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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student
performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination2025. By 2025,
80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready
90% of students will graduate on time
100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity
In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high-quality, College and
Career Ready standards-aligned instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the
foundation for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The CLIP
ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for all students across
content areas. Destination 2025 and the CLIP establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools.
CLIP connections are evident throughout the mathematics curriculum maps.
The Tennessee State Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end
of a grade. College and Career Ready Standards are rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in postsecondary study or careers. While the academic standards establish desired learning outcomes, the curriculum provides
instructional planning designed to help students reach these outcomes. Educators will use this guide and the standards as a
roadmap for curriculum and instruction. The sequence of learning is strategically positioned so that necessary foundational
skills are spiraled in order to facilitate student mastery of the standards.
These standards emphasize thinking, problem-solving and creativity through next generation assessments that go beyond
multiple-choice tests to increase college and career readiness among Tennessee students. In addition, assessment blueprints
( ) have been designed to show educators a summary of what will be
assessed in each grade, including the approximate number of items that will address each standard. Blueprints also detail
which standards will be assessed on Part I of TNReady and which will be assessed on Part II.
Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready
for college and career. The Standards for Mathematical
Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics
educators at all levels should seek to develop in their
students. These practices rest on important “processes and
proficiencies” with longstanding importance in
mathematics education. The first of these are the NCTM
process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof,
communication, representation and connections.
2nd Nine Weeks
Problem Solving
Look for and
regularity in
Look for and
make use of
Make sense of
problems and
persevere in
solving them
abstractly and
Attend to
Construct viable
arguments and
crituqe the
reasoning of
Model with
Use appropriate
Reasoning and
The second are the strands of mathematical proficiency
specified in the National Research Council’s report Adding
It Up: adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual
understanding (comprehension of mathematical concepts,
operations and relations) procedural fluency (skill in
carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and
appropriately), and productive disposition (habitual
inclination to see mathematics and sensible, useful and
worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s
own efficacy). Throughout the year, students should
continue to develop proficiency with the eight Standards
for Mathematical Practice.
Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
How to Use the Mathematic Curriculum Maps
This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what mathematical content to teach so that ultimately our
students can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their
instructional practice in alignment with the three College and Career Ready shifts in instruction for Mathematics. We should see these shifts
in all classrooms:
1) Focus
2) Coherence
3) Rigor
Throughout this curriculum map, you will see resources as well as links to tasks that will support you in ensuring that students are able to
reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage
The TNCore Mathematics Standards
The Tennessee Mathematics Standards:
Teachers can access the Tennessee State standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and
represent college and career ready learning at reach
respective grade level.
Mathematical Shifts
The standards are focused on fewer topics so students can
learn more
Topics within a grade are connected to support focus, and
learning is built on understandings from previous grades
The standards set expectations for a balanced approach to
pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural fluency,
and application and modeling
resources around each of the three shifts that teachers should consistently access:
Subject to revision
TN Geometry Standards
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
Curriculum Maps:
Locate the TDOE Standards in the left column. Analyze the language of the standards and match each standard to a learning target in
the second column.
Consult your McGraw-Hill/Glencoe Teachers’ Edition (TE) and other cited references to map out your week(s) of instruction.
Plan your weekly and daily objectives, using the standards' explanations provided in the second column. Best practices tell us that
making objectives measureable increases student mastery.
Carefully review the web-based resources provided in the 'Content and Tasks' column and use them as you introduce or assess a
particular standard or set of standards.
Review the CLIP Connections found in the right column. Make plans to address the content vocabulary, utilizing the suggested
literacy strategies, in your instruction.
Examine the other standards and skills you will need to address in order to ensure mastery of the indicated standard.
Using your Glencoe TE and other resources cited in the curriculum map, plan your week using the SCS lesson plan template.
Remember to include differentiated activities for small-group instruction and math stations.
Subject to revision
TN Geometry Standards
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
CLIP Connections
Unit 2 (continued) Lines, Angles, and Triangles
Properties of Triangles (10 days)
G-CO Congruence
Make geometric constructions
G-CO.D.12 Make formal geometric
constructions with a variety of tools and
methods (compass and straightedge, string,
reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic
geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment;
copying an angle; bisecting a segment;
bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular
lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a
line segment; and constructing a line parallel
to a given line through a point not on the line.
Lesson 4-1 - Classifying Triangles
Identify and classify triangles by
angle measure
Identify and classify triangles by
side measure
Lesson 4-2 -Angles of Triangles
Apply the Triangle Angle Sum
Apply the Exterior Angle Sum
Lesson 4-1 & 4-2 pp.235 - 252
Triangle Angle Sum
Geometry Lab: Angles of Triangles p. 243
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Pair the categories of classifications of sides
of triangles with the categories of
classifications of angles to determine which
combinations can exist and which ones
cannot exist. Explain why certain
combinations cannot exist. (Example, can a
right equilateral triangle exist?)
