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Tobacco and it’s effects
By Todd Corabi
Some information taken from
Glencoe Health pre-made
powerpoints from Teen Health series
FACT: Smoking and Obesity are the 2 single highest causes of preventable death
in the United States.
Forms of Tobacco
Tobacco products are made from the Tobacco plant.
The can be smoked, chewed, or inhaled.
 Products that are smoked:
 Cigarettes
 Cigars and pipes
 Smokeless products:
 Chewing tobacco
 Snuff
Cigarettes Cigarettes
(which most of this powerpoint will focus on) are made
from shredded tobacco leaves.
A single puff of tobacco smoke contains
more than 4000 chemicals
Most of these chemicals prevent the body
from functioning the way it should
Between 43-80 these chemicals cause cancer
In the United States, more than 400,000 people die each year
because of smoke-related illnesses.
Why Teens Begin Using Tobacco
Other: readily available, social settings, to fit in, do not believe
facts, addicted due to second hand smoke?
different components that
Is in3Tobacco?
cause harm to the body
the drug in tobacco. It is a stimulant and highly
Carbon monoxide
a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when
tobacco burns
a sticky brownish liquid that coats any part of the
body that smoke touches including the lining of the
lungs and causes diseases
Cigars and Pipes
Although most of this power point concerns
cigarettes, shredded tobacco leaves are also
used in cigars and pipes.
Dangers of using cigars or pipes:
 Cigar smoke contains 25 times more carbon monoxide
and up to 400 times more nicotine than cigarette
 Cigar and pipe smokers are more likely to develop
cancers of the lip, mouth, and tongue than
Tobacco Addiction
Nicotine: type of drug = stimulant
is as addictive or more so a drug as
cocaine or heroin.
Nicotine addiction leads to more diseases
and deaths than all other addictions
Reducing or cutting off the supply of
nicotine causes withdrawal.
Psychological Dependence
A tobacco user first becomes psychologically
dependent on tobacco.
Psychological dependence leads to addiction
because a person believes that he or she
needs a drug in order to feel good or function
normally although they really do not
To break a psychological dependence on
tobacco, users need to change their habits.
Physical Dependence
Physical dependence is an addiction in which the
body develops a chemical need for a drug.
Physical dependence on tobacco is directly
related to nicotine.
As a person continues to use tobacco, the body’s
tolerance for nicotine increases.
Tolerance is the body’s need for larger and
larger doses of a drug to produce the same
Tar can stick
to anyof
of these
organs and things
the inside
and around them such as the teeth in your mouth and sinus
Passages for
air; nose lined
with cilia
Flap of tissue in
back of mouth that
covers the trachea
to prevent food from
entering it
Tube in throat that
takes air to and from
Two large organs
that exchange
oxygen and carbon
Two tubes that
branch from the
trachea; one tube
leads to each lung
Harmful Substances in Tobacco
Harmful chemicals include but are not limited to…..
is a deadly
Formaldehyde is an irritating, acidic
gas used in laboratory disinfectants
and preservatives.
a poisonous
liquid alcohol,
is known to cause
Some Short term effects of smoking include
 Increases Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Breathing Rate
 Activates Fight or Flight Response
 Increases alertness (makes you hyper)
 Decreases Digestive System
 Tricks people to think they are relaxed
 Bad Breath
 Smell on clothes, hair and skin
 Lowers amount of Oxygen going into body
Some long term effects of smoking include………………
Respiratory System
Tobacco smoke damages
the alveoli. This damage may
lead to emphysema.
Smokers are also between
12 and 22 times more likely
than nonsmokers
to develop lung
Tobacco use is
linked to
Nervous System heart disease.
Tobacco use reduces
the flow of oxygen
to the brain, which
can lead to a
Digestive System
increase the risk
of cavities and gum
Taste Buds die.
linked to cancers
of the mouth, throat,
esophagus, stomach,
and pancreas.
Excretory System
Smokers have at least
twice the risk of
developing bladder
cancer as nonsmokers.
Smokeless tobacco
can also put users
at risk of developing
bladder cancer.
Some more Long Term Effects of Smoking
Smoking is the #1 risk factor associated
with Heart Attacks and Heart Disease
Common Problems of the Respiratory System
associated with smoking
Disease or
Lung Cancer
is a chronic
inflammation of the
bronchi (medium-size
airways) in the lungs.
Disease in which alveoli
harden and
disintegrate; symptoms
include extreme
difficulty breathing;
almost entirely caused
by smoking
No known cure;
pure oxygen can
make breathing
Uncontrolled growth
of cells that produce
abnormally in lungs;
often caused by smoking
Surgery, radiation,
and medication;
Survival rates are
very low
How Tobacco Affects Nonsmokers
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes
people to become passive smokers.
Passive smoking is harmful because:
 It can cause respiratory problems, including
lung cancer, just like smoking.
 It may irritate the nose and throat and cause
itchy and watery eyes, headaches, and
Rights of Nonsmokers
As a nonsmoker, you have the right to:
 Breathe air that is free of tobacco smoke.
 Express your preference that people not
smoke around you.
Rights of Nonsmokers (cont’d.)
Laws protecting the rights of nonsmokers:
 In 1989, the federal government banned
smoking on all domestic airplane flights.
 Almost every state government has put
restrictions on smoking.
 Employers have a legal right to restrict
smoking in the workplace, and many have
banned smoking.
Children and Unborn Babies
Tobacco use during pregnancy is
associated with the following:
 Increased chance of miscarriage
 Increased chance of stillbirth
 Low birth weight.
Children and Unborn Babies
Infants whose mothers smoke during and
after pregnancy are three times more
likely to die from a condition known as
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome than are
infants whose mothers do not smoke.
Children of smokers experience higher
rates of allergies, asthma, chronic
bronchitis, ear infections, and heart
The Benefits of Saying No to Tobacco