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Lesson 1
fresh water- water found in lakes, river, and streams (not salt water)
lentic systems- moving bodies of water (stream, ocean, river)
lotic systems- non-moving bodies of water (lake, pond)
glacier- a river of ice
ground water- water under the surface of the Earth
surface water- water on the surface of the Earth found in lakes, rivers, and
soil- the uppermost layer of the land
landforms- the natural features of the land’s surface (mountains, plateaus, and
erosion- the wearing away and moving particles of soil and rock
sedimentation- depositing particles of soil and rock
Lesson 2
water cycle- water in its three states moving from one place on Earth to another
in a continuous cycle
water vapor- water in the form of gas molecules
evaporation- the change of water from a liquid to a gas
condensation- water vapor cooling and changing from a gas to a liquid
clouds- tiny droplets of liquid condensing in the sky
cumulus clouds- white puffy clouds
stratus clouds- low flat-layered clouds
cirrus clouds- feathery wispy clouds
cumulonimbus clouds- tall dense clouds involved in thunder storms
precipitation- water falling to the Earth in different forms (rain, sleet, snow, and
Lesson 3
weathering- the process of rocks breaking down into Earth materials (soil)
gullies- when a continuous flow of water creates a ditch
Lesson 4
source/head- the place where a stream begins
tributaries- small streams joining together to make a river
Lesson 5
organic matter- living and decayed plant and animal material
silt- particles smaller than sand but larger than clay that can consist of any mineral
humus- organic component of soil
Lesson 6
runoff- water that flows over the surface of the land
pore space- the space between the soil particles
Lesson 7
sediments- soil components that have been eroded and deposited by moving
mouth- where the stream empties into a lake or ocean
delta- where the sediment carried by a stream forms a triangular shape at the
mouth of a stream
Lesson 8
channel- the course along which water moves
drainage basin/water shed- all of the land drained by a river and its tributaries
floodplain- a flat area next to a stream where the stream overflows the banks
valley- long low area carved by a steam or glacier
canyon- a deep steep walled gorge carved in rock by the erosion of a stream or
Lesson 10
flow- the amount of water that passes a given point in the channel in a given
amount of time
Lesson 11
meanders- the bending and sweeping curves of a stream
Lesson 12
flood- the overflow of a stream’s banks
levees- high ridges along the banks of streams that prevent or minimize a flood
Lesson 14
ground cover- trees, shrubs, and nonwoody plants, grasses, and litter
litter- decaying twigs, needles, leaves, and bark on the uppermost layer of the
forest floor
Lesson 15
landscape- the view of the land with natural scenery around a home