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Curriculum Vitae
Isaac Rodríguez Ballarà
Date of birth: 15-9-81
Phone number: +34 627 57 20 46
Mail: [email protected]
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona .
MSC, Master of health and pig production. Universitat de Lleida, Universidad de
Zaragoza and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Postgraduate in Marketing. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Previous work experience:
Collaborations with IRTA in several studies linked with the UE programme
“Animal welfare”
Collaborations with CRESA in PCV-2 research.
Veterinarian technical services in GSP company (Lleida)
Veterinarian technical services in Ge PORK company (Vic)
Health inspector in a slaughterhouse (Ripoll, Girona)
Veterinarian swine technical services in JM2 veterinaris.
Working in the Swine Technical Services and Marketing department of
Laboratorios HIPRA S.A. in different European countries.
– Conferences gave:
- World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians-14th
International Symposium.
- Czech Republic National veterinary congress.
- Estonian National veterinary congress.
2009 - 2010
Working in HIPRA MEXICO, as a swine technical services.
Working in Swine Technical Services corporative, Marketing department of
Laboratorios HIPRA S.A. attending different East European countries, Mexico
and Brasil.
Working during 3 months in HIPRA Saude Animale BRASIL, as a coordinator of
Swine Technical Services.
Manager of American Swine Technical Services and as a Product Manager of
PRRS vaccines, in the Marketing and Technical Services department of
Laboratorios HIPRA S.A. (
Conferences gave:
- European Symposium of Porcine Health Management 2012 (Belgica)
- IPVS 2012 Korea
- Seminario Alimenta (Bolivia)
- FEPORCINA (Venezuela)
Product Manager of PRRS vaccines and Manager of American Swine Technical
Conferences gave:
- European Symposium of Porcine Health Management 2013
- Control of PRRS in Europe. Dia del Porcicultor (Navojoa)
American Swine Technical Services Manager.
Conferences gave:
Infectious Reproductive failure in sow. Resproductive HIPRA symposium
in Jalisco and Sonora (Mexico).
Study of seronegative subpopulations against Swine Parvovirus, Swine Leptospira, and Swine Erysipelas in 4 swine
brasilian herds. IPVS KOREA 2012. Oral presentation.
Serologic survey of swine leptospirosis in vaccinated females in Brazil. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Profitability and efficacy vaccinating with a modified live Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
(PRRSV) vaccine. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Ceftiofur strategic sow medication to reduce Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae mortality in fatteners. IPVS KOREA
Field study comparing two commercial reproductive vaccines available in Brazil. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Study of the activity of different inactivated vaccines against Porcine Parvovirosis (PPV), Swine Leptospirosis (SL)
and Swine Erysipela (SE). IPVS KOREA 2012.
Determination of ceftiofur concentration in tonsils from medicated pigs. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Safety in use of SUISENG® and RHINISENG® mixture application. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Decrease of sow mortality using a Clostridium novyi vaccine. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Study of dynamics of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and swine influenza virus infection in two Brazilian farms
through serumprofiles. IPVS KOREA 2012.
Evaluation of the induced pain by 3 different commercial Florfenicol injectables. IPVS KOREA 2012.
One dose of UNISTRAIN® PRRS in gestating sows clinically protects against heterologous PRRS infection. ESPHM
Better performance of piglets born from UNISTRAIN® PRRS vaccinated and infected sows with heterologous PRRSV
strain. ESPHM 2013.
Heterologous cell-mediated immune responses against PRRS virus in gilts vaccinated with UNISTRAIN® PRRS. IPVS
MEXICO 2014.
HIPRASUIS® GLÄSSER: Field efficacy in Glässer disease case in Mexico. . IPVS MEXICO 2014.
Improvement of farrowing parameters in a Mexican farm using a bivalent reproductive vaccine (PARVOSUIN MR®). .
Farrowing parameters enhancement in a Brazilian farm using PARVOSUIN MR®. . IPVS MEXICO 2014.
Field efficacy of SUISENG® and RHINISENG® combined in a single injection. . IPVS MEXICO 2014.
Field study comparing two neonatal diarrhoea vaccines in Mexico. IPVS MEXICO 2014.
Decrease of sow mortality rate using a Clostridium novyi vaccine. . IPVS MEXICO 2014.
Languages :
Additional information:
 Specialist in pathology.
 Participates in R&D projects, mostly those related to pig farming.
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