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Bio 1020 Intro’ Bio’ II, Section Three Exam, Spring 2012 (Watch for negatives like the word “not.”)
1. Organisms that have their main cellular DNA all contained in a membrane-bound nucleus are called:
A. Eukaryotes
B. Bacteria
C. Archaea
D. Monera
2. In the general consensus phylogenetic ‘tree of life’ for the organisms in question #1 that I presented:
A. The multiple endosymbiotic events that produced the chloroplast, correlate with phylogenetic placement
B. They all evolved from some ancestral Bacterial or Archaeal organism more than 10 billion years ago
C. All of these organisms sort into only three primary, basal clades of life: plants, animals, fungi
D. Several different endosymbiotic events produced the mitochondria
3. Which of the following statements is not true regarding protists (as I described them in class)?
A. According to my use of the word “protist,” they occur in every basal clade of the tree described above
B. All fungi, animals, and plants evolved from ancestral protists, of one form or another
C. They are primarily unicellular (though sometimes colonial)
D. They are all in one monophyletic clade of life
4. Which of the following is not true regarding protists’ contribution to the overall ecology of Earth?
A. 50% of the atmospheric oxygen comes from phytoplankton, much of which consists of protists
B. Protists are involved in many symbiotic relationships and decomposition processes
C. Protists exist at or near the base of nearly all food chains
D. Protists are important in nitrogen fixation
5. The Archaeplastidae (Plantae) contains the Green Algae; which statement is not true regarding this clade?
A. Archaeplastidae also contains the land plants, red algae, and a microalgae named Glaucophytes
B. All Archaeplastidae have chloroplasts from a primary ancestral Cyanobacterial endosymbiosis
C. Archaeplastidae all convert excess sugar to starch for energy storage
D. Archaeplastidae all have chitin in their cell walls
6. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the SAR clade Stramenopile (e.g. Diatoms)?
A. All Stramenopile chloroplasts are the result of a secondary endosymbiosis of a red algal cell
B. Diatoms constitute a considerable oxygen-generating portion of the phytoplankton
C. Diatoms all have two-part silica cell walls
D. Stramenopiles are all heterotrophic
7. The Apicomplexans are monophyletic in the SAR clade Alveolata; which statement is not true about them?
A. Apicomplexans are all spore-forming animal parasites, with an apical complex involved in host interaction
B. The other SAR clade Alveolata members are the Dinoflagellates and the Ciliates
C. The malaria parasite Plasmodium is an example
D. Apicomplexans are all autotrophic
8. Which of the following is not true regarding the SAR clade Alveolata protist named Dinoflagellate?
A. Dinoflagellates constitute a considerable oxygen-generating portion of the phytoplankton
B. Some species can cause dangerous “red tide” blooms during warm ocean conditions
C. There are many bioluminescent Dinoflagellate species
D. Dinoflagellates are all heterotrophic
9. Land plants are incredibly important to the Earth’s ecology; what do they not contribute?
A. They provide additional carbon dioxide to the atmosphere beyond that from phytoplankton
B. They are at, or near the base of, most terrestrial food chains
B. They provide habitat for many other organisms
D. Their dead parts recycle nutrients to the soil
10. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Bryophytes (as defined in class)?
A. Bryophytes are the basal, most ‘primitive’ group of land plants
B. Bryophytes include the Liverworts, Hornworts, and Mosses
C. Bryophytes are vascular, i.e. they have ‘plumbing’
D. Bryophytes are all seedless
11. Which of the following statements is not true about the seedless, vascular ferns and fern-like plants, i.e. the
Polypodiopsida and Lycopodiopsida?
These include the true ferns, Whisk Ferns, Horsetails, and Club Mosses
They can sexually reproduce without the presence of ‘free’ surface water
They all have true vasculature, i.e. xylem and phloem, and a waxy cuticle, and stomata
Remains of giant fern tree forests from 100s of million of years ago formed our coal deposits
12. Key evolutionary innovations of the Gymnosperms that allowed them to live in drier conditions do not include:
A. The pollen grain
B. The flower
C. The seed
D. The cone
13. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the conifers (Pinophyta)?
