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Analgesia Quiz
By Clare Di Bona
Paracetamol dose should be reduced in
which circumstances
Paracetamol dose is usually 1g 6hrly oral or IV
It should be reduced to 500mg 4hrly in:
Significant liver dysfunction
Cachexia/low body weight (<45kg)
Severe alcoholism
High doses of paracetamol can increase
the INR of patients on warfarin
Monitor INR closely when using regular Warfarin and high
doses of paracetamol (>9.1g/week) as INR can increase
NSAIDs should always be prescribed routinely
for simple analgesic requirements
Not to be used as routine background analgesics
Use only in selected patients with good indications (bone
pain, inflammation, somatic pain with poor response to
other analgesics).
Should be prescribed with a time limit
List four categories of NSAID side effects
and the nature of the side effects.
Non-selective NSAIDs inhibit cox-1 and cox-2
Selective NSAIDs inhibit cox-1
GIT: by inhibiting cox-1 (non-selective) the prostaglandins responsible for gastric
mucosal protection are also inhibited. This puts patients at risk of gastric ulcers
and/or bleeding
Platelet: by inhibiting cox-1 (non-selective) this interferes with platelet function
by inhibiting platelet aggregation
Cardiovascular: increased risk of cardiovascular events ie MI and stroke for both
selective and non-selective. In post-MI patients, NSAIDs increase the risk of death
and recurrent MI for at least 5 yrs after MI
Renal: Pre-existing renal impairement increases the risk of NSAID-induced
impairement for both non-selective and selective NSAIDs.
It is reasonable in severe pain to use an
opioid as a first line analgesic
Certain conditions are known to be very painful ie renal
colic and it may be reasonable to use opioid as a first line
Simple drugs such as paracetamol should be promptly
added as these drugs have been shown to be opioid
sparing and may improve the effectiveness of the opioid
It is reasonable to write two PRN options for
oral opioid on the back of the medication
You can only ever prescribe one opioid by one route as a PRN option
Combining opioids leads to additive side effects such as respiratory depression
and sedation which can be fatal for some patients
It is reasonable to have tramadol plus an opioid as PRN
Name 5 opioid side effects
Opioid Side Effects
Which is a better determinant of opioid
dose age or weight?
The best predictor of dosage is pain severity and age
The preferred PRN opioid for severe pain is oxycodone IR
Oxycodone IR 10-20mg 2hrly oral PRN
Oxycodone IR 5-10mg 2hrly oral PRN
Oxycodone 2.5-5mg 2hrly oral PRN
IV opioids should only be used with EXTREME caution in the elderly
Give four opioid safety tips
Opioid Safety Tips
If you are unsure about a drug dose/route/frequency please ask first!
Sedation is the first marker of opioid over use (sedation score goes down
before respiratory rate)
Be especially careful in elderly, children, obese, those with respiratory
disease (OSA, COPD) and renal impairement
Be aware of mixing sedatives especially benzodiazepines with opioids or
mixing different types of opioids
Tramadol, tapentadol and gabapentin can accumulate in renal impairement
JHC policy that all people receiving up to 2hrly PRN opioids are reviewed
routinely by nurses 1hr following the dose
At JHC the most common prescribing
error is…
A) Giving the drug to the wrong patient
B) Giving the wrong drug
C) Prescribing a drug the patient is allergic to
D) Writing the wrong frequency for a drug
The most common medication error is prescribing a drug the patient is
allergic to.
In regards to Migraine, give three nonpharmacological options for treatment
1) avoidance of triggers: sleep deprivation, stress, bright lights, exercise,
2) environmental modification: sleep in a quiet dark room
3) well hydrated
In regards to pharmacological management of
migraine give four categories/groups of drugs
with an example for each
Migraine pharmacological treatment
1. Simple analgesia
Aspirin soluble 600-900mg repeat in 4hrs if required OR
Diclofenac 50-100mg repeat in 6hrs if required OR
Ibuprofen 400mg repeat in 6hrs if required OR
Naproxen 550mg repeat in 6hrs if required OR
Paracetamol soluble 1g 4hrly max dose 4g daily
2. Anti-emetic combined with IVH
Stemetil 12.5-25mg in 1L over 1hr
Largactil 25mg In 1L over 1hr
3. Oral opioid+/- tramadol
Oxynorm 5mg 4hrly oral PRN +/- Tramadol 50-100mg 6hrly oral/IV PRN
4. Triptan are not recommended in hospital due to high recurrence of rebound headache
Sumatriptan 50-100mg ORAL (300max 24hrs) or intranasal 10-20mg (max 40mg in 24hrs)
Bob is 60yrs old he has severe loin pain. He
tells you its probable his kidney stones. Give
four DDX
DDx for Renal Colic
The nurse passes you the medication chart
asking for an intravenous opioid what will you
write up?
