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What is license
 A unique license number is given at the time of new installation.(For example: Lic no. olk162531)
License No
 A software license both imposes restrictions and grants certain rights to the end user.
 Using the software outside of the terms of the license is considered an infringement and gives the owner
the right to sue.
License Server
 License server determines and controls the number of copies of a software program permitted to be used
based on the license entitlements that an organization owns.
License Server
Internet Connection
Client Machine
License Manager
 After fresh Installation or Re-Installations or closing, Products has to be licensed using licclient.exe which
will connect our online Server at Delhi which works 24x7. At the time of Order Processing, Order System
generates Transactions ID which is required to send Product License Request to Servers and Server
Authenticate Transactions ID and Licensed Products and if this fails then return with Error Message.
License Value
 After fresh Installation or Re-Installations, Products has to be licensed using licclient.exe which will connect
our online Server at Delhi which works 24x7. At the time of Order Processing , Order System generate
Transactions ID which is required to send Product License Request to Servers and Server Authenticate
Transactions ID and Licensed Products and if this fails then return with Error Message.
 License grants an end-user permission to use one or more copies of software in ways where such a use
would otherwise constitute copyright infringement of the software owner's exclusive rights under copyright
Basic Requirements
 Port 8089 must be open.
 Internet connection is must.
 License must be registered at SCL Office.
Life Cycle of Product’s License
 Step1: Fill Order Form for New-installation
 Step2: Authenticate order Form from Account Department
 Step3: Asked License department for Transaction ID
 Step4: Install required product and active product with Transaction ID. License no is generated
Update License
Ask license department
to increase validity
Consult account department
and ask License Department
for DP-ID
7.Update license
before validity
period expired
1.Fill Order
Re-Installation or
from Account
6.Product is ready for
In case of System format,
database corrupt, server change,
version of oracle is change , end
of financial year
3.Asked License
Department for
Transaction Id
5.Update License
Validity of license is for
limited time period
(maximum for 12 months)
of the required
License no generates
during product activation
 Step5. Update Product License from license department
 Validity conditions for Product License (Maximum validity of license for a product is 12 Months)
 Life time: In this case, client pays for life time but do not get any support from Shilpi Office. If he
desires any support, he has to pay for that.
 Every year, Client has to update license from Shilpi Office.
 For a financial year: License is updated for a financial year.
 Grace: After due date of amount, license validity can be increased for 10 to 15 days only.
 If anyone ask to increasing the validity of the license (whose validity is expired ) then please check
a/c approval date. If it is approved then proceed the work otherwise ask the concerned person for
approval date.
 Step6. Update product license with license utility
 Step7. Product is ready to work.
 But in the following cases
 case1. In case of Re-Installation: Reinstallation is required when, System format, Database
corrupt, Server change and Version of Oracle is changed
 Case2. In case of Closing
 Consult account department for any pending. If approved by account department then ask license
department for DP-ID. Do Re-Installation or Closing as per client’s requirement.
 Step8. Update Product License before validity expired.
Location of License in Software
License No
Note: In case of Fxfuture, license number can be viewed from Preferences>> About, as shown below:
Following window will open:
License No
Roll of Built no in Software
 Build numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the
 Location of Build no in Software
Build no
Connectivity with License Server
 Click on test i-net connection to check connectivity of liceclient.exe with license server.
Click here
to Check
 If net connection is ok then following message will display
Note: An internet connection is required for connectivity.
License Utilities
There are two license utilities
 1. licclient.exe: This utility is used to update license of ORACLE based products (cApex10, Fxfuture,
commex10, spot10, NBFC, Spot10 etc.)
