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OS Vocabulary words
Due at the end of each week
Week 1:
1. AC alternating current
2. ACL access control list
3. ACPI advanced configuration power interface
4. ACT activity
5. ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line
6. AGP accelerated graphics port
7. AMD advanced micro devices
8. APIPA automatic private internet protocol addressing
9. APM advanced power management
10. ARP address resolution protocol
Week 2:
11. ASR automated system recovery
12. ATA advanced technology attachment
13. ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface
14. ATM asynchronous transfer mode
15. ATX advanced technology extended
16. A/V Audio Video
17. BIOS basic input/output system
18. BNC Bayonet-Neill-Concelman or British Naval Connector
19. BTX balanced technology extended
Week 3:
21. CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
22. CD compact disc
23. CD-ROM compact disc-read-only memory
24. CD-RW compact disc-rewritable
25. CDFS compact disc file system
26. CFS Central File System, Common File System, Command File System
27. CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
28. CNR Communications and Networking Riser
29. COMx communication port (x=port number)
30. CPU central processing unit
Week 4:
31. CRIMM Continuity Rambus Inline Memory Mode
32. CRT cathode-ray tube
33. DAC discretionary access control
34. DB-25 serial communications D-shell connector, 25 pins
35. DB-9 9 pin D shell connector
36. DC direct current
37. DDOS distributed denial of service
38. DDR double data-rate
39. DDR RAM double data-rate random access memory
40. DFS distributed file system
Week 5:
41. DDR SDRAM double data-rate synchronous dynamic random access memory
42. DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
43. DIMM dual inline memory module
44. DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm
45. DIP dual inline package
46. DLT digital linear tape
47. DLP digital light processing
48. DMA direct memory access
49.DMZ demilitarized zone
50. DNS domain name service or domain name server
Week 6:
51. DOS denial of service
52. DRAM dynamic random access memory
53. DSL digital subscriber line
54. DVD digital video disc or digital versatile disc
55. DVD-RAM digital video disc-random access memory
56. DVD-ROM digital video disc-read only memory
57. DVD-R digital video disc-recordable
58. DVD-RW digital video disc-rewritable
59. DVI digital visual interface
60. CHAP
Week 7:
61. ECC error correction code
62. ECP extended capabilities port
63. EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
64. EFS encrypting file system
65. EIDE enhanced integrated drive electronics
66. EMI electromagnetic interference
67. EMP electromagnetic pulse
68. EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
69. EPP enhanced parallel port
70. ERD emergency repair disk
Week 8:
71. ESD electrostatic discharge
72. EVGA extended video graphics adapter/array
73. EVDO evolution data optimized or evolution data only
74. FAT file allocation table
75. FAT12 12-bit file allocation table
76. FAT16 16-bit file allocation table
77. FAT32 32-bit file allocation table
78. FDD floppy disk drive
79. Fn Function (referring to the function key on a laptop)
80. FPM fast page-mode
Week 9:
81. FRU field replaceable unit
82. FSB Front Side Bus
83. FTP file transfer protocol
84. FQDN fully qualified domain name
85. Gb gigabit
86. GB gigabyte
87. GDI graphics device interface
88. GHz gigahertz
89. GUI graphical user interface
90. GPS global positioning system
Week 10:
91. GSM global system for mobile communications
92. HAL hardware abstraction layer
93. HAV Hardware Assisted Virtualization
94. HCL hardware compatibility list
95. HDD hard disk drive
96. HDMI high definition media interface
97. HPFS high performance file system
98. HTML hypertext markup language
99. HTPC Home Theater PC
100. HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
Week 11:
101. HTTPS hypertext transfer protocol over secure sockets layer
102. I/O input/output
103. ICMP internet control message protocol
104. ICR intelligent character recognition
105. IDE integrated drive electronics
106. IDS Intrusion Detection System
107. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
108. IIS Internet Information Services
109. IMAP internet mail access protocol
110. IP internet protocol
Week 12:
111. IPCONFIG internet protocol configuration
112. IPP internet printing protocol
113. IPSEC internet protocol security
114. IR infrared
115. IrDA Infrared Data Association
116. IRQ interrupt request
117. ISA industry standard architecture
118. ISDN integrated services digital network
119. ISO Industry Standards Organization
120. ISP internet service provider
Week 13:
121. JBOD just a bunch of disks
122. Kb kilobit
123. KB Kilobyte or knowledge base
124. LAN local area network
125. LBA logical block addressing
126. LC Lucent connector
127. LCD liquid crystal display
128. LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
129. LED light emitting diode
130. Li-on lithium-ion
Week 14:
131. LPD/LPR line printer daemon / line printer remote
132. LPT line printer terminal
133. LVD low voltage differential
134. MAC media access control / mandatory access control
135. MAPI messaging application programming interface
136. MAU media access unit, media attachment unit
137. Mb megabit
138. MB megabyte
139. MBR master boot record
140. MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer)
Week 15:
141. MFD multi-function device
142. MHz megahertz
143. MicroDIMM micro dual inline memory module
144. MIDI musical instrument digital interface
145. MIME multipurpose internet mail extension
146. MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
147. MMC Microsoft management console
