroutines. Both the status register
and program counter are stacked in this case, as shown in Figure 6.5 for the MSP430. The
upper 7 bits of the status register are not used and the MSP430X therefore takes over the
space for the top 4 of them to hold the extra 4 bits of the program counter. Figure 11.4
shows this. It saves both memory and time, which is particularly important for interrupts.
The reti instruction has been updated to match. An interrupt service routine must be situated in
the lowest 64KB of the address space because vectors hold only 16-bit addresses but the full
20-bit address is stacked to ensure that execution can resume at any address after the interrupt.
Pull‒Up and Pull‒Down Resistor
Why do we need them?
The pull up and pull down resistors are used for preventing a node from floating. Consider
following images.
Fig 1: An Example of Floating node
Fig 2: Another Example of Floating Node
So lets consider Fig 1. When the switch is pressed, voltage at input pin will be equal to VCC. But
when switch is open (Notpressed), state of input pin is undefined. We can’t be sure about the
voltage level of the Input Pin. So we can write the statesof Input Pin based on switch state as:
Open(Not Pressed)
Closed (Pressed)
High (Equal to VCC)
Similarly for Fig 2 we can write the table as
Open(Not Pressed)
Closed (Pressed)
Low (Equal to GND)
So we can see that, if we use the Switch as input device to a microcontroller in these
configuration, the device is going to facesome undefined states (Floating State). So it may lead to
ambiguous readings from the switch. Everyone connecting a switchto a microcontroller must
avoid theseconfiguration for their switches.
Pull Down Resistor:
Pull down resistor will pull a floating node to logic level low i.e. 0. So after connecting to a Pull
down resistor the Fig 1 will looklike as follow:
So now we connected a very High value resistor from the floating node to Ground. Lets see how
its going to help us.
Open(Not Pressed)
Closed (Pressed)
High (Equal to VCC)
When the switch is in Open state the resistor will try to pull down the node to Ground level.
Hence it is named as Pull DownResistor.
Pull Up Resistor:
By now you must have guessed the use of pull up resistor. The pull up resistor pulls up the
floating node to a High logic value
Here the resistor R1 will serve the purpose of pulling the Input Pin high when the switch is not
pressed. But now the Voltageat Input Pin will be slightly less than VCC based on your R1 value.
But as you are using it as input to a Microcontroller, so it isnot going to cost you in terms of errors
as for Digital Devices there is a threshold between High and Low level. Every othervariation is
not of much use. So the table for switch with pull up resistor will be
Open(Not Pressed)
Closed (Pressed)
Low (Equal to GND)
Can I eliminate Resistor?
No you can’t. If you are thinking of providing two different state by directly connecting the two
pins of Switch to two differentlogic levels then believe me you are going to do a blunder. Yes,
your guess is right, the Input Pin will not be in a Floating Statenow when the switch is not
pressed. But as soon as you are going to press the switch, the VCC node will be shorted to
Groundand you circuit will go down.
So what is difference in using either of them?
Not much. As you might have observed in their truth table that both configurations are opposite in
Logic Level. So for Switchconfiguration with Pull Up resistor you have to read logic low to know
when the switch is pressed. Opposite is the case withthe Pull Down Configuration. In this case
you have to read High logic level to know when the switch is pressed
GPIO Philosophy
The MSP430 uses a limited number of GPIO hardware pins that are assignable to several
functions depending on your specific model and your program's needs. Our version, the
MSP430G2231, can have the Port_1 pins act as digital output, digital input, or ADC input. The
pins are organized into ports, with each port usually one byte (8 bits/pins) wide. On larger
versions of the processor (different format chips with physically many more pins...) you can
encounter several ports, but in this lab you will only be using Port_1 and Port_2 You can set each
pin's function independently (input or output) by modifying some memory mapped I/O registers.
Since we want to do both, we will divide P1 into half inputs and half outputs as needed.UsageThe
I/O ports are memory mapped into the top of the MSP430 address space. There are several
registers associated with each port. For now, you only need to worry about four (P1IN, P1OUT,
P1DIR, and P1REN).