 2. sqlclient.exe : This utility is used to update license of SQL products (capexsql, comsql and fxsql)
 Overview of licclient.exe is given below:
1. Tuned
2. Product
3. Update
4. Sent
5. Sent FA
Click here to
1. Tuned database
 Step 1: Go to package folder
 Step 2: Find License file(Named: licclient.exe) and run it
 Step 3: Select tuned database. Following window will open
Select database password
(keep password same as
of oracle)
Select oracle
Enter database name
Enter or select file name &
Click here to tuned
 Step 4: Select the Oracle’s Version, either 8i or 9i/10g. Enter database name and Select the DAT file of
latest backup to be restored. Then click on button ‘Tune and Import Database’. It will first tune the
database and then import the backup from the backup file selected automatically.
 Step 5: After importing the full backup file, it’ll open the log file which shows the status of the backup
 Step 6: Please check the log file of the backup import properly and if you get any message like ‘Import
terminated successfully with warning’ or ‘Import terminated successfully’, please call to Shilpi support and
show the log file to them.
 Step 7: If the backup will get imported ‘without warning’ then please call to Shilpi office and ask for
‘Database ID’ for licensing
1.Product Activation
 Select Product activation from licclient.exe menu.
1. Select Database Restoration / Fin.
Closing or New Installation
2. Product ID of the Software
3. Database name to be restored
4. Installation ID taken from Shilpi
Office (in case of new installation)
5. Database ID taken from Shilpi
Office (in case of database
restore/fin. closing)
6. Click on get activation.
Following message must display
3. Update license status (Renewal of license)
Follow the following steps to update license:
 Step 1: Go to package folder or right click on exe icon>>properties>>find target
 Step 2: Find License file(Named: licclient.exe)
 Step 3: Following window will open.
 Click on test-I net connection and wait for the message
 Step 4: Following window will open. Click on Ok.
Click here
to Check
 Step 5: Select update license status
Click here
Step6: Following window will open. Enter database name (ex. NSE1011)
Step7: Select Auto mode and click on get activation. Wait for a message as shown below:
Step8: Click on Ok. Now, Package is ready to work.
4. Send license info
 Send request if licensed database is not registered
Enter Database
Enter company
Id and Account
Id (Both are
Always select
Auto Mode
Click here
to send
It will show
the status
of sent
5. Send FA Closing Request
This option is used at the time of closing of a database. Ask the client to fill all details and send request for closing
Enter database name
Enter Contact person name
Enter Mobile no/ Ph. no
Click on send request
After sending request , a DCR will be created automatically(if all details are valid ). Now, FA Closing is allowed for
that database .
 This option is used to download QRP, Blank database, SQL Talk, Print Files at the time of new installation.
 This utility is used to update license of SQL based products (capexsql, comsql and Fxsql). Overview of
sqlclient.exe is given below:
 Go to package folder or right click on package icon (as shown below)>>click on properties>> click on find
target. From here you will reach in package folder.
 Find SQL client file(sqlclient.exe). Run sqlclient.exe
 Following window will open
4.Send FA
Click here
to check
1. Product Activation
 Select Product activation from sqlclient.exe menu.
1. Select Database Restoration / Fin.
Closing or New Installation
2. Product ID of the Software
3. Database name to be restored
4. Installation ID taken from Shilpi
Office (in case of new installation)
5. Database ID taken from Shilpi
Office (in case of database
restore/fin. closing)
6. Enter Exiting Activation Code
6. Click on get activation.
Following message must display
2. Update License Status
 Step 1: Go to package folder
 Right click on package icon (as shown below) Click on properties>> Click on find target.
From here you will reach in the package folder.
Step 2: Find License file (Named: sqlclient.exe) and open that file
Step 3: Click on test-I net connection
Click Here
Step 4: Following window will open. Click on OK button.
 Step 5: Select update license status
Click here
 Step 6: Following window will open. Enter all details :
1. Select Product ID either
capexsql or comsql or fxsql
(of which license wants to
2. Enter database name
3. Always select Auto Mode
4. Click on Get Activation
 Step7: Wait for the following message Click on OK. Now, Package is ready for working.
