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Volume 1, Issue 1
A Message from our Medical Staff
Dr. Mary Bianco
the patients we are seeing. ioral health screening and follow up in a community setting. This is a Welcome to our first newsletter! 
Although we are here for both first step. This was also a collabo-­‐
mation about current work and our underinsured and uninsured rative with Well-Being Develop-­‐
hopes going forward. patients, the vast majority have ment and the Essentia Institute for We want to also extend our thanks been uninsured individuals who Rural Health Research.
to the Ely community and specifi-­‐
are working and/or going to cally to the many individuals and school full time but fail to find organizations that provided finan-­‐
affordable insurance.
We hope to convey bits of infor-­‐
We have refined our clinic flow process and have good support 10:00 J 21 2:00 from our pharmacist volunteers cial or volunteer support. 
We provided free flu shots in with resources for discounted Here are some highlights from our partnership with Ely Bloomenson pharmaceuticals. They are also first 6 months :
Community Hospital.
available to our volunteer physi-­‐
Special News of Interest:
cians and nurse practitioners on 
Our first patient was an indi-­‐
clinic nights. The Ely community health center vidual who has been trying is part of the behavioral health but unable to afford health network and the Ely community insurance and was nearly out care team. These groups are tal donated lab and x-ray services of his blood pressure, heart composed of representatives to our patients. Thank you to and diabetes medications from various sectors of our com-­‐
Becky Gaulke and Mary Zupancich when we opened and munity who work together to for helping with this process!
was very grateful to be able solve community wide health to come to our clinic, have his problems . 
Ely Bloomenson Community Hospi-­‐
blood pressure checked, labs W M
5:30-7:00 PM -­‐
. E
. N !
Inside this issue:
ordered and all medications refilled. This is very typical of 1
Our clinic was the pilot site for a federal grant to explore behav-­‐
Organizational Goals
We have a few major goals for our community and do our best the next year:
to help meet those needs.
Continue our search for an 
on-site insurance navigator.
Enhance the volunteer experi-­‐
ence by providing additional training and educational oppor-­‐
Continue to work with com-­‐
munity groups and individu-­‐
als to identify health needs in 
ences for our patients.
Provide more educational experi-­‐
Determine the feasibility of creating a new clinic space in the lower level of the Frandsen Bank Building. The space has been donated and plans have been drawn. Our board is in the process of determining final cost estimates and deciding on the viability of this option.
Our clinic is located in the
Frandsen Bank building at
40 North 1st Avenue East
Ely, MN 55731
Our Mailing address is:
105 East Conan Street
Ely, MN 55731 (218)365-5678 (office)
(218) 365-0555 (fax) Visit us at
ECHC Board of Directors
Sally Koski, PhD, RN, Clinic Director
Mary Bianco, MD, Co-Medical Di-­‐
rector & Board Chair
Kristine Mosher, FNP, Co-Medical The mission of the Ely Community Health Center is "To provide affordable services with a vision to improve communi-­‐
ty health." Our hope is that all people will have access to health services. Everyone at The Ely Community Health Center is a volunteer, and we depend on our amazing and dedicated team of volunteers to fulfill our vision of improv-­‐
ing community health. We rely heavily on our medical professionals who offer their time and expertise and our nonmedical volunteers who generously give of their time and talents to answer phones, greet patients, help clean, and even provide assistance with health insurance. We wish to thank our volunteers and contributors:
Mary and Joe Bianco
Brielle Loe
Andy McKibben
Jim Montana
Kristine Mosher
Roberta Prigge
Peggy York-Jesme
Becky & Greg Gaulke
Johnnie Hyde
Sally Koski
Lisa Marolt
Val Nesteruk
Margie Olson