The P1IN register is located at address 0x0020 in memory, which you can also refer to using the
C symbol &P1IN The register holds the values the MSP430 sees at each pin, regardless of the pin
direction setting. To read the register, it is good practice to use a mov.b instruction to avoid
accidentally reading adjacent registers
Tip: If you are looking to test or read just the pins set to input, you will have to mask the P1IN
register to zero out the other unwanted/output pins. Reading P1IN reads the entire port, regardless
of pin direction.
The P1OUT register is located at address 0x0021 in memory, which you can also refer to using
the C symbol &P1OUT If their direction bits in P1DIR are set to output/ "1", the corresponding
pins will output the values set in P1OUT. If a pin's direction bits are set to input in P1DIR and its
resistors are enabled in P1REN, P1OUT controls the pin's connection to the pull-up resistor.
Setting P1OUT to "1" enables the pull-up, while setting it to "0" leaves the input to float in a high
impedance state. To set P1OUT, use a mov.b instruction to set several pins at once. To set
individual bits to "1", you can use an or.b instruction with a "1" in the positions you want to set.
To clear individual bits/ set them to zero, use an and.b instruction with mostly "1"s except for a
"0" for the bits you want to clear.
The P1DIR register is located at address 0x0022 in memory, which you can also refer to using the
C symbol &P1DIR The value of the bits in P1DIR determines whether the MSP430 hardware
leaves the pin in a high impedance state where it responds to external voltage changes (which you
can read at P1IN), or in a low impedance state where the MSP430 drives the output voltage to a
certain value determined by P1OUT. To set the bit directions all at once, use a mov.b instruction,
but to change individual bits regardless of the others, use an and.b or a or.b Set the corresponding
bits to "0" to set pins to input mode, or to "1" to set them to output mode.
The P1REN register is located at address 0x0027 in memory, which you can also refer to using
the C symbol &P1REN P1REN controls whether the MSP430 Launchpad enables the integrated
pull-up resistor for a given pin. The pull-up resistors allow the use of single pole switches. They
prevent the input signals from floating randomly while the switches are open by loosely tying the
inputs to Vcc. When the switch is closed though, the much stronger connection to ground wins
out, pulling the inputs down to GND. Set the corresponding bits to "1" to enable a pin's pull-up
resistor, or to "0" to disable it (disabled by default).
Setting up the outputs is easy-- simply set the upper four bits (bits 4-7) of &P1DIR to "1", and
then write the output to the upper four bits of &P1OUT. That means you'll have to shift your data
left 4 positions before output, but you should already know a simple technique to do so!
Aside: You'll notice that when you change the output, the corresponding input bits also change.
This happens because the input hardware always reads the status of the line, regardless if it is set
to input our output. Changing the &P1DIR values only connects or disconnects the driving
circuitry built into the MSP430. In advanced applications this can be used to analyze potential
faults in the circuitry outside the chip.
Inputs are also "easy," but there are a few hardware concepts you'll need before you understand
how they work!
A Little Bit About Wires:- binary digital logic has two valid states, plus one third mystery state.
That third state, "The High Impedance State," (High-Z) just means that the wire isn't connected to
Aside: Impedance is a generalized form of the classical Resistance concept. Impedances can be
real or complex valued, and apply too signals expressed in complex exponential form (whether
constant or variable!).
In order to read useful input from your switches, you need them to be "0" in one state, and "1" in
the other. Yet knowing what you know about the third state, the switch shown above will actually
give a "0"/"1" (depending on what you connect it to) when closed and "High-Z" when open.
Because there's nothing else driving the sensor input besides our switch, the input value will be
random when the switch is open. In digital logic this is called floating, and it is a very very bad
thing. One simple solution is the Pull-Up (or Pull-Down) Resistor. Connecting the floating side
of the switch to a logic level through a large resistor will tie down the floating input when the
switch is open, but won't effect the read value much when the switch is closed.