A. They include pines, firs, spruces, cedars, junipers, cypresses, hemlocks, and yews
B. They have various types of leaves ranging from scales to fronds to needles
C. They produce both seeds and pollen separately in cones
D. They all retain their leaves year-round as ‘evergreens’
14. The key evolutionary innovations of the Angiosperms, which the Gymnosperms do not share are:
A. Vascular tissue for support and transport of water and nutrients
B. The flower and the fruit
C. The pollen grain
D. The seed
15. Angiosperms are a monophyletic clade consisting of several sub-clades; the two main sub-clades are:
A. The Monocotyledons and Eudicotyledons
B. The Pinophyta and the Cycads
C. The Bryophytes and the ferns
D. The Apricots and Plumcots
16. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Monocotyledon plants?
A. Monocotyledon plants all have one cotyledon
B. Monocotyledon plants usually have parallel venation in their leaves
C. Monocotyledon plants include orchids, lilies, yucca, grasses, palms, etc.
D. Monocotyledon plants all have quite showy, conspicuous flowers pollinated by animals
17. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Eudicotyledon plants?
A. Eudicotyledon plants all have two cotyledons
B. Eudicotyledon plants usually have netted venation in their leaves
C. Eudicotyledon plants include oak and pecan trees, cacti, tomatoes, azaleas, etc.
D. Monocotyledon plant diversity by far outnumbers the Eudicotyledon plant’s in number of species
18. A flower’s main function is:
A. Pollination
B. Dispersal of the seed
C. Protection of the seed
D. Nourishment of the seed
19. All Fungi are members of the Unikonta clade; they are a sister group to all of the:
A. Animals including the Choanoflagellates
B. Plants including the Green Algae
C. Bacteria and Archaea
D. Protists
20. Perhaps the most important overall role of fungi in the ecology of the Earth is:
A. To be consumed by other organisms
B. Their role as a primary producer
C. To parasitize other organisms
D. Decomposition
21. The individual microscopic filaments that make up most of a multicellular fungus and absorb nutrients are:
A. Fruiting bodies
B. Conidia
C. Hyphae
D. Caps
22. Fungi that include all the mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, and wood brackets; and that release sexual
spores from club-shaped structures (basidia) are called:
A. Chytridiomycetes
B. Basidiomycetes
C. Ascomycetes
D. Zygomycetes
23. Saccharomyces is a unicellular fungi that is used by humans to produce:
A. Bread, beer, and wine
B. Antibiootics
C. Soy sauce
24. An ancient symbiosis between plant roots and fungi that increases root surface area for absorption is a:
A. Agrobacterium
B. Micorrhizae
C. Rhizobium
D. Lichen
25. A ‘dual’ organism consisting of a symbiotic mutualism between fungi and algae (or Cyanobacteria) is a:
A. Agrobacterium
B. Micorrhizae
C. Rhizobium
D. Lichen
26. A “bauplan” (body plan) in which any plane lengthwise through the body divides it into mirror images is:
A. Dorsal ventral symmetry
B. Bilateral symmetry
C. Radial symmetry
D. Asymmetry
27. Developmental aspects of “bauplan” include the following concepts. Which is the incorrect statement?
A. The gastrula differentiates into either two or three different tissue germ layers in different types of animals
B. In deuterostomes the first gastrula indentation becomes an anus; in protostomes it becomes a mouth
C. A coelomate animal has a body cavity completely lined with mesoderm
D. Human beings are acoelomate protostomes
28. Sponges are in the clade (phylum) Porifera; which of the following is not one of their characteristics?
A. They filter feed through pores in their bodies
B. They are the sister clade to the Eumetazoa
C. They have an asymmetrical “bauplan”
D. They have true tissues
29. The most basal Eumetazoan clade (phylum) is Cnidaria; which of the following is not true about them?
A. They have stinging cells named cnidocytes, an incomplete digestive tract, and two gastrula germ layers
B. They have bilateral symmetry at all points in their life cycle, i.e. both as a larva and as an adult
C. They exist in two forms, either as a sessile polyp, or as a free-swimming medusa
D. They include the jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, and hydras
30. The phylum Mollusca contains snails, oysters, and octopi, all with complete digestive systems; it has four
main sub-clades. Which of the following statements is false about mollusks?
A. One of the sub-clades is Gastropoda; these have one shell (or none): snails, slugs, conches, whelks, etc.
B. Another of the sub-clades are the Cephalopods; these have ’feet’ on their head: octopi, squid, nautili, etc.
C. A third sub-clade are the Bivalves; these have two shells: clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, etc.