Zupancich Bros, Inc
Ely Are Credit Union
Don Sovil Insurance Agency
Mary Bianco
Mary Schwinghamer
Sarah Kingston
Denise Norman
Nina VanGelder
Linda Lesar
Linda Solum
Karen Leivska
Claire Pastika
Jodi Chaffin
David Kess
Chris Norman
Heidi Buettner
Mary McGrane
Scott Anderson, DDS
Bear Island Land Co, Inc
Tony Roethler at Cadline Designs
Joe Bianco
Betty Rhein
Beth Hartshorn
Kiwanis Club
Ladies of Kaleva
Joneene Lobe
Peter Davis
Frandsen Bank
Wintergreen Dogsled
Todd & Gail Gustafson
Elton & Emily Brown
Sundell Eye Associates
Nan Snyder
Lakeshore Liquor
Deborah Campbell
Latourell’s Inc
Dean Dewberry
Susan Anderson
First Lutheran Church
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Piragis Northwoods Co
CheryleM Dochat
Walter & Norma Leino
Lawrence & Linda Wilford
E. Jerome & Linda Carlson
Dr. John R Musich
Joe& Mary Bianco
St. Anthony’s Church
Sam & Beth Rice
Cunningham Electric
Essentia Health
Ely Vet Clinic
Women’s Life Association
Ely Bloomenson Hospital
Ellen Schafroth
Director & Secretary
Gail Gustafson, Treasurer
ECHC Partners with Ely Behavioral Health Network to Develop Behavioral Health Screening
Jenny Uhrich, Well Being Development Executive Director
Cindy Anderson Bina, LADC
The Ely Behavioral Health Network for 8 weeks. The purpose of the pilot Rev. Corey Larsen
identified a couple of individuals for (BHN) is comprised of seven organiza-­‐
was 3-fold: Andy McKibben, MD
further behavioral health assess-­‐
tions: Ely Community Health Center, Well Sarah Kingston, Vice-Chair
Being Development, Range Mental 
ments. Thanks to Range Mental to test the screening tool which Health and Celin Manlove for The “Ask About Aspirin” Health Clinic, Essentia Health Ely Clinic, combined the PHQ9 for depres-­‐
providing follow-up appointments Campaign
Ely Bloomenson Community Hospital, sion, the GAD for anxiety, and during the course of the pilot! The the Ely Housing and Redevelopment the AUDIT for substance abuse; volunteer staff at ECHC were gra-­‐
to begin design of a community-
cious, hardworking, and informa-­‐
ECHC will participate in the Authority, and Vermilion Community “Ask About Aspirin” Cam-­‐
College. The BHN is dedicated to provid-­‐
wide care coordination referral tive. We received great feedback ing collaborative care to identify and and follow-up system for behav-­‐
from all volunteer staff about how address overall behavioral health and ioral health needs; to improve the screening tool and and to see whether regular, process. For next steps, we are expanded behavioral health presenting detailed results at the testing could become part of July BHN meeting. We plan to work ECHC’s triage process. with ECHC to integrate an improved paign initiated by the Universi-­‐
ty of Minnesota. All adults recovery needs for people living in rural 
ages 50-59 will be assessed by NE Iron Range communities. The crea-­‐
our health professional to see tion of a system for routine behavioral if they are a candidate for low health screenings, referral, and follow-up dose daily aspiring therapy to across multiple health care and social prevent heart disease and service organizations is one of BHN’s Patients who chose to take part in the follow up into the regular clinic stroke. primary goals. We want to identify be-­‐
pilot were given an incentive and procedures. Finally, we are using we havioral health concerns before they asked to give feedback on the screen-­‐
learned from the ECHC pilot to test reach the crisis stage and to ensure con-­‐
ing tool and process. the screening tool in a non-clinic Read about it yourself and take the quiz at:
behavioral health screening and tinuity of care. setting. The ECHC pilot was incredibly educa-­‐
ECHC was the location of our first pilot. tional. Participant feedback helped us Thanks again to ECHC and all the The pilot began in mid-April and lasted amend the screening tool. We also volunteer staff! Wish List: 4 drawer locking file cabinet, table and/or bookshelf for the waiting room, 4 chairs and a small desk. To donate, please call the phone number above. Find us on