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When light goes from one material into another material having a HIGHER
of refraction ___________.
a. its speed, wavelength, and frequency all decrease
b. its speed and wavelength decrease, but its frequency stays the same
c. its speed decreases but its wavelength and frequency both increase
d. its speed decreases but its frequency and wavelength stay the same
The speed of light in a material is 0.5 c. What is the critical angle of a light ray
interface between the material and a vacuum?
at the
What is the critical angle for light traveling from crown glass (n = 1.52) into
(n = 1.33)?
a. 20°
b. 30°
c. 45°
d. 60°
a. 42°
b. 48°
c. 61°
d. 57°
The critical angle in air for a particular type of glass is 39.0°. What is the speed of light
in this glass? (c = 3.00 x 108 m/s)
a.1.97 x 108 m/s
b.1.94 x 108 m/s
c.1.91 x 108 m/s
d.1.89 x 108 m/s
An optic fiber is made of clear plastic with index of refraction of 1.50,
surrounded by
air. For what angles of incidence Ɵ will light remain within
the plastic fiber?
a. Ɵ < 38.3°
b. Ɵ > 38.3°
c. Ɵ < 41.8°
d. Ɵ > 38.3°
An optical fiber made of glass with an index of refraction 1.50 is coated with
plastic with index of refraction 1.30. What is the critical angle of this fiber at
glass-plastic interface?
a. 90.0°
b. 41.8°
c. 60.1°
d. 50.2°
A ray of light traveling in air strikes the surface of a certain plastic slab at 60° with
respect to the normal in air. It travels in the plastic slab at a 30° angle with respect to the
normal. What is the refractive index of the plastic?
Light strikes a thick sheet of glass at an angle of incidence in air of 50°. The glass has an
index of refraction 1.50. What is the angle of refraction in the glass?
a. 25.0°
b. 33.5°
c. 41.8°
d. 30.7°
Water flowing through a pipe suddenly comes to a section of pipe where the pipe
diameter decreases to 86% of its previous value. If the speed of the water in the larger
section of the pipe was 36 m/s, what is its speed in this smaller section?
a. 49 m/s
b. 42 m/s
c. 31 m/s
d. 27 m/s
Incompressible water flows out of a large reservoir through a pipe that opens to the
atmosphere 5.70 m below the level of the water in the reservoir. What is the speed of the
water as it comes out of the pipe?
a.1.72 m/s
b.7.47 m/s
c.55.8 m/s
d.10.6 m/s
Inverted siphons were used by the Romans to cross some valleys. If the height difference
between the top of the valley and the bottom is 10 meters, the pressure in the pipe at the
bottom of the valley will be _____.
a. 1 atmosphere
b. 2 atmospheres
c. 3 atmospheres
d. 0 atmospheres
Bernoulli’s equation relating velocity and pressure of fluid flowing in pipes is based on
conservation of _________.
a. momentum
b. force
c. charge
d. energy
Open storage basins were used to hold the water that flowed through the aqueducts into
Rome. If a storage basin was 5 meters deep, the pressure at the bottom of the completely
filled basin would be _________.
a. 0.5 atmospheres
b. 1.0 atmospheres
c. 1.5 atmospheres
d. 2.0 atmospheres
According to Bernoulli’s principle if velocity increases pressure ______.
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Does Nothing
d. None of the Above
If a fluid flows from area A to area B, then area A must be an area of greater
a. temperature
b. mass
c. volume
d. pressure
Fluids flow
a. from regions of high pressure to low pressure.
b. only when pressures are even.
c. from regions of low pressure to high pressure.
d. only under extremely warm conditions.
An example of a fluid flowing during a change in pressure is
a. sipping a drink through a straw.
b. breathing.
c. opening a carbonated beverage.
d. All of the above
Sipping a drink through a straw that has been bent and cracked is difficult because air
flowing through the crack
a. keeps the pressure high in the straw so there's not enough change in air pressure to allow the
liquid to flow.
b. causes the pressure to drop dramatically, forcing the liquid to stay down.
c. keeps the pressure low in the straw so there's not enough change in air pressure to allow the
liquid to flow.
d. None of the above
The law of reflection says that
a. the angle of reflection from a mirror equals the angle of incidence.
b. waves incident on a mirror are partially reflected.
c. all waves incident on a mirror are reflected.
d. the angle a ray is reflected from a mirror is random.
The water-pumping station in your town increases the water pressure by 20 Pa. At which
of the following locations will the water pressure be increased the most?
a. The kitchen at the pumping station
b. A supermarket two blocks away
c. A home 2km away
d. The water pressure will be the same at all of the stations.
When nurses use needles to draw a sample of blood from your arm, they begin with a
needle that has the plunger pushed all the way in and then slowly pull the plunger out.
This causes
a. a decrease in pressure inside the needle and since fluids flow from high pressure to low
pressure, blood flows into the needle.
b. an increase in pressure inside the needle and since fluids flow from high pressure to low
pressure, blood flows into the needle.
c. an increase in pressure inside the needle and since fluids flow from low pressure to high
pressure, blood flows into the needle.
d. a decrease in pressure inside the needle and since fluids flow from low pressure to high
pressure, blood flows into the needle.