Pull-Ups in the MSP430For better or for worse, the MSP430 actually has pull up resistors already
built into the chip's hardware. Configuring them takes several steps, but once setup they provide
all the functionality above without the extra external connections.
* Set the Pin Direction for P1.0-P1.3 to input. (Set bits 0-3 of &P1DIR to "0")
* Enable the resistors themselves. (Set bits 0-3 of &P1REN to "1")
* Configure the resistors to be pull-up. (Set bits 0-3 of &P1OUT to "1")
Important: The most confusing part of the whole process is the double function of P1OUT.
Because of the hardware implementation on the MSP430, &P1OUT controls the outputs as well
as the connections to the pull up resistors. You will need to ensure that every time you output a
value, you KEEP the lower four bits "1". The easiest way to do this is just by ORing your raw
output with the constant #0Fh before you write to P1OUT. The MSP430 does not have a specific
"or" instruction by name, but bis does the same thing. For more info on bis and its inverse bic
Philosophy - A traditional single threaded polling scheme consists of a main loop that runs
continuously. Within that loop, the processor periodically checks for changes, and if there are
none, continues looping. Once a change is detected, the program moves to a new section of code
or calls a new subroutine to deal with the changes.
Polling has advantages and disadvantages-- it keeps program execution linear and is very easy to
code and implement, but it also is not incredibly responsive. Since polling only checks values at
certain points in the main run loop, if the loop is long or changes occur quickly, a polling scheme
can miss input data. For now though it will suffice.
Interrupts and Interrupt programming
Refer chapter_5 in MSP430_Design_Workshop.pdf which is available under download
references link in our website :-)
Interrupt programming:
1.Example port1 interrupt
#include <msp430x20x3.h>
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P1DIR |= 0x01; // Set P1.0 to output direction
P1IE |= 0x10; // P1.4 interrupt enabled
P1IES |= 0x10; // P1.4 Hi/lo edge
P1IFG &= ~0x10; // P1.4 IFG cleared
_BIS_SR(LPM4_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM4 w/interrupt
// Port 1 interrupt service routine
#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1(void)
P1OUT ^= 0x01; // P1.0 = toggle
P1IFG &= ~0x10; // P1.4 IFG cleared
2. Example timer interrupt
#include <msp430x20x3.h>
void main(void)
P1DIR |= 0x01; // P1.0 output
TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2 + TAIE; // SMCLK, contmode, interrupt
_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupt
// Timer_A3 Interrupt Vector (TAIV) handler
#pragma vector=TIMERA1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A(void)
switch( TAIV )
case 2: break; // CCR1 not used
case 4: break; // CCR2 not used
case 10: P1OUT ^= 0x01; // overflow
Watchdog Timer: Ref. John H Davis
WDT can be used in two modes:
Supervision mode
Ensure correct working of software program
Perform PUC
Generate interrupt when counter overflows
Interval timer
Independent timer generates standard interrupt when counter overflows periodically
WDTCNT is not directly accessible to the user
WDT controlled by WDTCTL register
The main purpose of the watchdog timer is to protect the system against failure of the software,
such as the program becoming trapped in an unintended, infinite loop. Left to itself, the
watchdog counts up and resets the MSP430 when it reaches its limit. The code must therefore
keep clearing the counter before the limit is reached to prevent a reset.
The operation of the watchdog is controlled by the 16-bit register WDTCTL. It is guarded against
accidental writes by requiring the password WDTPW = 0x5A in the upper byte. A reset will
occur if a value with an incorrect password is written to WDTCTL. This can be done deliberately
if you need to reset the chip from software. Reading WDTCTL returns 0x69 in the upper byte, so
reading WDTCTL and writing the value back violates the password and causes a reset.The
lower byte of WDTCTL contains the bits that control the operation of the watchdog timer, shown
in Figure 8.1. The RST/NMI pin is also configured using this register, which you must not forget
when servicing the watchdog—we see why shortly. Most bits are reset to 0 after a power-on
reset (POR) but are unaffected by a power-up clear (PUC). This distinction is important in
handling resets caused by the watchdog. The exception is the WDTCNTCL bit, labeled r0(w).