148. MMX multimedia extensions
149. MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio
150. MP4 (Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 4)
Week 16:
151. MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
152. MSCONFIG Microsoft configuration
153. MSDS material safety data sheet
154. MUI multilingual user interface
155. NAC network access control
156. NAS network-attached storage
157. NAT network address translation
158. NetBIOS networked basic input/output system
159. NetBEUI networked basic input/output system extended user interface
160. NFS network file system
Week 17:
161. NIC network interface card
162. NiCd nickel cadmium
163. NiMH nickel metal hydride
164. NLX new low-profile extended
165. NNTP network news transfer protocol
166. NTFS new technology file system
167. NTLDR new technology loader
168. NTP Network Time Protocol
169. OCR optical character recognition
170. OEM original equipment manufacturer
Week 18:
171. OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode
172. OS operating system
173. PAN personal area network
174. PATA parallel advanced technology attachment
175. PC personal computer
176. PCI peripheral component interconnect
177. PCIe peripheral component interconnect express
178. PCIX peripheral component interconnect extended
179. PCL printer control language
180. PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
Week 19:
181. PDA personal digital assistant
182. PGA pin grid array
183. PGA2 pin grid array 2
184. PII Personally Identifiable Information
185. PIN personal identification number
186. PKI public key infrastructure
187. PnP plug and play
188. POP3 post office protocol 3
189. PoS Point of Sale
190. POST power-on self test
Week 20:
191. POTS plain old telephone service
192. PPP point-to-point protocol
193. PPTP point-to-point tunneling protocol
194. PRI primary rate interface
195. PROM programmable read-only memory
195. PS/2 personal system/2 connector
196. PSTN public switched telephone network
197. PSU power supply unit
198. PVC permanent virtual circuit
199. PXE preboot execution environment
200. QoS quality of service
Week 21:
201. RAID redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) discs
202. RAM random access memory
203. RAS remote access service
205. dynamic random access memory
206. RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
207. RF radio frequency
208. RFI radio frequency interference
209. RGB red green blue
Week 22:
211. inline memory module
212. RIP routing information protocol
213. RIS remote installation service
214. RISC reduced instruction set computer
215. RJ registered jack
216. RJ-11 registered jack function 11
217. RJ-45 registered jack function 45
218. RMA returned materials authorization
219. ROM read only memory
220. RS-232 or RS-232C recommended standard 232
Week 23:
221. RTC real-time clock
222. SAN storage area network
223. SAS Serial Attached SCSI
224. SATA serial advanced technology attachment
225. SC subscription channel
226. SCP secure copy protection
227. SCSI small computer system interface
228. SCSI ID small computer system interface identifier
229. SD card secure digital card
230. SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
Week 24:
231. SEC single edge connector
232. SFC system file checker
233. SFF Small Form Factor
234. SGRAM synchronous graphics random access memory
235. SIMM single inline memory module
236. SLI scalable link interface
237. S.M.A.R.T. self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology
238. SMB server message block or small to midsize business
239. SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
240. SNMP simple network management protocol
Week 25:
240. SoDIMM small outline dual inline memory module
242. SOHO small office/home office
243. SP service pack
244. SP1 service pack 1
245. SP2 service pack 2
246. SP3 service pack 3
247. SP4 service pack 4
248. SPDIF Sony-Philips digital interface format
249. SPGA staggered pin grid array
250. SRAM static random access memory
Week 26:
251. SSH secure shell
252. SSID service set identifier
253. SSL secure sockets layer
254. ST straight tip
255. STP shielded twisted pair
256. SVGA super video graphics array
257. SXGA super extended graphics array
258. TB terabyte
259.TCP transmission control protocol
260. TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol
261.TDR time domain reflectometer
262. TFTP trivial file transfer protocol
263. TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
264. TPM trusted platform module
265. UAC user account control
266. UART universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
267. UDMA ultra direct memory access
268.UDP user datagram protocol
269.UNC universal naming convention
270. UPS uninterruptible power supply
Week 28:
271. URL uniform resource locator
272. USB universal serial bus
273. USMT user state migration tool
274. UTP unshielded twisted pair
275. UXGA ultra extended graphics array
276. VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
277. VFAT virtual file allocation table
278. VGA video graphics array
279. VM Virtual Machine
280. VoIP voice over internet protocol
Week 29:
281. VPN virtual private network
282. VRAM video random access memory
283. WAN wide area network
284. WAP wireless application protocol
285. WEP wired equivalent privacy
286. WIFI wireless fidelity
287. WINS windows internet name service
288. WLAN wireless local area network
289. WPA wireless protected access
290. WUXGA wide ultra extended graphics array
Week 30:
291. XGA extended graphics array
292. ZIF zero-insertion-force
293. ZIP zigzag inline package
294. interoperability
295. Internetworking
296. IRQ
297. IEEE 802.11x
298. Firewaire
299. Incremental Backup
300. Gateway
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