H.O.T. Problems
pg. 241, #56 Error analysis
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Theorems include: measures of interior angles
of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of
isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment
joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and half the length; the
medians of a triangle meet at a point.
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their
measures and their properties to describe
objects (e.g. modeling a tree trunk or a
human torso as a cylinder)
Lesson 6.1 Angles of Polygons
G-CO Congruence
Lesson 4-6 Isosceles and Equilateral
Subject to revision
Find and use the sum of the
measures of the interior angles of a
Find and use the sum of the
measures of the exterior angles of a
Lesson 6.1 pp. 389 - 398
Angle Sums
Spreadsheet Lab p. 398
H.O.T. Problems
p. 396 #52 Open ended - Sketch a polygon
and find the sum of its interior angles. How
many sides does a polygon with twice this
interior angles sum have. Justify your answer
Lesson 4-6 pp. 283 -291
H.O.T. Problems
TN Geometry Standards
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Theorems include: measures of interior angles
of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of
isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment
joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and half the length; the
medians of a triangle meet at a point.
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Isosceles Triangle Task
Use properties of isosceles
Use properties of equilateral
CLIP Connections
p. 290 #45 Challenge - proof
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Make geometric constructions
G-CO.D.12 Make formal geometric
constructions with a variety of tools and
methods (compass and straightedge, string,
reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic
geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment;
copying an angle; bisecting a segment;
bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular
lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a
line segment; and constructing a line parallel
to a given line through a point not on the line.
G.SRT Similarity, Right Triangles, and
Prove theorems using similarity
G.SRT.B.5. Use congruence and similarity
criteria for triangles to solve problems and to
prove relationships in geometric figures.
G.SRT Similarity, Right Triangles, and
Define trigonometric ratios and solve
problems involving right triangles
G.SRT.C.8 Use trigonometric ratios and the
Subject to revision
Lesson 8-2 Pythagorean Theorem and its
Use the Pythagorean Theorem
- stress common triples
Lesson 8-2 pp. 541 - 551
Ratios, Proportions in Similar Figures See
instructional resources page.
Use the Converse of the
TN Geometry Standards
Research screen aspect ratio as it relates to
televisions. Explain in detail what this means.
Journal Question: Why would a student want
to know Pythagorean Triples if he/she already
Shelby County Schools 2015/2016
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Pythagorean theorem to solve right triangles in
applied problems.
Pythagorean Theorem
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based
on ratios)
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Theorems include: measures of interior angles of
a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles
triangles are congruent; the segment joining
midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to
the third side and half the length; the medians of
a triangle meet at a point.
Lesson 5-3 Inequalities in one triangle
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure to
satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based on
Lesson 5-5 The Triangle Inequality
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Subject to revision
Recognize and apply properties
of inequalities to the measures
of the angles of a triangle.
Recognize and apply properties
of inequalities to the
relationships between the
angles and sides of a triangle.
Use the Triangle Inequality
Theorem to identify possible
Prove triangle relationships
using the triangle inequality
Lesson 5-6 Inequalities in Two Triangles
Apply the Hinge Theorem or its
converse to make comparisons in
Content & Tasks
CLIP Connections
Pythagorean Triples
Geometry Lab - The Pythagorean Theorem p.
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
knows Pythagorean Theorem?
Lesson 5-3 pp. 342 - 349
Lesson 5-5 pp. 359 - 366
H.O.T. Problems
p. 348 Writing in Math, #43 & 48
Graphing Technology Lab - The Triangle
Inequality p. 359
Triangle Inequality Task
Triangle Inequalities
H.O.T. Problems
p. 365 Writing in Math, #45 & 48
Lesson 5-6 pp. 367 - 376
Inequalities in Two Triangles Activity
Compare and contrast the Hinge Theorem to
the SAS Postulate for Triangle Conguence.
TN Geometry Standards
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Theorems include: measures of interior angles of
a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles
triangles are congruent; the segment joining
midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to
the third side and half the length; the medians of
a triangle meet at a point.
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
CLIP Connections
two triangles
Prove triangle relationships using the
hinge theorem or its converse
Unit 2 (continued) - Lines, Angles, and Triangles
Special Segments in Triangles (7 days)
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Theorems include: measures of interior angles
of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of
isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment
joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and half the length; the
medians of a triangle meet at a point.
Lesson 5-1 Bisectors of Triangles
Identify and use perpendicular
bisectors in triangles
Identify and use angle bisectors
in triangles
Subject to revision
Compare and contrast the perpendicular
bisectors and angle bisectors of a triangle. Be
sure to include their points of concurrency.
