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From: The Ann Arbor Criteria for Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results
Obtained by Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(9_Supplement):S1-S34. doi:10.7326/M14-1304
Figure Legend:
Overview of the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method.
Date of download: 5/6/2017
Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.
From: The Ann Arbor Criteria for Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results
Obtained by Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(9_Supplement):S1-S34. doi:10.7326/M14-1304
Figure Legend:
Summary of evidence search and selection.
APIC = Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; CAUTI = catheter-associated urinary tract infection; CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HICPAC = Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee; IDSA = Infectious Diseases Society of America.
* Some references cited as references for indication lists and reviewed from bibliographies were noted to be guidelines or intervention articles already reviewed.
Date of download: 5/6/2017
Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.
From: The Ann Arbor Criteria for Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results
Obtained by Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(9_Supplement):S1-S34. doi:10.7326/M14-1304
Figure Legend:
Example of clinical scenarios from the round 1 rating document.
Scenarios B1 and B2, mentioned in figure, can be found in Supplement 3.
Date of download: 5/6/2017
Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.
From: The Ann Arbor Criteria for Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results
Obtained by Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(9_Supplement):S1-S34. doi:10.7326/M14-1304
Figure Legend:
ICU daily checklist for appropriateness of Foley catheter.
ICU = intensive care unit; ISC = intermittent straight catheter; IV = intravenous.
Date of download: 5/6/2017
Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.
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