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Google AppEngine
• Google App Engine enables you to build and host
web apps on the same systems that power Google
applications. App Engine offers fast development
and deployment; simple administration, with no
need to worry about hardware, patches or backups;
and effortless scalability
Why Developers chose It…..?????
• App Engine applications are easy to build.
• Easy to maintain.
• Easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs
• Each application costs just $8 per user, per month
up to a maximum of $1000 a month. Pay only for
what you use.
• An application on a free account can use up to
500MB of storage and up to 5 million page views
a month. When you are ready for more, you can
enable billing.
Google Vs Amazon
• If your application can be architected to run within
the limited Google App Engine runtime
environment, then take advantage of Google's
lower hosting costs.
• If you need a more flexible cloud deployment
platform, then AWS is a good fit for your needs.
Google Vs Azure
• In Google AppEngine we don't pay until our app
grows quite a bit. With Azure, you pay almost
$100 each month, even if you don't have a single
website visitor. If your db goes over 1GB, we
have to pay extra for it.
• GAE has the lightest admin load. Once you're
setup, deploying and re-deploying is quick and
they'll auto-everything. For example, you don't
worry about how many servers your app is using,
how to share the data, how to load-balance.
• GAE lets you have multiple versions of your
application running on the same datastore. You
can deploy, test a version and then set the current
'live' version when you're ready. You can change
back if something goes wrong.
Supported Languages:
• Google App Engine supports two languages
– Python
– Java
• We can build web applications using standard
Java technologies and run them on Google's
scalable infrastructure.
Java RunTime Environment:
• App Engine runs Java applications using the Java
6 virtual machine (JVM). The App Engine SDK
supports Java 5 and later, and the Java 6 JVM can
use classes compiled with any version of the Java
compiler up to Java 6.
• App Engine provides scalable services that apps
can use to store persistent data, access resources
over the network, and perform other tasks like
manipulating image data.
• Apps can use the App Engine Datastore for
reliable, scalable persistent storage of data. The
datastore supports 2 standard Java interfaces:
– Java Data Objects (JDO)
– Java Persistence API (JPA)
• The App Engine Memcache provides fast,
transient distributed storage for caching the results
of datastore queries and calculations. The Java
interface implements JCache.
• Apps use the URL Fetch service to access
resources over the web, and to communicate with
other hosts using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Java apps can simply use
and related classes from the Java standard library
to access this service
The Bottom Line
• The datastore is more difficult to use than a
relational database (which for example has global
transactions, joins on tables, and a subset of the
types of queries that you can do with a relational
database). Not being able to start and manage
long-running processes also makes some kinds of
applications difficult to write
How to Deploy a java Application
Java RunTime Environment
Install the Eclipse
Add the Google plugins
Create an account on Google App engine
Create a unique key for Applications
Create an Application
Deploy on the Google App Engine
• Plugin for eclipse 3.5
• Hello World Demo