Why are the points of concurrency called
incenter for angle bisectors of triangles and
circumcenter for the perpendicular bisectors?
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based
on ratios
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G-CO.C.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
Theorems include: measures of interior angles
of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of
isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment
Lesson 5-1 pp. 321 - 331
Centers of Triangles
Centers of Triangles Solutions
Hospital Locator
Dividing a Town into Pizza Delivery Regions
Geometry Lab - Constructing Bisectors p. 321
Lesson 5-2 Medians and Altitudes of
Identify and use medians in
Identify and use altitudes in
Lesson 5-2 pp. 332 - 341
Medians of Triangles
Geometry Lab - Constructing Medians and
Altitudes p. 332
The Centroid of a Triangle
TN Geometry Standards
Summarize the special segments of a triangle
including their names, properties and
diagrams into a chart or booklet.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and half the length; the
medians of a triangle meet at a point.
CLIP Connections
Balancing Act
Exploring the Centroid of a Triangle
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based
on ratios
G.SRT Similarity, Right Triangles, and
Prove theorems using similarity
G.SRT.B.4 Prove theorems about triangles.
G.SRT.B.5. Use congruence and similarity
criteria for triangles to solve problems and to
prove relationships in geometric figures.
Content & Tasks
Lesson 7-4 Parallel Lines and
Proportional Parts (mid-segments of
Use proportional parts within
Use proportional parts with
parallel lines
Lesson 7.4 pp. 484 -493
Mid-segments in Triangles
Midpoint Madness See Mathematics,
Instructional Resources, Geometry
How Should We Divide This See
Mathematics, Instructional Resources,
Geometry, Task Arc: Investigating Coordinate
Draw all of the mid-segments of one triangle.
Explain what you see. Give as much detail
as possible.
Research and report on Sierpinski's triangle
Unit 3 - Quadrilaterals and Coordinate Proof
Properties of Quadrilaterals and Coordinate Proof Using Slope and Distance (9 days)
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G.CO.C.11 Prove theorems about
parallelograms. Theorems include opposite
sides are congruent, opposite angles are
congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram
bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles
are parallelograms with congruent diagonals.
G.GPE Expressing Geometric Properties with
Subject to revision
Lesson 6-2 Parallelograms
Recognize and apply properties
of the sides and angles of
Recognize and apply properties
of parallelograms
Lesson 6-2 pp. 399 - 408
Properties of Parallelograms
Expanding Triangles See Mathematics,
Instructional Resources, Geometry
TN Geometry Standards
H.O.T. Problems
p. 406 # 43 Open ended - Provide a
counterexample to show that parallelograms
are not always congruent if their
corresponding sides are congruent.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
CLIP Connections
Use coordinates to prove simple geometric
theorems algebraically
G.GPE.B.4 Use coordinates to prove simple
geometric theorems algebraically. For
example, prove or disprove that a figure
defined by four given points in the coordinate
plane is a rectangle.
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G.CO.C.11 Prove theorems about
parallelograms. Theorems include opposite
sides are congruent, opposite angles are
congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram
bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles
are parallelograms with congruent diagonals.
Lesson 6-3 Tests for Parallelograms
Recognize the conditions that
ensure a quadrilateral is a
Prove that a set of points forms
a parallelogram in the
coordinate plane
Subject to revision
Journal Question: Are two parallelograms
congruent if they both have four congruent
angles? Justify your answer.
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
G.GPE Expressing Geometric Properties with
Use coordinates to prove simple geometric
theorems algebraically
G.GPE.B.4 Use coordinates to prove simple
geometric theorems algebraically. For
example, prove or disprove that a figure
defined by four given points in the coordinate
plane is a rectangle.
G-CO Congruence
Prove geometric theorems
G.CO.C.11 Prove theorems about
parallelograms. Theorems include opposite
sides are congruent, opposite angles are
congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram
Lesson 6-3 pp. 409 - 417
Graphing Technology Lab - Parallelograms p.
Whitebeard's Treasure Task
Coordinate Proof
Park City
Similarity, Congruence & Proofs
Lesson 6-4 Rectangles
Recognize and use the
properties of rectangles
Determine whether
parallelograms are rectangles
Lesson 6-4 pp.419 - 425
Lesson 6-5 pp. 426 - 434
Getting in Shape
Lucio's Ride
TN Geometry Standards
Reviewing Assumptions 1
Reviewing Assumptions 2
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles
are parallelograms with congruent diagonals.
G.GPE Expressing Geometric Properties with
Use coordinates to prove simple geometric
theorems algebraically
G.GPE.B.4 Use coordinates to prove simple
geometric theorems algebraically. For
example, prove or disprove that a figure
defined by four given points in the coordinate
plane is a rectangle.