3. Send License Info
 Send request if licensed database is not registered
Enter Database
Enter company Id
and Account Id
(Both are Same)
Always select Auto
Click here to
It will show
the status of
sent request
3. Send FA Closing Request
This option is used at the time of closing of a database. Ask the client to fill all details and send request for closing
Select Product Type
Enter database name
Enter Contact person name
Enter Mobile no/ Ph. no
Click on send request
After sending request , a DCR will be created automatically(if all details are valid and payment is clear ). Now, FA
Closing is allowed for that database .
 This option is used to download QRP and Blank database at the time of new installation.
Activation of exchange or any other options
in exiting database
 For it update license from license department and run licclient.exe to active exchange/exchanges or any
other option.
New License System
Update license by downloading latest exe of the software from
But in the following cases do not update software (for example cApex10)
 Case 1: if window is 2000 then do not update software by downloading new exe .If you will do this
then license details may corrupt.
 Case 2 : If message :” Annual maintenance is closed or pending for AMC “ or
“Your license Expired or Need Renewal, Please Renew/Purchase your license”
is coming then do not update software by downloading new exe .
In the above cases update license by licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe
Troubleshooting (common Problems Faced)
Problem1: Annual maintenance is closed or pending for AMC
Sol: For Oracle based products:
Run licclient.exe to sort out this problem. For it follow the following steps
 Step 1: Go to package folder or right click on package icon (as shown below)>>click on properties>> click on
find target. From here you will reach in package folder.
 Step 2: Find License file (Named: licclient.exe)
 Step 3: Click on test-I net connection
Click here
 Step 4: Following window will open. Click on Ok
 Step 5: Select update license status
 Step6: Enter database name (For example: NSE1011)
 Step7: Select Auto mode and click on get activation. Wait for a message as shown below:
 Step8: Click on Ok. Now, Package is ready to work.
2. For SQL based products:
Run Sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem. For it follow the following steps
 Step 1: Go to package folder or right click on package icon (as shown below)>>click on properties>> click
on find target. From here you will reach in package folder.
 Step 2: Find License file (Named: sqlclient.exe) and open that file
 Step 3: Click on test-I net connection
Click Here
 Step 4: Following window will open. Click on OK button.
 Step 5: Select update license status
 Step6: Select product ID (for example: capexsql), enter database name
Select Product ID either
capexsql or comsql or fxsql (of
which license wants to update)
Enter database name
Always select Auto Mode
Click on Get Activation
 Step7: Wait for a message as shown below:
 Step8: Click on OK. Now, Package is ready for working.
 Problem2 : Your license Expired or Need Renewal, Please Renew/Purchase your license
 Sol: Run licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem (for Steps Refer Problem: 1)
 Problem 3: Database license invalid or not register for this PC
 Sol: Run licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem (for Steps Refer to Problem: 1)
 Problem 4: Maintenance renewal required, Please call vender for Renewal! Days left: 4
 Sol: Run licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem (for Steps Refer to problem: 1)
Problem 5: Data validation expired
Sol: Run licclient.exe sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem (for Steps Refer to Problem: 1)
Problem 6: License Services/Renewal Request # Successfully failed ,Please Check your internet connection
and try
Sol: 1.This error comes on server machine (at 2000 window because 2000 window does not support license
system) after clicking on Get Activation. Ask client to update license at node machine otherwise check net
2. Install package on node machine and update license. (For Steps Refer to Problem: 1)
Problem 7: Client can not save Voucher Entry
Sol: This error occurs during voucher entry. Run licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe to sort out this problem. (For
Steps Refer to Problem: 1)
Problem 8: Miscellaneous error
Sol: This error occurs during test i-net connection. Check internet connection otherwise ask client to open port
Problem 9: Please check your internet connection or open port 8089
Sol: This error occurs during test i-net connection. Check internet connection otherwise ask client to open port
Problem 10: Connection to server unsuccessful, open port 8089
Sol: This error occurs during test i-net connection. Shilpi license server is not working.
 Before running licclient.exe or sqlclient.exe consult License Department to increase license validity.
 An Internet Connection is must to sort out all license problems.
 Update license from node machine in case of oracle products.
 Always run new license utility.