Titrating IV opioids
Morphine 5-20mg titrated using 1mg bolus every 5 minutes
Fentanyl 100-200mcg titrated using 20mcg bolus every 5 minutes
Titrated to effect
Stopped if sedation or respiratory depression occur
IV route to be used with extreme caution in elderly as side effects less well
Doctor, please explain to me why some
doctors use fentanyl and why others use
Name 1 difference
Name 1 similarity
Fentanyl IV versus Morphine IV
Fentanyl is metabolised in the liver and suitable for patients with renal
failure. Morphine is excreted renally and can accumulate in renal
Fentanyl is shorter acting duration of action 0.5-2hrs versus morphine 4-6hrs
The adverse effects are similar to morphine but a slightly lower incidence of
confusion and constipation
You have recommended Tamsulosin 400mcg
daily for 2 weeks on discharge. Bob asks you
how does this medication work?
How does Tamsulosin work?
Blocks a1 receptors relaxing smooth muscle in the bladder neck and prostate,
decreasing resistance to urinary flow.
Evidence that tamsulosin is superior in comparative to other smooth muscle
relaxants in terms of increased stone expulsion and a reduction in analgesia
requirements, surgical interventions, duration of hospital stay and days off
List four non-pharmacological treatment
options for musculoskeletal back pain
Non-pharmacological options for back
Stay active: resting in bed will increase muscle stiffness. Staying active has been
shown to increase the rate of recovery and decrease the time spent off work
Explanation and reassurance: Dispell myth that moving around when there is pain
is dangerous. Dispell myth that analgesia will get rid of all the pain. Explain that
most cases of back pain will resolve in 4-6 weeks. Focus on positive attitude
Work participation: early re-integration into the workplace plays an important
role in recovery
Gentle exercises to strengthen spinal stabilising muscle is important. An
outpatient physio follow-up should be arranged by the patient
Thermal therapies such as heat or cold may be transiently useful
Acupuncture may provide a small benefit in pain management
In regards to musculoskeletal back pain;
true or false?
Patients should expect to have no pain in hospital after appropriate analgesia
Patients should expect to have some kind of routine imaging of their back pain in
Red flags such as fever, loss of weight, trauma indicate possible serious cause of
back pain other than musculoskeletal pain
Oxynorm and diazepam are ideal medications for discharge
Early re-integration into the workplace is important for recovery
In regards to musculoskeletal back pain;
true or false?
Patients should expect to have some kind of routine imaging of their back pain in
hospital FALSE
Red flags such as fever, loss of weight, trauma indicate possible serious cause of
back pain other than musculoskeletal pain TRUE
Oxynorm and diazepam are ideal medications for discharge FALSE
Early re-integration into the workplace is important for recovery TRUE
Doctor I need an MRI for my back pain.
How will you respond to this?
Responding to requests for imaging in
back pain
X-rays are rarely useful when there has been no history of significant trauma
however they are a simple test that is often considered
CT scans are not routinely recommended as there is a high prevalence of disc
abnormalities on CT in patients without back pain.
MRI is urgently needed only when there is symptoms/signs for spinal canal
compression; saddle anaesthesia, poor anal tone, bladder
CT can be considered in the context of neurological symptoms; unilateral
numbness or weakness and discuss with senior regarding inpatient or
In regards to suspected acute coronary
syndrome; true or false?
Prompt control of chest pain to minimal pain is an important treatment goal
in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome
02 is no longer routinely used for chest pain unless the 02 sats are <94%
GTN should always be given for patients with chest pain
If pain does not quickly respond to aspirin or GTN then IV morphine should
In regards to suspected acute coronary
syndrome; true or false?
Prompt control of chest pain to minimal pain is an important treatment goal
in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome FALSE the target is 0/10
02 is no longer routinely used for chest pain unless the 02 sats are <94% TRUE
GTN should always be given for patients with chest pain FALSE
(contraindicated if had Viagra last 24hrs or hypotensive)
If pain does not quickly respond to aspirin or GTN then IV morphine should