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based
on ratios
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
CLIP Connections
Lesson 6-5 Rhombi and Squares
Recognize and apply the
properties of rhombi and
Determine whether a
quadrilaterals are rectangles
rhombi or squares
Lesson 6-6 Trapezoids and Kites
Apply properties of trapezoids
Apply properties of kites
Lesson 6-6 pp. 435 - 446
Go Fly a Kite See Mathematics, Instructional
Resources, Geometry, Task Arc: Investigating
Coordinate Geometry
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Use a Venn Diagram to show the relationship
of the quadrilaterals you study in Chapter 6
Unit 4 - Similarity
Similarity and Transformations (10 days)
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost,
working with typographic grid systems based on
Subject to revision
Lesson 7-1 Ratios and Proportions
Write ratios
Write and solve proportions
Lesson-7-1 pp. 457 - 464
Graphing Technology Lab - Fibonacci
Sequence and Ratios p. 464
TN Geometry Standards
Research and Report- The Fibonacci
Sequence and the Golden Ratio - what are
they, why are they important, and how are
they related.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
2nd Nine Weeks
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
G.SRT Similarity, Right Triangles, and
Understand similarity in terms of similarity
G.SRT.A.2 Given two figures, use the definition of
similarity in terms of similarity transformations to
decide if they are similar; explain using similarity
transformations the meaning of similarity for triangles
as the equality of all corresponding pairs of angles
and the proportionality of all corresponding pairs of
Lesson 7-2 Similar Polygons
G.SRT Similarity, Right Triangles, and
Understand similarity in terms of similarity
G.SRT.A.2 Given two figures, use the definition of
similarity in terms of similarity transformations to
decide if they are similar; explain using similarity
transformations the meaning of similarity for triangles
as the equality of all corresponding pairs of angles
and the proportionality of all corresponding pairs of
Lesson 7-6 Similarity Transformations
Use proportions to Identify
similar polygons
Solve problems using the
properties of similar polygons
Identify similarity
Verify similarity after a
similarity transformation
Subject to revision
CLIP Connections
Lesson 7-2 pp. 465 - 473
What are Similarity Transformations and Why
do We Need Them?
H.O.T. Problems
p. 472, # 51 - 55
Lesson 7-6 pp. 505 -511
Scale Drawings by Ratio Method
Scale Drawings by the Parallel Method
Do Dilations Map Segments?
Explain how you can use scale factor to
determine whether a transformation is an
enlargement, a reduction, or a congruence
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook
and Resources Glencoe Video
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Prove theorems using similarity
G.SRT.B.5. Use congruence and similarity criteria for
triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships
in geometric figures.
G.MG Modeling with geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling concepts
G.MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve
problems (e.g. designing an object or structure to
satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost, working
with typographic grid systems based on ratios
Content & Tasks
Lesson 7-7 Scale Drawings and Scale
Interpret scale models
Use scale factors to solve
Lesson 7-7 pp. 512 - 517
Scale Drawings
TN Geometry Standards
H.O.T. Problems
p. 516, # 21- 25
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Revised 9-24-15
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook and Resources
Glencoe Video Lessons
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Comprehensive Geometry Help:
Online Math Learning (Geometry)
NCTM Illuminations
New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learning (Geometry)
Engage NY Resources
Finding Your Way Around TI-83+ & TI-84+ (
Texas Instruments Calculator Activity Exchange
Texas Instruments Math Nspired
Casio Education for Teachers
*Graphing Calculator Note: TI tutorials are available through
Atomic Learning and also at the following link: Math Bits graphing calculator steps Some activities require calculator
programs and/or applications.
Subject to revision
Common Core Standards - Mathematics
Common Core Standards - Mathematics Appendix A TN Core
CCSS Flip Book with Examples of each Standard
North Carolina – Unpacking Common Core
Utah Electronic School - Geometry
Ohio Common Core Resources
Chicago Public Schools Framework and Tasks
Mathy McMatherson Blog - Geometry in Common Core
SCS Math Tasks (Geometry)
Interactive Manipulatives
GeoGebra – Free software for dynamic math and science
NCTM Core Math Tools
Geometer's Sketchpad(Not free) Any activity using Geometer’s
Sketchpad can also be done with any software that allows
construction of figures and measurement, such as Cabri, Cabri Jr.
on the TI-83 or 84 Plus,
TI-92 Plus, or TI-Nspire
TN Geometry Standards
Math TV Videos
The Teaching Channel
Teacher Tube
Khan Academy Videos (Geometry)
CLIP Resources
Literacy Skills and Strategies for Content Area
(Math, p. 22)
Glencoe Reading & Writing in the Mathematics Classroom
Graphic Organizers (9-12) (
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