This means that the bit always reads as 0 but a 1 can be written to stimulate some action,
clearing the counter in this case.
The watchdog counter is a 16-bit register WDTCNT, which is not visible to the user. It is clocked
from either SMCLK (default) or ACLK, according to the WDTSSEL bit. The reset output can be
selected from bits 6, 9, 13, or 15 of the counter. Thus the period is 2 6 = 64, 512, 8192, or 32,768
(default) times the period of the clock. This is controlled by the WDTISx bits in WDTCTL. The
intervals are roughly 2, 16, 250, and 1000 ms if the watchdog runs from ACLK at 32 KHz. The
watchdog is always active after the MSP430 has been reset. By default the clock is SMCLK,
which is in turn derived from the DCO at about 1 MHz. The default period of the watchdog is the
maximum value of 32,768 counts, which is therefore around 32 ms. You must clear, stop, or
reconfigure the watchdog before this time has elapsed. In almost all programs in this book, I
take the simplest approach of stopping the watchdog, which means setting the WDTHOLD bit.
This goes back to the first program to light LEDs, Listing 4.2. If the watchdog is left running, the
counter must be repeatedly cleared to prevent it counting up as far as its limit. This is done by
setting the WDTCNTCL bit in WDTCTL. The task is often called petting, feeding, or kicking the
dog, depending on your attitude toward canines. The bit automatically clears again after
WDTCNT has been reset. The MSP430 is reset if the watchdog counter reaches its limit. The
watchdog causes a power-up clear, which is the less drastic form. Most registers are reset to
default values but some retain their contents, which is vital so that the source of the reset can
be determined. The watchdog timer sets the WDTIFG flag in the special function register IFG1.
This is cleared by a power-on reset but its value is preserved during a PUC. Thus a program
can check this bit to find out whether a reset arose from the watchdog. Listing 8.1 shows a trivial
program to demonstrate the watchdog. I selected the clock from ACLK (WDTSSEL = 1) and the
longest period (WDTISx = 00), which gives 1s with a 32 KHz crystal for ACLK. It is wise to
restart any timer whenever its configuration is changed so I also cleared the counter by setting
the WDTCNTCL bit. LED1 shows the state of button B1 and LED2 shows WDTIFG. The
watchdog is serviced by rewriting the configuration value in a loop while button B1 is held down.
If the button is left up for more than 1s the watchdog times out, raises the flag WDTIFG, and
resets the device with a PUC. This is shown by LED2 lighting.
Program wdtest1.c to demonstrate the watchdog timer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------#include <io430x11x1.h> // Specific device
// Pins for LEDs and button
#define LED1 P2OUT_bit.P2OUT_3
#define LED2 P2OUT_bit.P2OUT_4
#define B1 P2IN_bit.P2IN_1
// Watchdog config: active , ACLK /32768 -> 1s interval; clear counter
// Include settings for _RST/NMI pin here as well
void main (void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTCONFIG; // Configure and clear watchdog
P2DIR = BIT3 | BIT4; // Set pins with LEDs to output
P2OUT = BIT3 | BIT4; // LEDs off (active low)
for (;;) { // Loop forever
LED2 = ˜IFG1_bit.WDTIFG; // LED2 shows state of WDTIFG
if (B1 == 1) { // Button up
LED1 = 1; // LED1 off
} else { // Button down
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTCONFIG; // Feed/pet/kick/clear watchdog
LED1 = 0; // LED1 on
System clocks:
Ref John H Davis book-PAGE NO 163 and my ppt
Low Power Aspects of MSP430
Low power modes
Refer PPT and “MSP430_Design_workshop.pdf” chapter 7 Pg no-(7-5 to
Also just refer the John H Davis book for explanation of this topic
chapter 6.10.
Active vs Stand-By current consumption
Explain this topic with using low power modes table and clock
sources in that table( which is present PPT)
FRAM vs Flash
Refer PPT “MSP430_Design_workshop.pdf” chapter 9 Pg no-(9-4 to 99)