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NEED - Northern Environmental Education Development – The Burren
The Equator & the Tropics
The rocks of the Burren were formed in a warm shallow
sea when Ireland was south of the Equator, in a part of the
world called the Tropics.
The tropics are found between the Tropic of Cancer and the
Tropic of Capricorn.
The Equator is exactly half way between the North Pole and
the South Pole.
Ireland is 53° north of the Equator.
Map of the Tropics and the Equator
NEED - Northern Environmental Education Development – The Burren
On March 21st and September 21st, the Sun is exactly above
the Equator. These days are called the Spring Equinox and
the Autumn Equinox.
On June 21st, the longest day of the year, the Sun is exactly
above the Tropic of Cancer. This day is called the Summer
Solstice, or Midsummer’s Day.
Poulnabrone Dolmen on the Summer Solstice
On December 21st, the shortest day of the year, the Sun is
exactly above the Tropic of Capricorn. This day is called the
Winter Solstice.
Newgrange Passage Tomb on the Winter Solstice
NEED - Northern Environmental Education Development – The Burren
Some Questions!
1. What is the Equator?
2. Where are the tropics?
3. Ireland is how many degrees north of the Equator?
4. When is the longest day of the year?
5. What do we call the longest day of the year?
6. Where is the sun on the longest day of the year?
NEED - Northern Environmental Education Development – The Burren
Using Google Earth – can you find:
1. Ireland
2. The Equator
3. The Tropic of Cancer
4. The Tropic of Capricorn
To see the east-west and
north-south lines in
Google Earth
Click on View
Tick Grid
Google Earth
NEED - Northern Environmental Education Development – The Burren
Some Questions!
Can you name two countries on the Equator?
Can you name two countries that are 10° south of the
Equator? (Did you know that Ireland was about 10° south of the
Equator when the rocks in the Burren were formed!)
Using the ruler tool in Google Earth, can you
measure how far Ireland is from the Equator?
(This is how far Ireland has travelled since the rocks in the Burren
were formed – over 300 millions years ago)