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Alexander Graham Bell Association for the
Deaf, Inc.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Information Line
202-337-5220 (Voice/TDD)
United States Department of Justice
800-514-0301 (Toll free)
Promotes public understanding and early detection
of hearing loss; provides hearing-impaired people
with educational, vocational, and social
opportunities (including scholarships).
Better Hearing Institute (BHI)
800-EAR-WELL (Toll free Voice/TDD Hearing
Help Line)
American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
800-AAA-2336 (Voice)
Offers brochures and information about hearing
loss, tinnitus, and hearing aids, as well as a
directory of hearing care providers.
Offers brochures and referral information to
consumers and professionals.
Boys Town National Research Hospital
American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA)
402-498-6511 (Voice)
800-638-8255 (Voice)
Professional organization for audiologists and
speech-language pathologists. Offers pamphlets
and referral information. The Web site includes a
listing of state regulatory agencies for hearing aid
dispensing and for speech-language pathology and
Center for research, diagnosis, and treatment of
patients with ear, hearing, balance, and speechlanguage problems.
This document is not intended to take the place of the care and attention of your personal physician or other professional medical services. Our
aim is to promote active participation in your care and treatment by providing information and education. Questions about individual health
concerns or specific treatment options should be discussed with your physician.
Copyright © 2005 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Revised 11/15
Page 1 of 4
The George Washington University Health
Resource Center
Center for Hearing Communication
917-305-7700 (Voice); 917-305-7999 (TTY)
202-994-8250 (Voice)
Oldest hearing rehabilitation agency in the
country. It provides information on hearing loss,
assistive listening devices, hearing aids, education,
and more.
A national resource for information about financial
aid for students with disabilities.
Hear Now
Council for Exceptional Children
866-354-3254 (Voice); 303-695-7797 (TTY)
888-232-7733 (Voice); 866-915-5000 (TTY)
Provides information and materials about new
laws, scholarships, and other topics that relate to
educating handicapped and gifted children.
Gallaudet University
National bank of new and refurbished used
hearing aids. They are dispensed through approved
local hearing professionals (who agree to fit the
aids at no charge). Those seeking aids must
qualify by financial need. Hear Now also offers
financial help for cochlear implants by
coordinating efforts of implant manufacturers,
implant teams, and local fund-raising leaders.
800-995-0550 (Voice); 202-254-2474 (TTY)
A liberal arts university for deaf and hearing
impaired students. It is the world's only 4-year
liberal arts university for the deaf or hard of
hearing. Provides undergraduate and graduate
degree programs and numerous continuing
education and summer courses.
Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers
A non-profit hearing resource for musicians and
music lovers. Founded by musicians and
physicians. Offers information about hearing
protection, ear monitor systems, testing, hearing
loss, tinnitus, and dangers of noise exposure;
provides a referral and support network and free
hearing clinic program.
This document is not intended to take the place of the care and attention of your personal physician or other professional medical services. Our
aim is to promote active participation in your care and treatment by providing information and education. Questions about individual health
concerns or specific treatment options should be discussed with your physician.
Copyright © 2005 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Revised 11/15
Page 2 of 4
Hearing Loss Association of American
John Tracy Clinic
213-748-5481 (Voice)
Promotes advocacy, self-help, awareness, and
information about hearing loss, and
The HIKE Fund, Inc. (Hearing Impaired Kids
Endowment Fund)
Provides worldwide, parent-centered services to
young children with hearing loss. Offers education
materials and publications for parents of deaf
children and people working with the deaf and
hard of hearing. Offers correspondence courses,
summer programs, and teacher training programs.
712-325-0812 (Voice)
Financial assistance for hearing aids, FMs, closedcaption devices, tactile aids, alerting systems,
specialized sports gear, and more for children 0-20
years. HIKE does not fund cochlear implants. You
must qualify for aid.
House Ear Institute
National Information Center for Children and
Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY)
Provides information on disabilities and disabilityrelated issues with a focus on children birth to age
22. Provides information regarding national
organizations. A publications catalog is also
213-989-6701 (Voice)
Provides services, education, and research into ear
disorders. The Lead Line provides a nationwide
information and referral service. It assists families
in making confident and well-informed decisions
concerning the rearing and teaching of hearing
impaired children.
National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
Information Clearinghouse
800-241-1044 (Toll free)
Resource center for normal and abnormal hearing,
balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and language.
Online Hearing Loss Simulation
This Web site allows you to hear what speech
sounds like to a hearing impaired person.
This document is not intended to take the place of the care and attention of your personal physician or other professional medical services. Our
aim is to promote active participation in your care and treatment by providing information and education. Questions about individual health
concerns or specific treatment options should be discussed with your physician.
Copyright © 2005 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Revised 11/15
Page 3 of 4
Sertoma International/Sertoma Foundation
816-333-8300 (Voice/TDD)
Provides scholarships for deaf and hard of hearing
students. Also provides camps for children with
communication disorders and educational
United States Department of Education
800-USA-LEARN (Toll free)
Offers information on helping your child succeed
in school, guide to IEP meetings, and student
financial assistance.
This document is not intended to take the place of the care and attention of your personal physician or other professional medical services. Our
aim is to promote active participation in your care and treatment by providing information and education. Questions about individual health
concerns or specific treatment options should be discussed with your physician.
Copyright © 2005 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Revised 11/15
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