Water is a
a. newtonian fluid
b. pseudoplastic
c. dilatant
d. rheopectic
When a wave passes through an opening, some of the wave is bent. This phenomenon is
a. polarization
b. reflection
c. diffraction
d. refraction
Refraction occurs
a. when a wave changes speed.
b. only at a wave front.
c. at any unpredictable time.
d. all of the above
A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because of
a. refraction
b. interference
c. diffraction
d. reflection
When you throw a ball at the floor at an angle of 37° to the normal, you observe that its
movement follows the law of reflection. This means that the ball bounces away at an
angle of _______ to the normal.
a. 0°
b. 37°
c. 53°
d. 90°
The reason we can read print from any direction is that
a. the white part of a page reflects light in all directions.
b. letters emit black light in all directions.
c. letters absorb black light from all directions.
d. all of the above
Refraction is caused by
a. different wave speeds.
b. both c and d
c. keeps the pressure low in the straw so there's not enough change in air pressure to allow the
liquid to flow.
d. None of the above
The average speed of light is greatest in
a. orange glass.
b. blue glass.
c. red glass.
d. green glass.
The effect that we call a mirage has most to do with
a. reflection.
b. refraction.
c. diffraction.
d. interference.
In a curved optical fiber, light
a. gains energy in each internal reflection.
b. internally reflects in a succession of straight-line paths.
c. bends and follows the curve of the fiber.
d. scatters in random directions from the fiber's inner surface.
Echos of sound waves are due to
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Interference
d. All of the above
The property of reflection and refraction is associated with
a. Sound waves
b. Light waves
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
When sound gets reflected from a surface ___________________.
a. The angle of reflection is always more than the angle of incidence
b. The angle of reflection is always less than the angle of incidence
c. The angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence
d. The angle of reflection is always equal to 90°
Bats search out prey and fly in the dark by
a. emitting and detecting reflection of ultrasonic waves
b. emitting and detecting refraction of ultrasonic waves
c. emitting and detecting reflection of infrasonic waves
d. emitting and detecting refraction of infrasonic waves
You are able to see in shaded areas, such as under a tree, because light has undergone
a. refraction.
b. incident bending.
c. a change in speed.
d. diffuse reflection.
Light traveling at some angle as it moves from water into the air is refracted away from
the normal as it enters the air, so the fish you see under water is actually
a. above the refracted image.
b. below the refracted image.
c. beside the refracted image.
d. in the same place as the refracted image.
When viewed straight down (90° to the surface), a fish under water is
a. above the image
b. below the image
c. beside the image
d. in the same place as the image
Light moving through a small pinhole does not make a shadow with a distinct, sharp edge
because of
a. refraction.
b. diffraction.
c. polarization.
d. interference.
How do opaque materials differ from transparent materials?
a. Most light is transmitted through transparent materials whereas opaque materials mostly
reflect and absorb light.
b. Light reflected from opaque materials gives rise to color; transparent materials are largely
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
When an object is observed, the observation is a result of which interaction of light with
a. Transmission
b. Diffusion
c. Reflection
d. Absorption
According to the law of reflection, from what angle is light coming after it is reflected
from a mirror?
a. The same angle as the incident ray, as measured from the surface of the mirror.
b. The same angle as the incident ray, as measured from the normal to the mirror.
c. Some light comes directly from the object and some passes through the mirror.
d. None of the above.
Which of the following statements is true about light refraction?
a. Refraction occurs because light always speeds up when it passes from one transparent material
to another.
b. Refraction always results in a light ray being bent toward the normal.
c. Under certain conditions light will be reflected instead of refracted at a boundary between two
transparent materials.
d. Index of refraction is measure of the bending of light by a material.
In terms of the speed of light in a vacuum, c, the index of refraction in a material is
a. Equal to c divided by the velocity in the material and is always greater than 1.00.
b. Equal to the velocity of light in the material divided by c and is always less than 1.00.
c. Equal to c divided by the velocity in the material and is always less than 1.00.
d. Equal to the velocity of light in the material divided by c and is always greater than 1.00.
A light ray in air enters and passes through a block of glass. What can be stated with
regard to its speed after it emerges from the block?
a. speed is less than when in glass
b. speed is less than before it entered glass
c. speed is same as that in glass
d. speed is same as that before it entered glass
Index of refraction can change for a gas such as air. What causes the change and what is a
consequence of such a change?
a. An increase in temperature reduces index of refraction slightly causing light to travel slightly
slower at higher temperature.
b. An increase in temperature reduces air's index of refraction which causes horizontal light rays
to bend from a layer of hotter air to a layer of cooler air.
c. A decrease in temperature increases index of refraction and there is no change in the
propagation light from hot air to cool air.
d. The index of refraction of air will change if the wind is blowing and light rays are thereby
The index of refraction of glass is different for different wavelengths of light. Which of
the following is a consequence of this fact?
a. Angles of refraction are different for different wavelengths of light.
b. A prism will separate sunlight into its constituent wavelengths, which are identified by their
c. When prism-separated light is incident on another prism, the colors are combined back into
white light.
d. All of the above are true.
What optical effect demonstrated by Young could only be explained in terms of a wave
model of light?
a. The refraction of light through a pinhole.
b. The reflection of light from a mirror.
c. The interference of light passing through two slits.
d. The diffraction of light around an obstacle.
If the critical angle for internal reflection inside a certain transparent material is found to
be 48.0 degrees, what is the index of refraction of the material? (Air is outside the
a. 1.35
b. 1.48
c. 1.49
d. 0.743
a. 2.13
b. 1.74
c. 1.23
d. 1.41
A light ray in air is incident on an air to glass boundary at an angle of 45.0 degrees and is
refracted in the glass of 30.0 degrees with the normal. What is the index of refraction of
the glass?