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Cell Organelle
By: Michael Thompson
A cell is like a car
Nucleus- controls the cell
• The nucleus is like the driver of the car
because the driver controls the car like the
nucleus controls the cell
Cell membrane- regulates what goes
in/out of the cell
• Cell membrane is like the doors because the
doors let people in and out like the membrane
regulates what comes in/out
Cell wall (plant)- provide protection/
structure/ support
• Cell wall is like the frame because the frame
supports the car like the cell wall supports the
Endoplasmic Reticulum- has passages
for proteins to move through
• Endoplasmic Reticulum is like the fuel lines
because the fuel line has a passage for the gas
like the endoplasmic reticulum has passage for
the proteins
Golgi apparatus- package and ships
out protein
• Golgi apparatus is like a carburetor because
the carburetor put gas in the engine like the
Golgi apparatus ships the proteins for the cell
Mitochondrion(powerhouse)produces energy for the cell
• Mitochondrion is like a battery because the
battery gives energy for the car to start like the
mitochondrion produces energy for the cell
Vacuole- stores food, water, and waste
for the cell
• Vacuole is like a gas tank because the gas tank
stores gas like the vacuole stores food for the
Ribosome- produces proteins
• Ribosome is like a engine because the engine
produces the force to move the car like the
ribosome produces the proteins for the cell
Plant cell
A plant cell has a cell wall
on the outside for
structure and support.
They are square
shaped. To produce
energy they do
photosynthesis, in the
chloroplast, and cell
respiration, in the
mitochondrion. They
have 1 large central
Animal cell
A animal cell has a
cytoskeleton inside of it
for structure and support.
They can be any shape.
They only do cell
respiration. They also
have many small vacuole.