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Center for Disease Control (CDC) link:
 CDC 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Appendix A
 CDC 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission
of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
 CDC 2011Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related
 CDC 2006 Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Health Care
 CDC MMWR. Dated 3/4/11. Norovirus Outbreak Management and
Disease Prevention Guidelines
 CDC 2011 Guidelines for The Prevention and Control of the Norovirus
Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Health Care Settings
 CDC 2003 Guidelines for Preventing Health-Care–Associated Pneumonia
California Department of Health Services Division of Communicable Disease
Control in Consultation with Licensing and Certification Program.
 2006 Recommendations for the Prevention and Control of Viral
Gastroenteritis Outbreaks In California Long-Term Care Facilities
 2008 Management of Scabies Outbreaks in California Health Care
 2008 Prevention and Control of Scabies in California Long Term Care
RHC Infection Control Manual Section 8: Reference/Resources Page 1 of 2
CDPH AFL link:
 AFL 11-27. Dated 3/25/10. Placement of Patients with Positive
Clostridium difficile Tests in Skilled Nursing Facilities – Revision:
 AFL 10-27. Dated 9/7/10. Enhanced Standard Precautions (ESP) for
Long-Term Care Facilities
 AFL 08-33. Dated 11/3/08. Recommendations for the Prevention and
Control of Influenza in California Long-Term Care Facilities
 AFL 07-36. Dated 12/3/07. Increased Scabies Outbreaks in Health Care
 AFL 06-32. Dated 10/31/06. Recommendations of the Prevention and
Control of Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in California Long-term Care
Facilities 2006
2005 CDHS and CTCA Joint Guidelines. Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis
in California Health Care Facilities.
McGeer Definitions of Infections for Surveillance in LTC
CMS Transmittals
Vaccination Information Statements (VIS) link:
RHC Infection Control Manual Section 8: Reference/Resources Page 2 of 2
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