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College Chemistry – Atomic Structure / Periodic Table Test
Study Guide -- A List of Topics
Know how to read the periodic table -- element symbols, element name, atomic
number, atomic mass, properties, group #'s, period #'s
Know how to determine the number of protons, neutrons, or electrons for an element
Know where metals, metalloids, nonmetals, and noble gases are on the periodic table
Know the general properties of metals, metalloids, nonmetals, and noble gases
Know Dalton's, Thompson's, and Bohr's atomic models
Know the Rutherford gold foil experiment
Know quantum theory: wave properties of electrons, probable location, quantum #'s
Know what an isotope is and be able to determine its number of neutrons
Know the shapes of electron orbitals s, p, and d
Be able to write electron configurations in "longhand", "shorthand" (with noble gas
notation), and "up/down arrows"
Know Hund's rule (must fill 1 electron in an orbital before pairing)
Organization of the periodic table -- how/why
Families of elements and the properties they share
Trends on the periodic table -- trends and why
 shielding effect/effective nuclear charge (more shielding = lower effective nuclear
 atomic radius
 ionization energy
 electronegativity/electron affinity
Atomic radius of ionic forms of atoms
Quantum numbers (n, l, ml, ms)
Forces in an atom (electromagnetic and strong nuclear)
The above list is not meant to be a single study source!!!