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AP Psychology
In addition to the information in this study guide, you are also responsible
for all of the content in textbook (Modules 65-69), all information from
class notes/discussions, videos, handouts and graphic organizers.
It’s AP – it’s all fair game 
Terms & Concepts
All terms & concepts on page 704.
(Terms & concepts are also listed on the back of the APP March calendar)
Module 65
65-1: How should we draw the line between normality and disorder?
 deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional
65-2: Why is there controversy over ADHD?
65-3: How do the medical model & the biopsychosocial approach help us understand
psychological disorders?
65-4: How and why do clinicians classify psychological disorders?
 DSM-5
65-5: Why do some psychologists criticize the use of diagnostic labels?
65-6: How many people suffer, or have suffered, from a psychological disorder?
 America & globally
 Risk factors & protective factors
Module 66
66-1: What are anxiety disorders?
 Generalized anxiety disorder - symptoms
 Panic disorder - symptoms
 Phobias - symptoms
66-2: What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
 Symptoms & common obsessions and compulsions among children
66-3: What is posttraumatic stress disorder?
 Symptoms
66-4: How do the learning and biological perspectives explain anxiety disorders, OCD, and
 The learning perspective – classical & operant conditioning, observational learning
 The biological perspective – natural selection, genes, the brain
Module 67
67-1: What are mood disorders?
 Major depressive disorder – symptoms & diagnosis
 Bipolar disorder – symptoms & diagnosis
67-2: How do the biological and social-cognitive perspectives explain mood disorders?
 Biological perspective
 Social-cognitive perspective
 Depression cycle
67-3: What factors affect suicide and self-injury?
Module 68
68-1: What patterns of thinking, perceiving, feeling, and behaving characterize schizophrenia?
 Psychosis
 Delusions
 Hallucinations
 Selective attention
 Catatonia
 Flat affect
68-2: How do chronic and acute schizophrenia differ?
 Positive symptoms
 Negative symptoms
68-3: How do brain abnormalities and viral infections help explain schizophrenia?
 Dopamine, abnormal brain activity, abnormal brain morphology, prenatal viral infection
68-4: Are there genetic influences on schizophrenia? What factors may be early warning signs
in children?
 Genetic factors
 Psychological factors
Module 69
69-1: What are somatic symptom and related disorders?
 Somatic symptom disorders
 Conversion disorders
 Illness anxiety disorder
69-2: What are dissociative disorders, and why are they controversial?
 Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
69-3: How do anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder demonstrate the
influence of psychological and genetic forces?
 anorexia nervosa
 bulimia nervosa
 binge-eating disorder
69-4: What are the three clusters of personality disorders? What behaviors and brain activity
characterize the antisocial personality?
 Avoidant personality disorder
 Schizoid personality disorder
 Histrionic personality disorder
 Narcissistic personality disorder
 Antisocial personality disorder (psychopath, sociopath)
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