D. A fourth sub-clade contains the barnacles, relatively ‘primitive,’ rock-clinging marine animals
31. Leeches, polychaetes and earthworms, segmented worms with complete digestive tracts, are in the phylum:
A. Arthropoda
B. Nematoda
C. Mollusca
D. Annelida
32. The largest clade (phylum) of animals, including all the insects, crustaceans, and arachnids, all with
exoskeletons containing chitin, is named:
33. Within the Insects, which clade (order) contains all the beetles (and is the largest clade of all the insects)?
A. Hymenoptera
B. Lepidoptera
C. Coleoptera
D. Hemiptera
34. The Echinodermata have ‘spiny’ external surfaces; which of the following statements is not true about them?
A. They all have radial symmetry at all points in their life cycle, i.e. both as a larva and as an adult
B. ‘Starfish,’ sea cucumbers, sand dollars, and sea urchins are all in this clade
C. This is a sister clade to the Chordates
D. They are all deuterostomes
35. Characteristics that all Chordates share at some point in their life cycle do not include which of the following?
A. A dorsal, flexible rod down the length of their body, called a notochord, running along a hollow nerve cord
B. True tissues, bilateral symmetry, three germ layer gastrulas, true coeloms, and they are deuterostomes
C. Pharyngeal pouches or slits, which become gills in many, as well as becoming jaws in some
D. They all have a segmented spine, either composed of cartilage or bone
36. Chordates that have a true skull, either composed of cartilage or bone, are called:
A. Chephalochordates
B. Urochordates
C. Vertebrates
D. Craniata
37. What clade (Phylum) is Amphioxus (lancelet) in? (It is probably ancestral to the first animals with true spines.)
A. Chephalochordates
B. Urochordates
C. Vertebrates
D. Craniata
38. Predatory eel-like (not a true eel) animals, that have a cartilaginous spine, but are jawless, are:
A. Cartilaginous Fish (Chondrichthyes)
B. Ray-finned Fish (Actinopterygii)
C. Lamprey (Hyperoartia)
D. Hagfish (Hyperotreti)
39. The cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) are a monophyletic clade; what is not true about them?
A. They are the most basal Gnasthostomata (jawed vertebrate) clade
B. They evolved a lateral line system for detecting vibrations
C. They are the sharks, skates, rays, and chimeras
D. They have a swim bladder
40. Ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) are also a monophyletic clade; which of these is not an Actinopterygii?
A. Coelocanth
B. Moray eel
C. Catfish
D. Gar
41. Which of the following clades is not an Amphibian?
A. Caudata (Salamanders and Newts)
B. Testudines (Turtles and Tortoises)
C. Salientia (Frogs and Toads)
D. Gymnophiona (Caecilians)
42. The single most important, key innovation that allowed for the evolution of Reptiles on dry land is:
A. The vertebral column
B. The spinal cord
C. The notochord
D. The amnion
43. Which of the following animals (living or extinct) are birds most closely related to?
A. Sauropod dinosaurs like Apatosaurus (previously known as Brontosaurus)
B. Theropod dinosaurs like T. rex and Velociraptor
C. Crocodilians
D. Bats
454 The key Mammalian evolutionary innovation that separates Eutherians from the more ‘primitive’ mammals is:
A. Three middle ear bones, one lower jawbone, and four distinct teeth types
B. Hair or fur composed of keratin to help conserve body heat
C. Mammary glands to produce milk for infant nourishment
D. The placenta
45. Mammals that lay eggs, and that include the Platypus and Echidna, are in the clade:
A. Monotreme
B. Marsupial
C. Eutheria
D. Diapsid
46. Mammals in which fetuses mature in a pouch, and that include the Kangaroo and Koala, are in the clade:
A. Monotreme
B. Marsupial
C. Eutheria
D. Diapsid
47. The clade Carnivora does not include which of the following mammals?
A. Canines (dogs) and Felines (cats) and bears
B. Racoons, weasels, badgers, etc.
C. Walruses and seals
D. Orca (Killer whales)
48. The Artiodactyls (even-toed hoofed mammals: deer, cow, pig, hippos, etc.) closest living relatives are:
A. The Perissodactyls (odd-toed mammals: horses, tapirs, rhinos, etc.)
B. The Cetaceans (whales, porpoises, and dolphins)
C. The Proboscideas (elephants and mammoths)
D. The Sirenians (includes manatees)
49. If a virus enters a host cell and immediately replicates, which causes the host cell to lyse (burst), this is called:
A. A lysogenic infection
B. A systemic infection
C. A latent infection
D. A lytic infection
50. The best weapon against viral infection is:
A. Vaccination
B. Antibiotics
C. Vitamin C
D. Tamiflu