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By: Ephram Albrecht and Ryan Yost
Facts about the Steroids
1. Steroids are a man-made substances that promote
muscle growth.
2. Steroids are only legal to a person with a prescription.
3. Steroids can be taken in tablets or as a liquid.
4. Steroids are often abused by athletes to boost athletic
performance and to increase physical appearance.
Facts about the Steroids
1. Usually steroids are abused by people by simply eating
them, injecting them by using a needle, or by rubbing
them in on the skin.
2. Many of the abusers of steroids mix oral steroids and
inject able steroids.
3. People who use steroids for own personal gain they
usually use 10 to 100 times the amount prescribed.
The short-term and long-term effects of steroids on the human body
1. Short-term side effects include for men shrinking of testicles, reduce sperm
count, infertility, baldness, and development of breasts.
2. For women growth of facial-hair changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle,
deepened voice.
3. For adolescents growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal maturation
and accelerated puberty changes.
4. Researchers report that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability,
delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.
5. The long-term, high-dose effects of steroid use are largely unknown.
Reasons Why Some People Use Steroids
1. Almost all steroid users are taking steroids because they believe it is the only way to develop
muscle and strength. Further More, almost all bodybuilders are taken steroids because they want
to get the most strength and size as possible for them.
2. Steroid users like what the drug has done for their size and strength, and it has taken them away
from their original, smaller body.
Anyone caught using steroids, the public sees these people as cheaters and are people who have
the lack of doing something “the hard way”.
Steroid users work hard, they work extremely hard, even as much as any regular athlete that
Steroid Alternatives
1. Andro Shock - May be the most potent legal testosterone stack sold as a safe
alternative to steroids with 7 dietary supplement ingredients that are believed to help
boost your body’s natural muscle growth. Increased testosterone levels lead to
greater gains of strength, energy, and faster muscle-healing.
2. Ecdy-Bolin – Increase lean muscle mass while reducing body fat the most often
quoted ecdysterone scientific study was published in scientific sports bulletin by S.
Simakin in 1988.
3. Nitrobol – We feel that Nitrobol is the best protein “supplement” ever. Nitrobol is predigested and fully absorbed in less than 23 minutes. This means the muscle-building
aminos get to your muscle cells FAST to induce and support muscle hypertrophy.
Dietary protein takes 3 to 4 hours to be digested.
Websites that were used
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)